"who are you?!"

"You can actually deflect my lightning?!"

At the edge of the giant pit, Zeus, holding a thunderbolt and shirtless, looked shocked and looked at the handsome young man who suddenly appeared at the bottom of the pit in disbelief.

The thunder in his palm is an artifact made by the Cyclops Cyclops, and even space can be penetrated by it.

But the handsome young man who suddenly appeared in front of him broke his cognition and used space to deflect the thunder and lightning. It seemed that the space became stronger in his hands, even stronger than the thunder in his palm.

The handsome young man stood at the bottom of the pit unscathed, surrounded by blue-white arcs of electricity.

Hearing Zeus's shocked words, Lin Zhongtian glanced at him sideways, shook his head and said, "He's just a passing time traveler. Just keep fighting and don't worry about me... Well, it's best not to worry about me."

Zeus was startled for a moment, thought for a moment, frowned and said, "Are you from the future?"

Lin Zhongtian nodded lightly: "That's not impossible to understand..."

Zeus calmed down and said in a deep voice: "I understand, you are welcome to come to the earth, but you'd better leave here as soon as possible. If you interfere too much in this war with your power, it may lead to unpredictable serious consequences! "

Lin Zhongtian said angrily: "You also know?"

Zeus looked embarrassed, then coughed, pretended that he had never seen Lin Zhongtian, and turned around to join the battlefield.

A smile appeared on Lin Zhongtian's face, and he escaped into the mirror space again, looking at Zeus's back with interest.

Communicating with a discerning person... no, making eye contact is simple!

The most important purpose of his coming to this past timeline was to test his newly acquired skills, without intending to really change the future.

But you can still try a little bit, such as speeding up the process of Earth's victory, or modifying the ring in your hand...

Thinking of this, Lin Zhongtian looked at the imprisoned green light ring in his palm. After thinking for a moment, his fingertips glowed with silver light. He carved his unique void mark inside the green light ring, then released the imprisonment and allowed the light ring to turn into something. The green light disappeared into the sky.

Although he really wanted to take away the green light ring, considering that the cause and effect on the green light ring was too great, Lin Zhongtian could only reluctantly part with it.

After all, the Green Lantern Corps is a super force within the universe. Each Green Lantern is responsible for one of the 3,600 sectors of the universe. Taking the Green Lantern Ring away rashly may very well lead to changes in the fate of many planets in the universe. .

After doing this, Lin Zhongtian lifted his feet off the ground, flew into the air, and continued to watch this ancient battle with interest.

The direction of the war is also the same as the plot of the movie he knows.

Zeus, the King of Gods, thundered and blasted open the three Mother Boxes that were about to come together. Ares, the God of War, held a giant axe, and with the blessing of the power of war, cut off Darkseid's weapon, and then struck a blow with his axe. Hit Darkseid's collarbone.

Blood splattered and the most powerful new god in the universe suffered heavy losses.

The Apokolips army was defeated, and the Earth coalition composed of gods, humans, Amazons and Atlantis won the final victory.

Looking at the Apokolips ship escaping in panic in the sky, Zeus had a smile on his face.

The surrounding Earth coalition forces raised their weapons and shouted excitedly.

The joy of victory soon passed, and an important question was placed in front of everyone.

Darkseid retreated, but the three mother boxes that were powerful enough to destroy the earth were left behind.

After discussion, Zeus, the King of the Gods, decided that one of the Mother Boxes would be kept by the three tribes of humans, Amazons and Atlantis respectively.

What made the gods and the three tribes a little strange was that when Zeus made this decision, he suddenly raised his voice, and his eyes were constantly scanning the surroundings, as if he was looking for some important person, or wanted to get some response.

But alas, there was no movement around.

Zeus was a little disappointed and had to announce his decision.

The three clans swore an oath and each left with a mother box.

In order to shield the mother box from the outside world, all three tribes used their exquisite forging technology to cast a shell for it.

But when it comes to the storage of mother boxes, the three families have different choices, and they all reflect their own characteristics.

That is, Amazon and the sky, Atlantis and the ocean, and humans and the earth...

Therefore, the Amazons moved to Paradise Island and sealed the Mother Box in a high tower. At the same time, they used artifacts to gather the power of the sun, used the power of the sun and the power of the sky to carve incantations on the surface of the Mother Box, and sent people to strictly guard it.

Atlantis sealed the Mother Box to the bottom of the sea and sent warriors and sea monsters to guard it.

As for humans, they dug a hole anywhere and buried the mother box in it.

It turns out that the more sophisticated a plan is, the more likely it is that things will go awry.

On the contrary, those seemingly hasty actions will have unexpected effects.

In the plot of the movie that Lin Zhongtian knew, the Mother Boxes guarded by the Amazons and Atlantis were taken away one by one by Steppenwolf, but it was the human Mother Boxes that survived to the end...

However, this kind of storage method is indeed a bit sloppy.

Lin Zhongtian felt that he could lend a helping hand and find a safer way for them.

So, after the human leader who buried the Mother Box left, a silver light flashed in the mountains and forests.

Lin Zhongtian walked out of the mirror space and tore the earth apart with a wave of his hand, revealing the Mother Box buried deep underground.

Looking at the mother box wrapped in an iron box, Lin Zhongtian smiled, then gently waved his hand and put it into the space ring.

The moment the mother box disappeared, Lin Zhongtian seemed to notice the fluctuations in the long river of time.

But he didn't stop because of this. Instead, he tore apart the space and returned to the void gap.

Outside the world, Lin Zhong's eyes glowed with silver as he continued to observe the ribbon-shaped river of time.

After his intervention, the first half of the long river of time still flowed smoothly, but there was a slight fluctuation between a certain time node and the current timeline.

Lin Zhongtian thought for a while and felt that the disappearance of the Mother Box should have prevented Cyborg from being born and the plot of Justice League was also changed.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he returns the Mother Box to the world before all this happens, these effects will not appear.

With this idea in mind, Lin Zhongtian took out the mother box and carefully perceived the entire structure of the mother box with his subjective consciousness.

The so-called Mother Box is an extremely powerful weapon in the DC movie universe. It has many powerful abilities, but what interests Lin Zhongtian the most is its powerful ability to manipulate matter.

That is, rearranging the molecular structure of matter.

Anyone can reduce a house to ashes with the help of fire, but the Mother Box can turn ashes into a house again.

And based on its performance in resurrecting Superman, Lin Zhongtian boldly guessed that the Mother Box may have the ability to rearrange soul factors.

Of course, it is also possible that Superman is not completely dead, or that in this world, the soul will be summoned after the body is resurrected.

But anyway, Lin Zhongtian was very interested in this ability, so he took it out and observed it carefully.

Unfortunately, even if he fully understood the structure of the mother box, he still could not reproduce it.

Because there is a mysterious unknown element in the mother box, the X element.

Without this element, even if Lin Zhongtian reproduces it one to one, he still cannot have the power of a real mother box.

"It seems that we can only go to the normal timeline to collect..."

Lin Zhongtian had a look of regret on his face, then put away the mother box and turned to look at the silver ball of light.

In that ribbon-shaped river of time, important time nodes belonging to the ancient war period have been gathered together.

Lin Zhongtian tried to go back to the time point when the ancient war just started, but found that the long river of time suddenly trembled violently, seeming to be very resistant to his entry.

And this is not only true during the ancient war period, but also at previous time points.

It seems that he can only enter the time node after his last departure and cannot travel forward.

It is not impossible to enter by force, but this long river of time may collapse because of this.

And he will also attract the attention of many powerful beings in the DC multiverse.

Having said this, I have to mention that multiverses like DC and Marvel do not have only one river of time, but each single universe corresponds to a river of time.

The river of time that Lin Zhongtian travels through is the one that belongs to the DC movie universe.

Seeing Shi Changhe's violent reaction, Lin Zhongtian nodded, not looking surprised.

The reason why he chose an ancient timeline like the Ancient War was because he took this situation into consideration.

The reason is also very simple, because as long as he travels to the past time nodes, whether he has been there before or not, he may encounter the second self.

The various butterfly effects caused by this are unbearable by an ordinary single universe...

Confirming his suspicion, Lin Zhongtian set his sights on the time node further back.

The sun was shining brightly and the sky was cloudless.

A green island sits on the blue sea.

From the outside, the island is covered with lush vegetation, giving it a primitive and wild scene.

But in fact, these pictures are just illusions caused by the magic shield.

When the view passes through the transparent protective cover on the surface of the island, everything changes.

The lush woods are far taller than they appear from the outside, and the island is no longer the primitive wilderness it once was, but instead is lined with a large number of white majestic buildings.

The continuous buildings towering on the green island are not only tall and majestic, but also exquisite.

All buildings, whether palaces or towers, are carved with exquisite reliefs and murals of great artistic value.

It is no exaggeration to say that any one of these murals and reliefs can cause an uproar in the outside world.

But here, they are just commonplace decorations that can be seen everywhere...

On the hill at the front of the island, a white tower stands at the highest point of the hill.

This tower is one of the most heavily guarded places on the entire island.

On weekdays, there are at least two female warriors holding spears and wearing golden armor standing on the top of the tower, four female warriors in golden armor guarding the door of the tower, and two teams of sixteen female warriors in golden armor riding white horses. Take turns guarding and patrolling outside the tower.

Such tight guarding proves that something very important must be preserved inside.

But today, the cube iron box sealed in the tower suddenly began to tremble violently.

The golden-armored female warriors guarding the surroundings quickly became alert. While shouting loudly, asking their companions to go back for help, they pulled out the sharp swords at their waists and looked at the mother box in the center with a shield in hand.

Suddenly, the trembling mother box calmed down, and a vortex of silver light suddenly appeared.

A silver-armored man with jet-black hair and a handsome face stepped out. He glanced at the Mother Box wrapped in steel beside him, and then looked at the vigilant female warrior in gold armor in front of him. He said in surprise: "Mother box, Amazon warrior..."

"This is Paradise Island?"

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