The blond young man looked at the old swordsman with shock and anger.

Different from the previous attacks, the blue sword energy that cut off his arm this time actually caused him to permanently lose part of his body.

Although the arm has grown back as usual, if you measure it, you will find that his left arm is about three centimeters shorter than before.

"...What kind of power is this?"

"You can actually hurt my shadow body!"

Cold sweat broke out on the blond young man's forehead, hesitating whether to fight the old swordsman or not.

Looking at the blond young man's hesitant look, Wang Yue frowned and said in disappointment, "Don't you want to say it?"


The blond young man was slightly startled.

Wang Yue shook his head and slowly raised the Eight-sided Han Sword in his hand.

"Then go to hell!"

"...Huh? Wait!"

The blond young man shouted quickly.

But at this time, the sharp eight-sided Han sword already lit up with a blue light.

"Tiger Ben Sword Style - Feng Chaoyang!"

In an instant, the blond young man seemed to hear a clear cry of phoenix.

The bright blue sword energy poured out overwhelmingly, filling the blond young man's entire field of vision like a phoenix spreading its wings.

The blond young man was frightened and did not hesitate to escape into the shadows, choosing to escape.

But the green-blue 'Phoenix' seemed to have spirituality, changing its direction as he moved, and no matter how he wandered in the shadows, it remained fixed on his position.



There was a loud noise, and the overwhelming blue sword energy shattered most of the abandoned factory.

Countless pieces of broken reinforced concrete rustled down, and the remaining smoke and dust in the sky were cleared away by the remaining sword energy before it even rose.

As for the blond young man who was hit head-on by this move, his body was completely annihilated and disappeared without a trace.

The sunshine from the clear sky shines in from the large hole with a diameter of more than ten meters above the diagonal, adding a golden afterglow to the dim abandoned factory.

Wang Yue stood quietly in the sunlight, sheathing his sword with a calm expression, then turned his head and looked at the girl who had gathered her body from the shadows at some point.

Shang Xiaowen stared blankly at the sky through the big hole above her head.

After a long time, she came back to her senses, looked at Wang Yue and asked with some difficulty: "Who are you...?"

"I told you so." Wang Yue chuckled, "A native of Yanshan, Liaodong, General Hu Ben of the Han Dynasty, Wang Yue."

"Han, Wang Yue?" Shang Xiaowen murmured to herself, suddenly her pupils shrank, and she said in disbelief, "Wang Yue of the Eastern Han Dynasty?!"

Wang Yue smiled and nodded: "That's right me."

... He is actually an ancient man from two thousand years ago, which means that he must be a spirit. And according to Shang Xiaowen's knowledge, the only people in China who have the art of inviting spirits are the Chuma Xian family in the Northeast.

Therefore, this Eastern Han Sword Master is most likely a member of the Deng family!

Shang Xiaowen's eyes changed for a while, and she already had some guesses in her mind.

Wang Yue glanced at her face and chuckled: "Little girl, don't be nervous. I have no ill intentions towards you."

"On the contrary, you are a little girl, so careless and reckless that I had to show up in front of you as soon as I received the mission."

Shang Xiaowen's face turned red and she whispered: "You don't know, the Shadow Kingdom organization is very dangerous. They..."


Wang Yue couldn't help laughing.

When Shang Xiaowen heard his laughter, she didn't know what she said wrong, but she could vaguely feel the natural and kind ridicule in Wang Yue's laughter, as if she had said something extremely ridiculous. .

Then her face became redder and redder, and her voice became softer and softer.

Wang Yue noticed Shang Xiaowen's expression, immediately stopped his smile, shook his head and said: "Sorry, little girl, I didn't mean to do it. Come with me, someone wants to see you."

With that said, Wang Yue walked towards the big hole he had blasted out, stopped at the entrance, and turned to look at Shang Xiaowen, as if waiting for her to follow his pace.

Shang Xiaowen hesitated for a moment, gritted her teeth, and then took steps to follow.

On the other side, in the ward of the Cultivation Ministry Hospital.

Deng Yougang stood in front of the hospital bed, looking at Deng Herong with his eyes closed in front of him with some surprise.

This guy's talent is really good, and his talent is not only the strong soul of a space traveler, but also the amazing understanding that can definitely be called a genius.

In less than an hour, Deng Herong successfully got started with "Gu Ling Qian Jiang".

Although this speed is not as fast as the cheating Deng Yougang, the head of the Deng family can be regarded as a first-class genius when placed below one person.


Bai Lang looked at Deng Herong with great interest and said, "How about we leave the subordinate forces in this world to him to manage!"

"I think his qualifications should be sufficient. Coupled with the support of the Deng family in the Northeast and his past relationship with the Cultivation Department, the natives of this world should not have any objections."

"We are all going to be the bosses in the end anyway, so why not leave it to our own people."

"This way, the wealth will not flow to outsiders!"

Deng Yougang nodded: "I think so too... However, the Space and Time Administration is only a target on the surface. We have to secretly cultivate a real affiliated force of the alliance so that after we leave, we can check and balance Suzuki Satoru's security." Z. Oul Gown.”

Bai Lang glanced at him and said, "Let me guess, do you want to support the Deng family?"

Deng Yougang smiled and said: "Of course, our Deng family is a subsidiary force registered in the alliance. As long as the Deng family here recognizes their ancestors and returns to the clan, they are fully one of our own. I don't believe them. Do we really have to start from scratch?" Start training your subordinates?”

Bailang thought for a while, nodded and said, "That's right."

At this moment, Deng Yougang's expression suddenly moved slightly, and then he raised the corners of his mouth and said, "Sure enough, something happened over Mr. Wang's side."

Bailang suddenly became interested and asked quickly: "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, a strange awakened organization called Shadow Kingdom."

Having said this, Deng Yougang turned his attention to the young man on the hospital bed who was doing kung fu with his eyes closed.

After thinking for a moment, he raised his hand and released Lan Qi, using the gentlest method to wake up the young man from his power.

"...What's wrong, ancestor?"

The young man opened his eyes and stared blankly at Deng Yougang in front of him.

Deng Yougang asked with a smile: "Before you fell ill, you were a strong man in the first echelon of the Cultivation Department, right?"

The young man's eyes gradually became clearer, and he nodded and said, "That's right."

Deng Yougang continued to ask: "Have you ever heard of the organization Shadow Kingdom?"

"...Shadow Kingdom?" The young man frowned tightly, "Have you met anyone from Shadow Kingdom?"

Deng Yougang smiled and shook his head: "It's not me, it's your little girlfriend."


The young man was startled for a moment, and then he seemed to have figured out something, and suddenly said: "So that's it, she is a dark attribute awakener!"

"No wonder I've been with her for so long, but I still haven't found any clues about her..."

Bailang asked curiously: "Are those with dark attribute awakenings very rare?"

The young man nodded solemnly and said, "It's very rare."

Deng Yougang frowned and said, "But no matter how rare it is, it won't always be hidden, right?"

"She didn't even reveal anything about you, my childhood sweetheart. Isn't this a bit too much?"

The young man sighed and smiled bitterly: "Now that I think about it, before I participated in the secret mission of the First Emperor's Mausoleum, Wenwen once told me that she wanted to tell me a secret. But after that mission, I suffered from spiritual energy depletion syndrome. Top practitioners become ordinary people.”

"Wenwen has had a strong sense of empathy since she was a child. Perhaps she was concerned about my feelings at the time, so she chose to continue pretending to be an ordinary person..."

Deng Yougang nodded thoughtfully, and then asked: "What about before that? Why did she hide it?"

The young man's face straightened: "This is about the organization you mentioned, Shadow Kingdom."

"As far as I know, the members of this organization are a group of mad dogs who only know how to pursue power. The guy who founded this organization has been included in the kill list in every eco-city around the world."

"But even so, he is still alive and well. No one knows his true identity, and no one knows where he is..."

Good guy, this guy is pretty high-level. He can’t be another agent of the main god, right?

Deng Yougang and Bailang looked at each other, but had no intention of what Deng Herong would say.

Deng Herong continued: "The members of the Shadow Kingdom are all dark attribute awakeners, and the dark attribute magic power, in addition to concealment, also has a little-known characteristic, that is, it can devour each other!"

"The guy who established the Kingdom of Shadow calls himself the Shadow King. He is the most powerful awakened person of the dark attribute currently known. He is also the first ogre to discover the characteristic of dark attribute magic and use it to continuously devour awakened persons of the same attribute."

"The Cultivation Department once captured a member of the Shadow Kingdom and learned from him how the Shadow King recruits his subordinates."

"He will find an awakened person with dark attributes, and make him have an unforgettable hatred for himself by killing his relatives, insulting his personality, trampling on his dignity, etc. Then, the Shadow King will force him to join the Kingdom of Shadows and allow him to use the shadows. The forces of the country are crazy and unscrupulous in their pursuit of power..."

Hearing Deng Herong's words, Deng Yougang and Bai Lang couldn't help but be a little speechless.

Deng Yougang frowned and said, "How does this deformed organizational structure work?"

"Even if those who hate him want to pursue power, they don't necessarily have to follow his rules, right?"

Deng Herong sighed: "It's not that simple. As the strongest dark attribute awakener, as long as the Shadow King wants to hide himself, no one in this world can find him."

"Members of the Shadow Kingdom must act in accordance with the rules of the Shadow Kingdom if they want revenge."

"Because only in this way can they have a chance to confront the Shadow King head-on."

"Within the Kingdom of Shadow, the five strongest awakened ones besides the Shadow King are called the Five Shadows. All members of the Five Shadows have been given the opportunity to challenge themselves by the Shadow King."

"But there is only one such opportunity, because if the challenge fails, they will be devoured by the Shadow King..."

Bai Lang couldn't help but said: "Isn't this raising Gu?"

Deng Herong nodded solemnly: "Yes, it's about raising Gu!"

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