Time passed by minute by minute.

The magic trio's stay in the Kama Taj safe zone also became less and less.

The atmosphere within the team gradually became tense, because they knew that teams capable of snatching the Cosmic Cube were eyeing them outside the safe zone.

For example, Daenerys asked Deng Yougang to stay outside the Kama Taj safe zone, while she stayed at the entrance of the New York Temple. At the same time, she arranged a flame clone outside the two major temples in London and Hong Kong.

These flame clones are not very powerful, but they contain her divine thoughts.

No matter where the magic trio left, Daenerys could know it in real time with the help of her spiritual mind, and then together with Deng Yougang, they would be transported to the corresponding location through the four interconnected safe zones.

Other teams basically have similar arrangements.

They all thought of dividing their forces into multiple groups, waiting for the enemy, and then quickly rendezvousing through the portals of Kama Taj and the three major temples.

Because of this, the magic trio knew very well that they must not stay in the safe zone until the last second. They must find a way to leave Kama Taj before the time limit expires, so that they can have a chance to escape from the circle of competitors.

Fortunately, apart from these bad news, there is also good news.

That is that the Ancient One Master really knows how to cover up the energy fluctuations of the infinite stones.

After all, the Eye of Agamotto with the Time Stone hidden on her chest is the best proof.

Of course, with Ender and Fana's magical skills, it was really impossible for them to create the Eye of Agamotto in just twenty-four hours.

After all, even without the Time Stone, the Eye of Agamotto alone is an incredible artifact.

So they only need to know the principle and then imitate a rough container.

Kama Taj has always been open-minded in terms of knowledge, so after hearing Ander and Fana's sincere request, the Ancient Master recommended a magic book on weapon refining to them without hesitation.

The two spent three hours studying in Kamal Taj's library, during which they continued to conduct experiments using various rare metals they carried with them.

Finally, after scrapping precious metals worth about 600 gray mist coins, they used Marvel's local vibranium and some magic spells they just learned from books to successfully create a cube that can mask energy fluctuations. container.

Of course, the main reason why they were able to achieve their goal in such a short period of time was because of the properties of vibranium.

Perhaps because of Marvel's native metal, vibranium is excellent at absorbing the energy fluctuations of the Infinity Stones.

Ender and Fana only need to engrave magic spells on the vibranium and make some minor modifications in certain aspects to easily create a container that can cover up the energy fluctuations of the Cosmic Cube.

After solving the problem of hiding genuine products, the next step is to mass-produce fakes.

Ender could complete this link alone, so Fana was able to take some time out and find Chen Feng, who was also resting in the safe area.

"Let's form an alliance!"


Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at Fana calmly.

Fana said softly: "Your team is one of the strongest teams in this mission. If you continue to fight for the Cosmic Cube while getting the Mind Scepter, I'm afraid you will become the target of public criticism and be criticized by all teams. Siege.”

Chen Feng's expression remained unchanged: "So?"

Fana said seriously: "So I suggest that we form an alliance here, help each other, and each of us only completes one main mission."

Chen Feng thought for a while, shook his head and said: "With all due respect, your previous strategy was indeed very beautiful, but now that the information gap has been eliminated, you have no room for maneuver. In the next battle, the strength of the team is the most important." important."

"Your team is at the bottom. I doubt whether you can really help us."

"What's more, if you complete the mission first, we will become the only team with infinite gems. By then, we will still be the target of public criticism and besieged by all the remaining teams."

"In that case, why don't I stay with you and share the firepower with us?"

A faint smile appeared on Fana's face: "Brother Chen, what you said does make sense, but... what if we can complete the tasks of the two teams together?"

"Finish it together?"

Chen Feng became interested and acted like he was all ears.

Fana chuckled and said: "Our team has held the space gem for only a few hours longer than you. This time can be easily erased in the face of the twenty-four hours in the safe zone."

"If you and I form an alliance, we can leave the safe zone early and attract attention to you outside to delay time."

"And you, you can send one person to stay in the safe zone, take advantage of the opportunity when we attract firepower, and sneak away quietly with the spiritual scepter, so as to save the time in the safe zone."

"Of course, it's best not to slip too far."

"If you are discovered, you can quickly return to the safe area and find another opportunity to continue delaying."

Chen Feng looked at Fana with interest, nodded and said, "This idea is quite sincere."

"However, Brother Fang has been entangled by Li Yun and Danas. Only Xia Yunlong and I are left in our team. If one more person is separated, I'm afraid it will be difficult to help, let alone help you fight against the rest. There are three teams.”

Fana smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, as long as Brother Xia can come and help!"

Chen Feng looked at her deeply, thought for a moment, and took out the Void Jade Tablet.

Not long after, Xia Yunlong appeared in front of the two of them.

As soon as he appeared, he said enthusiastically: "Brother Chen, I think it is very feasible. Fana is right. Our two teams that have obtained the infinite gems should indeed form an alliance. Anyway, I don't expect to monopolize all the rewards. , it’s better to mutually benefit and get these 30,000 gray mist coins first!”


Chen Feng thought for a while, looked up at Fana and said softly: "Okay, I can promise you. However, after forming an alliance, I hope that we can disclose information and trust each other. I will let Xia Yunlong fully cooperate with you. You You must also tell us your true plan.”

He has already seen that Fana still hid some key information.

This key information is the real reason why she has the confidence to delay time and complete the task.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Fana nodded: "It's a deal!"

Later, the two parties found Master Gu Yi and formally formed an alliance under her witness.

Out of trust in his alliance partners, Ender decisively took out the silver cube after forming an alliance.

"……What's this?"

Xia Yunlong asked curiously.

Ender smiled and said, "This is the Cosmic Cube."

...Cosmic Cube?

Chen Feng and Xia Yunlong looked suspicious. They did not feel any energy fluctuations from the silver cube in front of them.

A faint smile appeared on Fana's face, she raised her finger and gently pressed it on the silver cube.

In an instant, the complex lines on the surface of the cube lit up with white light, and then cracked layer by layer, blooming along the lines on the surface of the cube like a flower in bud, revealing the cosmic Rubik's Cube emitting blue light inside.

Familiar energy fluctuations came, and Chen Feng and Xia Yunlong suddenly expressed surprise.

"How was this thing made? Can you get one for us?"

"Of course, as long as you can provide the raw materials."

"What are the raw materials?"

"Vibranium from the Marvel world and a small amount of mithril from the Middle-earth world..."

"no problem!"

Chen Feng agreed without hesitation.

Afterwards, the two teams nestled in the Kamal Taj library and began to discuss the details of the subsequent operations.

Late at night, a sneaky figure walked out of the back door of the London Temple.

But before this sneaky figure could leave the alley behind the temple, an icy blue stream of light suddenly appeared.


The sword light penetrated the figure and pinned it to the wall of the alley.

Cold white energy emitted from the ice blue flying sword, freezing his entire body into an ice sculpture almost instantly.

"...who is this?"

"Why are you so weak?"

"You didn't resist?"

A slightly panicked and surprised voice sounded, and Zhou Tianyi's figure fell from the sky and landed in front of the figure.

After pulling out the ice blue flying sword, Zhou Tianyi carefully looked at the figure in the ice sculpture and found that its face was unfamiliar and its eyes were dead. It seemed that it was not a living person, but more like a zombie.

Zhou Tianyi thought for a moment and immediately understood the identity of this person.

"It's Ender's Inferi!"

In addition to being a wizard at Hogwarts, Ender is also a necromancer.

When Daenerys unified Westeros, she invited members of the Alliance to join the war.

Ender also participated in the war in Westeros, and took the opportunity to plunder the corpses of many enemy soldiers during the war. The number of the undead army under his command was no less than ten thousand, and each of them had physical fitness that far exceeded that of ordinary people.

Of course, even so, these Inferi are still vulnerable in front of Zhou Tianyi and others.

Zhou Tianyi estimated that the strength of this thing should not exceed that of an immortal cultivator at the first level of Qi training. A child of seven or eight years old in the Zhou family could probably defeat them without using magic.

"So...why did he release the Inferi?"

Zhou Tianyi was surprised and puzzled. He waved his hand and shattered the ice in front of him, causing the corpse to fall to the ground.

At this moment, a small brown bag carried by the Yin Corpse caught Zhou Tianyi's attention.

He picked it up with a frown, pulled it open, and found that in the wallet-sized bag, there was actually a silver metal cube with complicated patterns engraved on its surface.

"...It's a traceless extension spell!"

Zhou Tianyi reacted quickly.

As a member who has held the Psychic Scepter for several hours, Zhou Tianyi knows very well that the mission items of the main mission cannot be stored in a completely airtight independent space.

But things like the Traceless Extension Spell are not limited.

So, after seeing the silver cube, Zhou Tianyi immediately had several conjectures in his mind.

"This guy...could he be trying to get away with this thing?"

Zhou Tianyi frowned and took out the metal cube, using his fingers to pinch out five deep fingerprints.

"It's solid and can be moved. It's not a Rubik's Cube, it's just ordinary steel."

Zhou Tianyi shook his head and threw the cube aside.

At this moment, all the doors of the London Temple were opened.

Countless densely packed figures surged out from it like ants, running rapidly in all directions.

Zhou Tianyi had a look of astonishment on his face, and then he quickly jumped into the air, frowning tightly in the air, looking down at the running corpses under his feet.

He has discovered that all the inferi that escaped from the temple were carrying a small brown bag!

...Is he really planning to do this?

Zhou Tianyi couldn't help but look surprised.

After all, the Traceless Expansion Spell is only a magic that expands space. It does not have an independent storage space like space items, so it cannot cover up the energy fluctuations of the Universe Rubik's Cube.

In this case, what is the use of mass-producing fakes?

Moreover, Ender and the others also made all the storage bags look like small brown bags. This move was too deliberate, as if they wanted them to find out.

If it were Zhou Tianyi, he would definitely engrave the traceless extension spell on every pocket on the Yin Corpse's body.

In this way, the parts where each corpse stores fakes are different, making it even more confusing.

Thinking of this, Zhou Tianyi showed a playful smile on his face, casually swaying a large sword light, and perfunctorily killed the Inferi that fled towards this side.

At the same time, a beam of fire fell from the sky, burning a large number of Inferi on the street to ashes.

The brown satchels were also ignited by the flames, and the spell twisted in the flames, spitting out the metal cubes inside.

"...It's fake again."

Daenerys's flame clone fell from the sky and landed next to Zhou Tianyi.

Zhou Tianyi captured the key information and asked in surprise: "Are there zombies escaping from other temples as well?"

Daenerys glanced at him and did not answer. She just swayed the fire at will, burning the Inferi on the street, while quietly waiting for Ander, Fana and Legolas to appear.

"It shouldn't be..."

Zhou Tianyi frowned tightly.

Based on his understanding of Ender and Fana, these two people would never do useless work.

It would take at least half a day for both of them to use the Traceless Extension Spell to make so many magic items. There was no reason for them to waste time in the safe zone just to disturb everyone's sight...

Zhou Tianyi frowned and thought, suddenly woke up with a start, waved his hand and summoned seven ice-blue flying swords, and began to chase down the Inferi that had escaped.

Daenerys looked at his back in surprise.

"……What are you doing?"

Zhou Tianyi didn't answer, he just kept chasing down the Yin corpses and checking them for fakes.

It was this move that allowed him to discover another piece of information, that is, not all of the satchels on the Inferi were real, and some were just ordinary satchels used to confuse sight.

There were also some Yin corpses carrying fake bags, but their pockets were transformed into space storage bags just like he thought.

After discovering this, Zhou Tianyi immediately understood that the other party might really intend to smuggle the Cosmic Cube out of the safe zone.

Although there is a high probability that the first batch of Inferi will not carry the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, Zhou Tianyi does not dare to bet.

What if the opponent thinks more than he does and counterattacks?

Watching Zhou Tianyi continue to strangle the Inferi, Daenerys knew that he must have understood something, so she hesitated for a moment and spoke loudly.

"How about an honest exchange of information in the name of Boss?"

"……make a deal!"

Zhou Tianyi decisively agreed, and then explained loudly while strangling the Yin corpse.

"Think of the Eye of Agamotto!"

"Karma Taj has the technology to cover up the Infinity Stones. They probably learned this technology from the Ancient One, and disguised the Cosmic Cube, creating countless fakes to confuse our sight!"

Daenerys woke up suddenly, and her eyes instantly shifted to the fleeing Inferi.

If Zhou Tianyi's guess is correct, then wouldn't it be possible for each of the countless Infernal Corpses in front of him to carry the Cosmic Rubik's Cube?

More than 4,000 words, so it’s two in one. Two updates today, sorry.

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