Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 379 The Long River of Time

A void in the void, a sea of ​​gray fog.

The two people suspended in the cavity of the sea of ​​fog slowly opened their eyes.

One of them had a smile on his face, looked at each other, and then disappeared in a twisted shape.

Looking at the direction Zuo Yu was leaving, Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but sigh.

It has been more than a year and nearly two years since he woke up from the void.

And it was not until today that he finally truly had a flesh and blood body that could accommodate his own consciousness.

The two clones of Lin Zhongtian and Zuo Yu have been completely refined by his main consciousness into external incarnations.

From then on, Lin Zhongtian was able to bring his consciousness to the incarnation without the help of gray mist as a medium, without having to worry that his physical body would collapse on its own due to being unable to bear it.

The power and personality of the two clones have also been greatly improved as a result. The most significant improvement is the power of authority.

In the void space, Lin Zhongtian's subjective consciousness has been able to affect the flow of time on a small scale, and thus created a time practice house.

Now, his two external incarnations also have the power of time.

However, these time and space authorities will be greatly weakened outside the void gap.

Lin Zhongtian tore open the space rift and came to the Godfather world, which was completely controlled by the alliance. After a little experiment, he found that he could only speed up or slow down the time by 1-2 times in a small area of ​​20 miles.

Naturally, this number cannot be compared with the power in the void gap.

But authority is authority after all.

For beings like Lin Zhongtian, it is a very important threshold that can leverage many powers beyond authority itself.

Lin Zhongtian was suspended above Washington, with a sparkling silver glow in his dark eyes.

From his high-dimensional perspective mixed with the power of time, the city in front of him suddenly started to move. Countless pedestrians on the roadside pulled out lengthy afterimages on the street, and the towering high-rise buildings also became incomprehensible in his eyes. Regular polygon...

Three minutes later, the silver light in Lin Zhongtian's eyes converged, and then he turned his attention to a crossroads 17 kilometers away.

If he saw it correctly, a serious rear-end car accident would occur at that intersection in fifteen seconds.

One, two, three...fourteen, fifteen!


The vehicle rear-ended and the vehicle in front was hit by the vehicle behind and moved sideways.

All kinds of exclamations, curses, and car sirens sounded at the intersection at the same time.

Lin Zhongtian nodded slightly, and there was a car accident at the intersection as he expected.

However, due to his intentional intervention, the car accident did not cause any human life, but it resulted in a vicious fight.

As the siren sounded, the nearest police car quickly approached. Lin Zhongtian no longer paid attention to the road below, but instead tore apart the space and came to God's Christian world.

When he walked out of the portal, he saw a dark and damp street in front of him.

The Gothic buildings on both sides of the street stood quietly, shrouded in shadow under the quiet moonlight, and deserted everywhere, giving it an eerie atmosphere.

The night wind blew up and picked up a few flyers on the ground that had fallen due to weak adhesion.

Lin Zhongtian casually took a photo of it and looked down, only to see a familiar face printed on the flyer.

"Van Helsing, the most wanted criminal in Europe, has been accused of multiple murders, robberies, thefts..."

Lin Zhongtian's lips twitched when he saw the text description below the photo.

What kind of leaflet is this? It's clearly a wanted order for Van Helsing.

After being away for many days, this guy was getting worse and worse.

He was only slightly famous before, but now he has been promoted to the most wanted criminal in Europe!

Suddenly, Lin Zhongtian seemed to notice something, and immediately turned his head to look at the end of the street.

I saw an old cardinal with an old face, a red hat on his head, and a golden cross necklace on his chest. He didn't know when he appeared there. He was wearing a monocle at the moment and slowly tearing apart the street lamp with his old hand. Wanted poster on.

Lin Zhongtian smiled when he saw this and walked towards the cardinal.

"Is this your human incarnation?"

"As you understand it, yes."

The cardinal tore off Van Helsing's wanted poster, turned to look at Lin Zhongtian and said with a smile: "Why do you have time to visit me?"

Lin Zhongtian's face straightened and he said seriously: "I have a question and I want to ask you for advice."

The cardinal had a thoughtful look on his face, nodded and said, "You tell me."

Lin Zhongtian was not polite and told the cardinal, or Jehovah, everything he had just seen.

After hearing this, the cardinal smiled and said: "It's just predicting the future and understanding the past. This is nothing to you. Just look around and get used to it a little bit!"

Lin Zhongtian nodded and said, "Of course I know that. What I want to ask you is, when I was observing the future, what was that majestic and looming ribbon-like object that I saw from a high-dimensional perspective?"

The cardinal tore up the wanted poster and said slowly: "That's a long time."

"...The long river of time?" Lin Zhongtian said thoughtfully, "Isn't that a metaphor? Is there really such a thing?"

The cardinal stopped what he was doing, looked at Lin Zhongtian and said with a smile: "As you said, it is indeed an easy-to-understand metaphor, but at the same time it is also a real wonder, and it is through the authority of your body that you change from Browse the long river of time from a high angle and reflect the reality, which is the so-called predicting the future and understanding the past..."

Lin Zhongtian wondered: "Then why can't I really see the existence of the long river of time?"

The cardinal shook his head and chuckled: "You have already seen it, but its form of existence is beyond your current knowledge, so you subconsciously concretize it into something that can be recognized - for example, a line of Long river.”

Lin Zhongtian said thoughtfully: "I think I understand what you mean."

The cardinal glanced at him and shook his head: "No, you don't understand. If you want to truly understand how the river of time works, you still need to learn a lot of knowledge and understand the rules..."

Lin Zhongtian humbly asked for advice: "Then can you teach me?"

The cardinal laughed and immediately stretched out his hand, indicating that he would hand over the money and deliver the goods.

Lin Zhongtian twitched the corner of his mouth and said helplessly: "Can you give me the credit first? I really don't have any extra souls from the Origin World here."

The cardinal thought for a while, nodded and said: "That's okay, but in this case, I can only pay half of the deposit first and answer a few questions for you."

"make a deal!"

Lin Zhongtian nodded decisively, and then asked: "I want to know how the river of time works."

"There are also the so-called 'time loop', 'grandmother's paradox', 'what happened has already happened' and 'affecting the past will lead to parallel universes'. Which of these views is correct..."

The old cardinal couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"You're so rude..."

"However, the points you mentioned are actually correct."

"...are they all correct?"

Lin Zhongtian frowned and said in surprise: "How is this possible? Some views are simply contradictory!"

The cardinal smiled and said: "It is naturally contradictory if we put it in the same world, but it is not contradictory if we put it in different worlds!"

Lin Zhongtian instantly understood what he meant, and immediately said in shock: "You mean, the length of time in each world is different, and its operation methods and time rules are also different?"

"That's right."

The cardinal nodded happily, and then said with a smile: "Just like the world I created, although it allows time and space travel, it also has a certain degree of self-regulation ability, and will try its best to return history to its original appearance, that is, The so-called destiny..."

What a disgusting fatalistic setting!

Lin Zhongtian twitched the corner of his mouth, not embarrassed to express the complaints in his heart.

The cardinal spoke in a leisurely tone and continued: "With your current power and the power of time, you can easily browse the long river of time, and even select time nodes from outside the world and travel freely, but I don't recommend that you do this."


"Because your power has exceeded the recovery threshold of the river of time in a single universe. Once you travel through the river of time at will, or even change the fate of the past and the future, it will inevitably lead to chaos in the river of time, and then cause the entire universe to collapse and collapse. .”

As he spoke, the cardinal sighed and said: "When you create the world yourself, you will understand that for us, the so-called river of time is like a delicate glass bottle, which needs to be carefully cared for, otherwise it will easily be destroyed. A force that exceeds the threshold can be easily broken..."

...I seriously doubt you are in Versailles!

Lin Zhongtian complained in his heart, but still asked seriously on his face: "What if it is not a single universe? I mean a multiverse world with extremely high energy levels that has long been riddled with holes by various superpowers."

The cardinal thought for a while, nodded and said: "That should be okay. The time course of this world is extremely tough. I can't say your body, but this clone should be able to travel at will. However, you still have to pay attention to the local time rules. Don't Feel free to break.”

"I see."

Lin Zhongtian nodded, and then asked: "Then if I encounter such a world, how should I choose the time node to travel?"

A smile appeared on the cardinal's face: "It's very simple, as long as you can, you can!"

Listening to your words is like listening to your words.

Lin Zhongtian looked confused, but the cardinal stopped answering and just waved his hand gently, sending him to the outside of the world.

"Think about it for yourself. Next time you visit us, don't come empty-handed!"


Lin Zhongtian twitched the corner of his mouth, and his body emitted silver light and stood in the void.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Zhongtian tore open the crack in space and followed the time and space anchor point back to the void gap.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Zhongtian took another step, crossing the space and coming to a silver coordinate ball.

This is a very strange high-energy world. Lin Zhongtian has discovered it long ago, but he has never gone in to explore it, and he has not dared to solidify the coordinates of this world in the Traveler Square.

"If it's this world, it should be able to bear it, right?"

While Lin Zhongtian was thinking this, his eyes glowed with silver as he looked at the silver ball of light.

If this world doesn't work either, then he can only try his luck in the Marvel world...

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