
Illya smiled sweetly and said softly: "In terms of agility and skills, Berserker will not lose to you~"

"Then let's take a look!"

Lu Bu laughed loudly, stepped on the ground beneath his feet, and instantly jumped in front of Berserker.

The dark Fang Tian painted halberd drew an arc and collided with the ax sword slashed from the bottom up.

But unlike the previous head-to-head contact, this time, Fang Tian's painted halberd carried a subtle force. The moment the two collided, it pulled the ax and sword and slashed towards the ground.


The ax and sword chopped the hard stone slabs of the church square and embedded them deeply into the earth.

But the pitch-black halberd drew an arc again, bypassed the hard and dark arms, and stabbed into Berserker's undefended chest.


There was a sound like the collision of metal, and the dark Fangtian painted halberd seemed to have pierced the steel plate, sinking shallowly into Berserker's flesh.

Lu Bu was startled for a moment, then drew out the Fang Tian Painting Halberd, jumped back, and dodged Berserker's violent left fist.

"Can you have such a strong defense without armor?"

Lu Bu frowned tightly and looked at the red spot on Berserker's chest in surprise.

The puncture just now could easily penetrate even the tank armor, but in front of Berserker, it only punctured his flesh and blood.

Tong Shen felt nervous when he saw this, and quickly used magic to communicate with Lu Bu: "Uncle Bu, be careful, Berserker's real name is Heracles, the Hercules in Greek mythology. He has a famous name called 'Twelve Trials' A powerful Noble Phantasm, this thing is both a blessing and a curse from God, and it is also an immortal Noble Phantasm that can be activated by itself without the need for weapons or armor."

"After activating the 'Twelve Trials', Hercules' body will turn into solid armor, and all attacks of B and below, whether magical or physical, will be nullified!"

Lu Bu nodded slightly and said suddenly: "That's it!"

"So, if you want to deal with him, you can only use your ultimate move..."

While Lu Bu was thinking this, he waved the halberd in his hand, pointing the tip of the halberd diagonally towards the ground.

At the same time, Illya was a little stunned that Berserker lost to Lu Bu in terms of skill.

She quickly came to her senses and said angrily in a soft and milky voice: "Kill him! Berserker~"


Berserker roared to the sky, violently pulled out the ax and sword that had sunk into the ground, then stepped forward and rushed towards Lu Bu like a tank.

Lu Bu was not afraid at all, but stood there and laughed wildly.

The next moment, Berserker came to Lu Bu instantly.

Lu Bu held the halberd tightly, and when Berserker was about to approach, he used an extremely mysterious footwork to easily avoid the attack of the ax and sword. Then he raised the halberd in his hand and stabbed Berserker in the chest.

"The Nameless Halberd Technique, the first move - killing immortals and destroying souls!"



Two different voices sounded almost at the same time.

The heavy ax sword easily shattered the ground of the square, sending up smoke and dust all over the sky.

But before the smoke and dust could rise and fill the air, violent black-red air flow roared out, instantly clearing away the surrounding smoke and dust.

Illya stared blankly at the scene in front of her, and saw Lu Bu standing in front of Berserker with a cold expression, the halberd in his hand pointing upwards, and sinking deeply into Berserker's shoulder.

The next second, black-red air burst out from Berserker's back and shoulders, and hot blood was mixed in it. It was carried by the violent air and flew dozens of meters away, dripping on Illya's face.

Illya gently raised her hand to wipe away the hot liquid on her face, and then stared at the dazzling scarlet in a daze.

"...Are you still hiding?"

Lu Bu's face was still stern, but there was a hint of surprise in his heart.

The Berserker in front of him was obviously a mad warrior who had lost his mind, but he still had such keen intuition. He even made the most accurate decision as quickly as possible when he was unable to dodge his own attack——

He slammed his left foot into the ground, avoiding the blow that should have stabbed his heart at the expense of his body tilt.

...Is this the mythical hero? !

He is truly a good opponent worthy of all his efforts!

Lu Bu suddenly laughed heartily, pulled out the halberd in his hand, and swung his fist towards the fist that was coming quietly from below.


When the two collided, a sound similar to the clash of gold and iron sounded.

The terrifying power exploded instantly, causing Lu Bu's figure to fly up uncontrollably.

"Haha, a thousand-jin drop!"

With a cheerful smile on his face, Lu Bu shouted suddenly, and his flying figure suddenly fell rapidly under the black and red air current.

"Come again!"

The dark halberd slashed down violently.

Berserker roared wildly, and changed the way he held the ax sword from one hand to both hands. In a way that could more fully protect his body, he swung wildly at the figure falling from the sky.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!!"

In an instant, ax shadows appeared all over the sky.

The whistling air blew the golden-red feathers on Lu Bu's head.

Lu Bu laughed heartily and waved the Fang Tian Painted Halberd without fear, facing Berserker's ax sword head-on.

The violent shock wave centered on the two people and spread rapidly in all directions.

Saber and Red A were protecting Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin respectively, standing outside the battlefield, looking solemnly at the fierce battle ahead.

In just the blink of an eye, the two sides can fight dozens of times, and the power contained in each collision can easily smash a truck or even destroy a small building.


Saber said solemnly: "Although Berserker is a mad warrior who has lost his mind, he still retains powerful fighting skills that are close to muscle instinct. His sword skills are crazy but not chaotic. Even I, who came as a Saber class, probably can't do it." It's hard to beat him technically..."

Emiya Shirou asked quickly: "What about Rider?"

Saber looked solemn and said slowly: "In terms of skills... he is stronger than Berserker!"

"No, it should be said that the two are not at the same level at all. Rider's halberd skills have reached the pinnacle of the world. In terms of duel, I don't think anyone can really defeat him..."

Tohsaka Rin frowned and said, "But why do I seem to be evenly matched?"

Hong A next to her glanced at her and said calmly: "Because, he just cherishes this opportunity too much, so he plans to stretch his muscles and use all his halberd skills!"


Before he finished speaking, the sound of sharp blades cutting flesh suddenly came from the battlefield.

Everyone watching the battle quickly turned their heads and saw Lu Bu laughing and swinging the Fangtian Painted Halberd. In an extremely exquisite way, he easily penetrated the shadows of the ax in front of him, leaving scars on Berserker's body.

"The Nameless Halberd Technique, the first move, killing immortals and destroying souls!"

"Second style, the God of Death is shattered!"

"The third form, subduing demons and shadows!"

"Fourth style, subdue the demon and dance wildly!"

"The fifth move, kill all the ghosts in the world!"

Lu Bu kept swinging the Fang Tian Painted Halberd in his hand, using five moves and fifteen moves to continuously ravage the Berserker in front of him.

Deng Yougang was inside him, holding his forehead and listening to Lu Bu's "Domineering" move with black lines all over his head.

Although it was not the first time, Deng Yougang still felt extremely ashamed every time he saw Lu Bu proudly shout out the name of the move.

He was very suspicious that the so-called name of the move was not the name of Wuming Jifa at all, but was created by Lu Bu, a middle-class young man.

It's just that he also felt that it was too shameful to create his own, so he put his name on the so-called founder of Jifa.

"Fengxian, it's almost done!"

Deng Yougang couldn't help but give a friendly reminder.

Lu Bu showed a trace of regret on his face, and immediately avoided Berserker's furious slashing, and suddenly stabbed out the Fang Tian Painted Halberd in his hand.

"The Nameless Halberd Technique, the sixth form, domineering and domineering!"

In an instant, the black and red air flow gathered crazily on the tip of the halberd, forming an energy beam that resembled a black and red light beam, blasting out a terrifying blood hole about half a meter in diameter in Berserker's heart.


Blood and flesh surged toward the rear free of charge.

The black-red light beam penetrated the white fog and disappeared into the sky before dawn.


Lu Bu took out the Fang Tian Hua Ji, looked at Berserker who suddenly knelt down in front of him, his eyes lost their red light and sighed: "With your martial arts, if you can come with the rank of Saber, maybe you can make someone feel more satisfied..."

Not far away, Emiya Shirou and Saber stared blankly at the huge figure kneeling on the ground.

"Berserker, who is as strong as a monster, was defeated by Rider like this?"

Saber muttered to herself in a daze, and Shirou Emiya next to her also had a face full of shock.

At this moment, Shirou Emiya seemed to sense something and suddenly turned his head to look behind him.

Archer and Tohsaka Rin, who were originally standing behind them, disappeared without a trace.

"How is this going?"

Emiya Shirou murmured to himself, then suddenly came back to his senses and turned his head to look in a certain direction.

Stretching about a kilometer in this direction, Archer, dressed in red, stood on the roof of a high-rise building, facing the hunting wind, and calmly raised his right hand.

In an instant, light gathered, and a strange-looking black spiral sword appeared in his palm.

On the roof behind him, Tohsaka Rin was slightly startled and shouted quickly: "Archer, what are you going to do?"

At the same time, Tong Shen, who was watching the battle from the side, finally seized the opportunity and quickly used magic means to anxiously send a message to Lu Bu.

"Uncle Bu, be careful. The Twelve Trials also have the means of resurrection after death, which is equivalent to eleven resurrection coins in arcade games. As long as you don't kill him twelve times, you can't truly eliminate him!"


Lu Bu turned his head suddenly and looked into Berserker's eyes.

I saw that the originally dark eyes suddenly glowed with an even stronger red light than before.


Berserker roared wildly, and the terrifying blood hole in his chest continued to heal in the red light.

The next second, Berserker stood up suddenly, grabbed the ax and sword that fell to the ground, and swung it towards Lu Bu's neck.

"Is there another round?"

The whistling air rushed towards his face. Lu Bu was not surprised but overjoyed. He laughed and waved the Fangtian Painted Halberd in his hand.

"Then come again!"


Lu Bu used the Fangtian Painted Halberd to block Berserker's swing, and the ground beneath his feet instantly collapsed, burying the two figures in it.

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