Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 758 The Destruction of the Holy See of Light

Clyde exclaimed in disbelief.

But the dark monster, or the Godzilla-like Linley, didn't pay attention to Clyde's words.

He just held the purple blood divine sword, stared at Clyde coldly with his blue eyes, and then whispered:

"The secret of wind - the rhythm of wind!"

In an instant, countless purple sword shadows appeared in front of Clyde, like the omnipresent wind, bombarding Clyde from all directions.

In just an instant, the 'Guardian of Destiny', which had suffered countless full-force blows comparable to those of level 9 experts, was shattered.

The purple sword light continued forward, passing through Clyde's body like lightning, cutting off his left arm and two thighs.


Clyde, who had been cut into a stick, fell to the ground and looked at Linley with horror on his face.

Linley just raised his hand to stop the bleeding on Clyde's body, then turned to look at the door of the palace, and said in a complicated tone: "Father, my brother-in-law guessed it right. The murderer of my mother is the Holy See of Light."

As he spoke, the black scales on Lin Lei's body quickly receded, revealing his childish face with a sad expression.

Seeing this scene, Clyde, who was originally full of fear, was slightly startled and couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Are you... Linley Baruch?"


Linley ignored Clyde. He just walked towards the palace door with a sad expression, and then hugged the man who walked in from the door.

This person is none other than Hogg, who has turned into a half-dragon, and his arms are covered in blue dragon scales.

Behind Hogg is one of the three people Lin Lei trusts most in Finlay City, the dormitory boss Yale.

Seeing the father and son hugging in front of him, Yale had a complicated expression and sighed without saying anything else.

After a moment, Hogg let go of Lin Lei, touched his head gently, and then walked towards Clyde, who was cut into a human stick.

Remembering Hogg's instructions, Yale immediately put his arm around Lin Lei's shoulders and said warmly: "Third brother, leave the rest to Uncle Hogg. Let's go to Xicheng District together to witness the destruction of the Holy See of Light!"


"From today on, there will be no Holy See of Light in Magnolia Continent."

In the sky above the original Guangming Temple, Haiwen's wind-type lower god clone was suspended there, looking at the riddled earth under his feet and said lightly.

"Little guy, you're not very old, but your tone is very young~"

A slightly smiling voice came from not far away.

Haiwen frowned slightly, a light blue arc appeared on the edge of his palm, and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw an old man who was not very tall floating in the air. He was wearing a very simple black robe. His long black hair was spread out on his back. He also had a black beard that reached to his chest. His eyes were not big, but they were very energetic. , there is always a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

The moment he saw the old man in black robe, Hai Wen instantly became alert.

Because he couldn't sense the depth of the black-robed old man's strength, it was obvious that he was also a god-level powerhouse.

Fortunately, the old man in black robe didn't seem to have any ill intentions. He turned to look at the ruins at his feet and said with a smile: "It's just a temple of light, but the Holy See of Light also has a holy island of light!"

"There is also the 'Glory of the Lord of Light' there, and there are more powerful people in the Holy Realm than here. It can be regarded as another headquarters of the Holy See of Light."

"To put it simply, the Temple of Light in Fenlai City can only be regarded as the headquarters of the Holy See of Light to spread its faith, and the Holy Island of Light is where the strongest power of the Holy See of Light is gathered."

"If you destroy the Temple of Light, you will only severely damage the vitality of the Holy See of Light. It is far from being destroyed..."

Haiwen said calmly: "It doesn't matter, it's just one more trip!"

The black-robed old man laughed: "Haha, it is true that there are no god-level experts in the Holy See of Light in Magnolia Continent. As long as you make up your mind to kill them all, you can indeed uproot the Holy See of Light here."

"But in that case, the disappearance of a source of faith will make the Lord of Light aware of the clues."

"Don't you care about the consequences of this?"

Haiwen frowned slightly, finally looked at the old man in black robe and said, "Who are you?"

The old man in black robe stroked his beard and said with a smile: "My name is Beirut, and I currently live in the Dark Forest of Magnolia Continent. Since you have met that boy Dilin, you should have heard my name, right?"

"...Are you Beirut?!"

Haven opened his eyes wide and looked at Beirut in shock.

Beirut chuckled and said: "Stop pretending, I know you are not surprised. Di Lin has already told you, I will come to you."

At this point, Beirut paused slightly and said with emotion: "Haven Baruch, a descendant of the Dragon Blood Family, has been practicing for nine years and became a lower god of the wind system at the age of fifteen!"

"With such a talent, there are people who can rival you in countless planes, but humans..."

Beirut shook his head and couldn't help but exclaimed: "This is really the first time I've seen him!"

Hearing Beirut's words, Haven's expression gradually changed from surprise to calmness.

He frowned slightly and asked in confusion: "Who are you?"

A meaningful smile appeared on Beirut's face: "You will know who I am in the future."

"As for now, I advise you to forget about the Holy See of Light for the time being and practice well. You are the first genius born in the Magnolia Continent in tens of thousands of years, but how far you can reach in the end depends on your own efforts."

"So, practice hard!"

"Only when you become strong enough can you possibly get your cousin-in-law's soul back..."

Haiwen frowned and couldn't help but ask: "Wait, what do you mean?"

"So you don't know yet?" Beirut looked stunned, and then said with a smile, "All pure souls dedicated to the Lord of Light will become angels in the angel reincarnation pool, and angels are actually humanoid weapons under the Lord of Light. Their souls have been cleansed, and there is no memory of the past left, and they will only believe in their main god devoutly."

"Your cousin-in-law was sacrificed to the Lord of Light back then, so she must have been reincarnated into an angel."

"And according to the internal records of the Holy See of Light, the scale of God's gift at that time was unprecedented. This shows how pure your cousin-in-law's soul is. The angels reincarnated by such a soul are also extremely powerful. The Lord God of Light will not let go easily."

"So, if you want to avenge your cousin-in-law, destroying the Holy See of Light is not enough."

"You have to become strong enough to fight against the Lord of Light, so that you can take back your cousin-in-law's soul."

"And when that time comes, I will help you..."

Haven interrupted unceremoniously: "Why, why do you want to help me?"

The smile on Beirut's face gradually faded.

He sighed, a terrifying aura escaping from his body that made even Hai Wen shudder, and then said calmly: "Little guy, don't get me wrong, I do value your talent, but this does not mean that you are irreplaceable."

"Before you speak to me next time, think carefully about your words. If you are always so arrogant, you will suffer in the future..."

Before he finished speaking, Beirut waved his hand, and a black light flew out instantly, seemingly intending to teach Haiwen a lesson.

At this moment, invisible space ripples spread out, fixing the black light in the air that could hurt Haiwen.

Seeing this scene, Beirut was slightly startled, and then heard an even more arrogant voice.

"Almost done!"

Zuo Yu's figure flew out of the golden-red bracelet, hovering beside Haiwen with his arms folded, staring at Beirut with his dark red eyes, and said arrogantly: "Old guy, look carefully, I cover this kid!"


Beirut opened his eyes wide and looked at Zuo Yu who had just appeared and the fixed black light in shock.

"……What's this?!"

"The power of space, innate magical powers?!"

"And you, who are you, and why have I never seen the power in your body?"

Seeing Beirut's surprised look, Zuo Yu couldn't help laughing.

"You old riddler, it turns out that you will be riddled one day too!"

"Hey, listen up, I am the legendary Supreme God of Space. In my previous life, I competed with Hongmeng for Hongmeng Space. After losing, I was forced to reincarnate. Only then did I come to this small place called Magnolia Continent..."

"Nonsense!" Beirut couldn't help but said, "There are only four supreme gods that I know of, namely life, death, destiny and destruction. How can there be any supreme god of space!"

Zuo Yu said with a smile: "That means you are ignorant!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and patted Haiwen next to him, and said in a frivolous tone: "Haiwen is my brother, and I will naturally protect him. You are just a low-ranking god of the wind system, so don't make arrangements for him on your own. The future is here!”

……What? !

Beirut's pupils shrank suddenly, and immediately there was a strong murderous intent in his eyes.

This guy actually knew that he was the lower lord of the wind system, but he knew nothing about this person.

...Should we take action?

Just when Beirut was hesitating, Zuo Yu noticed his thoughts, immediately flew over with a smile, hugged his shoulders unceremoniously, and whispered something in his ear.

Beirut's expression kept changing.

But in the end, he smiled and said with a chuckle: "That's it, I understand."

"Your Excellency Zuo Yu, please come with me to the Dark Forest. I still have some unanswered questions about the future of Hai Wen and Lin Lei."

"It's easy to talk!" Zuo Yu smiled and hugged Beirut, then turned to look at the confused Haiwen and said, "Okay, you go and do your business. I will chat with Beirut for a few words and then come back."


Haiwen nodded in understanding, and then watched Zuo Yu leave with Beirut.

After the two disappeared from sight, Haiwen frowned, thought for a moment, and sighed.

"Forget it, I can't get involved in Zuo Yu's affairs. I'd better take care of the current affairs first!"

After saying that, Hai Wen flew down, and the Sanctuary deity hidden in Fenlai City immediately flew up, merged with him, and then flew in the direction of Lin Lei and Hogg in his spiritual perception.

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