That afternoon, Tong Shen finally got up after eight hours of sleep. After dinner, he came to the room with Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou again to discuss the next step.

"...Now Caster already knows the address of Emiya-san, and may have investigated our identities, so the top priority is to find Caster as soon as possible and deal with her or her Master."

"According to classmate Tong's analysis, Caster is likely to have sucked human souls to replenish his magic power."

"And with Caster's rank, if you want to do this, you must have a position, which is what we call a magic workshop, or a magic house."

"With this in mind, I arranged for Archer to go out and investigate during our break."

As he said that, Tohsaka Rin looked at Kurenai behind him with his arms folded on his chest, and said softly: "Tell me the results of your investigation!"

Hong A raised his head slightly and said calmly: "I memorized Caster's magic characteristics during the battle, and noticed similar magic fluctuations in the southwest three hours ago."


Emiya Shirou was slightly startled.

Tohsaka Rin and Tong Shen glanced at him and asked, "Emiya-san, you should know something about the area in that direction, right?"

Emiya Shirou frowned, and then his pupils shrank as if he suddenly remembered something.

"Could it be... No! Impossible!"

Tohsaka Rin frowned slightly: "Emiya-san, we are exchanging information. If you have any guesses, tell them quickly, even if it is just an idea!"

"……All right."

Emiya Shirou gritted his teeth: "If it's southwest of my home, or... maybe it's Ryudou Temple!"

"Ryuudou Temple?"

Rin Tosaka was startled for a moment, and then he held his chin thoughtfully: "If I remember correctly, the president of the student council in the school, Issei Ryudō, is the son of the abbot of Ryudōji Temple!"


Emiya Shirou nodded nervously.

Tong Shen glanced at him: "Are you nervous?"

Emiya Shirou stuttered and said, "!"

Tohsaka Rin chuckled and said, "Are you worried that Ryuudou Issei will become Caster's master?"

"I know that you two have been friends for many years. If he is really Caster's master and allows his heroic spirit to absorb human souls to replenish his magic power, you will be sad, right?"

"..." Emiya Shirou fell silent.

As Tohsaka Rin said, he and Yanado Kazunari have been friends for many years, and I really don’t want to doubt him unless necessary.

Rin Tosaka said calmly: "So, if you really think of any clues, tell them as soon as possible to avoid a big mistake."

Emiya Shirou showed hesitation. After struggling for a while, he sighed: "I just think that Caster can come directly to our door, which means that she or her master may know our identity, so..."

Rin Tosaka frowned and said, "So Kazuki Yanagi, who is your and my classmate, is the biggest suspect."

The atmosphere in the room became silent for a moment.

Tong Shen looked at Shirou Emiya, then at Rin Tosaka, shook his head and said, "You can't just judge like this. In the early morning, Uncle Bu and Hercules had a fierce battle. Maybe Caster was killed because of this battle." Noticed us.”

"...It is indeed possible."

Tohsaka Rin nodded slowly, and Emiya Shirou perked up, seeming to hope that this was the truth.

Hong A said calmly: "But in the final analysis, Liudong Temple is the most suspicious."

Lu Bu's eyes swept over everyone's faces, and he suddenly said impatiently: "Lori, since you are not sure, why not go directly to test it out? Young Wei Gong, you are that person's friend, can't you bring him along?" Shall I come to visit you?"

"Ah this..."

Emiya Shirou blinked: "Yes, this seems to be a solution, Tohsaka-san, what do you think?"

"Wait a minute!" Tohsaka Rin frowned and said, "If Issei Ryuudou is really Caster's master, then Ryuudou Temple is very likely to become her magic workshop. Wouldn't it be wrong to go there so rashly? Are you throwing yourself into a trap?"

"So what's the problem?"

Lu Bu glanced at her and said calmly: "No matter what kind of dragon pond or tiger's den it is, with a certain person and the two of them nearby, are you still worried about any danger? The worst is that if a certain person destroys the Liudong Temple..."

Very good, classic Lu Bu style speech!

Tohsaka Rin complained in his heart, but vaguely felt that Lu Bu's suggestion was not impossible to implement.

After all, they have three heroic spirits. Although there is no way to take away air supremacy from the flying Caster for the time being, at least there should be no problem in protecting their own safety.

"Ok, deal!"

Tong Shen calmly said, "Let's go to Liudong Temple."

Emiya Shirou was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously: "When?"

Tong Shen glanced at him and said slowly: "Now!"

If the heroic spirits of other classes are early-stage heroes adapted to the current version, Caster is a typical late-stage hero. Although no one can defeat him at the beginning, once he develops, he will definitely be in charge of the game in the late-stage of the game.

Therefore, whether it was for the Holy Grail War or for the humans in Fuyuki City, Tong Shen could not let her continue to replenish her magic power and must deal with her as soon as possible.

So, after a short discussion, a group of six people left Emiya's house at dusk.

At the same time, a small insect the size of a mung bean was lying on the tree trunk outside Emiya's house, its compound eyes silently taking in the scene in front of him.

Outside the gate of Liudong Temple, Medea, who was wearing a dark purple robe, raised the corners of her mouth. She tapped her right hand in front of her with a black magic glove. The purple light curtain floating in front of her suddenly shattered and turned into light spots and dissipated in the air.

"Sure enough, it's coming this way."

Medea narrowed her eyes slightly, and there was a hint of murderous intent in her seductive eyes.

"Yes, the most powerful trio finally came to kill us!"

Beside Medea, a man in a lavender kimono was leaning against the wall, holding a long sheathed katana in both hands. His long dark blue hair was tied into a ponytail behind his head, and his temples hung down to his collarbone. His handsome face With a faint smile and a green branch in his mouth, the whole person exuded a calm and leisurely demeanor.

"...Do your best to stop it!"

Medea lowered her white jade arms, and her light blue eyes looked at the man in front of her indifferently through the shadow of the lower edge of the hood.

"If you can't stop it, then I'll have to let you die..."

"What a coincidence, I think so too!"

The blue-haired man chewed the branch in his mouth with a smile, his eyes seemed to be able to span the space and see the people rushing towards this direction.

"I'm just an unknown swordsman buried in the old times. That's probably what the so-called 'lonely ghost' is."

"But I am actually able to cross time and space and fight against many powerful men from different eras..."

"What an exciting thing!"

"For this reason, even if I die by their sword, what can I do?"

The blue-haired man smiled casually, glanced sideways at Medea with his dark blue eyes, and sighed.

"The only flaw is that it has a bad Master."


The corner of Medea's mouth twitched twice, and she was about to get angry, but suddenly she thought of something and smiled: "Forget it, there are just dying people on the left and right. Whatever you say, as long as you can guard the mountain gate..."

The blue-haired man sighed: "You see, this is what I hate about you."

Caster chuckled disapprovingly, waved his sleeves and walked into the mountain gate.

"Keep a close eye on the mountain gate, my Servant..."


The blue-haired man twitched his lips and sat on the stone steps in front of the mountain gate with his samurai sword in his arms, quietly waiting for the life and death fight that was about to come.

On the other side, the closer they get to Ryudou Temple, the more Tohsaka Rin and others can detect the unspeakable huge magic power.

Lu Bu walked quietly beside Tong Shen, his dark eyes lit up with blue light. It was Deng Yougang who was observing the situation in Liudong Temple through Lu Bu's spiritual body.

In Deng Yougang's eyes, the colorful and radiant light mask was like an inverted sea bowl, covering the entire Liudong Temple, and the huge magic power rose and escaped in the light mask.

Judging from the reserves of these magic powers, the other party should have secretly murdered at least two digits of Fuyuki City residents.

"Although this kind of disrespectful behavior makes me very unhappy, but thinking about the small days here, I still feel a little angry..."

Deng Yougang complained inside Lu Bu.

Lu Bu didn't care about this, but felt a little uninterested because of the nature of Medea's rank.

At the same time, Emiya Shirou was holding his mobile phone and kept trying to dial a certain number, with an anxious look on his face.

Tong Shen glanced at him and asked, "What? Still no news?"

"Well, still not." Emiya Shirou put down the phone with a frown, "I have made more than ten calls since I left home, but Issei has not answered the phone. I am worried..."

Emiya Shirou didn't finish his words, but everyone understood what he meant.

Tohsaka Rin sighed: "Caster is a heroic spirit who came in the name of a magician. Even if he has a command spell, he needs to be more careful. If Ryuudou-san is really the master, he may have become a puppet that supplies magic power. If Ryuudou-san is not the Master..."

"What will happen?"

Emiya Shirou asked nervously.

Tohsaka Rin looked hesitant and did not speak.

Tong Shen said nonchalantly: "Perhaps it has become the nourishment for the other party to replenish his magic power..."

Emiya Shirou looked dazed: "How could this happen?"

Hong A shook his head and said: "Not necessarily. Rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests. Building a magic studio is not something that happens overnight. In order not to attract the attention of the outside world, Caster may not necessarily attack the monks of Liudong Temple."

Rin Tosaka nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, when we were at school, didn't Yanadou-san live well?"

"...No need to comfort me."

Emiya Shirou shook his head, and his expression gradually became firm: "I am not that fragile. No matter whether Issei dies or not, I will do my best to save him!"

Tong Shen showed a hint of appreciation on his face.


At this moment, the crisp sound of sword sounds sounded.

Saber, who was dressed in silver armor, suddenly stopped, pulled out the invisible sword hidden by the barrier, and pointed to the top of the stone steps with a solemn expression.

There, a blue-purple figure stood quietly, carrying a purple samurai sword with a length of one and a half meters, and his dark blue eyes looked down with joy.

"finally come!"

The blue-haired man in a lavender kimono gently lowered his sword and glanced at the three heroic spirits below with joy.

"So, among the three Your Excellencies, who will be my opponent?"

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