Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 373 The capital changes hands and dynasties change

The flood flooded the Dragon King Temple, and after a lot of trouble, the guards of the Nie Mansion quickly let the master and the young master in.

As soon as I climbed up to my sister's attic, the elegant fragrance suddenly hit my face.

Nie Xiaoqian first threw herself into Father Nie's arms. After being comforted by Father Nie, she turned around and hugged Nie Changchuan's head. Her delicate body trembled slightly, and there were still two faint traces of tears on her pretty face.

"As long as it's okay, it'll be okay..."

My sister's slightly trembling voice kept echoing in my ears.

Nie Changchuan looked helpless and gently grabbed his sister's hand and asked her to let go of him.

Nie Fu, the old butler next to him, hesitated to speak. In the end, he could not suppress the excitement in his heart and asked in a low voice: "Master, the young master said that those fierce black soldiers outside are all from our family. Is this true?"

"To be precise, they are soldiers borrowed from our family."

Nie Changchuan grabbed his sister's hand, asked her to stand beside him, and then said these words calmly.

Under his influence, the women and servants in the attic gradually calmed down and were no longer afraid.

Nie Xiaoqian held her brother's hand tightly and asked in a low voice: "Brother, what on earth is going on? Why did our family rebel?"

Nie Changchuan let out a long sigh when he heard this, and turned to look at Father Nie: "Dad, why don't you tell me about this?"

"That's fine!" Father Nie nodded, then turned his head and told part of the truth he had imagined.

Hearing what Father Nie said, everyone in the Nie family couldn't help but look at each other with shock.

Butler Fu Bo said in a daze: "So the young master is the reincarnated god, and the black-clothed soldiers outside are the heavenly soldiers that the young master borrowed from his friends in the previous life..."

Father Nie sighed softly: "Now that things have happened, I will not hide it from you. The Daxuan Dynasty has exhausted its strength and it is time to change the dynasty. That Pudu Cihang is obviously a centipede spirit with a thousand years old, but he can become the Daxuan Imperial Master. This is the most amazing thing." Good proof!”

"What, the Imperial Master is a centipede spirit?!"

Uncle Fu and others were shocked again and couldn't help but said: "Then your Majesty has already..."

Father Nie sighed: "Yes, your Majesty has repeatedly dismissed his attendants and sat down with the demon monk to talk. Maybe he has been controlled by it for a long time. Now it is not so much your majesty who is sitting on the dragon chair, but the demon monk!"

Hearing Father Nie's increasingly certain words, Nie Changchuan couldn't help but roll his eyes.

He knew that his father was deceiving his cronies in order to morally strengthen their desire to rebel.

After all, according to Zhao Lihe's words, the capital will definitely be returned to them, and after the Great Xia soldiers evacuate, the Nie family must rely on their own strength to control this huge capital.

Although Nie Changchuan understood the truth, he just didn't like this kind of scene.

After thinking for a moment, Nie Changchuan took Nie Xiaoqian out of the attic using the excuse of his sister's undecided mood.

On the way, Nie Xiaoqian looked at Nie Changchuan's back with a complicated expression.

She never expected that in just a few quarters of an hour, her brother would transform from a Taoist priest in Maoshan to the reincarnation of a god.

Nie Changchuan noticed the look on her face and smiled slightly: "Okay, sister, don't think about it. Don't say that I was just some god in my previous life. Even if I was the Jade Emperor or Tathagata Buddha, he was still your brother!"

Nie Xiaoqian smiled, and her heart felt warm.

"Don't be poor. If you really are the Jade Emperor or Tathagata Buddha, I won't dare call you my brother anymore!"

"Really, that's such a pity!" Nie Changchuan said regretfully, "If I really had such a prominent background, I would definitely ask you to change your name to my brother, so that I can also feel the majesty of the eldest brother..."

"you dare!"

Nie Xiaoqian couldn't help but raise her voice and glared at him.

The estrangement between the siblings was quietly resolved.

Nie Xiaoqian asked softly: "Where are you taking me?"

Nie Changchuan said without looking back: "Go see Brother Zhao... I'm not worried about leaving you alone."

What if Shen Lian and Ding Xian didn't notice and let Ning Caichen sneak out of Fu's house and take advantage of the situation?

Not long after, Nie Changchuan brought Nie Xiaoqian to Cihang Temple in the capital.

This was originally the largest temple in the capital. After Pudu Cihang came to Beijing, the emperor gave it to him and renamed it Cihang Temple, making it the home of Pudu Cihang.

At this moment, Zhao Lihe was leading hundreds of personal guards and more than a thousand soldiers to surround him.

The monks in the temple had been secretly changed into monsters by Pudu Cihang in the past few years. Therefore, even if the army was besieging them, they were not afraid at all. They even dared to send people to discuss with Zhao Lihe to persuade him to withdraw.

How could Zhao Lihe reach a consensus with the demon? He immediately sneered and shouted.


Before he finished speaking, more than a thousand soldiers behind him immediately pulled the trigger.

The rain of metal bullets came over and instantly shot the bald old monk into a sieve.

Blood spattered and the demon body appeared. It was a three-meter-long centipede.

Golden thunder suddenly appeared out of thin air, extending from Zhao Lihe's hand into a golden lightning chain, splitting the centipede monster body into ashes.

Seeing this, the demon monks who were watching in the temple were immediately frightened and ran away in all directions.

Zhao Lihe sneered: "How dare you, a mere little demon, be so presumptuous in front of me!"

"Lu Jianxing!"

Lu Jianxing immediately stepped forward, holding the knife and holding it in his hand: "I'm here for the humble job!"

Zhao Lihe said coldly: "Raze this monster temple for me!"

After the words fell, Zhao Lihe suddenly felt something was wrong, and quickly added: "Remember not to hurt the Buddha statue."

Lu Jianxing was slightly startled, then nodded in agreement, and led hundreds of royal guards into Cihang Temple.

These royal guards are all carefully selected martial arts masters, and they have all been transformed by the self-cultivation furnace. They are powerful and even better than Zuo Qianhu, the pinnacle of martial arts in this world.

There are hundreds of martial arts masters at Zuo Qianhu level, and they have powerful methods that are unparalleled.

It shouldn't be too easy to deal with these leaderless little monsters in Cihang Temple!

Out of fear and disrespect for the Buddha, Zhao Lihe did not personally enter the temple to slay the demon.

After all, his method was too lethal and could easily affect the innocent Buddha statues in the temple.

If this offends some people who are spying in secret, that would not be good!

At this moment, Nie Changchuan rushed over with Nie Xiaoqian.

Nie Changchuan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth when he saw the various bright lights that kept lighting up in Cihang Temple and heard the frightened screams of the monks in the temple.

In this horrific scene of bloody massacre, who is the villain?

"How did you come?"

Zhao Lihe walked over with a smile.

Nie Changchuan came back to his senses and said with a smile: "Come and take a look, and take my sister to see the world by the way."

Nie Xiaoqian was slightly startled when she heard this, and quickly bowed and saluted: "We met on the roadside earlier. Xiaoqian is too blind to recognize Mount Tai. I hope your majesty will forgive me!"

"It doesn't matter!" Zhao Lihe smiled and waved his hand, then looked at Nie Xiaoqian and said softly, "I have heard about your matter. Pudu Cihang is just a thousand-year-old centipede spirit. You must not go to what he said. Take it to heart.”

Nie Xiaoqian looked grateful: "Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty."

Zhao Lihe said with a smile: "I have many young talents under my command. Their literary and military talents are all top choices. If Miss Xiaoqian is interested, I can arrange for them to work with you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Nie Changchuan quickly pulled him away and said with black lines on his head: "Brother, what are you doing?!"

Zhao Lihe said matter-of-factly: "I'll help you introduce my brother-in-law!"

Nie Changchuan shook his head and said: "I don't want your generals to be my brothers-in-law. If it were you, it would be more like it!"

After saying that, Nie Changchuan suddenly remembered that Zhao Lihe was an emperor. Not only did he have Ding Baiying as his wife, but there might also be three thousand beauties in the harem. If his sister really married him, wouldn't it be a big loss?

Thinking of this, Nie Changchuan quickly put on a smile and added: "Brother, I was just joking. I don't really want you to be my brother-in-law. Don't take it seriously!"

Zhao Lihe looked at him with a half-smile.

Nie Changchuan laughed awkwardly and changed the subject: "Brother, I didn't pay attention before, but now I see that the warriors under your command seem to have a lot of tricks. Is the world's martial arts value of the Xiuchundao so high?"

Zhao Lihe chuckled lightly: "Have you ever heard of an innate energy?"

Nie Changchuan was slightly startled and said in shock: "You also won the world under one person?!"

Zhao Lihe shook his head and said, "No, I just have some cooperation with China over there."

Nie Changchuan suddenly realized: "No wonder you have a modern army so quickly!"

Nie Changchuan knew only a little about modern arms and did not know that the soldiers around him were holding classic American equipment.

Zhao Lihe was able to establish an arsenal and arm the Daxia army so quickly mainly because of Zuo Yu and Quick Chase World. The help from China in the World Under One Man was mainly in terms of infrastructure.

But let it be a misunderstanding, and Zhao Lihe was happy not to have to explain.

"Okay, don't be poor. Counting the time, the fourth and fifth detachments should have captured the palace."

"I will take you to take over the captured Royal Guards, but whether you can conquer them depends on the abilities of you and your father..."

Hearing Zhao Lihe's words, Nie Changchuan's face became solemn: "Thank you, brother!"

In just one day, the capital completely changed hands.

The city defense was replaced, and all the court officials in the capital were captured. Those who were loyal to the emperor were either imprisoned in the mansion or thrown into prison. As for those who surrendered as quickly as possible, Zhao Lihe did not let them go, and took them all into prison. Imprisoned.

Most of the 50,000 forbidden troops were killed or wounded, and only 18,000 prisoners were left who were still capable of fighting.

Faced with more than 18,000 captured Imperial Guards, Father Nie used his decades of experience in the officialdom to talk to the middle-level officers one by one. Finally, relying on his reputation as a soldier in the Great Xia Dynasty, he won the hearts of the middle-level officers and brought the high-level officers to the forefront. The generals were changed again and again, and now we officially have an army team.

The palace was destroyed, but the black-clad heavenly soldiers did not invade the palace maids and concubines. They just drove them to the palace and concentrated on guarding them.

When the emperor had been brainwashed by the Imperial Preceptor Pudu Cihang, and the Daxia army invaded the palace, he actually organized a group of concubines to sit cross-legged on the stone steps outside the palace, chanting Buddhist scriptures, hoping to influence them and make them put down their butcher knives. , became a Buddha immediately.

The Daxia cross-border troops have been to several worlds, and they have never seen such a ridiculous emperor.

That is to say, the Daxia army has strict discipline. If it were replaced by a normal rebel army, I am afraid that the end of these concubines would be very miserable.

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