Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 744 Since dinosaurs can also be considered dragons

Chapter 744 Since dinosaurs can also be considered dragons...

After dealing with the ninth-level peak-level Spiny-backed Armored Dragon, Haiwen finally stopped holding back and took out his long knife and container, preparing to extract dragon scales, flesh and magic crystals from the Spiny-backed Armored Dragon's body.

Not long after, Haiwen had already plundered everything he could from the Spiny-backed Armored Dragon.

After putting away the last nine-level dragon crystal, Haiwen picked up the glass bottle filled with dark red dragon blood, with a look of hesitation on his immature face.

The Thorn-backed Armored Dragon is indeed very powerful, but after all, it is only at the peak of level nine, and it is also a dark-type dragon that Hai Wen least understands. Is this kind of dragon beast really suitable for the bloodline in his body?

So...should I drink it?

Just when Haiwen was hesitating, Zuo Yu's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.



Hai Wen instantly became alert, his whole body's fighting energy enveloped his body, forming a shield, and he said solemnly: "What's wrong, are there other enemies?"

"..." Zuo Yu was silent for a second and said in a deep voice, "It's not the enemy, it's your feet. There seems to be another layer!"

"Is there another level?"

Haiwen was stunned for a moment, then frowned, raised his foot and stomped hard.


There was a loud noise, and the hard dark ground instantly cracked, revealing the hidden cave below.

Through the large hole under his feet, he could see a pool of scarlet blood exuding an ominous aura in the dim cave below.

"What's this?"

Haiwen looked at the pool of blood below in shock.

Zuo Yu said in a solemn tone: "If my perception is not wrong, this pool of water should be filled with some kind of dragon blood!"

Dragon blood?

Haiwen frowned tightly and couldn't help but use all his fighting energy to circulate in his body, forming a thick protective shield of fighting energy on his body surface.

In his perception, this pool of scarlet blood seemed to be emitting an extremely ominous aura. Even from dozens of meters away, he could still feel a pain like a needle prick.

"Is this really dragon blood?"

Haiwen couldn't help but ask: "What kind of dragon is it and why is it so weird?!"

Zuo Yu said in a deep voice: "I don't know, but I am sure that he must be an existence in the holy realm or even beyond the holy realm. Not only that, I can also detect the strange activity in the blood pool, as if they have left the dragon. The body is still alive..."

"So weird?"

Haiwen was a little surprised at first, and then he noticed the key point in Zuo Yu's words.

"...What is that, Zuo Yu." Haiwen swallowed, and asked in a nervous and expectant tone, "You just said that this pool of strange dragon still alive?"


Zuo Yu responded, then seemed to react and said in surprise: "Hey, you don't want to drink this pool of dragon blood, do you?"

Haiwen did not deny it, but instead asked: "Do you think it is possible?"

"Well, if there is blue heart grass, maybe it can be done!"

Zuo Yu muttered: "And with me here, even if you fail, I can protect you from death."

Haiwen's eyes were filled with brilliance and he nodded: "Then it's worth a try!"

Saying that, Haiwen put away the dragon's blood in his hand without hesitation, and then jumped into the hidden cave below.

After landing, Haiwen, wearing a silver-white fighting spirit shield, cautiously approached the pool of blood.

...Is it actually so smooth?

In the area where the storage bracelet was sealed, Zuo Yu sat on the sofa with a glass of spiritual wine, looking at the light curtain in front of him with some surprise.

At this moment, Haiwen, who had reached the edge of the blood pool, suddenly stopped and stared silently at the ominous scarlet blood in front of him.

After a moment, he sighed and said helplessly: "Sure enough, it still doesn't work!"



Haiwen turned his head slightly, looked at the golden-red bracelet on his wrist seriously and said, "Zuo Yu, can I believe you?"

"...Why do you suddenly ask about this?"

Haiwen said calmly: "If I guessed correctly, this pool of dragon blood should be prepared by you for me, right?"

"Ah? What are you talking about..."

"Stop pretending." Haiwen sighed, "I'm not Lin Lei, and I won't be fooled that easily."

"I was encouraged to come to the Misty Valley to kill the Thornback Armored Dragon before. After I successfully killed it, I was not allowed to drink the dragon's blood. Instead, I was reminded that there was a hidden space under my feet, and in this hidden space, there happened to be a pool of at least The active dragon blood of the sanctuary..."

"Zuo Yu, don't you think this is too much of a coincidence?"

"Also, don't underestimate my magic level!"

"I am also a ninth-level earth magician after all. I can still detect if there is something underground."

"When I first descended into the cave, I discovered that the ground beneath the Spiny-backed Armored Dragon was shrouded in a mysterious force. Even my earth magic power could not penetrate into it. However, when you tell me that there is something hidden underground, When entering space, that mysterious power suddenly disappeared..."

Having said this, Haiwen sighed and said: "No matter how stupid I am, I still know that it was controlled by you, right?"

"Ha ha!"

Zuo Yu's laughter sounded in Haiwen's mind.

Haiwen was slightly startled and said in surprise: "What are you laughing at?"

Zuo Yu smiled and said: "It's nothing, you can take it as my compliment to you..."

"But since you've discovered it a long time ago, why are you still cooperating with me?"

Haiwen said calmly: "Because I believe you will not harm me..."

As he spoke, Haiwen paused and turned to look at the scarlet blood pool in front of him that was constantly emitting an ominous aura, even causing the silver-white Dou Qi shield on his body to ripple and sighed.

"But there is nothing we can do. This pool of dragon blood is really suspicious!"

"Is it...really drinkable?"

Haven looked at the bubbling scarlet dragon's blood with some resistance.

Zuo Yu blinked and said honestly: "To be honest, I don't know either, but I know that if you really plan to rely on dragon blood to activate the blood vessels in your body, the dragon blood in this pool is the best for you, no. , is the strongest choice!”

"The most...strongest?"

Haiwen stared blankly at the pool of dragon blood.

After a moment, he gritted his teeth, took out the azure staff, released wind magic, and tried to drink the dragon's blood from the blood pool.

But when the breeze touched the surface of the blood, a strange energy spread out, like an invisible sword, poking holes in the wind elements that made up the magic.

"Can't you touch it with magic?"

Haiwen frowned and couldn't help but ask: "What kind of power is this?"

Zuo Yu smiled and said: "In a simple analogy, you can understand it as the power of the sun!"

"...What, the sun?!"

Haiwen opened his eyes wide, gritted his teeth, leaned down by the blood pool, and drank the dragon's blood.

"Gudong! Gudong!"

As he swallowed the scarlet dragon's blood, the expected smell of blood did not appear. Instead, there was a strong burning sensation, as if he had swallowed a large amount of red soup made with devil's pepper. The esophagus and intestines became as hot as fire.

"His ha—his ha—"

After drinking a lot of dragon's blood, Haiwen finally couldn't help but straighten up. While blushing and taking a deep breath, he turned over his hands and took out the blue heart grass. He just stuffed it into his mouth without caring about anything else. inside.

In an instant, a cool feeling entered the body as Blue Heart Grass swallowed, and then spread quickly towards the limbs and bones.

Haiwen felt much better immediately, so he quickly took out a dozen blue heart grasses, stuffed them all into his mouth, then sat cross-legged by the blood pool, and began to use the secret method recorded in the Baruch family's "Dragon Blood Codex".

Not long after, white mist rose from all parts of Haiwen's body, and his muscles continued to tremble under the white mist.


Suddenly, a pitch-black scale emerged from the flesh.

Then, densely packed pitch-black scales broke through the flesh one after another, covering Haven's arms, thighs, neck, torso, and even exposed cheeks with a wisp of blood.

Along with the growth of pitch-black scales, there was also that kind of heartbreaking pain.

Haven couldn't help but growl, stood up from the ground suddenly, and stood on the edge of the blood pool with his whole body convulsed.

"Creak, creak -"

Countless crisp sounds came from his body, as if his muscles and bones were growing crazily.

In just a moment, Haiwen's body size skyrocketed from the original height of 1.6 meters to a strong man of over 1.85 meters. All the muscles in his body also became bulging, making the fiery red armor on his body creak. ring.

The next second, Haiwen suddenly raised his head, his dark blue vertical pupils glared at the ceiling of the cave above, and he opened his mouth and let out an inhuman roar.

As he roared, jet-black sword spines grew out of his spine, easily tearing apart the solid magic metal and bursting through the entire fiery red armor.

At the same time, a dragon tail covered with black scales emerged from the end of his spine, like a bloody black steel whip, crackling the air around him.

Not only that, there is also a small sword spine like a steel thorn attached to the dragon's tail.

The patterns on all the sword spines are faintly connected, blooming with a strange blue light.


Looking at Haiwen who looked like a humanoid Godzilla in the light curtain, Zuo Yu could not help but reveal a smile on his handsome face.

He has long suspected that since the dinosaurs in this world can also be regarded as dragons, then Godzilla, the king of monsters, should also have a dragon status, right?

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