Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 511 Main mission completed

In the Hong Kong Temple, after a fight, Zhou Tianyi, Ye Chen, and Nie Changchuan flew in from different directions and gathered together again.

"Did you find the Cosmic Cube?"

"No, this is all fake."

"That's over there at the New York Temple!"

“The New York Temple is also fake.”

Daenerys's voice came from not far away.

The three people turned around and saw Daenerys' flame clone falling from the sky and landing in front of the three people. They sighed and said, "They fooled all of us..."

Zhou Tianyi frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

"It means these three people have long since slipped away from Kama Taj. All the Inferi are here to confuse our sight and delay time."

"...When did you slip away?"

Zhou Tianyi was a little shocked, as if he couldn't figure out where the defense went wrong.

But then, Zhou Tianyi seemed to remember something, and an ominous premonition arose in his heart.

"What about Chen Feng?"

Sure enough, after hearing Zhou Tianyi's words, Daenerys sighed and said, "It's gone too."

"This may be a little inaccurate. After all, we can still see him in the Kama Taj Library, but that is just an illusion. He himself should have left with Ender, Fana and the others..."

Zhou Tianyi frowned and said, "Have they formed an alliance?"

Daenerys nodded: "Probably."

Zhou Tianyi sighed: "Then Xia Yunlong should be gone too, right?"

He said something went wrong, that’s what happened...

Daenerys nodded and said: "That's why I came to you. According to the information provided by Zuo Yu, they were last seen on the bank of the Thames River, and they are now estimated to have swam along the Thames River into the North Sea. "

"Xia Yunlong's contracted beast [Xuan Hu] is actually a monster [Tiamat]. This kind of monster, even in the world of Godzilla, is a well-deserved overlord of the ocean."

"Letting them enter the ocean is like a dragon swimming in the ocean and a phoenix flying in the sky. It will be difficult to find them again."

"We are currently searching and interdicting the estuary on the east side of the Thames River. You three are all immortal cultivators. If you have any means of divination, tracking, etc., use them!"

Hearing Daenerys's words, Zhou Tianyi and the other three looked at each other and nodded.

"Okay, let's try!"

As Daenerys and others expected, Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan both had divination powers.

But it is a pity that the fate of all alliance members is connected with Lin Zhongtian.

Even if they can calculate the approximate fate of ordinary people, they cannot observe any member of the alliance.

There was no other way. The three teams could only use the simplest and most troublesome method, starting from the entrance to the sea and exploring inch by inch.

But unfortunately, Ender and others had expected this.

Like they said before, all the plans were to escape the sight of other teams, not simply escape from Kama Taj.

When everyone thought that they would take advantage of Tiamat's underwater advantage, swim eastward along the Thames River into the sea, and disappear without a trace, they actually did the opposite and headed west to a place Where the river is deep, then drill straight down.

That's right, in addition to those abilities in the water, Tiamat also has an innate ability that is easily overlooked, which is drilling holes under the water.

The huge blue scales on its body can stand up like steel knives, and the edges are extremely sharp and can easily dig through earth and rocks.

With the help of openable and closable scales all over her body, Tiamat can drill long passages on the bottom of rivers or seabeds like a drill, and use the alternate opening and closing of her body's scales to quickly send the soil in front of her out of the hole.

With this ability, Xia Yunlong and others quietly lurked at the bottom of a certain river channel in the Thames River.

The place where Tiamat occupies is dozens of meters away from the river bed. As long as other teams don't dig deep into every section of the river, it will be difficult to find their traces.

The plan went very smoothly, and then came the longest wait.

Time passed by minute by second, and finally, at a certain point in time, Ander, Fana and Legolas who were in Tiamat's belly all became energetic and took out their weapons as if they had received some news. Got the Void Jade Tablet.

Looking at the happy expressions on the three people's faces, Chen Feng couldn't help but smile.

"Mission accomplished?"

"Well, thirty-six hours, it's not that difficult."

Ander put away the Void Jade Tag, looked at the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in his hand, and asked with a smile: "Since it's only thirty-six hours, Brother Chen, do you plan to stay here or go back to the safe zone to spend the rest of the time? ?”

"I remember that you guys arrived late, so the remaining time in the safe zone should be enough, right?"

Chen Feng pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "It's almost the same, but to be on the safe side, let's hide here for a while. By the way, I'll also wrong you and continue to stay here with me."

Ender, Fana and Legolas looked at each other and nodded.

"It should!"

Soon, another eight hours passed.

Chen Feng also received the news that the mission was completed and immediately smiled.

[Fellow Town Council (23)]

[The number one tycoon in this group (note: big dog owner): @Chen @Brother Yunlong @Beast Controlling World-Fang Yuan]

[The biggest tycoon in this group (big dog owner): Congratulations! 】

[Goddess of Dragons and Fire (Daenerys): Congratulations! 】

[Goddess of Dragons and Fire (Daenerys): It’s almost time to come out...]

[Protect our clan leader (Zhou Tianyi): Yes, you are not in the Thames River at all. Where are you hiding? 】

A series of messages popped up from the Void Jade Tablet. Xia Yunlong and Chen Feng showed smiles on their faces, and then awakened Tiamat from the dormant state.


The river bed shook, and a huge blue beast emerged straight from the bottom of the Thames River.

Pedestrians and vehicles on the surrounding shore felt the vibration from the earth, and stopped on the roadside in shock, looking in the direction of the vibration.

I saw a large area of ​​bright blue emerging on the surface of the Thames River, shining like a metallic luster in the sun.

"Then...what is that?!"

The pedestrians looked at the Thames River in shock. The pedestrian closest to the river bank rubbed his eyes in disbelief and looked at the river again, only to find that the metallic blue color had disappeared.

It was as if they had just experienced a group hallucination...

"No, this is definitely not an illusion!"

The man frowned tightly, very sure he saw something.

After thinking for a moment, he suppressed the fear in his heart and walked cautiously towards the river bank.

Other passers-by also stopped on the roadside and whispered to each other. Some got out of the vehicles parked on the roadside and walked to the river bank curiously, wanting to find out. Some stayed in the car and called the police, the newspaper or the police. Family phone calls.

Of course, more people are not in the mood to care about these trivial things that have nothing to do with life, and leave here as soon as they step on the accelerator.

Not far away from the stone pier on the river bank, a group of five people stood there, frowning and looking at the curious pedestrians.

"Do you want to erase their memories?"

Ender asked in a low voice, holding his wand.

Chen Feng thought for a while, shook his head and said: "There is no need to bother. This is the world of Marvel after all. There are countless strange things. The urban legends of multiple Thames River monsters are nothing at all..."

Ander thought for a while, nodded and said, "That's right."

Xia Yunlong smiled and waved: "Let's go, we have the reward, it's time for us to go back to the London Temple and join them..."

Everyone nodded, and then took steps towards the direction of the London Temple.

Returning to Karma Taj through the London Temple, after some congratulations and chatting, the main task came to an end.

Although the team that did not receive the reward was a little regretful, it was not too fussy about it.

"...By the way, where are Brother Fang and the others? Why haven't they come back yet?"

Hearing Zhou Tianyi's surprised words, Chen Feng, Daenerys and Bai Youyou couldn't help but look at each other.

"Forget it." Bai Youyou sighed, "Brother Fang, Brother Li and Danas were fighting over there. As a result, Thor, the God of Thunder from the Marvel world, suddenly got involved. The hammer in this guy's hand passed by Lin. The boss’s enchantment has powerful space shuttle ability.”

"So... the four of them fought from the earth to Asgard..."


Fighting to Asgard?

The Immortal Cultivation Team and the Magic Team were both stunned.

Chen Feng nodded and said, "I just received news from Brother Fang, saying that Odin, the King of Gods, stopped their fight, and then held a banquet on behalf of Asgard and entertained them warmly."

"For now, they should be attending a banquet in Asgard..."

"But Brother Fang also said that if we start taking action here, as long as we inform them through the void jade tablet, Asgard will use the rainbow bridge to teleport them back."

Having said this, Chen Feng paused, and then said with a strange expression.

"Of course, having said that, I always had the feeling of being held hostage, of a mutual exchange."

"...What exchange?"

Zhou Tianyi frowned, his face full of surprise.

Not just him, everyone's eyes fell on Chen Feng.

Chen Feng pondered for a moment, turned over his hand, took out a bite bag, and activated it.

In an instant, a familiar figure appeared on the floor of the room.

Looking at the unconscious handsome face, everyone couldn't help but look shocked.


"When did you capture him?"

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