Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 736 Classic Portable Grandpa

Is he that meteorite?

Hai Wen was slightly startled, and then a shock emerged in his heart.

It fell from the sky at such a terrifying speed, causing damage comparable to high-level magic, but the handsome boy himself did not suffer even a single scratch.

How strong this level of strength is, it is difficult for Haiwen to judge with his own knowledge.

What's even more strange is that even though he already knew that the handsome young man in front of him was terrifyingly powerful, in his heart, he still didn't feel any sense of crisis towards the young man in front of him.

Even when the other party asked him to come out, he just hesitated and walked out.

This wonderful sense of security is quite incredible for Haiwen today.

Just when he frowned and was about to ask a few more questions, the handsome young man seemed to notice something and looked beyond Haven to the forest burning with flames behind him.

"That arrives so fast……"

The handsome young man sighed, then glanced at Haiwen and said, "My name is Zuo Yu, remember this name."

"From now on, we two brothers will spend a lot of time together!"

After saying that, before Haiwen could react, Zuo Yu's body ignited with raging flames, which instantly turned into streams of golden-red flames, condensing into a golden-red bracelet on Haiwen's right wrist.

Of course, these are actually Zuo Yu's tricks for Sudden Haiwen.

In fact, he just put a space bracelet on Haiwen's wrist, and then entered the space bracelet and came to the mansion he had prepared long ago...

That's right, as the number one wealthy person in the Traveler Alliance, Zuo Yu carries many palaces and mansions with him in order to maintain a high quality of life even when he cannot escape in such a short period of time.

Since Lin Zhongtian wanted him to escort Haiwen, he would temporarily take care of the old man.

In the future, when Haiwen becomes stronger, he will open part of the space of the storage bracelet to Haiwen, and then hide in other areas to enjoy life.

It just so happened that he had not touched the thousands of high-scoring virtual games and tens of thousands of high-scoring movies and TV series that New World had brought, so he took advantage of this opportunity to enjoy it and save Bailang from pestering him with spoilers all day long. .

Thinking of this, Zuo Yu sat on the dragon leather sofa, crossed her legs, and sent a message to Hai Wen who looked blank outside.

"From today on, I will be your personal master... no, my personal big brother!"

"The once peerless powerful man was knocked down and fell into the material plane. You can imagine this background and identity however you want. It doesn't matter to me whether you want to tell others about it or not."

"As long as you are in danger and say my name, I will find a way to save you!"

Zuo Yu's indifferent voice echoed in Haiwen's mind.

He stood there blankly, looking at the gold-red bracelet on his wrist in confusion, and it took him a while to react.

At this moment, a green fighting spirit roared in, splitting away the burning trees and flames, revealing Hogg and Hillman who looked anxious.

After seeing Haven in a daze next to the crater, Hogg finally breathed a sigh of relief and rushed over excitedly.

"Haven, are you okay?"

"I...I'm fine."

Haiwen looked at the gold-red bracelet on his hand and hesitated, but still did not tell the matter.

Hogg checked Haven's body and found that there were indeed no injuries, and finally let go of his hanging heart.

"You scared me to death. What on earth did you do, kid?"

"If Lin Lei hadn't told me, I wouldn't have noticed that you disappeared..."

Hogg said a few words slightly reproachfully, and then without waiting for Haven's answer, he frowned and looked at the crater in front of him solemnly: "What exactly happened here? Why did the meteorite suddenly fall?"


Haven came back to his senses, calmed down, and shook his head in response to Hogg's doubtful gaze.

"This is not the place to talk. I will talk to you slowly when I get back..."

"Don't leave in a hurry yet!" Zuo Yu's voice rang in Haiwen's mind, "Three hundred meters in front of you to your left - yes, yes, that's the broken tree you're looking at now. There's a tree buried underneath. Good stuff, go pick it up!"


Haiwen's eyes moved slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he took steps and walked over.

"Haven?" Hogg looked at him in surprise, thought for a moment, and followed.

Not long after, Haiwen dug up the ground, and a dreamlike purple light bloomed from it.

"This is... Depero Shadow Diamond?!"

Seeing the purple diamond, Hogg exclaimed, his eyes immediately lit up, and he couldn't help but look at Haven next to him.

In a daze, he seemed to hear the sound of gold coins falling from the sky like rain...

"Seven million gold coins!"

Hogg swallowed and stretched out his hand to the purple diamond tremblingly.

Since the accident that day, Wushan Town has returned to its former peace.

Whether it was the eighth-level purple-robed magician who passed by Wushan Town or the earth-shattering meteorite that fell from the sky later, they were very lucky not to cause too much damage to Wushan Town.

The only damage was that many houses were destroyed by fire and earthquake, and some townspeople suffered minor injuries from the flames and collapsed houses.

But an injury of this degree is nothing in the eyes of the people of Wushan Town who have practiced martial arts since childhood.

In contrast, economic losses are the most unacceptable thing for the residents of Wushan Town.

Fortunately, the Lord has always been kind. This time Wushan Town suffered an unreasonable disaster, and he took full responsibility for it. Not only did he send people to help rebuild new houses for the townspeople who lost their houses in the disaster, but he also shouldered all the expenses and did not let the victims suffer. The family's financial situation worsened.

For this situation, the townspeople who were affected by the disaster were naturally grateful.

They only need to live with relatives and neighbors for a period of time, and then they can have a new house built for them by the lord.

In contrast, those townspeople who were not affected by the disaster felt a little awkward, and their original sympathy and pity gradually turned into envy and jealousy.

Many people even whispered secretly, saying that the lord Baruch family suddenly became generous from a state of financial distress, and must have done some bad things behind the scenes...

In the face of such rumors, Hogg also showed the majesty and means that a medieval lord should have.

It only took him a few days to find out the source of the rumors, and then arrested all those who spread the rumors, pronounced them guilty in public, deprived them of all their property, and deported them from the country.

Regarding Hogg's final verdict, the extreme guard captain Hillman felt that the master was not extreme enough, while the conservative Haven felt that Hillman was still too conservative...

Of course, even if Haven was not satisfied with Hogg's verdict, he did not interfere verbally.

Because at this time, he had devoted himself wholeheartedly to the study of magic.

After the fire magician was killed by Zuo Yu, all the treasures that had not been destroyed were left in various places in the forest.

Haiwen was thinking about these things, so he often went into the forest to hunt for treasures around the meteorite ruins.

So, with Zuo Yu's reminders intentionally or unintentionally, he 'picked up' a lot of good things one after another.

These include a fiery red staff inlaid with magic gems, a velociraptor leg with fiery red dragon scales, a number of broken magic gems that have lost their luster, and a book on how to practice fire magic.

After that, with the help of that fire magic training experience, Haiwen successfully stepped into the threshold of magician and became a fire magician.

At the same time, Lin Lei, who was also eight years old, also had some adventures that he had not told anyone else.

On the day the meteorite fell, his head was smashed by a falling eaves. Blood flowed down his cheeks and coincidentally dropped onto the dark ring hanging on his chest.

As a result, he recognized the owner of this mysterious item which he named the 'Coiling Dragon Ring'.

Then, that night, the soul of an old man flew out of the ring.

After Lin Lei's initial fright, he had a conversation with this old man wearing a moon-white robe, with white beard and hair, and a kind face. He learned that he actually came from the Pu'ang Empire that had been destroyed five thousand years ago, and that he was also a Powerful Holy Domain Magician!

In Yulan Continent, no matter what profession, it is initially divided into levels one to nine.

And above the ninth level, those who truly transcend the mundane world and have a long lifespan are the saintly realm powerhouses.

This old man claimed to be a sacred magician from the Pu'ang Empire more than five thousand years ago, which naturally shocked Lin Lei.

The two communicated in Lin Lei's room all night, and their relationship gradually became closer.

Linley finally learned the old man's name - Delin Kevot.

Since then, the old man and the young man have become friends that have lasted for five thousand years.

And Linley's legend will also take this exchange as the starting point and officially kick off...

Due to the influence of the purple-robed magician, Linley yearned for magic. However, the test of magic talent required going to the royal capital 'Finlai City' in late autumn every year during the military season, and using magic instruments to test.

And now we have just entered early summer, and there is still at least half a year until late autumn.

However, fortunately, Linley still had the old man Delincovoter with him.

As a former Holy Domain magician, Delinkovat naturally has a way to test his magic talent without the help of external objects, but this test is limited to earth magic talents, because Delinkovat himself is an earth magician. division.

Coincidentally, Linley also happened to have a talent for earth magic, but his mental strength was not ideal, barely average.

But it doesn't matter, Delinkovat possesses a secret method to enhance mental power. As long as Linley's earth element affinity is high enough, Delinkovat will be satisfied.

He regarded the encounter between the two as a gift from fate, and then began to seriously teach Lin Lei to learn earth magic.

"Ground Thrust!"

In the ancient house in the backyard of the Baruch family mansion, with a childish shout, seven or eight sharp thorns protruded from the ground.

Seeing this scene, young Lin Lei showed a smile on his face.

"Grandpa Delin, I can use the 'Ground Thrust'!"

"Okay, okay!"

Delinkovart's soul was suspended next to him, looking at Linley with a happy face.

Lin Lei had a heartfelt smile on his face, but not long after, he seemed to have remembered something, with a hesitant look on his face.

After pondering for a moment, Lin Lei asked in a low voice: "Grandpa Delin, my brother-in-law seems to also like magic very much. Do there any way to test his magic talent?"

After hearing Linley's words, Drinkwater's smile gradually faded, and then he shook his head solemnly.

Lin Lei said disappointedly: "Can't you..."

Drinkwater shook his head again and said with a complicated expression: "No, I mean, no need to test, he does have genius-like magical talent that can be seen with the naked eye, but..."


lei looked at him nervously.

Delinkovart looked hesitant, looking at Lin Lei but hesitating to speak, as if he was worried that telling the truth would hurt the child.

But in the end, Drinkwater sighed and said in a complicated tone: "My child, you are a genius in the field of magic. I will never be wrong about this, but your brother-in-law, the child named Haven... …He’s a monster!”

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