Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 399 God-Kings Are All Old Coins

The seven swordsmen attacked simultaneously, attacking from different angles, and soon forced Ares to give in step by step.

Diana pressed forward step by step, even holding a giant sword and rushing over, besieging Ares together with seven flying swords.

"Qiang Qiang Qiang——"

The sound of gold and iron clashing continued to sound.

Ares gritted his teeth and barely managed to deal with it with a metal sword in his hand.

But two fists would never be able to defeat four hands, let alone a powerful opponent of Diana's level.

There was no other way, but Ares could only make sacrifices, choosing to ignore the obstacles of the flying sword and give priority to dealing with Diana herself.

When he thought about it, except for the first one which contained the familiar divine power, the other seven flying swords were made of ordinary materials. The only feature was that they could not be controlled by the divine power of war.

With Ares' body as the God of War, he should be able to withstand their attacks.

With such a sense of luck, Ares used a flaw and let one of the flying swords hit his back.

Sure enough, the seemingly sharp silver flying sword struck the armor containing the divine power of war, but it only fell within two millimeters and stagnated as if it had lost power.

When Ares saw this, he was convinced. He immediately grinned, no longer paying attention to the six ordinary flying swords, and turned to fight fiercely with Diana and the divine sword with the flying swords.

Of course, even so, Ares still kept an eye on it.

He only used the thickest armor and insignificant parts to resist the slashing blows, and he would still avoid critical parts such as his head and eyes vigilantly.


The sound of the collision between sword blade and armor continued to sound.

Suddenly, Ares keenly caught a fighter opportunity, and immediately swung the metal sword and slashed diagonally towards Diana's neck.

Although doing so would cause one of the ordinary flying swords to hit his arm, this risk was negligible compared to the possibility of decapitating Diana!

The sword whizzed towards me, and Diana not only did not dodge, but also showed a cheerful smile.

Seeing the sudden smile on Diana's face, Ares felt an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, in the next moment, the silver light on the flying sword shone brightly, and the silver sword made of ordinary material disappeared in an instant, replaced by the flying sword containing divine power.

It is the artifact forged by the God of Fire Hephaestus - the Sword of the God of Fire!

This magical sword is the most powerful weapon in Diana's hand, capable of cutting at the subatomic level.

In the movie "Batman v Superman", she even used this sword to cut off Doomsday's arm!

There is no doubt that in the face of this sword of Vulcan that can break the Kryptonian's defenses, even Ares's proud divine body has become extremely weak.


Blood spattered, and the sharp blade penetrated the armor and flesh without any hesitation, and cut off Ares's entire arm.

The metal sword held in Ares's hand also deviated from its original trajectory due to the fall of his arm, and stood heavily on the ground beside Diana.

Severe pain came from the broken arm. Ares's eyes widened, he took two steps back, covered his broken arm, and looked at Diana in disbelief.

But Diana didn't give him any chance to breathe, and immediately took a step forward. The giant sword in her hand was like a baseball bat full of power, slashing hard at Ares's chest from bottom to top.


The air was exploded, and the armor on Ares's chest dented instantly, and he himself flew into the sky at an extremely fast speed, breaking through the sound barrier in an instant, and flying into the sky with layers of sonic boom clouds. .

Diana bent her knees and jumped, smashed the ground, and soared into the sky. At the same time, golden light poured out from her body crazily. A thick golden whip condensed at the end of the giant sword in the sky, and it whipped hard at Ares in the sky.


There was another loud bang, and the metal horn helmet on Ares' head was smashed into pieces by the golden whip.

Diana still seemed to be upset. The golden whip rolled up again, tightly binding Ares's body, and then pulled it down suddenly, hitting the reinforced concrete building in the German camp like a meteorite falling from the sky.


The reinforced concrete building collapsed with a loud roar.

Poor Ares just stood up from the ground and shook his head when Diana, who was speeding over, grabbed his body with a golden whip again. Like a big green guy on a studio next door, he was smashed back and forth like a meteor hammer. move.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The earth trembled, and the ground where Ares' body hit it continued to crack and dent.

Not far away, the eyes in the forest glowed with silver, and they looked at this scene with admiration.

He also didn't expect that famous scenes that he hadn't seen in Marvel next door would actually be seen here in advance!

However, Lin Zhongtian planned to give Diana a failing grade for this act of venting anger.

She could clearly kill Ares with the Vulcan Sword, but she still tortured him with the Sky Sword and the Golden Whip.

Obviously, the child was still affected by Steve's act of dying, and he was using Ares as a tool to vent his emotions.

But Ares is the veteran God of War after all. What gives him a chance to breathe is irresponsibility for his own life...


Ares roared angrily, and countless blue-white thunder arcs suddenly appeared all over his body.

The violent thunder instantly enveloped a hundred meters in radius and wreaked havoc on everything within a hundred meters.

Even the golden whip condensed by Diana was shattered by the powerful thunder power, causing Ares to finally break free.

After killing Zeus, the King of Gods, the thunder power that originally belonged to Zeus was controlled by Ares.

But since Diana was Zeus's personal back-up, Ares was worried that the power of thunder would be used and become a part of Zeus's plan. Therefore, except for blowing up the tower at the beginning, Ares never used it.

But now, Ares has to use this power that belongs to the God King!

I saw thunder wrapped around his body, his eyes filled with blue-white lightning, glaring angrily at Diana in front of him.

"Diana, you forced me to do this!"

While roaring, Ares suddenly raised his remaining left arm, pointing his fingers at the sky.


The dark clouds overturned, and blue lightning flashed among the dark clouds. Suddenly, it turned into a blue-white thunder as thick as a bucket and struck down with a roar, hitting the palm of Ares's raised left arm.

"Hi la la——"

Blue lightning arcs continued to swim around Ares's remaining left arm.

Ares's eyes widened with anger, and the endless thunder power rippling all over his body condensed the thunder that suddenly fell into a thunder spear.

The next second, Ares suddenly threw the dazzling thunder spear in his hand.

"call out--"

The Thunder Spear disappeared instantly, turning into a stream of blue light and shooting towards Diana.

Along the way, the Thunder Spear released its powerful power unscrupulously. Countless small arcs of electricity emanated from the Thunder Spear, instantly connecting all the metal objects on the road.

The terrifying thunder spear ran through it all the way, leaving a scorch mark in the air.

Diana looked solemn, not daring to underestimate this power from the King of Gods.

Just when she was about to avoid its edge, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in her heart.

"Take it."


Diana was slightly startled, and then chose to believe that voice without hesitation.

There was no other reason, because that voice came from the man she trusted the most.

In an instant, Diana crossed her arms and took the spear of thunder with a silver bracelet containing surging protective power.

When the two touched each other, the originally solid thunder spear instantly disintegrated, turning into terrifying bolts of thunder and lightning that shot out in all directions, creating charred holes in the ground.

The armored vehicle closest to Diana attracted the largest thunderbolt, and was instantly blown away by the power contained in it. It turned into countless charred parts and wreckage before it hit the ground.

It can be seen from the damage to the surrounding environment that the lethality of this thunder spear is indeed amazing.

But Diana, who resisted the Thunder Spear head-on, was unscathed.

Not only that, her protective silver bracelet also absorbed the power of thunder, and now it has turned into a thunder silver bracelet wrapped with blue and white arcs.

"This old fox really has a back-up plan..."

Looking at Diana who was looking blank not far away, Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but murmured a few words in a low voice.

When Ares just started to use the power of thunder, he was keenly aware of a familiar aura.

It was Zeus, the King of Gods, whom he had met once during the ancient war.

After noticing Zeus' aura, Lin Zhongtian instantly guessed that there should be residual divine thoughts of Zeus in the thunder power.

Although this spiritual thought was hidden deeply, it could not escape Lin Zhongtian's perception.

According to his guess, this old thing has been lurking in the thunder power or authority of thunder for thousands of years, just to trick Ares as a finale thousands of years later.

Sure enough, the God Kings are all old silver coins...

Lin Zhongtian sighed in his heart.

Ares looked at Diana in disbelief and suddenly yelled angrily.

"I do not believe!"

As he spoke, Ares raised his left arm angrily, and the dark clouds suddenly roared loudly as if in response, brewing a thunderous force that was even more terrifying and exaggerated than before.


The thick thunder struck down again, connecting Ares' body and the sky.

Diana was awakened by the roar of thunder. She looked at Ares in front of her with a ferocious face and thunder lingering around her body. She couldn't help but sneered and dropped the silver giant sword in her hand.


Ares roared angrily, and countless dazzling lightning arcs flashed and jumped on him, and finally turned into a thick force of thunder spurting out from his palm.

Diana walked forward without fear, and with every step she took, the aura on her body grew stronger.

It seemed that some power that had been hidden in her body for many years was being awakened under the guidance of the divine power of thunder.

When the thunder came, Diana did not dodge or dodge. She only used her right arm to block it in front of her body, and then swung it to the side.


The terrifying power of thunder was instantly deflected and hit the ground diagonally, creating a deep hole in the ground.

Diana looked at Ares, whose eyes were widened, and said in a cold tone: "My dear brother..."

"Don't you understand yet?"

"Today is the day you die!"

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