In the world of "Overlord", the protagonist Suzuki Satoru logged into the game on the last day of the server closure of the once super-popular online game "YGGDRASIL", and was waiting in the guild to be forced offline after the server was shut down.

But when the operating time ended, Suzuki Satoru did not log out of the game. Instead, he took the game characters and the entire guild to a different world.

In the original plot, the only player who traveled through time this time was the protagonist.

But Deng Yougang heard Heiluo Heiluo's name from Ma Lei's mouth.

Kuro Kuro is another member of the game guild where the protagonist belongs, and one of the three people who went online on the last day of the game server.

He was supposed to log off and leave before the game was closed, but now he traveled to this different world with Suzuki Satoru.

For this situation, Deng Yougang could only think of three possibilities.

The first is a simple change in the world line, the second is a third-party traveler, and the third is the interference of the main god's divided soul.

Considering that the split soul of the main god does exist, the third scenario is the most likely.

However, if this is the case, how did the main god become Kuro Kuro, and how did he gain the trust of the protagonist Suzuki Satoru?

While Deng Yougang was thinking this, he swung his gun through the collapsed mansion and jumped into the air.

Looking down from a high altitude, the magnificent mansion collapsed with a rumbling tremor. Countless huge cracks spread rapidly in all directions with the ruins of the mansion as the center, affecting the entire manor in the blink of an eye.

In the manor, the heroic spirits who were killing various insects stopped what they were doing and looked at the center of the earthquake in surprise.

"……what's the situation?"

"What else could it be like? It's just an idea!"


A wanton smile appeared on Lu Bu's face. With a wave of his halberd, a large black-red air flow swept out, easily annihilating the group of insects that were carrying property into ashes.

"Since there are experts, you're welcome to a certain family!"

With that said, Lu Bu jumped up and rushed towards the ruins of the mansion.

At this moment, a strong killing intent suddenly came from the sky.

Lu Bu raised his brows, and without hesitation, he held his halberd in both hands and slashed upwards.


The jet-black halberd collided with the horny object that looked like a broad sword.

The surging air currents swept out and launched the two colliding parties into the sky and the earth.

After landing firmly on the ground, Lu Bu waved the euphorbia in his hand and looked up at the landing figure in front of him.

I saw that the person was wearing a neat maid outfit, with an insect that looked like a broad sword attached to her hand, and her cute little face looked at Lu Bu angrily.

"Ah, my bugs, how dare you kill my bugs!"

"..." Lu Bu raised his eyebrows and said calmly, "Girl, did you raise these bugs?"

"Then did you know that they like to eat people!"

Entema didn't pay any attention to Lu Bu's question. She just stared at Lu Bu angrily, holding the sword bug in her right hand, and rushed over with a shout.

"Give me back my bug!"


Lu Bu frowned and swung the Fang Tian Painted Halberd in his hand lightly, using a smooth force to pull the blade of Entma's attack towards the ground.


The horny sword blade was deeply embedded in the ground. Lu Bu raised his foot to step on the sword, looked down at the short figure in front of him, and said calmly: "Girl, answer someone's question first."

Entema pulled out the sword with all her strength, but was unable to break through Lu Bu's blockage.

In shame and anger, she let go of the sword insect and raised her hand to angrily poke Lu Bu.

"Sword Worm!"

With a lovely clear drink, another sword insect condensed in the light. The sharp sword blade stabbed Lu Bu's throat hard.

But Lu Bu just tilted his head and easily avoided the sword's thrust.

At the same time, Lu Bu stretched out his big hand, easily bypassed the edge of the sword, pressed it first on Entema's face, and then... slapped it hard.


The ground cracked, Entema's small figure instantly rose up, and her head sank deeply into the ground.

Lu Bu let go of his right hand, looked at Entma who was sinking into the ground and said calmly: "Girl, a certain family's patience has its limit... huh?"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Bu was slightly startled and looked down with slight surprise.

In the deep pit, cracks appeared on Entema's cute little face.

The next second, the white face shattered like a mask, revealing the ferocious spider-like face underneath the masked insect.


Lu Bu shook the halberd in his hand and immediately calmed down. He glared at the insect girl at his feet with some shame and anger and said, "What do you think it is? It turns out that it is also an ugly monster. Fortunately, a certain family showed mercy to you... Humph, you are looking for death." !”

When he said the last sentence, Lu Bu's tone became angry.

He raised the pitch-black halberd in his hand without hesitation and struck it down towards the maid below.

Entoma was frightened and angry. She immediately raised her arms and shouted: "Hard Beetle!"

The light condensed and turned into a hard beetle in the shape of a round shield, blocking Entma's body.

Lu Bu sneered when he saw this, and turned the halberd from chopping to slapping with the halberd's surface.


The powerful force penetrated the hard armor like a wave and was instantly transmitted to Entema under the hard beetle.

In an instant, everywhere on Entma's body exploded, and the lipworm that was originally hidden in her throat exploded into pulp under the powerful bombardment.

Sensing the pain radiating throughout her body, Entma was in disbelief and felt unprecedented anger in her heart.

She yelled angrily, raised her ferocious mouthparts, and spat out large amounts of black gas at Lu Bu.

Fly Breath, one of the trump cards of insect master Entema, can spit out a large number of maggots that are invisible to the naked eye, burrow into the enemy's flesh, continuously eat the enemy's flesh, and cause continuous damage.

Not only that, after devouring enough flesh and blood, the maggots will transform into flies, turning into an army of flies and continuing to attack the enemy.

It must be said that this move is quite sinister, enough to cause both mental and physical damage to flesh and blood enemies.

But unfortunately, she met Lu Bu in the heroic spirit state.

"...What the hell?"

Lu Bu frowned, and black-red flames instantly erupted from his body, burning the tiny maggots and flies, making a pleasant hissing sound.


The pupils of Entma's dozens of compound eyes shrank, and they made an unpleasant sound like spit.

Lu Bu frowned when he heard this, looked at her with disgust and said, "It turns out that not only the face, but also the voice is disguised by insects..."


Entoma let out a scream, and her originally flat back suddenly bulged, and her ferocious head protruded from the restraints, completely returning to its original appearance. Four spider-like limbs stretched out from under the maid skirt, like Doctor Octopus in Marvel. She picked up her small humanoid body.

"...Kill, kill you, I want to kill you!"

Entema's angry voice gradually became louder, and finally he suddenly raised his thick limbs and poked Lu Bu's body from two different directions.

At the same time, streaks of tough spider threads were released from her body, winding around Lu Bu from all directions like a grid.

"Slash the spider web!"


Lu Bu swung his halberd, and the halberd blade easily cut off the spider web, and then sneered and swung it towards the insect monster in front of him.

On the other side, Deng Yougang was wearing silver armor and holding a silver gun, suspended high in the sky, looking down at the ruins of the mansion below with an indifferent expression.

I saw the dark elf boy emerging from the ruins intact with a blue magic shield on his head. He glared at Deng Yougang above his head and let out a loud voice with a milky voice:

"Plant generation!"

"Plant entanglement!"

In an instant, a huge wave of magic power erupted from the dark staff.

Countless thick dark green vines burst out of the ground in an instant, growing wildly while wrapping around Deng Yougang in the air.

"Is this the level magic in the game?"

Deng Yougang raised his eyebrows, and the figure holding the silver gun disappeared instantly, causing the vines surrounding him to fly away.

Seeing this scene, the dark elf boy was slightly startled, and quickly clenched his staff and released the magic to deal with it.

"Life perception!"

"Huh? Why can't I find it?"

The dark elf boy Mare's pupils shrank.

The next second, the silver spear penetrated the magic shield and stabbed him hard on the back.

But unfortunately, the leather armor on Marley's body was inlaid with the scales of the Dark Blue Dragon King, and the local defense was quite good. Even if Deng Yougang made a surprise attack, he would not be able to penetrate all of his protection at once.


The boy's small body instantly flew forward, turning into a stream of light and crashing into the ruins ahead.

Deng Yougang stood at Ma Lei's original position with a spear in hand, looking at the smoke and dust rising in front of him and said calmly: "Hiding one's own life breath is just a basic operation of a warrior. Is there anything surprising about this?"


An angry voice came from the smoke, followed by a huge wave of magic power.

"The waves of the earth!"


The ground under his feet instantly set off huge waves, slamming them down towards the direction where Deng Yougang was.

Deng Yougang sneered, jumped up with a silver gun in hand, and instantly penetrated the waves of earth and came to Ma Lei.

Marei's pupils shrank and he subconsciously released layers of magic shields.

But the next second, the silver spear penetrated the shield and stabbed him hard in the chest.

"So fast!"

Mare was shocked, and immediately used all his strength to wave the black staff in his hand.


The jet-black staff collided with the silver-white spear, but it was the seemingly harder silver spear that broke.

After all, Deng Yougang just randomly found a compressed metal spear as a weapon.

The dark staff in Mare's hand is actually a powerful artifact-level weapon called the 'Shadow of the World Tree'!

Not only does it have a powerful magic amplification effect, it also carries extremely exaggerated mass and density. Even if it is simply used as a blunt weapon, it will never be inferior to a real blunt weapon.

Sensing the shock force coming from the spear in his hand, Deng Yougang raised his eyebrows and without hesitation, he kicked Ma Lei in the chest.


The body of the dark elf boy flew upside down again.

Deng Yougang threw away the broken gun in his hand, surpassed the young man in an instant, and hit the protective shield on the young man's body with a whip.


The blue protective shield was shattered instantly, but then a new magic protective shield was instantly generated.

Deng Yougang raised his eyebrows, and immediately used his fists and feet to launch a violent attack on Ma Lei.

All the dark elf boy could do was hold the staff tightly and continuously release various defensive magics, trying to find an opportunity to escape from this non-stop offensive.

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