"Haha, destiny, this is an interesting statement..."

On the roof of the Prime Minister's Mansion, Fan Xian eavesdropped on the conversation in the study, with a smile on his face, but a complicated expression in his eyes.

If it was him in his previous life, he would definitely not believe in destiny, but in this life, he was inexplicably transported back through time and reborn, and when the situation was at its most complicated, he was inexplicably helped by a meteorite.

Now, even he doesn't know whether there are gods or destiny in this world...

"Uncle, what do you think?"

Fan Xian suddenly asked in a low voice.

This time Lin Gong was brought here, and it was not Yamu who accompanied him, but Wuzhu.

Hearing Fan Xian's words, Wu Zhu shook his head and said, "It's not destiny...it's Miss."

"...my mother?"

Fan Xian was stunned for a moment.

Wu Zhu nodded and said calmly: "The two princes back then were killed by the young lady."

Fan Xian's eyes widened: "So powerful, is my mother also a great master?"

Wu Zhu shook his head: "Miss doesn't know martial arts."

Fan Xian wondered: "Then how could she kill two princes and still be regarded as a punishment from heaven?"

Wu Zhu was silent for a moment, seeming to be recalling something.

After a long time, he said slowly: "It's that box. The lady used that box to kill them."


Fan Xian immediately remembered the box he brought from Danzhou.

I don’t know what kind of material the box is made of, but its texture is extremely hard. Even Wu Zhu, who is comparable to the Grand Master, cannot damage it in the slightest.

If you want to open it, you can only find its key.

"It's back to the dead end again..."

Fan Xian sighed, then frowned and thought for a while, and suddenly said: "Since the emperor's so-called destiny is actually my mother's help, how should we explain the meteorite?"


Wu Zhu was silent for a while and said slowly: "I suspect it was Mu Ya's handiwork."

"Ah?" Fan Xian looked at him in surprise, "Uncle, what are you talking about? That's a meteorite. Is it possible that he can summon meteorites?"

Wu Zhu said slowly: "Maybe, he really knows how to do it."

Fan Xian found it a little funny, but still asked, "Why do you say that?"

"I don't understand either." Wu Zhu shook his head and said calmly, "But I remember that before the meteorite fell from the sky, Mu Ya specifically stayed at the manor, saying that he wanted to help me deal with my troubles. He also specifically warned me that he would Let me retreat five miles away from the manor."

"Looking back now, these words do mean to predict the meteorite falling."

Fan Xian looked at Wu Zhu blankly and couldn't help but said, "Why didn't you tell me about such an important thing earlier?"

Wu Zhu tilted his head and said calmly: "You didn't ask."


Fan Xian covered his forehead helplessly. After thinking for a moment, he stood up and said, "Let's go, come with me to the manor on the outskirts of Kyoto!"

In Fan Mansion, Yamu's existence is quite transcendent.

All the servants knew that he was the eldest young master’s friend, but if he was just a friend, he would never receive such courtesy. Even Liu Ruyu, the real hostess of the Fan Mansion, recognized that Ya Mu was a distinguished guest of the Fan Mansion, and even served tea and water in person. .

This led to the fact that no one in the Fan Mansion dared to look down upon this distinguished guest.

"Mr. Mu, this is our afternoon meal. Do you want to try it?"

"Thank you, leave it there."

Ya Mu sat on the chair, flipping through the book and thanking him without raising his head.

Originally, he thanked the servants quite politely, but they were flattered and frightened, which made the Yamu monster feel embarrassed, so he changed his way and used this attitude to thank him.

Facts have proved that in the eyes of these people who are accustomed to respecting the humble, polite thanks will only make them feel intimidated.

But with a more casual attitude, they felt that the young master was really kind-hearted and gentle.

Such values ​​have been deeply ingrained in their minds and cannot be changed in a moment.

"I don't know how Brother Zhao and Brother Wang, those emperor time travelers, did it..."

Ya Mu raised his head, looked at the servant's leaving figure, and felt this way in his heart.

But what he didn't know was that Zhao Lihe and Wang Chuyi actually didn't do it. They just infinitely elevated their status and passed down such a concept with their supreme status——

That is, under the divine king, everyone is equal!

This concept sounds a bit awkward, but in fact it is the simplest, fastest, and most acceptable method to ancient people.

Since the people are used to having one person sitting on top of their heads, the time traveler will sit on it himself, and then knock everyone else down, forcing them to accept the concept of equal personality between themselves and the people.

Just like the current Daxia Dynasty, a farmer dared to hold a manure fork and stop in front of thousands of cavalry troops, shouting that if they dared to step even half a step into the farmland, they would be dragged to His Majesty for an explanation.

Anyway, there is no difference between a farmer and a general in front of His Majesty who is the reincarnation of the Divine King.

Of course, a situation like this was only an exception even in the Great Xia Dynasty, and the vast majority of the people would still subconsciously fear the powerful.

But Zhao Lihe and others believe that as urbanization and informatization spread, and various news and cases enter people's homes, situations like this will become more and more frequent and better.

However, this method is only suitable for time travelers with long lifespans and supervision by the alliance.

Naturally, it does not hold true in the ordinary world. After all, wise kings are always there, but not always there.

No matter how wise an emperor is, there is still the possibility of becoming mediocre in his later years...

Back to business, after the servants left, Ya Mu picked up the cake and put it in his mouth.

"Yeah, it tastes good."

Ya Mu nodded, his right hand danced out an afterimage, and he quickly devoured all the pastries.

After finishing eating, Yamu licked the icing sugar on the corner of his mouth and frowned as he looked out the window at the sun setting to the west.

"It's been so long, why hasn't Fan Xian come back yet..."

The sun will soon set, and by then, the alliance's review period will be here.

He only needs to submit another report and let the alliance send someone to review it, and then he can have a complete showdown with Fan Xian.

Time gradually passed and the sun finally set.

But Fan Xian and Wu Zhu still did not return to Fan Mansion.

Yamu frowned, thought for a moment, and took out the Void Jade Tag and submitted a report to Void.

After a while, silver light bloomed in the room, and a tall figure walked out of it, looking around with interest.

"Is this the world of Qing Yu Nian?"

"...Danas, why is it you?"

Yamu looked at Danas in front of him in astonishment.

Danas smiled and said: "I thought for a moment, and it would be much more convenient to have the identity of a time traveler, so I submitted the application, and as soon as it passed, I received the task of being an auditor..."

Yamu said in surprise: "But shouldn't this kind of task be assigned to more experienced time and space travelers?"

Danas shook his head: "That was before, but it's not so troublesome now."

As he spoke, Danas took out a metal device the size of a palm.

This device looks like an eye, and the pupil is illuminated with a mind-shaking yellow light.

"What's this?"

"The treasure developed by the alliance based on the [Mind Stone] is called [Mind Eye]."

Danas said with a smile: "All auditors can receive one after receiving the task. I just need to take it and ask the newcomers a few questions to confirm that they can pass the audit."

"What if it fails?"

"It doesn't matter. This thing can control the mind on a large scale and modify memories. By then, not only the newcomer, but also everyone who has met you will forget this memory."

With that said, Danas closed his mind's eye and clicked his tongue: "Originally, everyone thought that there were no time travelers in this world, but we didn't expect that there was actually an indigenous time traveler!"

Yamu hesitated and said: "Actually...it's hard to say!"

"I have finished watching the TV series and novels. If this is the world of the TV series, then Fan Xian is a successful case of memory transmission experiment, not even an indigenous time traveler."

Danas frowned and said, "Then have you confirmed what kind of world this is?"

Yamu shook his head: "That's the problem. I'm not sure, because in this world, plots in TV series and novels all happen, and it's quite confusing."

Danas frowned and said with a smile: "That's the fusion of worlds. It doesn't matter. This happens from time to time. Don't worry about it. I'll find out if Fan Xian is a time traveler when the time comes!"

Yamu said in surprise: "The eye of the soul still has this effect?"

Danas smiled and said: "Of course, you can think of problems, don't you think that Void can't take them into consideration?"

Ya Mu twitched the corner of his mouth and was about to say something when suddenly he raised his brows and turned to look at the wall.

"Fan Xian is back."

"Well, I discovered it too. Let's meet him together."

Soon, Fan Xian opened the door and looked at Ya Mu with complicated eyes.

"Brother Mu, I have a question...who is he?"

Fan Xian suddenly noticed Danas next to him and couldn't help but frown tightly.

Danas smiled and raised his hand to say hello, then turned over his hand and took out the [Eye of the Mind].

In an instant, yellow light illuminated the entire room.

Fan Xian's eyes widened and he stared blankly at the dazzling treasure in Danas' hand.

Danas turned around and smiled: "Yamu, please go out first. According to the rules, I have to ask him alone."

Ya Mu nodded and walked towards the outside of the room.

"Ya Mu?" Fan Xian couldn't help but ask, "Isn't it Mu Ya?"

"..." Ya Mu stopped next to Fan Xian, raised his hand and patted his shoulder, apologetically saying, "I'm sorry, my real name is Ya Mu. The main reason why I concealed my pseudonym is because... never mind, you'll know it right away. .”

"Come on, I believe you can pass the review!"

With that said, Yamu cast an encouraging look at Fan Xian, who was looking confused, and then walked out of the room.


The door closed tightly, awakening Fan Xian from his confusion and confusion.

He widened his eyes and looked at the two-meter strong man opposite who was smiling but not smiling, and couldn't help but swallow.

"You...don't come here!"

Ten minutes later, the door reopened.

Ya Mu walked in and saw Danas and Fan Xian sitting on both sides of the table.

The [Eye of the Mind] in the former's hand has long since disappeared, replaced by a cup of tea graciously offered by the latter.

Seeing Ya Mu walking into the room, Fan Xian immediately stood up and said with a smile: "Brother Mu, you have such a background, you should tell me earlier. This made me worried for a long time, thinking that you are really some kind of big boss behind the scenes. Sneaking into the human world to tease my little brother!"

"..." Yamu looked surprised and couldn't help but ask, "What do you mean?"

Fan Xian said seriously: "I went to the manor on the outskirts of Kyoto today and found that there was something wrong with the meteorite. Then I went to the Overwatch Council and met Chen Pingping. She told me that you are from heaven!"

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