Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 387 God of Fire and Forging

"Tell me the truth, how long have you been training?"

In the palace, Hippolyta looked at little Diana with a serious face.

Little Diana bit her lower lip tightly, with tears in her eyes, but she didn't answer.

Hippolyta's eyes became sharp, and just when she was about to continue questioning, a helpless voice sounded out of thin air.


As the words came, a tall figure appeared behind little Diana, and his big hand gently placed on her head.

Little Diana seemed to have found an outlet to vent her grievances. She turned around and hugged Lin Zhongtian's arm, sobbing softly.

"Look, the child is so scared..." Lin Zhongtian glanced at Hippolyta reproachfully, then rubbed little Diana's head and chuckled, "I taught this child, and I taught him for about a month. !”

"She is very talented and hard-working. She has already become a figure in just one month..."

Looking at Lin Zhongtian with a look of relief on his face, Hippolyta couldn't help but look stunned.

"Mian...Mian, why is it you?!"

"Why can't it be me?"

Lin Zhongtian glanced at her, and then suddenly smiled and said: "Okay, stop pretending, don't worry, I won't tell her Diana's true identity. As I just said, I really like this child. I really want to teach her something, so just leave her alone..."

Hippolyta was shocked by Lin Zhongtian's blunt revelation, and quickly looked at Diana who was leaning in Lin Zhongtian's arms.

Lin Zhongtian smiled again and said: "Don't worry, she won't be able to hear our conversation as long as I want to."

After receiving Lin Zhongtian's assurance, Hippolyta was still uneasy and couldn't help but test softly: "Diana?"

Diana didn't respond, she just held Lin Zhongtian's arm and continued to vent her inner grievances.

Hippolyta finally felt relieved and asked softly: "You mean, Ares will really make a comeback in the future?"

Lin Zhong glanced at her but didn't reply.

But Hippolyta took this as acquiescence.

"That's it." Hippolyta sighed, "If that's the case, there's nothing we can do about it."

"Your Majesty is willing to teach Diana to fight. It is Diana's luck, and it is also the luck of my Paradise Island and the Amazons. I will not stop Diana from receiving training in the future. Your Majesty can lead her on Paradise Island in an open and honest manner..."

Before she finished speaking, Diana's sobbing voice stopped abruptly.

She turned sharply and looked at Hippolyta with surprise on her face.


Hippolyta was startled and quickly looked at Lin Zhongtian.

Lin Zhongtian smiled slightly, gave her a relieved look, and then said in a leisurely tone: "Your Majesty the Queen, with all due respect, with Diana's current strength, it may be difficult for Guidao to bear it."

...Is it such an exaggeration?

Hippolyta looked surprised and couldn't help but look at little Diana.

Little Diana quickly promised: "Teacher, I will work hard to practice the art of breath gathering. Just let me train on Paradise Island!"

Lin Zhongtian thought for a moment and said seriously: "At most half an hour a day, the rest of the time you still have to train in the mirror space."

"Yeah, teacher, you are the best!"

Little Diana nodded repeatedly, then excitedly buried her head in Lin Zhongtian's arms, coquettishly.

But soon, she realized that her mother Hippolyta was also here, so her face turned red and she quickly let go of her hand.

And Hippolyta was actually very happy to see this scene.

If Lin Zhongzhen can really establish a close relationship with Diana, and even interfere with Diana's fate for this reason, then of course it would be the best!

Lin Zhongtian saw Diana's embarrassment, smiled and came to the rescue: "It seems that Her Majesty the Queen does not believe in your strength... Come, show your mother the results of your training!"

After hearing this, Diana became excited again and quickly ran to the wall, preparing to open her mother's eyes.

Hippolyta was also very curious and immediately stared at Diana's movements without blinking.

Diana stood up, took a deep breath, and a rich golden light suddenly appeared all over her body.

The next second, as Diana gave a sweet shout, her petite fist was instantly waved out, and the rich golden light condensed, like a golden pillar, and hit the solid wall with a roar.

Smoke and dust filled the air, and an irregular hole about three to four meters in diameter appeared on the wall.

The edges were covered with cracks as dense as a spider web, and stone brick fragments were constantly falling down.

Diana restrained the golden light in her body, put her hands on her hips, and looked at Hippolyta proudly.

On the beach before, she did not use all her strength, so she only cracked the boulder but did not break it.

But now, she used the golden light spell taught by her teacher, and punched through the wall protected by the magic spell with just one punch.

The power shown by the two is very different and cannot be compared.

Sure enough, Hippolyta couldn't help but look shocked when she saw the broken palace walls.

She could see that Diana's punch did not mobilize the divine power in her body. She only relied on physical power and the mysterious golden light to smash the magic-protected palace wall to pieces.

Hippolyta came back to her senses and couldn't help but look at Lin Zhongtian in shock.

"Your Majesty, what is this?"

"This is a hidden force that everyone has within them. I just channeled it out of Diana..."

Lin Zhongtian smiled and explained the Eastern theory of the human body and Qi training, but Hippolyta obviously didn't understand.

This highlights how powerful the blessing of the Goddess of Wisdom is.

Even with such a huge cultural gap, Diana still channeled the golden light in her body in just one month.

This level of talent and understanding is not common even in the Traveler Alliance.

After this incident, Diana finally got her mother's approval.

Although she still can only train in the mirror space most of the time, she will also show off her skills in the martial arts training ground on Paradise Island from time to time, and every time she will win the applause of her tribe.

Time flies by in this peaceful daily routine.

A year later in the summer, an unusual thing happened on Paradise Island——

An Amazon warrior is pregnant...

This kind of thing is a happy event worthy of celebration in any long-lived race.

But Paradise Island is obviously somewhat different from the Amazons.

Because the Amazons are all women, if someone is pregnant, it means someone is hiding an outsider, and there is a high probability that it is a human man.

Hippolyta dealt with the matter seriously. She locked up the pregnant Amazon female warrior and ordered people to take good care of her. Then she forced the foreign man to drink a potion with amnesia function.

After he completely forgot the memory of Paradise Island and the Amazons, Hippolyta expelled him from Paradise Island.

Lin Zhongtian did not interfere with Hippolyta's decision, but just watched silently.

He knew that Hippolyta was being merciful by not executing the human man directly.

As the saying goes, don't persuade others to do good unless they have suffered.

Lin Zhongtian knows the past of the Amazons, and naturally also knows the unforgettable hatred between them and humans.

Back then, Ares, the god of war, bewitched many human heroes in order to provoke war.

The most powerful among them is Hercules, the son of Zeus and the strongest demigod.

As the strongest hero among mankind, Hercules is a very important part of Ares' plan.

He beguiled Hercules to provoke a war with the Amazons. This war lasted for a long time. In the end, humans, led by Hercules, defeated the Amazons and enslaved all the Amazons.

As the most perfect creation of Zeus, the Amazons’ beautiful appearance is their most basic feature.

Once such a race of beauties is enslaved by humans, its fate and consequences will naturally be self-evident...

In short, after a period of darkness, the hopelessly powerful Hercules finally died of conspiracy.

The Amazons found an opportunity and launched a rebellion under the leadership of Hippolyta, the current Queen of the Amazons, and took the opportunity to free all enslaved Amazons.

Since then, the freed Amazons have begun to hate humans, especially human males.

They even abandoned all the male babies they gave birth to with humans, and only accepted female babies to become new Amazons.

As far as Lin Zhongtian knew, those abandoned baby boys were sent to the God of Fire Hephaestus and became his believers and servants.

Hephaestus, the god of fire, is the only remaining Olympian god after Ragnarok and an ally with close ties to Paradise Island.

Many artifacts, including the Vulcan Sword, were built by the Fire God Hephaestus and sent his followers to Paradise Island.

According to Hippolyta, the fire god Hephaestus lived in seclusion in a volcano somewhere in Europe, enjoying forging all day long and not caring about worldly affairs.

Lin Zhongtian was very interested in the God of Fire and Forging, so he planned to meet with him before leaving to see if he could get some knowledge about the forging of artifacts from him.

Or simply trick him into becoming a regular employee of the Traveler Alliance.

But no one in the world knows which volcano Hephaestus, the god of fire, lives in seclusion.

Even Lin Zhongtian can only use exhaustive methods to find it, or wait for an opportunity on Paradise Island.

Now, this opportunity has finally appeared.

It is the unborn child of the Amazon female warrior.

Lin Zhongtian had already sensed that the Amazon female warrior was carrying a baby boy!

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