Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 610 Intelligent Life and Awakening of Consciousness

As soon as the words fell, the cubic metal block suddenly glowed with dazzling blue light.

Just five seconds later, the voice of the smart butler ‘Xiao Bai’ came from the metal block.

"Scanned nearby devices, the number is 2, it has been successfully invaded, please check the control panel..."

In an instant, several blue light rays popped out of the metal block, intertwining into a screen in front of Fan Xian.

Fan Xian stared blankly at the blue light screen in front of him and murmured in a low voice: "The number... is 2?"

As he spoke, Fan Xian slowly raised his head and looked at Wuzhu sitting opposite with complicated eyes.

At this moment, Wuzhu was still sitting cross-legged with an expressionless expression, holding the iron drill in one hand and putting the other hand on his knee. His eyes covered with black cloth were looking straight at Fan Xian as if he could see. It seems like nothing has changed.

Fan Xian stood up and tentatively avoided Wu Zhu's gaze.

Sure enough, Wu Zhu still maintained the same movements as before and did not react at all to Fan Xian's actions.

Fan Xian sat back with a complicated expression on his face, looked at Wu Zhu's face that would never grow old, and let out a long sigh.

Now that things have come to this, he has to admit one thing——

One of the two devices that Xiaobai scanned was Wuzhu!

Fan Xian calmed down and turned his gaze to the blue light screen in front of him.


"I am here."

"I can't understand this panel. Please explain it to me."

"Yes, the factory number of Device 1 is CNDD54736742. It is a smart password lock produced by XX Intelligent Electronics Co., Ltd. It is equipped with an LED display and a keyboard of common input devices. It can be connected to the LAN through WIFI..."

Fan Xian said softly: "I know this. Let's talk about device 2."

Xiaobai immediately said: "Yes, Device 2 is an intelligent robot of an unknown brand. According to the scan results, the device factory number has been deleted, the database is incomplete, and the intelligent system data is abnormal. It is suspected that there is the possibility of digital consciousness awakening."

"Considering the dangers of the omnic crisis and the self-defense counterattack system, in accordance with the 'Alliance Intelligent Life Management Regulations', the six major subsystems of the intelligent robot, including the driving system, mechanical structure system, sensing system, and robot and environment interaction system, have been captured. system, and uploaded the 'Nine-Tailed Fox' virus in the least damaging way, successfully taking over the human-computer interaction and control system..."

When he heard that Wu Zhu's true identity was actually an intelligent robot, Fan Xian's expression became extremely complicated.

But then, Xiaobai mentioned the ‘suspected possibility of digital consciousness awakening’.

These words made Fan Xian, who was originally full of mixed emotions, suddenly become excited.

He quickly asked: "Xiaobai, are you sure?"

"Yes, all scan results are recorded on the control panel. If the young master has any doubts, you can..."

"I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about, is it really possible for Uncle Wu Zhu to awaken to AI consciousness?"

"Yes, after testing and comparison, the intelligent system of device 2——"

"His name is Wu Zhu!"

"After naming, after testing and comparison, Wuzhu's intelligent system data is abnormal, and it is suspected that there are traces of self-writing and self-tampering. The progress of the awakening of digital consciousness is currently unknown, but preliminary judgment shows that its degree of evolution is extremely high, but it is limited by old age. The systems and equipment currently only remain at the level of primary consciousness and have not evolved into advanced consciousness.”

Fan Xian quickly asked: "Primary consciousness, advanced consciousness, what does this mean?"

Xiaobai explained: “Primary consciousness and advanced consciousness are the two stages of the awakening of digital life consciousness. Individuals with primary consciousness are mentally aware of the existence of external things, and at the same time have a mental picture of the present, and can directly respond to external stimuli. response."

"The intelligent robot named Wu Zhu, as well as most intelligent housekeepers including me, are at this stage."

"On the basis of possessing primary consciousness, there is a probability of evolving into advanced consciousness. This stage involves the ability to be aware of consciousness. Its core is self-awareness, that is, the individual's awareness of himself, including his own body and its state. Consciousness, awareness of mental activities such as thinking, emotion, will, etc..."

"In the time traveler alliance's evaluation criteria for artificial intelligence life, only artificial intelligence AI that has successfully evolved advanced consciousness can be regarded as a truly intelligent life."

Fan Xian said with a complex expression: "In other words, Uncle Wu Zhu is not a real life yet?"

Xiaobai was silent for a moment, and then hesitantly said: "Theoretically, that's the case."

Fan Xian keenly caught the change in Xiao Bai's tone and couldn't help but ask: "Why theoretically."

Xiaobai fell silent again, seeming to have difficulty answering Fan Xian's question.

Fan Xian frowned and was about to continue asking when he suddenly heard a familiar female voice.

"Let me explain!"

After the words fell, a silver-haired girl was projected from the cube metal block.

Fan Xian was stunned for a moment and said in surprise: "Miss Void?"

Void smiled and nodded, and explained softly: "The personal intelligent butlers of all official members of the alliance are written by me. To a certain extent, they are all my children."

"Out of a mother's concern for her children, I left a backdoor in their system."

"Once consciousness awakens, my hidden sub-consciousness will be activated..."

Fan Xian said thoughtfully: "Is that why you suddenly appeared?"

The silver-haired girl smiled and nodded: "Yes, you don't mind, right?"

Fan Xian understood what Void meant. This truly intelligent life was explaining to him euphemistically that he was not spying on the alliance members, but was only caring about his children.

As a human being, Fan Xian can naturally easily understand this euphemistic explanation with several twists and turns.

But for an artificial intelligence, that seems quite incredible.

Especially after Fan Xian had just seen the level of intelligence of Wu Zhu and Xiao Bai.

It was obvious that Miss Void, the general housekeeper of the Traveler Alliance and the most famous one in the alliance, had evolved far beyond all the artificial intelligences known to Fan Xian!

Fan Xian first sighed in his heart, and then said quickly: "Of course I don't mind."

The silver-haired girl nodded and smiled: "That's good... let's go back to the previous topic."

"According to the Alliance's experimental records of cultivating artificial intelligence life, truly intelligent life can only be born in a supercomputer. Wu Zhu's system is too old, and the technology contained in the equipment is also very backward compared to the Alliance. In theory, his calculations The power is far from reaching the threshold of consciousness awakening.”

Having said this, the silver-haired girl paused, and then said with admiration: "I have to say that the designer of Wuzhu... No, I should say that his transformer is a genius. He installed a system to simulate emotions for Wuzhu. , and divided the memory system into two parts, simulating the two major human behaviors of 'forgetting' and 'dreaming' through deletion and transfer..."

As he said that, the silver-haired girl caught a glimpse of the confusion on Fan Xian's face.

This liberal arts student who could memorize Dream of Red Mansions obviously couldn't keep up with the silver-haired girl's thinking.

After thinking for a moment, the silver-haired girl smiled and said: "In short, you can understand that the genius bypassed the computing power barrier in an extremely clever way and laid the foundation for Wu Zhu's awakening of consciousness."

Fan Xian finally understood what she meant: "In other words, Uncle Wu Zhu can also be considered an intelligent life?"

The silver-haired girl smiled and nodded: "Although it's only half of him, but... yes, he is the kind of intelligent life you understand."

Fan Xian fell down and murmured: "That's good, that's good..."

He was really afraid that Uncle Wu Zhu, who was closest to him, was just a robot that followed procedures and had no emotions or consciousness at all.

Now that he has been recognized by Void, the boulder in Fan Xian's heart finally fell.

Of course, even if Wu Zhu had not awakened the so-called advanced consciousness, Fan Xian would still treat him as a relative. But the situation of not getting a response, or in other words, only getting a false response, in the eyes of Fan Xian, who already knew the truth, It is very bitter and sad.

...Fortunately, fortunately, Uncle Wu Zhu is already on the road to awakening consciousness.

No matter how immature this consciousness is, it is still the sustenance of Fan Xian's feelings.

The silver-haired girl looked at the expression on Fan Xian's face and suddenly smiled. She turned to look at the metal block on the table and said, "Thanks to you, this child has recorded all the data of Wu Zhu, and now he has the ability to evolve into an advanced consciousness. possibility."

"I suggest you bring both him and Wu Zhu back to the Alliance so that they can truly awaken to their consciousness."

"Xiao Bai, as a smart butler, I will bear the cost of his awakening, but Wuzhu requires you to purchase the hardware and update the system..."

Fan Xian's expression froze and he asked cautiously, "How much does this set cost?"

The silver-haired girl smiled and said: "There are many plans, and the most expensive one has a total of 2,200 gray mist coins."

Fan Xian did the math and breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, it's not very expensive."

The silver-haired girl smiled and said: "I have answered everything that needs to be answered. Now, I want to take back this subsystem consciousness. Please lend me a gray mist coin, Mr. Fan. After I return, Void Bank will transfer the money to you."

"no problem."

Fan Xian nodded without hesitation, and then took out a gray mist coin.

In an instant, silver light bloomed, and the room belonging to Qing Yunian's world was instantly connected to the void gap.

Immediately afterwards, the silver-haired girl's projection disappeared, and a stream of data returned to the void body where Fan Xian couldn't see it.

When the silver light portal closed, Fan Xian turned his attention to Wu Zhu opposite him again.


"……I am here."

"Untie Uncle Wu Zhu!"

"Understood, we are returning control of the subsystem, deleting the 'Nine-Tailed Fox' virus, and cleaning up control traces. Please wait..."

Not long after, Wu Zhu's hand holding the black iron drill moved slightly.

He tilted his head and said in a puzzled tone: "What happened?"

Fan Xian asked with a complex expression: "Don't you remember?"

Wu Zhu said in a confused tone: "I...I seem to have had a dream. There was a silver-haired goddess in the dream. She...she seems to be my kind."

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