Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 568 Let’s be a guinea pig!

After superhuman serum and gene transplantation technology matured, Zuo Yu ordered the Kunlun Group to form thirteen super-powered troops.

The full name of these super forces is the Super Event and Extraordinary Disaster Countermeasures Force. They were initially responsible for the security of laboratories, dealing with super experimental subjects that broke through experiments, and protecting the lives of scientific researchers and the company's property.

But today, as the Kunlun Group's tentacles extend to more and more worlds, these super-powered troops that were originally only responsible for security have gradually transformed into cross-border armed forces like the Great Xia soldiers.

The original number of thirteen super teams was expanded by Zuo Yu into the current thirty-six super teams.

The number of each team is between seven and fifteen people, and each member has power far beyond that of ordinary humans. They have either been injected with super serum, transplanted with super genes, or they themselves are A strange person with amazing talent.

In short, theoretically speaking, each of the thirty-six super teams has the power to destroy a non-nuclear-weapon country or subvert the regime of a non-Nuclear Weapon country.

The seven-member team that Zuo Yu has summoned right now is the 'Yinglong' team that ranks among the top five among the thirty-six super teams.

Each of the seven members of the team has been injected with no less than five superpower serums, mainly the [King Hulk] series of serums, and has obtained a 'Hulk-like' transformation form that can become exponentially stronger.

It is no exaggeration to say that these seven people, even in the world of One Punch Man, are definitely no less than S-class heroes.

At least the bottom S-class heroes like Genos and Sexy Prisoner in the early stage are definitely not their opponents.

In addition, in addition to these obviously security personnel, there are also many small suspended transport aircraft coming in and out of the silver light portal.

These suspended transport aircraft are all about the size of a car. They can not only hover against gravity, but also turn at sharp angles. They look extremely cool.

But what’s even cooler than these suspended transport planes is what they transport…

Recalling what he saw that day, Gu Changwen's eyes became extremely complicated.

He has realized what kind of behemoth he has attracted...

"What are you doing standing around outside?"

A sudden sound came from the front, awakening Gu Changwen from his daze.

Gu Changwen turned his eyes and immediately saw the handsome young man in a white suit standing at the door of the first floor, surrounded by bodyguards. He smiled and waved his arm at him: "Come in quickly!"

"Oh, it's coming."

Gu Changwen responded quickly, stepped forward, and walked into the building.

Zuo Yu smiled and put her arms around his shoulders. The two of them laughed and chatted while walking towards the depths of the first floor under the guard of the seven-man team.

Soon, everyone stopped in front of a tight metal wall. Zuo Yu smiled and raised his sunglasses, revealing his dark red eyes.

Two blue lights were suddenly projected on the metal wall, scanning Zuo Yu's pupils, and then slowly opened and closed with a scoff, revealing the underground elevator made of pure metal behind it.

Everyone stepped inside and took the elevator to a place about 180 meters underground.

When the sturdy elevator door slowly opened, the view suddenly became clear.

A huge underground space comparable to a football field appeared in front of everyone. Many light sources were hung on the high ceiling, illuminating the entire underground space as if it were daytime.

Hundreds of robots of different shapes are working methodically on the construction site ahead, either digging caves, cleaning up earth and rocks, transporting materials back and forth, and reinforcing load-bearing columns...

Some robots with anti-gravity levitation capabilities were floating in the air, constantly going back and forth between the ground and the top of the cave, and seemed to be planning to set up something on the ceiling.

Outside the busy scene of the robot, dozens of men and women in suits gathered together. The woman in suits, headed by the leader, held a tablet computer and explained the next plan to the men and women in suits around her.

Gu Changwen looked at the scene in front of him with shock on his face.

Three days ago, such a huge underground space did not exist here.

But in just three days, Zuo Yu, or the Kunlun Group under his command, quietly excavated a massive underground base without disturbing the local construction team on the ground.

This kind of powerful technical and infrastructure capabilities shocked Gu Changwen, who was just an ordinary office worker in his previous life.

"Brother Zuo." Gu Changwen came back to his senses and asked in a low voice with some hesitation, "I have a question, which may be a bit presumptuous..."

Zuo Yu glanced at him and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, just ask!"

"Then let me ask!" Gu Changwen cautiously probed, "What does your company... do?"

Zuo Yu laughed loudly when he heard this: "Have you been holding back this question for a long time?"

"I thought you would ask me on the first day, but I didn't expect you to endure it until now."

Gu Changwen smiled coquettishly: "I'm just curious..."

Zuo Yu waved her hand indifferently: "It doesn't matter, have you ever heard of the Umbrella Company?"

Gu Changwen was stunned for a moment and said subconsciously: "Biohazard?"

Zuo Yu smiled and nodded: "My Kunlun Group is a super company similar to an umbrella company."

...Then why have I never heard of it?

Gu Changwen was confused, but he didn't dare to ask.

He still thinks that the headquarters of Kunlun Group is hidden somewhere in this world, and has not thought of the possibility of other worlds.

After thinking for a moment, Gu Changwen asked carefully: "So, you are also studying things like virus serum?"

Zuo Yu thought for a while, nodded and said: "There are indeed similar projects."

Gu Changwen's eyes widened and he subconsciously said excitedly: "Then this is how your strength comes from?"

Zuo Yu glanced at him and said with a smile: "What, you want a shot too?"

Gu Changwen's eyes were bright and he said without hesitation: "If it is safe, stable and risk-free, why not?"

Zuo Yu raised his eyebrows and suddenly smiled: "You are somewhat similar to a guy I know... By coincidence, our group has an important project underway now, and it is only one step away from success. Do you want to consider it? one time?"


Just as Gu Changwen was about to agree, he suddenly came to his senses and asked cautiously: "Can I know what the missing step is?"

Zuo Yu said with a smile: "Human experiments."

Gu Changwen: "..."

"You want me to be a guinea pig?"

Gu Changwen couldn't help but speak.

The smile on Zuo Yu's face faded, and she said calmly: "Nothing in this world comes for free. If you want to gain power, how can you do it without paying a price?"


The expression on Gu Changwen's face changed.

As Zuo Yu said, power comes at a price, and it is even more impossible for a super company like Kunlun Group to let him take advantage of it in vain.

If he really wants to get power from Zuo Yu, he must pay something...

Gu Changwen frowned in thought. After much deliberation, he couldn't come up with any other solution.

After all, to Zuo Yu, everything he owns is worthless, and apart from himself, there really is nothing to exchange for.

"However, when it comes to human experiments, it should be the same no matter who you use, right?" Gu Changwen looked at Zuo Yu and said seriously, "I can find a way to provide you with experimental subjects, such as death row prisoners..."


Zuo Yu shook his head: "This project is very important. If it is really successful, the experimental subject will gain powerful power beyond your imagination. Such power is controlled by a death row prisoner. I will spend energy and money to restrict him and even destroy him." He, it’s not worth the loss for the company.”

"Besides, do you really think that I can't get a death row prisoner?"

Gu Changwen frowned and said, "So the experimental subjects of your project must be good people?"

Zuo Yu nodded and said: "That's right, and it's best to be a... warrior like you."

Gu Changwen was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "How about Hungry Wolf?"

Zuo Yu glanced at him and didn't answer. Instead, he waved his hand and said, "If you don't want to, forget it. Just pretend I didn't say anything. Since you have helped me a lot, I can wait until the base is established." I will give you a super power serum for free, you can choose either the physical system or the energy system, and it is guaranteed to be safe, stable and risk-free."

If Zuo Yu had said this from the beginning, Gu Changwen would have definitely agreed.

But now, he already knows that Kunlun Group is developing something more powerful, and it is a powerful force that even a being like Zuo Yu would find troublesome.

At this time, it would be a bit unwilling for him to settle for second best.

Looking at Zuo Yu who was already leading people forward, Gu Changwen hesitated for a moment and finally made a decision.


Gu Changwen walked forward quickly, stopped Zuo Yu, looked into his dark red eyes and said seriously: "Brother Zuo, I can be your guinea pig, but you have to guarantee that the risks I take must be Great value for money!”

Zuo Yu grinned: "Don't worry, it's not just good value for money, it should be great value for money!"

"And I can also swear in the name of Boss Lin that I will never put your life in danger. Even if the experiment fails, I can still let you walk off the experimental operating table safely..."

"That's good." Gu Changwen nodded and said solemnly, "I agree!"

Zuo Yu came over with a big smile and patted his shoulder affectionately: "You will definitely be glad for the decision you made today."

Gu Changwen twitched the corner of his mouth and sighed: "I hope so..."

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