Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 734 Seeing Magic for the First Time


Hai Wen was slightly startled, and then couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Ever since he studied the "Dragon Blood Codex", Hai Wen has always wanted to see the real dragon blood. However, the weakest member of the dragon clan is at least a seventh-level monster. It is so powerful that the entire Wushan Town combined is not. its opponents.

But now, Hogg, the patriarch of the Baruch family, has made a breakthrough, and Haiwen boasts that he has strength above level seven.

If the dragon that appeared in Xiao Linlei's mouth was not of a high level, he might actually have a chance to see the real dragon blood!

Without hesitation, Haiwen immediately stood up and asked Xiao Linlei to take him to see the dragon.

Soon, two eight-year-old children appeared in the open space east of Wushan Town.

At this time, it was the time for children in Wushan Town to do morning exercises. More than two hundred children and teenagers aged six to sixteen were standing in the open space, hiding behind the guard captain Hillman and others, looking at them with shock on their faces. The source of the vibration ahead.

It was an extremely huge earth-moving dragon, with a huge body that was nearly two stories high and at least thirty meters long from head to tail.

The huge sharp teeth like swords opened and closed slightly, and white smoke spewed out from between the sharp teeth, exuding a pungent smell of sulfur. On the head wrapped in fiery red scales, two huge eyes the size of lanterns turned around. , his eyes exuded a cold red light, and he glanced coldly at the hundreds of teenagers in the open space as if looking at prey.

All the children were so frightened by the dragon's eyes that they became motionless.

"so big……"

Xiao Linlei opened his eyes wide and looked at the fiery red terrain dragon in shock.

As an eight-year-old child, the biggest thing he had seen since he was a child was the war horse of the town guard.

The shoulders of those horses were over 1.6 meters high, and the head height was more than two meters. In Lin Lei's eyes, they were already considered giants.

But for such a tall horse, in front of this dragon, he could just open his mouth and swallow it whole.

"It's the seventh-level magic beast Velociraptor!"

Hai Wen looked at the dragon with sharp eyes and explained to Lin Lei in a low voice: "Velociraptors are ground dragons without dragon wings. Their strength is at the top level among the middle and lower dragon clans. Any velociraptor, even if it has nothing, If you do, you can become a level seven monster as long as you reach adulthood!"

"As an adult, a velociraptor not only has amazing scale defense, but is also gifted with fire-attribute magic. Among the earthly dragons, it is considered to be quite good at fighting."

"If such a velociraptor is attacked by the kingdom's ordinary army, even a thousand-man brigade will be killed. Unless high-level warriors and magicians work together to break through its scale defense, the real Hurt it!”

"...So strong?"

Xiao Linlei's eyes widened and he couldn't help but ask: "Brother-in-law, aren't you even his opponent?"

Haiwen shook his head: "I don't know. You have to try it before you know...but compared to this raptor, I care more about the purple-robed man sitting on the dragon's back. If I guessed correctly, he He should be a magician!"


Linley stared blankly at the figure on the back of the raptor, with a rather fascinated expression on his face.

At the same time, Hillman, the captain of the Wushan Town Guards, suppressed his fear and walked forward, stopped next to the raptor, and bowed respectfully to the purple-robed figure sitting on the back of the raptor. A bow.

"Dear Master Magician, this is Wushan Town under the rule of the Kingdom of Finlay. I am the captain of the escort team under the lord of Wushan Town. I don't know if there is anything I can do for you..."

"Wushan Town, is this Wushan Town?"

A cold voice came from the back of the raptor.

Hillman pursed his lips and said respectfully, "Yes."

The purple-robed magician raised his head, sat on the dragon's back, looked down at Hillman, and said calmly: "Let me ask you a question, has a seven-member mercenary team passed through Wushan Town in the past two days?"


Hillman's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help but struggle.

At this moment, a familiar exclamation came from among the many teenagers behind him.

Hillman was startled and quickly turned his head, only to see Hai Wen standing next to Lin Lei with a trembling body. Although his face was very frightened, his eyes remained calm. He even nodded slightly at him after he looked over. nod.

Seeing this scene, Hillman was slightly startled, then gritted his teeth, turned his head, and whispered the news about the mercenary team to the other party.

Although the mercenary team spent a lot of gold coins in Wushan Town, it was a fair transaction where the money and goods were settled. Wushan Town really had no obligation to conceal their whereabouts for them.

What's more, the purple-robed magician who tamed the raptor is probably a seventh-level or even eighth-level being.

Even if such a powerful magician destroyed the entire Wushan Town on a whim, the Kingdom of Finlay would not be able to hold him accountable.

Taking this into consideration, Haven made an immediate decision, hinting Hillman to hand over the whereabouts of the mercenary team to the other party.

The result was just as he expected.

"Very well, you made the wisest choice."

After saying that, the purple-robed magician ignored Hillman and rode the raptor into Wushan Town.

Hillman stood there and hesitated for a moment, but finally gritted his teeth and chased after him.

"Uncle Hillman!"

Lin Lei exclaimed, and then quickly pushed away Haiwen who seemed to be shaking, and said anxiously: "Uncle, what should I do? That guy rode a dragon into our Wushan Town, and Uncle Hillman also chased after him. Let's... "

Haiwen said without hesitation: "Call my cousin and let's go take a look too."

Lin Lei nodded repeatedly: "Well, I'll call my dad right now!"

"No need, I'm already here."

Hogg's figure came up from behind the two of them, looking at the huge departing figure, he thought to himself: "A level seven monster, a magician who is at least level seven... I will be their opponent now." ?"

Not long after, a loud noise came from the center of Wushan Town.

Hogg, Linley and Haiwen hurried over and saw that the purple-robed magician riding a raptor was already fighting with the group of mercenaries.

This seven-man mercenary team is not weak, with four warriors, two magicians and one archer.

The leader of the team was a strong man with messy red hair. He was riding a level five bull-shaped monster. The aura that filled his body was several times more powerful than Hillman's. He looked like he should be a level seven warrior.

"The mercenary team led by the seventh-level warrior and the magician riding the seventh-level magical beast seem to be evenly matched..."

On the roof next to the tavern, Hogg looked at the square in front and whispered.

Haven shook his head: "It's not evenly matched. That magician is much stronger than the warrior opposite. I can conclude that he is at least an eighth-level magician or above."


Hogg's pupils shrank, and he began to reassess the fighting strength of both sides.

Lin Lei, who was next to him, held onto Haiwen's arm tightly and couldn't help but ask, "Why are they arguing?"

Haven glanced at him and whispered: "The magician is looking for a precious magic gem called 'Depero Shadow Diamond', and this magic gem is in the hands of this seven-person mercenary team. "

"The magician originally planned to buy the gem for 100,000 gold coins, but the other party was unwilling and said that it was worth at least 7 million gold coins."

"Seven million gold coins?!" Xiao Linlei couldn't help but exclaimed.

Hogg next to him couldn't help but open his eyes wide, looking at the battlefield with a strange look.

After a moment, Hogg looked away, shook his head and said: "I want to buy a precious magic gem worth seven million gold coins for one hundred thousand gold coins. It's no wonder that the two sides are in conflict..."

Lin Lei couldn't help complaining: "Why didn't he grab it?"

Haiwen curled his lips and said: "Is it possible that he is robbing now?"


The huge velociraptor opened its bloody mouth and spit out a ball of blazing flames.

The mercenaries on the opposite side knew that the battle had begun and quickly moved.

The four warriors shouted loudly, and various fighting spirit shields rose up from their bodies. They rushed forward while carrying the flames, holding their weapons to fight the fiery red raptor at close range. At the same time, they defended the archers behind them and the two A crooning magician buys time.

I have to say that to be able to harvest such precious magic gems, this mercenary team is indeed very capable.

They cooperated tacitly, and they knew how to cooperate and contain each other without communicating when taking action.

Under their tacit attack, even the powerful seventh-level magic beast Velociraptor was unable to do anything to them for a while.

But unfortunately, the Velociraptor is only a threat on the surface. The real murderous intention is hidden on the back of the Velociraptor!

Haiwen's eyes were fixed on the lips of the magician under the purple robe, as if he was reading the spell that the other party was reciting silently through lip language.

"Eighth level fire magic - Dance of the Fire Snake!"

The cold voice of the mysterious magician suddenly sounded.

Seven fire snakes that were tens of meters long rolled out of him and flew in all directions.

Seeing the lifelike and extremely thick fire snakes, the expressions of the seven mercenaries suddenly changed, and they turned around and tried to escape.

But unfortunately, their escape speed was far less than the flying speed of the fire snake.

In just a few moments, seven fire snakes passed by them, circling and dancing in the air around them.

Everything swallowed by the fire snake, whether it was the flesh and blood of the mercenaries or the stone tiles on the ground in the central square of Wushan Town, melted and burned under the blazing heat.

The surrounding houses were also affected by the fire snake and burned violently.

For a time, Wushan Town was in flames, and thousands of townspeople were evacuated to the open space, looking desperately at the unimaginable disaster in front of them.


Hogg clenched his fists tightly, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his dark eyes.

At this moment, Haiwen suddenly grabbed the corner of his clothes, shook his head and said, "You can't do it here."

Hogg was startled for a moment, then reacted and silently released his palm.

Not long after, the seven mercenaries were burned to ashes by the fire snake. The purple-robed magician jumped off the back of the raptor, raised his hand, and took out a dreamlike and gorgeous one from the ashes of the red-haired man. purple diamond.

"Hahaha, I finally found you!"

"With this Depero Shadow Diamond, my strength will be even greater!"

"Heymans, let's see how you fight me this time!"

The purple-robed magician laughed heartily as if no one was watching. Hillman and the townspeople stood and watched, not even daring to step forward to put out the fire, for fear of arousing the magician's wrath.

This is the Magnolia Continent, where the strong have everything and the weak have nothing.

Linley, who was only eight years old, looked at this scene and clenched his fists tightly.

Haiwen next to him lowered his head slightly and chanted something in a low voice.

The next second, an earthworm-like slender fire snake appeared in his palm, and then disappeared in the blink of an eye under Haiwen's strange eyes.

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