Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 688 The last place, China!

"...So, you wiped out the entire Neon branch of the Earth Defenders?"

At the top of Mount Tai, Lin Zhongtian looked at Danas next to him speechlessly and asked.

Danas spread his hands and said innocently: "No way, who made them go so far?"

"Compared with them, the North American branch looks like a kind person..."

"Boss, you know me. I love children the most, especially those who have not yet reached the age of rebellion. I can't help but see them using those innocent children as sacrifices!"

"Also, I didn't wipe out the entire Neon Branch. There are still some good people who survived."

"Just like those branch employees who secretly helped this year's sacrifices survive the blood sacrifice ceremony..."

Lin Zhongtian was slightly startled and said in surprise: "Is there such a thing?"

Danas nodded and said: "Yes, originally the five children were in a dead end when facing ghosts. It was those people who secretly helped and guided the five selected children this year to seal the ghosts. This led to the neon This year’s blood sacrifice ceremony was a complete failure.”

Lin Zhongtian said speechlessly: "Is there really such a person among the Earth Guardians?"

"Didn't he ever think that the failure of the blood sacrifice ceremony would lead to the end of mankind on the entire earth?"

Danas spread his hands and said: "At that time, there was still the North American branch to support the bottom~"

"But boss, I really didn't expect that you would criticize this kind of behavior..."

Lin Zhongtian shook his head and said: "It's not criticism, it's just pure criticism."

Danas' face darkened and he said, "Can this kind of thing be said so naturally?"

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said softly: "If you want to know my attitude, then I can only disappoint you."


"Because in my eyes, the boundary between life and death is no longer so clear, and my perspective on the problem has become more comprehensive. The moment of kindness, and the determination to survive by docking my tail to save the world, are all here in me They are equal, there is no distinction between them.”

Danas looked at Lin Zhongtian blankly and couldn't help but said: "Then why are you making a fuss?"

Lin Zhongtian said with a smile: "Because I am happy!"

Danas frowned slightly. Although Lin Zhongtian's behavior was still full of bad taste, Danas still vaguely noticed that the boss... was becoming more and more like the God next door.

Lin Zhongtian glanced at Danas and said with a smile as if he could see through his heart: "Don't worry, my humanity reserves are still very abundant, and I still have you and the alliance, these are my humanity anchors. With you and the Traveler Alliance here, I think I won’t become like Ilúvatar and God so quickly.”

"……I think so too."

Danas shrugged his shoulders in a pretense of relief.

At this moment, Yamu, who had already changed into sportswear, came over from the mountain road.

Danas's eyes lit up, and he quickly stepped forward and asked, "How is China handling the situation?"

Yamu stopped, glanced at him, and then shook his head.

Danas was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "Is it difficult to deal with?"

Yamu shook his head and said: "No, I mean, there is no need to deal with it here."

Danas said in surprise: "Ah? Why?"

Yamu said seriously: "Because "The Cabin in the Woods" is a movie that satirizes assembly-line horror films, and the domestic horror film market is sluggish and the quality is worrying, people don't bother to let Huaxia participate, so there are no ghosts in Huaxia, or in other words, there are no A horror film worthy of tribute.”

Danas' face darkened: "I know this, but what I'm asking about is the world, not this movie!"

Yamu curled his lips, then finally became serious and said seriously: "Because... the Mausoleum of the First Emperor is pressed against the Titan's seal, and the Titan's divine power has not penetrated into the human world, and demons and monsters cannot be born from human fear."

"The responsibility of the Huaxia branch is only to guard the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, and there is no blood sacrifice ceremony."

Danas was stunned when he heard this, and then sighed with emotion: "Can it still be explained like this?"

Lin Zhongtian turned his head to look in a certain direction and said with emotion: "Brother Zheng..."

Yamu shook his head and said: "Not only the First Emperor, but also Zhang Daoling, Cao Mengde, Di Renjie and other generations of heroes cut down mountains and destroyed temples, banned obscene temples, and constantly stabilized the seal of the First Emperor's Mausoleum. This made China a special case in this world. "

Lin Zhongtian said with a smile: "This is not a special case. It is the inevitable result of China's five thousand years of continuous and long history and the heroic struggle of heroes of all generations."

"If I'm not wrong, there should be complete records about the seal at the Huaxia branch, right?"

Yamu nodded and said: "Yes, from Qin Shihuang to the present, the secret history related to the seal has never been cut off."

Danas said thoughtfully: "This is the advantage of civilization."

Even in a world with such a desperate worldview, they never gave up their fight.

Danas said with emotion: "But to be honest, the Chinese people in this world should really thank Yuan Universe for the sluggish horror film market..."

Yamu glanced at him and said: "No, we should thank the zombie movies that were once a hit, because in those zombie movies, Taoist priests basically existed, so the world of Chinese horror movies has mysteries that mortals can grasp. strength."

"Although these powers cannot make them supermen, they can restrain ghosts and monsters, and even seal gods in mortal bodies."

"Qin Shihuang and the Mausoleum of the First Emperor are the best examples."

The three of them stood on the mountain road talking, their words filled with emotions that others could not understand.

They were still in a relatively high position, and the tourists passing by were already panting from the torture of Mount Tai, and they had no intention of paying attention to the conversation between the three crazy middle school students next to them.

Yamu looked at the lush mountains and asked softly: "What should we do with the Earth Guardian members from other branches?"

Lin Zhongtian looked at him in surprise and said matter-of-factly: "Of course, let humans handle it themselves!"

Danas was stunned for a moment and asked doubtfully: "Don't we care?"

"It's not necessary." Lin Zhongtian shook his head, and then asked softly, "Have you seen "The Three-Body Problem"?"

Yamu and Danas looked at each other, then nodded and said, "Of course."

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said, "Then you must have heard of a saying - humans don't thank Luo Ji."

Ya Mu and Danas were both startled when they heard this.

They all know that Luo Ji is the protagonist of the second part of The Three-Body Problem, "Dark Forest", and is the man who saved the Earth in the future and single-handedly intimidated the two worlds of the Three-Body Problem and the Earth.

But... why did you mention this suddenly?

Both Yamu and Danas were a little confused, so they listened quietly to Lin Zhongtian's explanation.

Lin Zhongtian said softly: "From ancient Rome more than two thousand years ago to the future world hundreds of years later, human beings have actually not changed."

"When a crisis comes, they will elect a dictator to make decisions for them. When the crisis is resolved, the dictator who once held the power and turned the tide becomes a thorn in their side."

"The dictator system of ancient Rome is like this with the sword holders in the world of "Three-Body"."

Yamu said thoughtfully: "You mean, the Earth Guardian is the dictator of ancient Rome and the sword holder of the Three-Body Problem?"

Lin Zhongtian nodded and sighed: "Yes, before the crisis is over, the Earth Guardians are indeed heroes who save the world, but after the crisis is over, they are also outright criminals against humanity."

"Watch, after we leave, the governments of various countries that have worked together with the Earth Guardians will definitely liquidate the Earth Guardians and make them bear all the sins for mankind, so that the remaining people can live in peace without having to worry about it. Conscience is condemned by past events..."

Yamu sighed: "It's so cruel and heartless!"

Lin Zhongtian nodded, then shook his head: "From an individual point of view, it is true, but from the perspective of human beings as a whole, this is a benign behavior of removing some lesions to make the whole thing better."

"The most important thing is that this is humankind's own choice, so I am not going to interfere."

"After all, in this modern world, there is no value in ruling. We just need to be ourselves and let things go..."

Yamu nodded, indicating that he understood what Lin Zhongtian meant.

Danas sighed, covered his forehead and said: "So, I did some unnecessary things..."

Lin Zhongtian glanced at him and said: "It's not unnecessary. That country always likes to protect war criminals. If you liquidate the branch for them, I will definitely support it."

"And in this way, everyone will know that they have offended you. In order to establish relations with us, all the five permanent countries, including North America, will challenge them..."

Having said this, Lin Zhongtian suddenly paused and turned to glance at an ordinary-looking middle-aged man in the crowd.

"...He is from the Huaxia branch?"

Ya Mu sensed the direction and nodded: "It should be."

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said: "It seems that he is the person who was ordered to contact us!"

Danas asked with interest: "Want to get in touch with them?"

Lin Zhongtian thought for a while, shook his head and said: "Forget it, there is no need... But then again, China in this world has performed better than I imagined. This spirit of resisting disasters instead of escaping, I am very proud of it. like."

"So, give them some rewards!"

As he spoke, air currents suddenly swayed around Lin Zhongtian.

All the surrounding tourists noticed the strong wind blowing from the ground, and looked at Lin Zhongtian and the others in shock.

I saw Lin Zhongtian wave his right hand, and a long sword with a brilliant blue light flew out from the void, turned into a ray of blue light and flew to the top of Mount Tai, and in everyone's shocked eyes, it was inserted directly into the 'Five Sacred Mountains' in front of the stone monument.

Everyone looked at the top of the mountain in shock, and then quickly looked at Lin Zhongtian and the other three.

But at this time, the three young figures had disappeared.

Just when everyone was a little disappointed, a young man opened his eyes wide, pointed at the sky above his head and shouted excitedly.

"Fuck, look, they're in the sky!"



"Really in heaven?!"

Everyone exclaimed and looked up to the sky. They saw that the three people had changed into green shirts at some point, and they were flying swords on their feet, floating above everyone's heads, looking like they were floating in the air.

Especially the leader, who is handsome, handsome and has an unworldly temperament. He looks like a peerless swordsman straight out of a novel.

"Damn it, Sword Immortal!"

Seeing this scene, many young people couldn't help but swear. Most of them hurriedly took out their mobile phones and pointed their faces at the sky with excitement, trying to take pictures of the three sword immortals wielding swords.

There were also some young people in the second grade who were so excited that they became disciples on the spot and wanted the three sword immortals to accept them as their disciples.


At this moment, the long sword inserted in front of the Wuyue Duzun Stone made a light blue ripple.

All the tourists enveloped by the ripples, no matter men, women, old or young, heard such a voice in their minds.

"Today, the Taishan Sword Sect has reappeared in the sky and opened its gates. All descendants of Yan and Huang who are interested can go up the mountain to accept the trial. Anyone who can be recognized by the Qingyuan Immortal Sword will be our registered disciple of the Taishan Sword Sect, and will be awarded the immortal instrument and practice. Sword skills, the road to immortality..."

The majestic voice kept echoing in everyone's minds.

The young people who had read the novels and films immediately became excited, stood up from where they were, and bravely climbed the mountain, as if their previous fatigue no longer existed.

And it wasn't just them, everyone else was also talking excitedly.

Some people waved their arms vigorously and shouted excitedly, trying to attract the attention of the three swordsmen above them.

But unfortunately, after the long sword made light blue ripples, the three sword immortals seemed to have finished what they should do. They immediately turned into three streams of light and flew to the distant horizon with their swords.

Among the excited crowd, the middle-aged man belonging to the Huaxia branch stared blankly at the three streaks of light in the sky, and then at the long sword that kept emitting light blue ripples at the top of Mount Tai, and then couldn't help but sigh. , speaking into the hidden microphone on his collar:

"Captain... we're in big trouble now!"

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