Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 741 Rapid Progress (Happy New Year’s Eve!)


lei and reno looked at hawen blankly.

After coming back to his senses, Renault couldn't help but give a thumbs up to Haven with admiration on his face.


"Before I came here, I heard that Ernst College is very unkind. All new students, regardless of their status, must live in the same dormitory. I didn't expect that such a strict rule would leave room for mediation in front of you, old man!"

Renault's face was full of admiration, while Lin Lei next to him couldn't help but ask: "Why do you want to apply for a single dormitory?"

"...What do you think?"

Hai Wen glanced at Lin Lei, and Lin Lei reacted instantly.

That's right, according to Grandpa Delin's estimation, my uncle is now at least a fifth-level magician.

Such a speed of improvement cannot be explained by talent alone. There must be my uncle's own secret behind it, just like his Coiling Dragon Ring and Grandpa Delin...

Thinking of this, Linley couldn't help but hesitate.

Although a single dormitory is more convenient for the uncle, they have to spend a long time in the college after all. Wouldn't it be too lonely without their roommates to accompany them?

Thinking of this, Lin Lei couldn't help but said: "Uncle, how about I accompany you?"

Haiwen was slightly startled, then smiled and said: "No, you are not my appendage, you should have your own life."

After saying that, Haiwen turned around and walked along the dormitory complex in front of him towards his own single dormitory.

Lin Lei stood there and looked at his back, while Renault stood beside him and sighed: "Sure enough, I like your uncle much more than I like that guy named Dixie!"

"I said, is it really okay not to have roommates?"

"According to my personal experience, dormitory life is pretty good..."

Zuo Yu's interested voice sounded in Haiwen's mind.

Haiwen's expression remained unchanged. As he walked towards the single dormitory, he replied in his mind: "Have you also been to the academy?"

Zuo Yu thought about her college life in her previous life and said vaguely: "Well... more or less!"

Haiwen thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "Sure enough, let's forget it. It's not like you don't know about my practice. It's too inconvenient to have roommates around. It's better to be alone."

"Really?" Zuo Yu tutted, "What a pity!"

According to this trend, it is estimated that it will be difficult for Haiwen to find a girlfriend in the academy.

He and Lin Zizhu are both avatars connected to the main consciousness, and it is difficult to have feelings like the love of children. However, Haiwen is reincarnated, and he still has the opportunity to enjoy love.

But what a pity!

A trace of regret arose in Zuo Yu's heart.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day, Ernst Academy of Magic officially started classes.

Unlike universities in the previous life on Earth, courses at Ernst College are calculated in months.

There are classes on the first 28 days of each month, and only the last two days of the month are considered rest days.

At the same time, in order to take care of students with multiple talents, the magic courses at Ernst College are separated.

Earth magic is from 8 to 10 in the morning, fire magic is from 10:30 to 12:30, water magic is from 2 to 4 in the afternoon, wind magic is from 4:30 to 6:30 in the afternoon, and wind magic is from 7:00 to 7:00 in the evening. From nine o'clock to nine o'clock, it's thunder magic, and from nine-thirty to eleven-thirty, it's light magic.

As for the dark system, it is naturally impossible to exist.

After all, the Academy is backed by the Holy See of Light, which has a completely zero-tolerance attitude towards the dark system.

Under such a course arrangement, most single-department students only need to take two hours of classes every day.

A dual-major student like Lin Lei only has four hours of classes a day.

In comparison, Haiwen, who is proficient in the fourth series, is a bit abnormal and needs eight hours of classes every day.

However, there are no hard requirements for this kind of course. Students can go if they want to listen, and they can leave at any time if they don’t want to listen.

Haiwen's personality is characterized by a thirst for knowledge and he is very enthusiastic about learning magic knowledge. Naturally, he attended the clock on the first day and listened carefully to all the four courses of Earth, Fire, Feng Shui.

In the first earth magic class in the morning, Haiwen met his eldest nephew Lin Lei and his three dormitory roommates.

Linley had Delin Covert as his tutor in earth magic, so his demand for earth magic courses was naturally not high, so he enthusiastically introduced the three roommates he had just met to Haiwen throughout the process.

His three roommates were also very enthusiastic. Haiwen chatted with them for a few words and became close friends.

To be honest, if the person who did this was not Lin Lei, Haiwen would definitely not pay attention to it.

He knew that Linley was worried that he was too lonely, so he wanted to introduce his friends to him.

But Haven really doesn't need so-called friends, and he doesn't even plan to stay in this so-called First Magic Academy for long.

According to Zuo Yu's estimation, he would graduate from Ernst Academy in no more than two years and embark on the road to the Holy Realm as a ninth-level warrior and ninth-level magician.

In the afternoon, Haiwen took two courses in the water system and the wind system.

In the wind course, Lin Lei's performance was completely different from that in the morning. Not only did he listen carefully throughout the lecture, but he did not even sit with Hai Wen in order not to be affected by Hai Wen.

"I'm coming."

Zuo Yu's enthusiastic voice suddenly sounded in Haiwen's mind.

Haiwen frowned and said in his mind: "What's coming?"

Zuo Yu laughed loudly and said, "Your future niece-in-law!"


Hai Wen raised his eyebrows and turned to look at Lin Lei sitting in the front row.

I saw a cute little blond girl sitting next to him.

The girl seemed to be sitting next to Lin Lei and listening attentively, but in fact, she often made various strange movements and peeked at Lin Lei's profile intentionally or unintentionally. She obviously had an extraordinary liking for Lin Lei.


Haven looked at the two of them thoughtfully and thought to himself: "If I remember correctly, her name seems to be...Delia!"

Zuo Yu snapped her fingers and said with a smile: "Yes, it's her!"

Hai Wen frowned and said, "You are so sure that she will be with Lin Lei in the future?"

"Don't believe it?" Zuo Yu curled her lips and said, "If you don't believe it, just wait and see!"


Hai Wen twitched the corner of his mouth, arguing with Zuo Yu in his heart, while listening to the wind teacher's story distractedly.

The peaceful daily life of the academy passed by so quickly.

Soon, spring passed and autumn came, and Haiwen and Linley's first school year finally came to an end.

Waldli Hotel is the most luxurious hotel among the consumer venues inside Ernst College.

Today Linley's roommate Yale invited all three of his roommates to this hotel for dinner.

At the banquet, Renault said dissatisfied: "This grade competition is so unlucky. I was almost, just almost, able to enter the semi-finals!"

Yale smiled and said: "Yeah, what a pity. If the top eight hadn't met the champion, you would have been at least a top four..."

Renault sighed unhappily, then turned to look at Lin Lei and said, "Lin Lei, it would be great if you could participate. I know you are the strongest in our dormitory. You are at least a second-level magician now, right?" "

...Level 2?

It’s already Level 4 spicy!

Lin Lei secretly laughed in his heart, but outwardly he shook his head and said, "Not participating would be too bullying."

The corners of the mouths of the three Renaults twitched. After a moment, they sighed and said: "Yes, you are a Baruch. It is too bullying to participate in this kind of competition."

Yale also lamented: "Sometimes, the gap between people is really wider than the gap between people and dogs!"

"We are both human beings. It only took one year for your brother-in-law Haiwen to skip three grades and become a fourth grader. However, we are still in the first grade. We are not even among the top first graders. It's really irritating. ah!"

Having said this, Yale turned to look at Lin Lei and sighed: "At this rate, he will be able to graduate in two years, right?"

"I might need another twenty years..."

After hearing Yale's words, Linley just smiled and did not answer.

In the entire Ernst Academy, he was the only one who knew that his brother-in-law had actually become a level six magician half a year ago.

In comparison, after working hard for a year, I was only promoted to a fourth-level magician. It was really embarrassing for my uncle.

"Don't belittle yourself too much..."

Drinkwater couldn't listen to Lin Lei's voice and couldn't help but said: "I have said before that that child is a monster. What can a human genius like you do with him? Why don't you take a closer look at the similar people around you?"

Lin Lei thought to himself: "But if this is the case, I will soon be left behind by my uncle, right?"

...Is it possible that you have been left behind by him?

Delincovoort sighed in his heart.

Linley thought that Haiwen was only a sixth-level magician now, but he knew that the sixth-level magician was only Haiwen's level a year ago. Now, Haiwen was at least a seventh-level magician!

A seventh-level magician!

It takes ordinary magic geniuses decades to reach a state, but this little guy actually achieved it in just one year.

This is really...a veritable monster!

Delin Kevoit sighed in his heart.

At the same time, outside the Warcraft Mountains.

Hai Wen, who set foot here for the first time for training, was wearing fiery red armor, holding a staff in his left hand and a long knife in his right hand. He stood next to an ancient tree in full gear, looking hesitantly at the front. mountains.

"Zuo Yu, if I remember correctly, there are sacred monsters in the Magical Beast Mountains, right?"

"My current warrior level is only the ninth level, and I have only reached the peak of the ninth level after turning into a half-dragon. My magic level is only the fire system that has reached the ninth level, and the others are still at the eighth level."

"Isn't this kind of strength a bit unsatisfactory in front of the Warcraft Mountains?"

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