Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 366 Seems like a sister control

Ning Caichen still uses double axes?

How did I not hear it being said?

Zhao Lihe sneered and glanced at the jailer who was talking nonsense, then took out a silver ingot from his arms and threw it to the jailer.

The jailer was immediately overjoyed and quickly caught the money and thanked him happily.

"Thank you, sir, for the reward, thank you, sir, for the reward!"

Lu Jianxing couldn't stand his expression and sneered: "Why don't you get out of here?"

The jailer was not upset. He collected the silver ingots and said with a smile: "Get out of here, get out of here!"

After saying that, the jailer nodded and bowed and left.

The catcher next to him had his eyes bright, and he quickly came over and said, "Hero, you——"

Lu Jianxing said angrily: "Get out of here too!"

The catcher was shocked, but he didn't get the money and left unwillingly.

It wasn't until Zhao Lihe said calmly, "The bounty is for you," that the captor left happily.

Soon, only four people, Zhao Lihe, were left outside the prison.

The old man with a gray beard and disheveled hair in the prison glanced at them and reached out to shake the young man beside him.

"Zhou Yabing, wake up, someone is coming to find you!"


The young man was shaken awake by the old man. He stood up with sleepy eyes, wiped his dirty beard, and slapped his mouth twice.

After he regained consciousness, the young man sighed and said helplessly: "Old man, how many times have I told you, my name is not Zhou Yabing, my name is Ning Caichen, and I was wrongly imprisoned!"

"It's all the same, it's all the same!"

The old man waved his hand and said with a smile: "But I see that your forehead is plump and your brows are happy. It should be that time is about to turn... Okay, stop chatting with me, an old man, someone is looking for you, please take a look!"


Ning Caichen turned his head in confusion, and then his face was filled with surprise. He quickly crawled over on his hands and knees, leaned on the railing, and looked at the smiling Zhao Lihe and his group outside the prison in surprise.

"Brother Zhao, Brother Lu, Brother Shen, Brother Ding, why is it you!"

"What, you're not happy to see us?"

Ding Xian said with a smile, he had seen a lot of evil spirits and monsters with evil intentions in the past few days, and when he saw this stupid boy who was dumbfounded and kind-hearted, he suddenly felt that he was pleasing to the eye.

Zhao Lihe chuckled and said, "We have only been apart for a few days, how come you have changed from a poor scholar to a prisoner?"

Upon hearing Zhao Lihe's words, Ning Caichen's eyes quickly turned red, and all kinds of complex emotions of grievances and grievances rushed into his heart.

As Ning Caichen spoke with a slight sob, everyone learned about his experience.

When he stayed at Lanruo Temple, Ning Caichen completed the handwriting on the account book that was wet with water, and then successfully recovered the account. When he returned to his hometown with the account book and money, he found that Jibaozhai had closed down. .

It happened that the Yamen was looking for a villain named Zhou Yabing at this time. Because Ning Caichen's facial features were similar to the portrait, he was quickly captured and taken to prison as Zhou Yabing himself.

...Sure enough, the plot is still the same!

Zhao Lihe nodded, not looking surprised.

Ding Xian couldn't help but said: "Brother Ning, haven't I told you a long time ago that it will be difficult to return home from this trip, so you should be careful!"

Ning Caichen said aggrievedly: "I was very careful. I didn't shave when I came back, just to change my appearance. But who knew that the Zhou Yabing they arrested had a beard. With my beard, I look more like him." Got it!"

Ding Xian: "..."

Zhao Lihe frowned and asked, "Where's Xiahou? Didn't I ask him to protect you?"

Ning Caichen sighed and said, "Forget it. As soon as Brother Xiahou and I entered Guobei County, we were surrounded by three or five swordsmen who insisted on competing with him. It happened that Brother Xiahou had improved his swordsmanship and we fought. I failed to grasp the balance at the time and accidentally cut off the arm of one of them."

"That group of people couldn't bear the loss, so they pursued Brother Xiahou, saying they wanted justice. Brother Xiahou felt he was wronged, but he didn't want to go on a killing spree, so he had no choice but to fight and escape to lure the gangsters away. Lest I get hurt innocently..."

Ding Xian couldn't help complaining: "So unlucky?"

Ning Caichen nodded helplessly, saying that he was so unlucky.

Zhao Lihe chuckled lightly and said: "Okay, it's good that everything is alright. Xiahou has improved his sword skills now. Except for those who practice Buddhism and Taoism in this world, it is difficult for ordinary martial arts masters to hurt him. Just let him handle it by himself."

"As for you, Brother Ning, we are here to take you away."

Ning Caichen looked surprised and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay!"

Before he finished speaking, Ning Caichen was suddenly startled, as if he remembered something, and quickly turned around and approached the old man.

"Old man, do you want to go out with us?"

"...with you?"

The old man's carving movement paused, his old but clear eyes glanced at the people outside the prison, then shook his head and said: "I don't want to go, I'm fine staying here."

Ning Caichen persuaded, "But this is a prison after all."

The old man chuckled: "Prison, hey, prison... Boy, do you know that the outside world is just a bigger prison. What will happen if you go out? It's better to stay here and be more comfortable!"

"At least here, I know what the jailers want. As long as I can tell them stories, they will save my life."

"But outside, I write travel notes. They say I leak state secrets and write history. They say I use the past to satirize the present and explain the art of war. They also say I incite rebellion. Okay, then I will write stories about gods and monsters. They say I led people into superstition, but in the end I had no choice but to rewrite the biography of a famous person. As a result, the person was arrested as soon as the biography was finished, and was convicted of being a traitor, and was sentenced to life imprisonment along with me..."

"Hey, kid, tell me, why should I go out?"

Ning Caichen's face was full of sympathy when he heard this, and he sighed: "It seems that you are more unlucky, old man!"

Zhao Lihe chuckled and said: "The current situation is turbulent and the parties are fighting against dissidents. People who pursue knowledge like Mr. Wolong and are unwilling to participate in party struggles will naturally be regarded as a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh."

The old man moved his hands, glanced at him, and muttered: "Mr. Wolong, I haven't heard of it, I haven't heard of it!"

Ding Xian smiled slightly, activated his telekinesis, and captured a token engraved with the word Wolong on his body.

"Old sir, this should be yours, right?"

"Hey!" the old man said angrily, his eyes widening, "Don't just take other people's things!"

"Ah Xian!"

Zhao Lihe glanced at Ding Xian and motioned for him to put the token back in its place.

After Ding Xian complied, Zhao Lihe asked with a smile: "So, Mr. Wolong doesn't want to come out?"

This time the old man didn't refute, he just shook his head like a rattle and muttered: "I can't get out, I'm just a bad old man, I just want to find a place to quietly write a book, even if you have great ambitions, follow me not related!"

This person is Zhuge Wolong, the famous scholar in A Chinese Ghost Story.

If he had met this person during the time when Zhao Lihe had just started the incident, he would have definitely been asked to come out.

But now, Zhao Lihe has many advisers and ministers under his command. Since Zhuge Wolong is unwilling to leave the mountain, he will not force it.

Zhao Lihe nodded slightly, expressing respect for Zhuge Wolong's opinion, and then turned to glance at Lu Jianxing.

Lu Jianxing understood, and immediately pulled out the sword from his waist, cut off the chain with one blow, and rescued Ning Caichen.

Ning Caichen tried to persuade the old man a few more words, but when he saw that he still refused to leave, he had no choice but to leave with Zhao Lihe and others.

Along the way, the surrounding prisoners swarmed in like crazy, lying on the railings, shouting that they were wronged, and wanted Zhao Lihe and others to rescue them from the cage.

But Zhao Lihe and others didn't know whether they were really unjust or the real murderers, so they could only ignore them and leave on their own.

The shouts continued to echo in the prison. Zhuge Wolong's expression changed several times, but he finally threw away the stone and said angrily: "Screaming, screaming, I don't have the heart to write a book... Anyway, let's make an exception and take a rest today!"

After saying that, Zhuge Wolong lay back on the withered grass, stared at the ceiling, and muttered: "The anger turns into a dragon and a tiger, like an emperor. It seems that the world is going to be in chaos again. Alas, I hope the new dynasty can treat the people well and treat them well." Jiangshan..."

The journey was smooth, and Ning Caichen's mood gradually became calmer than the fear he felt when he first met the jailer.

But no matter what, he was after all the Madonna scholar who was worried about the world. Seeing that the imperial institution was so riddled with holes, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"I finally understand why Master Yan wants to live in seclusion... This world is really rotten!"

Lu Jianxing and Shen Lian nodded unconsciously after hearing this, obviously very much agreeing with Ning Caichen's evaluation.

Ding Xian gritted his teeth, walked closer to Zhao Lihe and said, "Your Majesty, if you want to call out the army, let's knock this place down first!"

Zhao Lihe shook his head: "Find someone first."

Ding Xian gritted his teeth and said: "But isn't the reincarnated god a Taoist priest from Maoshan? He shouldn't be interested in the country, right?"

Zhao Lihe said calmly: "Brother Wang is also a Taoist priest."

Ding Xian was suddenly speechless and could only sigh and say no more.

Zhao Lihe sighed inwardly. If he had just come to this world, he would have summoned a large army and pushed China to its knees.

But now that he has been to the underworld and met Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, he naturally cannot act as unscrupulously as before.

The reason why he did not immediately summon an army was partly because of the fellow villager, and partly because of his concerns.

After all, when he was in the underworld, Zhao Lihe only summoned an army to confront the army of ghost soldiers of the old demon from Black Mountain, and then he managed to gather something like a military spirit and a military force without any knowledge.

If this world is really included in the territory of the Great Xia Dynasty, will it be penetrated by the forces of this world and be restrained by others?

With this concern, Zhao Lihe decided to find the fellow villager first.

If he is willing to clean up the snow on his own, that would be best, but if he is not willing...

Zhao Lihe thought for a while and found that he still couldn't sit idly by.

"...just take one step at a time!"

Zhao Lihe sighed, then stopped and waved his hand, and five exceptionally handsome bay-red horses suddenly appeared on the official road.

This is the third-level monster [Red Bearded Horse] cultivated in the world of beast control. Its speed is lightning fast, comparable to a supercar. Not to mention traveling a thousand miles a day, even traveling eight thousand miles a day is only ordinary.

Ning Caichen couldn't help but look surprised when he saw five horses appearing out of thin air.

Fortunately, he had already seen many of the methods of Zhao Lihe and others, so he quickly adapted to it, got on horseback with Zhao Lihe and others, and galloped away in the direction of the capital.

The reason why Ning Caichen was brought on was mainly because of his identity as the protagonist of the plot.

Zhao Lihe interfered in so many plots and asked Xia Hou to escort him all the way. In the end, Ning Caichen was still imprisoned and was locked in the same cell with Zhuge Wolong who was living in seclusion in the prison.

Such an experience cannot be explained by simple coincidence.

Zhao Lihe felt that he and Nie Xiaoqian must be destined, and if he took him with him, he might be able to meet Nie Xiaoqian more quickly, as well as the fellow time traveler who was likely to be by Nie Xiaoqian's side.

Capital City, Nie Mansion.

A handsome young man in Taoist robes walked into the backyard. Many servants and maids all saluted respectfully and called him Master.

With a smile on his face, the young man in Taoist robes nodded in return. Then he came to a vermilion attic and knocked lightly on the door.

The door opened, and a woman wearing a green skirt, with a very beautiful appearance and a slight resemblance to the young man between her eyebrows appeared in the room.

Seeing the young man in Taoist robes outside the door, the beautiful woman's face was filled with joy. She immediately happily took the young man's sleeve and pulled him into the house.

After closing the door, the woman in the green skirt took out a box of cakes, placed it on the table, and said angrily: "Brother, why didn't you inform your sister first when you came down the mountain? If dad hadn't let it slip, I wouldn't have told you." I know you are already in the capital!"

"elder sister……"

The young man smiled bitterly, and just as he was about to explain, the woman in the green skirt picked up a piece of pastry with her bare hands and brought it to the young man's mouth.

"Come on, try some. These are your favorite pastries when you were a kid. My sister made them myself...are they delicious?"

"Yeah, delicious!"

The young man chewed the pastries with a heartfelt smile on his face.

The care from his biological sister made his heart extremely warm, but at the same time, he also became more determined in his thoughts.

My sister is as beautiful as a flower, gentle, attentive, considerate and lovely. Such a perfect lady deserves a husband. How could she let Ning Caichen, a poor scholar and a playboy, succeed?

The young man's eyes were firm. He came down the mountain this time just to participate in the plot of Lanruo Temple.

Although it would not kill Ning Caichen, it would at least completely cut off the love and bad relationship between him and his sister.

When the Nie Mansion's motorcade passed by Lanruo Temple before, Yan Chixia was not yet living in seclusion there. Now that she is counting the time, it's time to do so.

The young man was thinking this, not knowing that the plot he wanted to participate in was over.

And his future brother-in-law, who he was guarding with all his heart, was currently galloping towards the capital at a speed of three hundred kilometers per hour...

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