Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 673 High Energy World

While Daenerys was methodically confronting the Dragon Emperor, wars in other worlds were also raging.

Fang Yuan, who is in the world of beast control, is divided into two worlds. The medium-level world is the world of "Legend of Sword and Fairy One".

Although this world has some relatively high-end powers, its overall combat performance is not very high, at least not as good as today's beast-controlling world.

Therefore, in front of the coalition of beast masters led by Tai Chi ancestor Zhang Sanfeng, Nine Yang ancestor Zhang Wuji, and alliance member Xia Yunlong, the Moon Worship Cult and the Moon Worship Cult leader controlled by the Lord God can be said to have suffered a complete defeat.

Even though the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult used his own magic power to awaken the water monster sealed by Nuwa, Fang Yuan easily suppressed it under his control and made his wife Zhou Zhiruo sign a contract with the water monster.

Compared with the smoothness of the medium-energy world, the low-energy world actually caused the beast-controlling world to fall into a bitter struggle.

The so-called energy levels of the world are only the energy levels of various extraordinary energies, and the technological energy levels used to study natural truths cannot actually be detected outside the world.

The low-energy world that Fang Yuan and others encountered is the most typical example.

It was a mecha world that had yet to find the source of fantasy works and was slightly different from the earth.

In this world, the humans on Blue Star have embarked on a more paranoid path. They believe in the personal qualities of warriors, so they have been focusing on the development of various mechas since the Industrial Revolution.

From steampunk mechas, to electric-driven mechas, to now smart mechas, biological mechas, etc.

The humans in this world seem to have been brainwashed by something, and they continue to study mechas crazily.

Tanks and aircraft have never appeared on the battlefields of this world in the past, only various mechas.

Until one day in the 21st century, a meteorite fell on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau on the Eurasian continent.

The Eastern Alliance, which ruled the east of Asia at that time, was surprised to find that this meteorite contained a blue high-energy crystal. This crystal could replace all their current energy technologies and become a new energy source for mechas.

Since then, the Eastern Alliance has risen, and their mechas have been updated and iterated at a speed far beyond what outsiders could imagine.

In just five years, the Eastern Alliance's mechas broke through the atmosphere, representing mankind's official entry into the universe.

When Fang Yuan and Yushou World came to this world, humans had already explored dozens of planetary systems and found two habitable planets that could be colonized after slight modification.

In this process, two more world wars broke out among humans.

The world's structure was reorganized as a result, and humanity's home planet became no longer habitable due to the impact of the war.

Under such circumstances, most humans will naturally choose to immigrate to the other two planets.

The remaining forces left on the home star began to grow wildly, and gradually developed into a confrontation between the two countries.

It was under such circumstances that the Lord God discovered the world. He skillfully guided the two countries to research artificial intelligence, and relied on the split soul with the ability to control electromagnetic waves to replace the strongest artificial intelligence developed by Yi Kingdom and become the country's god. net.

Since then, Yiguo has completely fallen under the control of the Lord God.

When Fang Yuan and others came to this world, they mainly led their troops to fight against Yi Kingdom's mechas.

Because the performance of mechas in this world is quite outrageous, the five strongest mechas in Yi Country can even compete with Fang Yuan.

Because of this, the world of beast control fell into a bitter war, and many members of the time traveler accepted the commission and came to this world to help.

For example, Vincent from the "Cyberpunk 2077" world, Gu Changwen from the "One Punch Man" world, Zheng Shaojie from the "Kung Fu" world, and Qin Zhaowei, the worldless panda demon cultivator, etc.

In addition to these newcomers, some veteran travelers have also been invited.

But among these members of the time traveler, the most conspicuous one is Vincent from the cyberpunk world.

This guy really doesn't care about his body. Just a few days after joining the alliance, he installed a bunch of technological items on himself, and his strength even caught up with Genos, the demon cyborg from the One-Punch Superman world, in a short period of time.

No, it should be said that Vincent himself is already a devil-turned-human being!

The dragon cry core and incendiary cannon he installed can completely flatten a mountain range with one shot.

Such an exaggerated increase in strength made fellow newcomers Fan Xian and others look envious.

But unfortunately, they don't have Vincent's mentality comparable to Sebotan's psychosis.

In other words, when they know that they will have a long lifespan and a body that will definitely become stronger in the future, most people will not modify their bodies as unscrupulously as V did.

On the other side, members of the two high-energy worlds that have become public battlefields have also entered.

In one of the high-energy worlds, Danas, a tall Kryptonian with black hair and blue eyes, was walking side by side on the noisy city streets with the Saiyan Yamu, who was also an alien.

Danas was wearing the largest black hoodie, with his left hand in his pocket and a cup of milk tea in his right hand. He was sipping the milk tea while looking at the surrounding environment.

"The modern world, why can this become a high-energy world?"


Yamu glanced at him and said angrily: "You ask me?"

"Which one of us is the newbie?"

Danas smiled and whispered: "You are a newcomer in the alliance, but as a time traveler, I am really newer than you..."

Yamu sighed, looked around and said, "What should we do now?"

Danas thought for a while and tentatively said, "Why don't you ask someone from the authorities?"

Yamu thought for a while, shook his head and said: "We cannot rule out the possibility that the official has been controlled by the Lord God."

Danas curled his lips and said: "I don't think the Lord God should have the courage. Besides, this is a high-energy world, and human technology is only at the level of the early 21st century. If the Lord God doesn't look for the source behind the high-energy level, why bother? To control humans?”

Yamu glanced at him and said, "Aren't you very good at analyzing? Analyze more."

The two chatted while walking on the crowded street.

Suddenly, a crazy blonde woman emerged from the crowd.

Her cheeks were very thin, and her limbs were so slender that they were almost dry, like an addict who had just escaped from a drug rehabilitation center.

Those eyes that should have been as blue as the sky are now full of confusion and trance. On that dirty face, the white and peeling lips are constantly opening and closing, muttering something. Nonsense that no one can understand.

After the woman appeared, the pedestrians on the street immediately dispersed in all directions.

Everyone looked at the muttering mad woman with either disgust or pity in their eyes.

Danas frowned, stopped a black man, pointed at the woman and asked, "What's wrong with her?"

Brother Hei was grabbed by Danas' arm, and he wanted to take the opportunity to get angry and blackmail him, but when he saw Danas's strong figure of over 1.9 meters, the momentum he originally wanted to show off suddenly weakened.

"Dude, can't you see, that woman is a lunatic!"

"Why are you so crazy?"

"...How could I know this?"

Brother Hei answered casually, but his wandering eyes betrayed his true identity.

Danas and Yamu looked at each other, and the latter took out a green dollar bill from his arms and said with a half-smile: "You really don't know, that's a pity, it should have been yours."

With that said, Yamu stuffed the dollar bills back into his arms.

Brother Hei's eyes were bright, and he quickly stepped forward and said with a smile: "Relax, I was just kidding, that crazy woman lives next door to my cousin's second aunt, and there is no one on this street who is better than me." Now we know her origins!”

Although both Danas and Yamu knew that the so-called cousin's second aunt was just a random joke by Hei Ge, looking at Hei Ge's appearance, he should really know the origin of this crazy woman.

So Yamu took out the dollar bill again.

Brother Hei swallowed, looked around, quickly took the dollar bill, stuffed it into his pocket, and then whispered: "The woman's name is Paris Wyatt, she was originally our The celebrities in the neighborhood are a model of moving from this shabby place to a high-end residential area, but three years ago, her doctor son suddenly disappeared, and Paris became crazy because of it."

With that said, Brother Hei patted Yamu on the shoulder and said with a smile: "This is all I know. If you still want to know more detailed information, you can ask Paris's former neighbors."

After saying that, Brother Hei quickly left the two of them.

Danas and Yamu looked at each other, both a little disappointed with the answers they got.

"It turns out it's just a relative missing..."

Danas sighed. This experience, while sympathetic, was of no use to them.

But considering that there was nothing to do now, they decided to help the poor mother a little.

Just as Yamu was taking steps forward, a group of men in black suddenly appeared. The middle-aged man at the head took out his FBI ID, dispersed the crowd watching the excitement, and took the crazy woman into a car.

Judging from the gentle and relieved expressions of the two young women next to the crazy woman, this group of people probably had no ill intentions toward her.


"They're not the FBI."

Danas looked at the black car and said slowly.

Yamu raised his eyebrows, glanced at Danas and said, "What did you see?"

Danas opened his clairvoyance eyes and whispered the names of the real documents on their bodies.


Danas looked surprised: "What kind of organization is this?"

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