
The violent flame fighting spirit roared out, instantly blasting a gap in the solid city wall.

All the city guards above the gap were burned to ashes by the flames.

The slightly frightened exclamations of the city guards came from all directions.

Knight William's face was full of anger, and he immediately shouted loudly, raised the big sword with earth-yellow light in his hand, jumped off the city wall, and slashed hard at the figure that had not yet landed.


The black lance collided with the khaki sword.

The anger on Knight William's face has not faded yet, but there is already a hint of astonishment in his eyes.

The next second, Knight William's face turned red and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

The big sword in his hand was covered with dense cracks, and the bones of both palms and even the entire arm were shattered by the terrifying power of the black-armored knight in the collision.

The tall black-armored knight tilted his head slightly, and his dark eyes glanced at him coldly through the gap in his visor.


Without any words, the black lance pierced his head and threw the body onto the city wall.

Then, the black-armored knight landed with a crash, not caring about the densely packed city guards on both sides of the gap in the city wall, and just rode his horse and ran towards the Dragon Valley City without looking back.

Behind him, thousands of heavy cavalry jumped across the moat and poured into Longgu City from the gap in the city wall.

On the city walls on both sides of the gap, many city guards held their spears tightly, looking at the black-armored cavalry below with horror on their faces, and for a moment they did not dare to step forward to stop them.

When the residents of the city saw the black-armored cavalry charging on the street, they hid in the buildings on both sides of the street in fear.

Fortunately, those black-armored cavalry had no intention of massacring civilians. They had only one target, and that was the City Lord's Mansion located in the center of Longgu City!

As thousands of black-armored cavalry poured into Longgu City, a neat formation of black-armored infantry appeared on the plain outside the city.

Mixed in among these black-armored infantry formations were huge black steel monsters.

After arriving at Longgu City, these black-armored soldiers stopped one after another, holding black spears and standing there silently, as if waiting for subsequent instructions.

On the city wall, the city guards looked at each other with spears and bows in hand, cold sweat dripping from their palms and foreheads, wondering whether they should take action.

At this moment, a powerful momentum suddenly rose in Longgu City.

An angry voice came from the city lord's palace and resounded throughout the city.


As the words spread, a huge figure broke through the roof of the city lord's mansion, flapped its dragon wings, and flew high in the sky.

It was a giant bronze dragon with a wingspan of about fifty meters and a length of thirty-four meters from head to tail. Its whole body was covered with a layer of faint green light. Its huge dragon eyes looked angrily at the surroundings below. Thousands of black armored cavalry were guarding the city lord's palace.

Between the neck and torso of this bronze dragon, there is an arc-shaped bronze scale like a saddle.

Sitting there was a knight wearing bronze dragon scale armor. Light cyan arrogance was rising from his body. He was holding an exaggerated dragon cavalry gun that was more than 20 meters long. The fighting spirit all over his body was faintly related to the bronze dragon beneath him. Become one.

"It's Duke Dragon Claw!"

The city guards all looked surprised.

But the black-armored soldiers outside the city did not react at all, and even their eyes did not waver at all.

In the city lord's palace, the bronze dragon knight put his hand on the bronze dragon's neck, suppressing his anger and whispered: "West, I'm sorry to disturb your favorite nap, but the situation is urgent now, let me destroy these first Intruder, I will give you the compensation you deserve."


The bronze dragon was also extremely angry at these black-armored cavalry who disturbed his nap.

He immediately roared angrily, vibrated his dragon wings, and swooped down.

At the same time, the dragon knight raised the lance in his hand, and violent fighting spirit condensed on the tip of the lance.

In an instant, a huge shadow struck, covering the heads of these thousands of black-armored cavalry.

But they did not have the slightest fear. Instead, they took off the bows and arrows hanging on the sides of the dragon and horse, condensed the flames into arrows, and aimed at the giant bronze dragon swooping in the sky.


The walls of the magnificent City Lord's Mansion shattered, and a black figure jumped out of it. It was the leader of the black armored cavalry who was the first to rush into the City Lord's Mansion.

At this moment, the black visor on his face was broken, revealing a handsome and slightly melancholy face.

After leaping out of the city lord's palace, he held a Valyrian steel sword with a direwolf's head on the hilt, shouted and leaped towards the dragon, slashing the bronze dragon's hard neck scales hard with his sword.

The violent flames surged out, instantly engulfing the bronze dragon's neck and the dragon knight sitting on its back.

The bronze dragon screamed in pain, and his body couldn't help but fall to the side, crashing into a tall stone brick building.

The black-armored knight landed with a crash, holding the Valyrian sword and looking at the bronze dragon in front of him with a cold expression.

A knight in black armor rode up to him and asked in a low voice: "Sir, do you want to kill this dragon?"

Jon Snow glanced at him, shook his head and said, "Catch it alive if you can. Only Your Majesty can decide its life or death."

Before he finished speaking, the roar of the bronze dragon came again from the collapsed building.

The pair of bronze dragon wings were seen flying away the stone bricks, and a bronze dragon head was raised from the ruins. The huge pale golden dragon eyes were filled with uncontrollable anger.

At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened.

Jon Snow, who was confronting the bronze dragon, was slightly startled, then calmly inserted the sword back into his waist.

Seeing his actions, the bronze dragon and the dragon knight couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

The next moment, the sound of whistling air came from above.

The bronze dragon and the dragon knight subconsciously raised their heads, and saw a giant black dragon with a wingspan of more than 150 meters falling from the sky. Flames and gunpowder smoke spewed out from its ferocious dragon teeth, and it just fell like this arrogantly.


With a loud noise, black dragon claws that were as big as a bronze dragon pressed the bronze dragon under him.

The bronze dragon's eyes were horrified, and there was a crunching sound all over the body under the pressure of the dragon's claws and the weight of the black dragon.


Severe pain came, and the bronze dragon lost its arrogance and immediately let out a miserable roar.

The giant black dragon stepped on the bronze dragon, landed in the Dragon Valley City, spread its dragon wings that covered the sky, and raised its head to the sky with a roar announcing its arrival.

As the dragon's roar spread throughout the city, the hundreds of thousands of residents in the city, the tens of thousands of troops who had just received the news, and the thousands of city guards on the city walls all froze on the spot, looking at the people with shocked eyes. A black dragon.

They had never seen such a huge dragon.

Even Lord West, the bronze dragon who intimidated the entire Dragon Claw Territory, was like a baby in front of this black dragon. Even if he spread his wings, he was not as strong as the opponent's dragon claws and hind limbs.


The first spear dropped to the ground out of shock.

Then came the sounds of surrender one after another.

Outside the city lord's palace, thousands of black-armored cavalry dismounted and knelt down on one knee towards the black dragon.

Jon Snow also took a few steps forward, knelt on one knee respectfully and said: "Your Majesty, the City Lord's Palace has been captured and we are waiting for your arrival at any time."

"Very well, get up."

A clear voice came from the top of the black dragon's head, and Jon Snow stood up and stared at the two figures slowly falling above the dragon's head.

When she landed in front of the bronze dragon, Daenerys walked over with interest. Ignoring the bronze dragon's painful eyes, she raised her hand and touched the bronze scales on its body.

"It's really bronze dragon scales..."

"It just has some strange energy similar to magic, so the physical resistance and magic resistance are far higher than ordinary bronze."

With that said, Daenerys withdrew her white palm, looked at the bronze dragon in front of her and marveled: "Now I know why Boss gave this world to me."

Li Yun landed next to her, nodded slightly and said, "Giant dragon and dragon knight, it seems that this world is indeed suitable for you."

Daenerys smiled, then raised her hand slightly, signaling the black dragon Skye to restrain some strength.

The black dragon did as he was told and raised his claws slightly to make the bronze dragon feel better.

At the same time, Jon Snow had pulled the dragon knight out from under the bronze dragon.

At this time, he was already crushed by the weight of the black dragon and the bronze dragon, so much that the Dou Qi mask was shattered, the armor on his body was shriveled, and even his seven orifices began to bleed. It seemed that he might lose his life at any time.

Li Yun looked at him and said with interest: "The magic of this world is quite interesting. It has a violent side to the outside world and a gentle nature to the inside. If I read it correctly, his internal organs are all affected by that kind of magic. The energy is wrapped up, and even if the body is crushed, the internal organs can still function normally..."

Daenerys nodded: "It is a power system that can be used as a reference."

After saying that, she turned her gaze to the dragon knight who was as energetic as silk, and her spiritual consciousness surged out, sending out a spiritual power signal that all living beings could understand.

"I am the goddess of fire, the queen of dragons, Daenerys Targaryen. Now I am here to bring destruction to the evil spirits in the name of the divine court. Although you are a minion of the evil spirits, for the sake of the prosperity of this place, I can give you a chance..."

Having said this, Daenerys paused, and a shocking divine power rose up in her body. She looked down at the other party and said lightly: "Submit to me, and I will grant you greater glory in the name of the Dragon Queen." !”

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