Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 375 Even drinking wine is not enough Yang energy

"You want to save me, bah, are you worthy?!"

Zhao Lihe showed disdain and said in a sarcastic tone: "How about this? You kneel down and surrender now. Considering your strength, I may be merciful and spare your life. I will punish you to penetrate the mountain road and open a river channel for you." Benefit the people and atone for your sins with merit!”


Pudu Cihang clasped his hands together, his face neither happy nor sad: "It seems that the donor is determined not to look back..."

Zhao Lihe rolled his eyes, turned to look at Nie Changchuan and said, "Look, it's all a waste of time!"

Nie Changchuan: "..."

"Since it doesn't make sense, don't blame me for discussing physics with you!"

Zhao Lihe turned around with a cold expression, holding the Xuanyuan Divine Sword, and majestic and domineering golden thunder burst out from his body.

The next second, thunder was like a chain, connected with the sword, turning into a lightning beam that tore through the darkness and stabbed Pudu Cihang.

The golden light was dazzling, illuminating the sad and sorrowful old face on the lotus platform.


Pudu Cihang narrowed his eyes slightly, clasped his hands together, and chanted the Buddha's name, with a trace of murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a rich Buddha's light bloomed on his body, and the cassock on his body moved automatically without wind, and then he took the initiative to escape, spinning in mid-air. The Buddha's light condensed on it and turned into a golden swastika Buddha seal.

"Hi la la——"

The thunder was like a sword, piercing through the Buddha's seal and tearing apart the Buddha's light and cassock. However, it lost its remaining power and collapsed into branch-like arcs of electricity that escaped in the air.

Pudu Cihang was wearing single clothes, his face remained unchanged, he put his hands together on the lotus platform and chanted the Buddha's name quickly.

At the same time, the supporting monks around the lotus platform also began to sit cross-legged, chanting the Buddha's name like Pudu Cihang, or taking out various orchestral instruments they carried with them to dance with the Sanskrit sounds in the sky.

"Amitabha, Amitabha~"

"Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately~"

"The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, but when you turn around, you will find shore~"

For a time, the sound of the Buddha's name and chanting of Buddhist sutras continued to echo.

The Zen-like Sanskrit sounds that were supposed to bring peace of mind turned into distracting thoughts and demons that disturbed people's minds in Pudu Cihang's mouth. They poured into the ears of Zhao Lihe and Nie Changchuan from all directions, attacking their minds crazily.

"Brother Zhao, be careful, it's a life-threatening Sanskrit sound!"

Nie Changchuan hurriedly reminded him loudly. At the same time, he pinched the magic formula with his hands, recited the incantation, and patted the yellow paper talisman in his palm on his body.

This is the seven orifices and six senses talisman he prepared in advance, which can seal all the seven orifices and six senses, or one of them.

After sealing his hearing, Nie Changchuan held another talisman in his hand and looked around, seemingly looking for Zhao Lihe.

"A mere demonic sound wants to mess with my mind?!"

Zhao Lihe ignored Nie Changchuan's reminder and just sneered, holding the Xuanyuan Divine Sword in his hand, and the Royal Envoy Thunder jumped up.

The golden thunder pulled Zhao Lihe's robe and long hair, connecting the sky and the earth.

The golden light was shining and the thunder was lingering. Zhao Lihe was like a god descending to earth, looking down at the demon monk on the lotus platform with cold eyes.

The next second, the Divine Sword was swung, and a ray of golden light that was more than thirty years long broke away from the sword body and slashed towards Pudu Cihang with the blessing of thunder.

The Buddha's light on the lotus platform swelled up like a hazy golden gradient protective shield, instantly touching with the thunderous sword light.


The thunderous golden light and the strange Buddha light canceled each other out, and there was a chi chi sound.

The two sides were in a stalemate, Zhao Lihe's face was filled with coldness, and he swung his sword again, finally splitting the Buddha's light.

The golden thunder struck the lotus platform with the force of breaking bamboo. When he was approaching, Pudu Cihang suddenly opened his eyes, raised his right palm, palm facing outward, and pushed forward with the fearless seal.


The sword light dissipated, and there was a huge roar like an explosion.

The golden thunder disintegrated into countless tiny arcs, covering an area of ​​ten meters in an instant.

A shrill scream could be heard faintly from the arc net.

Zhao Lihe was wrapped with golden thunder, his eyes were cold, and he raised his sword high. Just when he was about to continue pursuing the victory, a scream belonging to Nie Changchuan suddenly came from the mid-air behind him.

Zhao Lihe frowned and turned around immediately.

Nie Changchuan was seen covered in black smoke, his hair standing on end and falling down as if struck by lightning.

"……How is this going?"

Zhao Lihe was a little surprised, but before he could think too much, he immediately waved his palm and released a golden lightning chain.

The golden lightning chain pierced the air, and instantly approached Nie Changchuan's body, building a powerful gravitational field around him.

At the same time, the psychic protection necklace worn around Zhao Lihe's neck suddenly burst out with silver light.

Zhao Lihe was slightly startled, and quickly reached his hand behind his back, and indeed tore off a charred talisman.

What the hell? !

Zhao Lihe's head was covered with black lines and he couldn't help but glare at Nie Changchuan.

Nie Changchuan rolled over and landed on the ground under the influence of the gravitational field. He faced Zhao Lihe's gaze and showed his white teeth. He laughed and said: "Brother Zhao, I have helped you seal the six senses so that they are not affected by the life-threatening Sanskrit sound. Go and kill the demon monk." Turn it into a pulp!"

At this point, Nie Changchuan suddenly came to his senses and muttered in a low voice: "No, you can't hear it either!"

"I can't hear you, you big-headed ghost!" Zhao Lihe glared at Nie Changchuan, "Where the hell are you from?!"

Pudu Cihang's life-demanding Sanskrit chant failed to activate his psychic protection necklace, but Nie Changchuan did it with a talisman!

Zhao Lihe really didn't know whether he should scold him for cheating his teammates, or praise him for his Maoshan Talisman...

Nie Changchuan couldn't hear Zhao Lihe's curse, thinking that he was a little angry because his hearing was blocked, so he grinned and gave him a reassuring look.

Zhao Lihe resisted the urge to beat him up and controlled the golden lightning to chop the talisman in his palm into fly ash.

At the same time, the golden arc net covering the lotus platform completely dissipated, revealing the lotus platform Dharma sedan full of cracks.

The demon monks who were protecting the lotus platform had been chopped into charred corpses, and various insect demon bodies appeared.

Obviously, the screams coming from the arc network just now were caused by these little monsters.

"Yo, the band broke up?"

Zhao Lihe sneered and sarcastically said.

Pudu Cihang on the lotus platform suddenly raised his head and said with a ferocious expression: "Amitabha, the donor has gone against heaven and repeatedly committed murders. This poor monk will use the boundless Dharma to save you from the eighteenth level of hell!"

"Really?" Zhao Lihe laughed loudly, "I'm afraid that Hell Yama won't dare to entertain me!"

"Amitabha, the donor's evil spirit has penetrated into his marrow, and his demonic thoughts are numerous. He has become a demon and there is no cure..."

Pudu Cihang calmed down, his face was neither happy nor sad, and his whole body was filled with golden light, filled with a billowing sense of Zen.

The next second, the vast golden light stretched out, and boundless Sanskrit sounds rolled down.

A figure about a hundred meters high appeared from the Buddha's light. It was a golden body of Buddha with its hands clasped together and its body covered with golden Buddha's light!

In an instant, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed, revealing the bright moon hidden inside.

The golden body of the giant Buddha is sitting on the lotus platform, with hands clasped together and a compassionate face. He is surrounded by golden auspicious clouds, and behind him is a golden wheel of Buddha light, giving him a solemn and peaceful appearance.

At this moment, the giant Buddha's golden body slowly opened its eyes and looked down at Zhao Lihe, who was surrounded by thunder and lightning in mid-air.

"Namo Utmost Bliss, the Dharma of Tathagata Tathagata in the West is here!"

"Evil heretics, if you don't put down your butcher knife quickly, you'll have to turn around!"

The rolling Sanskrit sounds spread like a wake-up call, making Nie Changchuan dazzled.

The life-threatening Sanskrit sounds cast by the Buddha's golden body can be said to be pervasive. Unless the mind is sealed, simply sealing the ear consciousness among the six consciousnesses cannot completely resist the intrusion of the Sanskrit sounds.

But if the mind is closed, what is the difference between completely giving up resistance?

Nie Changchuan covered his head with helplessness on his face. He could only remove the power of the talisman and regain his hearing.

The necklace around Zhao Lihe's neck glowed with silver light, and he marveled at the golden body of the giant Buddha floating in front of him.

"You monster monk, you are so audacious, you even dare to impersonate Tathagata!"

"I'm really curious. Even if you borrow the luck of the dynasty to become a Buddha and a dragon, what will happen?"

"I have offended the Buddha and killed countless lives. I really want you to become an immortal and ascend. If you don't immediately die, you will never be reincarnated!"

Nie Changchuan couldn't help but nodded when he heard the words, feeling that Zhao Lihe's words were reasonable.

A murderous intention flashed in the eyes of the giant Buddha's golden body, and then the sound rolled like a roar of thunder and he slowly spoke: "Monster, the Buddha is still obsessed with himself at the moment. Listen to my words, quickly put your hands down and recite the Buddha's Dharma with me. There may be a chance to be reincarnated as a human being in the next life..."

"Bah!" Zhao Lihe rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Monster, are you overacting?"

"Do you really think you are the reincarnation of Buddha?"

"Don't think I don't know. You are just a big centipede, maybe even a female. Even if you use it to make wine, I won't feel the yang energy is enough!"

"Be bold!"

The Buddha's golden body widened his eyes angrily, and his voice rolled like thunder.

The next second, the Buddha's golden body raised his palm, and the giant golden palm rumbled out, swinging towards Zhao Lihe in the air with a roaring sound.

He is anxious, he is anxious!

Zhao Lihe laughed heartily, holding the Xuanyuan Divine Sword in his hand, with golden thunder wrapped around his body, and faced him without fear.

Looking from Nie Changchuan's perspective below, a golden sword light entwined with thunder faced the golden Buddha's giant palm without hesitation.

There was a great golden light on both sides, shining like a bright sun in the sky, illuminating the entire official road and a hundred miles around like daylight.

Nie Changchuan stood on the ground, looking at the epic scene in the sky with a shocked face.

But in the next moment, the golden sword light suddenly dissipated, and the Buddha's giant palm rumbled forward, mercilessly hitting Zhao Lihe's body in the sword light.

The shocked expression on Nie Changchuan's face froze, his eyes widened immediately, and he exclaimed: "Brother Zhao!!"


Accompanied by the whistling sound of air currents, a figure wrapped in thunder flew backwards, drew a round arc, crashed on the official road to the right of Nie Changchuan with a bang, and then continued to draw backwards without losing momentum.

The earth waves rolled and the official roads collapsed.

Zhao Lihe plowed a huge ravine on the ground that was more than thirty years long.

It wasn't until the entire body sank into the soil that the tendency of flying upside down stopped.


Nie Changchuan's face was stiff, and he slowly turned his head and looked at the figure in the ravine.

"Zhao...Brother Zhao, are you okay?"

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