Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 389 The Divine Sailing Ship Crossing the Sea of ​​Clouds

Of course, this is only one of the reasons.

The bigger reason is the existence of Lin Zhongtian himself.

Because if the current universe wants to form a parallel universe, it must split into two Lin Zhongtian.

Once the current universe is unable to do this, it will inevitably lead to the destruction of the entire world.

Because of this, Lin Zhongtian must leave before that time comes, otherwise, the world will collapse because of the attempt to split into two or more Lin Zhongtian.

Feeling that the stay time was getting shorter and shorter, Lin Zhongtian thought for a moment, and his body twisted and disappeared in an instant.

With a flash of silver light, Lin Zhongtian's figure appeared in the tower strictly guarded by three teams of golden-armored female warriors.

Considering Phillips's pregnancy status, Queen Hippolyta did not lock her in a dark and damp dungeon. Instead, she placed her in a white tower on the top of a hill and sent three teams of Amazon female warriors to take turns guarding her.

At this moment, Phillips, who was pregnant with a big belly, was lying on a chair, staring at the sky outside the tower in a daze.

Lin Zhongtian coughed, waking her up from her daze, and then asked softly: "How are you thinking about it now?"

Hearing Lin Zhongtian's words, Phillips rubbed his belly with a complicated expression.

After a long time, Phillips sighed and said softly: "Send him away. The baby boy cannot grow up on Paradise Island."

Of course, this is a more pleasant way of saying it. To put it more unpleasantly, it means that adolescent children are easily affected by hormones, and the Amazon female warriors on Paradise Island have not had contact with men for a long time.

If the baby boy grows up and fails to control himself under the fire, and something happens to his sisters and aunts, it will be a scandal that is rare in Paradise Island in a century!

Although Phillips was reluctant to let go of the child, she was even more reluctant to let go of Paradise Island and the Amazons.

After careful consideration, she decided to send the child away from Paradise Island.

"Where are you going to send him?" Lin Zhongtian asked softly, "To the child's father, or to the god of fire Hephaestus?"

"No." Phillips shook his head and asked with a somewhat uneasy look, "I would like to ask Your Majesty... to please send him to the home of a kind-hearted person so that he can live an ordinary life... "

"no problem."

Lin Zhongtian nodded without asking why.

Phillips looked grateful and thanked him repeatedly: "Thank you so much, Your Majesty, thank you so much, Your Majesty!"

Lin Zhongtian shook his head and said: "Don't thank me in a hurry. I have something to do and I have to leave Paradise Island now. Maybe I won't be able to wait until the child in your belly is born, so I want to ask you, would you like me to help induce the birth?"

Phillips was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, gritted his teeth and nodded: "Then please Mian Mian!"

Lin Zhongtian nodded, stretched out his right hand, held it with five fingers, and aimed it at Phillips' abdomen.

In an instant, thick mist spread out from his fingertips, turning into five thin streams of gray mist and rushing toward Phillips.

Three minutes later, the baby's first cry came from the bedroom on the top floor of the tower.

Phillips lay on the clean bed and touched his deflated belly in surprise.

She originally thought that Lin Zhongtian's induction of labor would be painful, but she did not expect that Lin Zhongtian would directly use the power of space to transfer the mature baby out of her belly.

There was no harm done to the mother during the process, and the baby was not squeezed during delivery.

Phillips even felt that his energy and physical strength had become more abundant, as if a burden had been lifted, and his whole person became relaxed.

This was of course Lin Zhongtian's deliberate move.

It shortens the pregnancy time and reduces the pain of childbirth. In this way, it can be regarded as reducing the bond between mother and child in disguise.

For the mother and son who are destined to be separated, it is not a good thing to invest too much emotion.

But no matter what, mother is mother.

Looking at the male baby suspended in the silver light, Phillips couldn't help but stretched out his hand and held him in his arms.

Lin Zhongtian did not stop Phillips' behavior. He gave Phillips the opportunity to become the baby's first caregiver, and then disappeared under Phillips' reluctant eyes.

About thirty nautical miles away from Paradise Island, there is a U-shaped island that looks like a horseshoe.

Dense green forest covers the middle of the island, with bare white sandy beaches at both ends. The U-shaped depression in the center is spacious and flat. With a little decoration, it can become a natural pier.

In fact, humans who often travel on this route do exactly this.

They whittled the chopped wood into planks and built a wooden dock in the depression using iron nails and hemp rope.

At this moment, a three-masted sailboat that was very advanced compared to the current era was docked at the dock.

Dozens of humans in black robes were running back and forth between the deck and the cabin, busy constantly.

Suddenly, a hawk screamed from Horseshoe Island.

A tall man in black robes on the deck immediately raised his head, glanced in the direction of the sound, and then called two companions. The three of them stepped off the three-masted sailboat and set foot on the horseshoe-shaped island.

Soon, three men in black robes entered the forest in the middle of the island.

A group of Amazon female warriors from Paradise Island have been waiting there for a long time.

Seeing many female warriors coming empty-handed, the tall man in black robes at the head could not help but frown.

"What about the Amazon baby boy?"

"Baby boy, what baby boy?" The Amazon female warrior also frowned and asked in surprise, "Aren't you here to deliver the goods for the God of Fire?"

As soon as this statement came out, both parties realized that something was wrong. It seemed that they had been deceived by third-party forces for different reasons.

The leader of the black-robed man frowned, and just as he was about to open his mouth to exchange information with the Amazon female warrior opposite, silver light burst out of thin air in front of him.

Everyone looked shocked when they saw a figure walking out of the silver light, holding a sleeping baby in his arms.

"The baby boy you want is here."

Lin Zhongtian said lightly, then turned to look at the astonished Amazon female warrior.

"Please go back and inform your queen that I have something to do and I have to leave for a while, so Diana doesn't have to worry. I will take Phillips's child away to save you from trouble in the future."

Having said this, Lin Zhongtian paused and turned to glance at the man in black robe who also had a look of astonishment on his face.

"What are you doing standing there in a daze? Why don't you take me to your Vulcan Crown quickly!"


The man in black robe came back to his senses, first looked at the Amazon female warrior who respectfully accepted the order, turned and left, then swallowed, carefully looked at Lin Zhongtian's expression, and asked: "Who are you?"

"You don't need to know who I am, just lead the way!"

Lin Zhongtian's tone was very rude, but these men in black robes seemed to accept this.

The more contemptuous Lin Zhongtian was towards them, the more submissive they became to Lin Zhongtian.

The three men in black robes looked at each other, and the leader took off his hood, revealing a respectful face.

This man has sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, handsome features, and a flame-shaped red mark between his eyebrows. If you ignore the large red spot on his left face, he must be a high-quality handsome man above the standard.

With Lin Zhongtian's powerful memory and association, he instantly discovered a familiar shadow in the blond man's facial features.

There is no doubt that the three men in black robes, including the blond man, should all be hybrids of Amazons and humans.

And on the paradise island at this moment, it is very likely that their blood sisters or even biological mothers exist...

But even so, none of the three men in black robes showed any expectation or yearning for Paradise Island.

When they faced the Amazon female warriors just now, the three men in black robes also acted very calmly, as if the people standing in front of them were not their blood-related tribesmen, but three strangers who had never met before.

For the same reason, the Amazon female warriors would not regard these hybrids as their tribesmen.

Lin Zhongtian has no intention of changing the abnormal relationship between the two parties.

As the saying goes, don't persuade others to do good unless they have suffered.

Lin Zhongtian, who has memories of past and present China, can only understand this.

"Your Excellency, does the humble Nuta know...what is your main purpose for asking me?"

The blond man looked very humble. Not only did he lower his eyebrows, but his tone also became cautious.

Obviously, the male Amazons outside this Paradise Island have a much more respectful attitude towards gods than those on Paradise Island.

Seeing that these people were very respectful to him, Lin Zhongtian did not make it difficult for them, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, I just want to exchange forging skills with Lord Vulcan. Zeus once boasted to me about your master, saying that he was God of Forging in Olympus, now that I have the opportunity, I naturally want to see it with my own eyes!"

Hearing Lin Zhongtian's words, the blond man was suddenly startled, and his expression became more humble.

"You... know His Majesty the God King?"

"Of course, if you don't believe me, you can ask your master. He is an old friend of Zeus from the ancient war. If he has experienced that war, he should understand my identity."

Lin Zhongtian said in a calm tone.

The three men in black robes looked at each other, their expressions becoming more and more respectful.

The blond man in the lead immediately respectfully invited Lin Zhongtian to board the sailboat and gave him the most luxuriously decorated captain's cabin.

Soon, the three-masted sailboat set sail, but the strange thing was that it did not sail out from the gap in the U-shaped island, but followed a temporary upward slide built with wooden boards, slowly floating up towards the sky. The sea of ​​clouds sailed away.

Not long after, Lin Zhongtian stood on the deck holding the baby boy in his arms, looking at the sea of ​​clouds around him, feeling emotional in his heart.

...He is truly the God of Fire and Forge in Olympus!

Even the means of transportation used by believers are top-notch artifacts that can be used on land, water, and air.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Zhongtian called the blond man Nuta and asked how many days it would take for the sailboat to arrive.

The blond man answered cautiously: "With normal driving, it will take about half a month."

Lin Zhongtian frowned and said, "So long?"

Nuta quickly added: "But this divine sailing ship has the ability to travel through space nodes. As long as it can find the nearest space node, the time can be reduced to half a day!"

Then you didn't tell me earlier!

Lin Zhongtian rolled his eyes and then waved his hand.

In an instant, silver light burst out, and a space node suddenly appeared out of thin air in front of the Shenxing sailboat.

"Okay, there is a space node ahead, let's make a space jump quickly!"


Nuta was slightly stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but look down at the map in his hand.

That’s right!

There are no space nodes marked near here!

Could it be that...this majesty created one out of thin air? !

Thinking of this, Nuta couldn't help but look at the other man in black robe beside him, wanting him to confirm.

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