Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 383 The truth behind the war of gods

That night, Lin Zhongtian sat on a chair in the palace and quietly read the history books recorded on Paradise Island.

As he expected, since he did not interfere too much with history during the ancient war and only appeared once in front of Zeus, the historical direction of this world was not far from the plot in the original movie.

The reason why it was not that far apart was mainly because the version of history recorded on Paradise Island was more detailed than the plot he knew.

They even recorded the history before Zeus and the Olympian gods took over the earth.

Yes, Zeus and the Olympian gods did not rule the entire earth from the beginning.

Because there is heaven and hell in the DC world, and even a creator god of God's level.

However, since the current universe is only one of the DC multiverses, God has only left a projected incarnation in this universe. The real person in charge is the Archangel Gabriel sent to this world by God.

About thousands of years ago, Lucifer Morningstar, the Lord of the Hell Dimension, had some conflicts with his Creator Father God.

Lucifer Morningstar came to this world angrily, defeated the Archangel Gabriel head-on, and arrogantly expelled all the angels in this world from the earth.

Due to the evil power of Lucifer Morningstar, heaven and all the angels had to evacuate from this universe.

Only the Archangel at the time, Seraph Gabriel, was ashamed of his previous disastrous defeat and insisted on staying in this universe. He continued to entangle with Lucifer for the next thousands of years, causing him a lot of trouble.

Thanks to Lucifer and Gabriel, neither heaven nor hell has time to care about them.

Seeing that the time had come, Zeus led the Olympian gods to occupy their place in heaven and became the most powerful of the many pantheons on earth.

But soon, the new gods of the fourth world also noticed the situation of heaven and hell.

Darkseid, who had become the leader of the New Gods at that time, decisively led an army to invade the earth.

By the way, Darkseid at that time was still called Uxas, and he did not have the power of Omega. It can be said that there is a huge difference from the powerful, terrifying and terrifying Darkseid in the future.

Facing the menacing army of darkness, Zeus did not want to sit still and wait for death, so he led the Olympian gods, united humans, Amazons, Atlantis, and the police officer in charge of the Earth sector at that time - the unlucky Green Lantern Together, we face Darkseid on Earth.

Thus, there was the ancient battle that Lin Zhongtian saw.

After the battle, Zeus proved his power to the gods and the world.

Three powerful Mother Boxes are kept separately by humans, Amazons, and Atlantis.

Everything seems to be back on track, and the earth has indeed gone through a very peaceful period of development.

But the good times did not last long. After a brief period of peace, the hidden dangers laid by the ancient war finally broke out.

After experiencing the ancient war in which the gods participated, Ares, the son of Zeus and the god of war, realized for the first time how powerfully war increased his power.

Just one ancient war in which the gods participated made his war power so powerful that it surpassed the king of gods, Zeus.

He even defeated Darkseid himself and almost chopped off his head.

...What if this kind of war happens again?

Ares, the God of War, whose power has gradually weakened since the ancient war, couldn't help but think like this.

So Ares finally took action.

He began to seduce the power of hero worship in humans, setting off wars one after another between humans and humans, between humans and Amazons, and even between humans and gods.

As for Atlantis, which is also one of the three tribes, because the king at that time committed suicide, the entire country was swallowed by the ocean, causing Atlantis to sink to the bottom of the sea and become the underwater kingdom from then on.

Blessings lie where misfortunes lie, misfortunes lie where blessings rely.

Although Atlantis unfortunately fell, it also escaped this largest war of gods since the ancient war.

On the other hand, humans, as the main players in this chaotic war, suffered the most serious damage.

The reason why Ares chose to bewitch humans was not only because human nature was complicated and easy to be bewitched, but also because humans at that time were actually the most powerful among the three races.

Yes, despite the fact that humans were extremely careless when hiding the Mother Box, this only shows that human civilization at that time was relatively primitive, but it does not mean that humans are not strong enough.

At that time, humans and gods lived together on earth, and the gods of Olympus were famous for their promiscuity and promiscuity.

This leads to the fact that many human heroes are actually the children of gods and humans, and they are powerful existences that can be called demigods.

Because of this, as more and more demigods and heroes participated in the war, the power of Ares, the god of war, began to increase.

In every war, Ares would personally fight, leading his legions and dependents to charge around on the battlefield.

Finally, when Ares pointed the butcher knife at the Amazons, Zeus couldn't sit still.

In other words, he finally couldn't bear the fact that his son was getting stronger endlessly, so he led the Olympus gods to the world to fight against Ares' army, thus officially starting the war of the gods.

Unfortunately, Zeus came too late.

When he led the gods into battle, it actually brought Ares's power to its peak.

In that tragic war, Ares killed all the gods who dared to oppose him, even killed his father Zeus, and took away the authority of the sky that symbolized the king of gods from his body.

But Zeus is the king of the gods after all, and his counterattack before his death was not something Ares could bear.

As a result, Ares, who had not yet declared victory, was defeated by Zeus in triumph and fell into the world.

After that, Zeus dragged his remaining body to create Paradise Island, used his remaining divine power to create a cover to protect Paradise Island, and then used his remaining essence and blood to have sex with the Amazon Queen, leaving Diana as a posthumous child. Used to deal with Ares' comeback.

This is what happened after Lin Zhongtian left, and it is also the truth that Amazon Queen Hippolyta has hidden for many years.

In the entire Paradise Island, only Hippolyta and her sister General Antiope, who commanded all the Amazon female warriors, are qualified to read this history book that records the true history.

Lin Zhongtian just whispered his request, and Hippolyta handed it over without hesitation.

This shows how successful the character Zeus created for him back then was...

Of course, the possibility of Zeus using his identity to brag to his woman in bed cannot be ruled out.

But no matter what, having such a transcendent identity is indeed much more convenient for Lin Zhongtian.

Lin Zhongtian thoughtfully closed the book in his hand, wondering whether he should go to heaven and get an identity.

Anyway, he has the Holy Angel Power Seed given to him by the boss next door, so he can pretend to be an archangel.

At this moment, there was a slight noise in the corridor outside the palace.

Lin Zhongtian had a smile on his face, then put away the history book and waved gently.

In an instant, the palace door opened quietly, and a petite figure flew in from outside the palace with an exclaim.

After it landed, Lin Zhongtian stood up from the chair and said with a smile: "It turns out to be Princess Diana. Shouldn't you stay in your room and sleep well now? Why did you come to me?"

Suddenly discovered by a guest, little Diana panicked.

But seeing that Lin Zhongtian had no intention of blaming her, and had no intention of handing her over to the Amazon female warriors patrolling outside the palace, little Diana finally calmed down slowly.

The black and white eyes rolled in their sockets, and then they blushed and muttered:

"I couldn't sleep, so I wanted to get up and look at the moon, but... I ended up getting lost outside!"


Lin Zhongtian unceremoniously exposed her clumsy lies.

Little Diana was shocked. She didn't expect that her first lie would be exposed so easily.

Lin Zhongtian looked funny and couldn't help but ask: "Didn't your mother send someone to watch you? Why did you let you slip out?"

Hearing the question raised by Lin Zhongtian, little Diana blinked her eyes and carefully looked at his expression. Seeing that he didn't seem to have any intention of questioning the lie just now, she breathed a sigh of relief and explained seriously.

"I'm so powerful, they can't stop me!"

As she spoke, Diana bent her short arms, trying to squeeze out her muscles to prove her words.

But it's a pity that she is not the powerful female warrior in future generations. Neither her short arms nor the milk-like porcelain white skin on her arms are very convincing.

Lin Zhongtian looked at her with a smile, then rolled up his sleeves and robe, revealing his biceps that looked like they were made of steel.

Compare the two and make a judgment!

Little Diana opened her mouth wide and stared blankly at Lin Zhongtian's muscles, then lowered her arms and asked expectantly.

"Are you a warrior?"

"Well... that's right."

"Where's my mother and Antiope?"

Facing little Diana's expectant eyes, Lin Zhongtian smiled and said, "None of them are my opponents."


so smart? !

Little Diana's eyes widened, then she rolled her eyes and shook her head: "I don't believe it!"

Lin Zhongtian looked at her with interest and asked: "Then what should I do so that you will believe it?"

Seeing Lin Zhongtian's cooperation, little Diana felt happy and pretended to say: "If you can turn me into a more powerful warrior than mother and Antiope, I will believe you!"

The picture shows up!

After all, little Diana was still young and could not hold her breath, so her true intentions were easily revealed by Lin Zhongtian.

Lin Zhongtian asked with a smile: "The most important thing in Paradise Island is soldiers, why are you looking for me?"

Little Diana's eyes darkened, her mouth tightened, and she said aggrievedly: "Because my mother and the people on Paradise Island are unwilling to teach me, I heard that you defeated Sister Egena today, and I was curious, so I thought I came over quietly to see you, but I didn’t expect you to find me..."

PS: Supplementary background is purely fabricated. If there are any errors or omissions, it is a parallel universe.

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