Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 385 People’s physiques cannot be generalized

The next morning, little Diana got up uncharacteristically early.

She stubbornly refused her mother's help, got dressed, washed herself, and then sat down at the dining table obediently.

After devouring the food, little Diana put down her knife and fork and said loudly: "I've finished eating!"

After saying that, little Diana jumped off the chair, opened her short legs, and ran out of the palace.

Hippolyta looked at her back with a slightly strange expression. This was the first time she had seen her daughter pay so much attention to etiquette lessons.

I don’t know what Lin Zhongtian talked about with little Diana last night, but he actually managed to tame this rebellious little prickly head into submission.

...Perhaps this is the heritage of the ancient gods!

Hippolyta sighed in her heart, and also felt a deep sense of honor.

As for whether Lin Zhongtian might have forced Diana to be so obedient because of what she was most interested in - namely, 'teaching her how to become a warrior' - this was something Hippolyta never thought about.

Because in her opinion, Lin Zhongtian is an ancient god who travels between the past and the future and maintains the timeline.

He will never interfere excessively with history.

If he did teach Diana how to fight, that would only mean that fate is what it is.

Although Hippolyta is the Queen of the Amazons, she is only a mortal and can only choose to accept her fate.

At the same time, little Diana excitedly came to the palace where Lin Zhongtian lived, pushed open the door with her seemingly young arms, and looked at Lin Zhongtian who was leaning on the bed in the palace and reading a book and shouted excitedly:

"Teacher, I'm here!"


Lin Zhongtian glanced at her, smiled slightly, said nothing, and just pursed his lips towards the table not far away.

Little Diana blinked and turned her head to look, only to see many thick books piled on the table.

Seeing this scene, little Diana's eyes lit up, she rushed over and excitedly picked up a book and started reading.

But as she turned over and over, the smile on Diana's face froze.

Then she put down the book in her hand and picked up another one and flipped through it a few times.

After repeating this many times, Diana finally couldn't help but put down the book in her hand and looked at Lin Zhongtian with wide eyes.

"What's this?!"

"All the teaching materials left by your cultural teachers and the last etiquette teacher."

Lin Zhongtian explained slowly while reading the book.

Diana's face was full of questions: "Huh?"

Lin Zhongtian glanced at her: "You don't think I'm lying to your mother, do you?"

Diana's eyes widened and she said, "Isn't it?"

Lin Zhongtian closed the book and said with a smile: "Of course not. From today on, you can only learn what you want to learn from me if you complete all the daytime courses."


Diana glared at Lin Zhongtian angrily and couldn't help shouting: "You lied to me!"

Lin Zhongtian retorted with a smile: "Then tell me, what did I lie to you about?"

"you you……"

Diana hesitated for a while, racking her brains to recall her words and deeds last night, but found that Lin Zhongtian did not lie to her. She took it for granted that Lin Zhongtian wanted to teach her swordsmanship under the cover of etiquette lessons.

Thinking of this, Diana wilted like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Seeing this, Lin Zhongtian raised the corner of his mouth and opened the book again. While flipping through it, he said in a leisurely tone: "Battle Classroom, the first lesson is, don't trust your own judgment too much. Even if you are sure that you can control the overall situation, you should stay..." There is room…”

Hearing Lin Zhongtian's words, Diana had a thoughtful look on her face.

Seeing that Diana had some understanding, Lin Zhongtian waved his hand: "Okay, the curriculum is posted on the table, can you study by yourself?"

Diana came back to her senses and said in shock: "Aren't you going to teach me?"

Lin Zhongtian replied without raising his head: "The book has already written enough details. I believe that with your wisdom, you can study by yourself. When you encounter any knowledge points that you don't understand, come back and ask me."


Diana's mouth opened wide. She had never seen such an irresponsible teacher in her life.

But the more Lin Zhongtian behaved like this, the angrier she became and the more she wanted to prove it to Lin Zhongtian.

Diana sat down angrily, pulled out the class schedule arranged by Lin Zhongtian, and looked at it carefully.

But she just glanced at it and couldn't help but said: "Mathematics, physics, chemistry... Do I also want to learn these things?"

Lin Zhongtian chuckled and said, "Of course."

Diana shouted: "But I will become a warrior in the future. Are these things useful to a warrior?"

Lin Zhongtian closed the book, turned his head, and asked seriously: "Who is the most powerful female war goddess in Olympus?"

Diana subconsciously replied: "Athena."

Lin Zhongtian continued to ask: "What kind of god is she?"

Diana's voice became smaller and smaller: "Goddess of War and Wisdom."

Lin Zhongtian spread his hands and put on an expression that said, "I know you still ask me."

Diana turned around dejectedly and obediently followed the lessons arranged by Lin Zhongtian.

And she is worthy of being a smart child blessed by the goddess of wisdom. She is born with a strong talent for learning. Knowledge is not really difficult for her. It just depends on whether she is willing.

In later generations, Diana, who has become Wonder Woman, is said to be knowledgeable.

Not to mention her accomplishments in history, art, mythology, military and many other fields.

Speaking of language knowledge alone, Diana mastered dozens of languages ​​including Shemis Gaelic, Ancient Greek, Greek, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, and even Chinese.

This was not something she learned in the hundreds of years she lived on Paradise Island, but in the days after she left Paradise Island.

Although Diana is still young today, and her divine power is bound by a protective silver bracelet, primary school level knowledge is indeed a bit too simple for her.

In just one morning, Diana completed all the courses assigned by Lin Zhongtian.

During this period, except for two knowledge points about etiquette and history, Diana did not ask any questions.

It can be seen that she is not incapable of learning, but just has no interest in learning...

In the afternoon, Lin Zhongtian checked his homework and praised Diana's performance without hesitation.

Diana was a little proud at first, raising her head to see Lin Zhongtian's reaction, but when she really heard Lin Zhongtian's words of praise, she lowered her head shyly, looking a little embarrassed.

The cultural class ended early. Lin Zhongtian kept his promise and stretched out his hand to tap the air in front of him.

In an instant, the space shattered like a mirror, and countless cracks spread rapidly with Lin Zhongtian's fingertips as the center. In a moment, it covered the palace, enveloping both Lin Zhongtian and Diana.

Diana opened her eyes wide, excitedly and curiously stroking the strange space like crystal facets in front of her.

"What's this?"

"Dimension magic, mirror space."

Lin Zhongtian explained with a smile: "This is a mirror space hidden in the shadow of the real world. Most of the things in it are projections of the real world. They are the same as the real world, but completely independent."

"No action taken here will affect reality."

"This is why I brought you here..."

Diana's eyes were bright: "Because here, mother won't find out, right?"

Lin Zhongtian nodded with a smile, then raised his hand and a rumbling roar suddenly came from the palace around him.

Diana was startled, quickly grabbed Lin Zhongtian's sleeve, and turned her head to look around.

I saw that the floor of the palace began to extend infinitely, the tables, chairs and beds continued to move away, and the walls and ceilings separated layer by layer to both sides, revealing the blue and clear sky of Paradise Island.

In just a few moments, the huge palace turned into a circular platform like a martial arts training ground.

In the center of the platform stands a wooden weapon rack, displaying long swords of various sizes from ancient and modern times to both China and foreign countries.

Diana became excited instantly and ran over quickly, stroking these swords fondly.

Lin Zhongtian walked behind her, put his big hand gently on her head, and said with a chuckle: "Although you spoke loudly yesterday, we still have to walk step by step. Let's start with the most basic ones. Let me see It depends on your talent.”


Diana nodded repeatedly, her eyes full of expectation.

Time flies, and a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

During this month, Lin Zhongtian has been staying on Paradise Island, studying with little Diana in the morning, and taking her into the mirror space in the afternoon and evening to train hard in the martial arts field of the mirror space.

During this period, whenever he had free time, Lin Zhongtian would browse the books on Paradise Island, or sneak into the tower quietly to study the artifacts collected in the tower.

After the War of the Gods, Paradise Island became the biggest winner among the tragic victors. Many Olympian gods, including Zeus, left their complete or broken artifacts here.

What kind of Mantra Lasso, Vulcan Sword, Divine Shield, Starlight Flying Crown, Winged Divine Footwear...

They are all stored in the tower on Paradise Island, waiting for Wonder Woman Diana to access them in the future.

Due to some considerations, Lin Zhongtian did not take away these artifacts, but quietly borrowed them for study, hoping to see if he could replicate their forging techniques and the Olympus power contained in the artifacts.

The results are also very gratifying. Except for the inability to imitate divine power, Lin Zhongtian has mastered all the forging techniques.

It is just because of the lack of some precious ores or other materials that artifacts such as the Lasso of Mantra and the Sword of Vulcan cannot be imitated.

However, Lin Zhongtian has created many imitations of artifacts such as the Starlight Crown, the Divine Shield, the Winged Shoes, and the Champion's Battle Helmet that focus on forging technology and engraved inscriptions, and put them on the shelves of the [Treasure Pavilion].

In addition, the results of little Diana’s training are also very gratifying.

At the beginning, Lin Zhongtian planned a course for her according to the standard swordsman training process.

But little Diana told Lin Zhongtian a truth in just one morning -

People’s physiques cannot be generalized!

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