Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 555 Summoning the Holy Grail


Deng Yougang smiled and nodded, then put his hands in his pockets and chuckled: "Come on!"

As soon as the words fell, Saber stepped on the floor and turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Deng Yougang.

Deng Yougang was wearing casual sportswear, standing there with his hands in his pockets, looking at Saber with a smile in his eyes.

When Saber approached Deng Yougang, infinite blue energy burst out from his body, turning into a long sword with blue light. There was a looming blue energy belt behind the hilt, and he faced him like this. That invisible sword roaring towards me.

"Qiang! Qiang! Qiang——"

The sword light danced, and the sound of countless gold and iron clashes continued to sound, like thunder after the friction of clouds, echoing throughout the venue.

Saber gritted her teeth, suppressing the shock in her heart and fought with the blue lightsaber floating in front of her.

Behind the lightsaber, Deng Yougang just stood there, not dodging or avoiding, looking at him with a smile on his face.

That humble and calm spirit, in Saber's eyes, was more arrogant than Lu Bu's exposed domineering attitude.

"...Is the gap that big?"

Saber gritted her teeth and finally seized the opportunity after a collision to activate the 'Wind King Barrier' wrapped around the sword.

In an instant, countless extremely compressed airflows were released, and the wind pressure suddenly shot out from the sword tip, creating an absolute vacuum trajectory in the direction the sword tip was pointing.


The blue light was shattered by the extremely compressed wind pressure, and even the sportswear on Deng Yougang's shoulders was torn into pieces.

Deng Yougang tilted his head and looked at the golden holy sword revealed in Saber's hand with some surprise.

"It turns out that the barrier that hides the sword is also a Noble it the scabbard?"


Saber didn't answer, she held her sword and slashed forward, aiming for Deng Yougang's neck.


A sound similar to the clash of gold and iron sounded.

Saber's pupils shrank and she looked in disbelief at Deng Yougang who could easily stop the sword with just one finger.

Deng Yougang said with a smile: "Although I am only a spiritual body, the quality of my soul, if converted into matter, is harder than all the materials on the earth..."

Saber shouted loudly, holding the hilt of the sword with both hands and pushing hard against Deng Yougang.

"it's useless……"

Deng Yougang sighed, then raised another finger and flicked it on the blade.


The famous Sword of Victory Oath trembled violently.

An indescribable terrifying force burst out, and the sword blade that was blocking Deng Yougang's neck bounced back, drew an arc, and then slashed extremely heavily at Saber's side.


The floor tiles cracked, the soil flew up, and the sword blade was embedded deeply into the floor.

Saber held the holy sword diagonally with both hands, pulled the blade out from the ground, and pointed it at Deng Yougang again.

"I understand." Saber looked at Deng Yougang calmly, "In terms of physical fitness, you are better, so the next battle is not just a warm-up!"

"very good!"

Deng Yougang had a smile on his face.

Saber's eyes instantly became firm, she suddenly stepped on the ground and rushed towards Deng Yougang.

At the same time, the dazzling golden sword was raised high with both hands, and the infinite magic power was transformed into dazzling brilliance that converged on the light blade, and instantly surged into a golden beam of light reaching the sky and the earth.


Accompanied by the girl's solemn roar, the dazzling sky-reaching light pillar collapsed, like a rushing river of brilliance, pouring majestically towards the tiny humans below...

"In this case, let's decide the outcome with one strike!"

A smile appeared on Deng Yougang's face, and then he suddenly spread his legs, pulled his hands out of his pockets, pinched the seal, held it in front of his chest, raised his right foot slightly from the ground, and then - stepped down hard!


Infinite golden-red blazing aura spread out from his body, instantly colliding with the falling pillar of light reaching the sky.

The extremely narrow beam of light instantly submerged Deng Yougang's body, crushing the ground beneath his feet.

For a moment, the entire arena was torn in half by the light beam, and it seemed that only the dazzling golden light was left between the sky and the earth.

At the end of the golden light beam, Saber held the golden sword in both hands and stood there breathing heavily.

Although Lin Zhongtian provided her magic power, this was still the first time... no, the second time she used all her strength like now.

The last time she unleashed the power of the Holy Sword like this, she cut the Holy Grail in half...but now?

Saber looked solemnly at the place in front of her that was crushed by the golden light.

Reason told her that Deng Yougang could not block the sword, but her intuition made her realize that the threat from Deng Yougang still remained in the area engulfed by golden light.


A rumble of tremors suddenly came from the place where the golden light was buried.

The next moment, a black stream of light rushed out of the golden light pillar in an extremely violent manner, and then came to her in an instant at a terrifying speed that exceeded the speed of sound.

Saber's pupils shrank, and the vision in front of her eyes was instantly filled with a face full of monsters.

There was a bright smile on that handsome face, with fine black scales covering both sides of his cheeks. His pupils were erected like dragons and snakes, and he looked at her in the air with a smile.


Deng Yougang, who was in his strongest state, punched Saber in the chest with a move that was difficult to detect with the naked eye.

Before Saber even felt the pain, she was hit by the sudden explosion of terrifying power and flew into the air. She immediately turned into a stream of silver light and crashed into the wall of the arena with layers of sonic boom clouds.


A deafening loud noise came later.

The hard wall instantly cracked, forming an extremely deep human-shaped pit. The cracks spread rapidly like spider webs, covering most of the arena wall in an instant.

But it was not over yet. Deng Yougang once again came to the pit at a speed comparable to teleportation, and kicked Saber in the human-shaped pit.


The earth trembled again in the auditorium, causing Tong Shen, Tohsaka Rin, Emiya Shirou and others to stagger.

Emiya Shirou looked anxious. After holding on to the railing to steady himself, he couldn't help but look at Deng Yougang below.

I saw the opponent standing in front of the pothole, waving his fists and feet in an extremely violent manner.

For a moment, Deng Youzhang seemed to have given birth to countless arms, beating the figure in the wall mercilessly.

Every time a punch or kick is thrown, the entire arena will tremble, and even the translucent silver barrier will ripple.

Such a scene made everyone in the audience, including Tong Shen, unable to bear to look at it.

"Too cruel……"

"He's a popular character after all, so give him some face!"

Tong Shen was vomiting in his heart, but at the same time he was extremely shocked by Deng Yougang's overwhelming strength.

Not long after, the smoke and dust stirred up in the arena gradually dissipated.

The tall black figure was finally fully revealed in front of people.

His height suddenly increased to about two meters, and his muscles were bulging and solid. The sportswear he originally wore had been annihilated by the golden light, and was replaced by black scales covering his body.

There was a calm expression on the dragon-like face. He raised his right arm high, clamped the girl's neck with one hand, and lifted her into the air. He looked like the classic devil villain in the hero's story.

In comparison, Saber, who looked like a brave man, looked very embarrassed.

Most of the silver skirt and armor on her body was broken, and her whole body was covered in blood. It was not even possible to tell where the wounds were.

All over his body, only his beautiful eyes with eyelashes stained with blood remained as firm and stubborn as before.

"I underestimated you..."

Deng Yougang touched the black scaled sword marks on his chest with his free left hand, and said seriously: "Your Victory Oath Sword is worthy of me using it in its strongest form!"


A smile appeared on Saber's face, and then her eyes gradually dimmed.

Emiya Shirou's eyes widened and he couldn't help shouting: "Saber!"

"Don't be nervous." Lin Zhongtian glanced at him and said helplessly, "Didn't I tell you that all the dead Heroic Spirit Servants just returned to the Seat of Heroic Spirits and were not really dead. Is it necessary to make such a fuss?"


After hearing Lin Zhongtian's words, Emiya Shirou's face softened slightly, but his eyes were still a little sad.

Tohsaka Rin, who was next to him, sighed and said: "Your Excellency, you are a being that I cannot understand. It is natural that you have an extraordinary world view and outlook on life, but we are only mortals. For us, death is death. "

"Even if there is a clear place to return, it is still death in the popular sense..."

Lin Zhongtian glanced at Tohsaka Rin in surprise, then nodded and said: "Your level is higher than him."

At this moment, Deng Yougang on the field was already watching Saber's body turn into a point of light and dissipate in the air.

He raised his head and looked at the red-clothed heroic spirit in the audience with his eyes like dragon eyes.

"Come on, Archer, let me see your infinite sword control!"


Hong A twitched the corner of his mouth, looked at Lin Zhongtian and said, "I surrender."

Tohsaka Rin: "...?"

Red A spread his hands: "I am not a knight like Saber. Before I became a heroic spirit, I was a magician. As a magician, there is no need to fight without hope."

Deng Yougang said speechlessly: "So...I won?"

Hong A nodded, then looked up at Lin Zhongtian, and said calmly: "According to your rules, the ownership of the Holy Grail has been decided. I want to know how you plan to deal with it."

After the words fell, everyone's eyes turned to Tong Shen, who was lying victoriously.

Tong Shen's expression changed. He knew the truth about the Holy Grail, so his reason told him that he should destroy the Holy Grail, but at the same time, he also needed the Holy Grail to save Matou Kariya...

How to do this?

Just when Tong Shen was struggling and hesitating, Deng Yougang jumped up to the audience and whispered a few words in his ear.


Tong Shen suddenly raised his head and looked at Deng Yougang with surprise.

Seeing Deng Yougang smile and nod, Tong Shen finally made a decision.

"Then destroy it!"


Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou both looked shocked.

The former couldn't help but said: "That's the Holy Grail, a universal wishing machine that can fulfill any of your wishes. With such a powerful power, you actually want to destroy it - why?!"

"Because the Holy Grail is no longer the Holy Grail before."

Tong Shen said calmly, then raised his head and looked at Lin Zhongtian: "It's useless to talk more. Your Excellency, referee, let the Holy Grail come first. Once you see the true face of the Holy Grail, everything will be clear..."

"as you wish……"

Lin Zhongtian smiled and raised his hand, taking Ilia, who had been in a daze since Hercules' death, into his palm.

The petite girl fell into the clutches of the man in the sky, making both Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin widen their eyes.


"What are you doing?!"

"Summon the Holy Grail." Lin Zhongtian looked at the silent silver-haired girl in front of him and said softly, "The magic circle under the Liudong Temple is the Great Holy Grail, and it needs to be activated with the Small Holy Grail that has recovered the magic power of the heroic spirits as a fire."

"And she, Illyasviel von Einzbern, is the Holy Grail of this generation, a creature born from humans and artificial humans. Her mother, Irisviel, was the Holy Grail of the previous generation. The Little Holy Grail, who was Saber’s former Master during the Fourth Holy Grail War.”

"In other words, Illya herself is the container for recycling heroic spirits and magic power..."

The third update will come later

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