Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 760 The Twelve Immortals on the Alliance Heavenly List

Since embarking on the road of feeding on stars, the energy stored in Bailang's body has begun to increase exponentially.

At this point, no one in the alliance knows how strong he really is. Even the illusion used in the alliance to test the energy output level of members is not enough to withstand his full blow.

After all, all the energy the Sun radiates outward in just one week is enough to break down all the molecules and atoms in the entire Earth.

And Bailang has absorbed more than one red dwarf star so far. The energy in his body can easily destroy all of them, let alone destroy the earth. Even if hundreds of earths are arranged densely together, they can be easily destroyed.

Because of this, the current fairy beast Godzilla Bailang is ranked second on the Heavenly Ranking by alliance members, second only to the league leader Lin Zhongtian.

Speaking of this top list, we have to mention the alliance’s exploration of the new world over the past ten years.

In the past eleven years, because Lin Zhongtian has been obsessed with devouring the second void gap, the alliance has not discovered many new worlds. Including Hongmeng Space, which is not open to the outside world, there are only five.

Among these five new worlds, only one world has travelers.

But that world is just an anime world of campus love. Apart from the time traveler becoming the richest man in China with the help of his own foresight, there is nothing else worth mentioning.

Therefore, the time traveler who entered that world made an investigation and naturally pulled the time traveler into the alliance.

After entering the alliance, Xiao Xiao, the former richest man in China and now the weakest new time traveler in the alliance, was extremely excited about the new world that was slowly unfolding in front of him.

Therefore, out of his love for intelligence, he used his strong social skills to find many good people, including a certain person named Zuo Lezi who did not want to be named, and made a list of the existing time traveler members within the alliance. one.

This list is the so-called "Heavenly List", which is jokingly called the "Cheating Banned List" by the alliance members.

The twelve most powerful time travelers in the alliance are listed in the "Tianbang".

The number one among them is naturally the undisputed foreign-level existence of alliance leader Lin Zhongtian.

Ranked second is the fairy beast Godzilla Bailang, who has been dubbed the "Chosen One" and "Cheater" by the majority of time travellers.

Ranked third is the Saiyan Yamu who was exiled to the void during the battle with Frieza.

His normal combat power has exceeded one million. After the first stage of transformation into a Super Saiyan, it has increased fifty-fold, reaching an exaggerated value of over 60 million combat power.

With such strength, if Yamu hadn't claimed that he couldn't defeat Bailang, it would probably have caused many members of the alliance to argue about which of the two was stronger.

As for the opportunity that led Amu to finally successfully transform into a Super Saiyan, it was the 'Planet Devourer' incident that occurred in the Marvel world five years ago.

In that incident, Yamu was invited by Ye Xun, a traveler from the Marvel world, to deal with Galactus who was trying to devour the earth. In the end, after transforming into the first stage of Super Saiyan, he finally succeeded in defeating Galactus.

So, the invincible Uncle Tun fell down again!

And Yamu also relied on this record to become one of the three thickest thighs among the members of the alliance.

Closer to home, under Saiyan Amu, the subsequent ranked alliance powerhouses appear to be relatively normal.

Among them, the fourth ranked one is Fang Yuan, the ‘unparalleled ancestor’ from the world of beast control.

He can reach this ranking not only because of his unparalleled talent, but also because of his rich heritage that lasted two hundred years before joining the league.

After coming into contact with the alliance, Fang Yuan was promoted to a level comparable to a Mahayana monk at an extremely fast speed, becoming the strongest person second only to Bailang at that time.

Now, he and his natal contract beast, the Five-clawed Blue Dragon, have reached 79% of the tenth level of the alliance's energy detection standard, which is the late-stage immortal level in the power system of the world of cultivating immortals.

Ranking fifth is the ‘Goddess of Fire’ and ‘Goddess of Dragons’ Daenerys Targaryen.

Her ranking takes into account the bonuses from the god's body and the Kingdom of God, so there is some debate over her actual combat power.

However, compared to her, the following four strong men, the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth, were the ones that many alliance members discussed the most intensely.

They are Li Yun and Zhao Lihe who follow the alliance's power system, Kryptonian Danas, and the unknown Lin Zhongtian trumpet, the league's number one entertainer, Zuo Yu, a big dog owner.

Since Zuo Yu didn't care about the ranking of strength, he took the initiative to retreat to ninth place.

Li Yun, Danas, and Zhao Lihe, who were sixth, seventh, and eighth, often competed and fought over the same ranking. As a result, these three rankings changed frequently, sometimes even five times in a week.

As for why the Kryptonian Danas, who could be compared with Ya Mu before, suddenly stretched his crotch.

This is because the Kunlun Group's research on Kryptonian genes has been completed.

The super serum related to the Kryptonian gene in [Pavilion of Rare Treasures] has nine versions from 'Youth Edition' to 'Pro Max Plus'.

Many members of the time traveler, including Li Yun, Zhao Lihe, and Chen Feng, have redeemed the highest version of the Kryptonian serum and successfully acquired the same Kryptonian physique as Danas.

In other words, Danas’ initial lead no longer exists.

If you want to stand out among your friends who also have perfect Kryptonian genes, you have to work hard in other aspects.

In these aspects, Danas, who joined the alliance late, is naturally no match for Fang Yuan, Li Yun, Zhao Lihe and others.

Under the ninth-ranked Zuo Yu, the tenth strongest person in the alliance has become a ghost immortal. Now he controls a huge ghost monster in the underworld of Jiu Shu's world, and Shushan has hundreds of thousands of ghosts under his command. Ghost King'Bai Youyou.

Ranked eleventh is Wang Chuyi, the former emperor of the Song Dynasty who has now become an immortal using the techniques of the Quanzhen Yuyang lineage.

The twelfth strong man in the alliance, ranked at the bottom of the list, is Nie Changchuan, the prince of the Wu Dynasty and a descendant of Maoshan, who comes from the world of A Chinese Ghost Story.

He was able to become an immortal before Ye Chen, who is also a descendant of Maoshan, mainly because of the special nature of A Chinese Ghost Story.

Moreover, when the world of A Chinese Ghost Story collapsed, he worked with Zhao Lihe, Yan Chixia and others to deal with Pudu Cihang and the Black Mountain Old Demon. After the underworld was rebuilt, he gained the merits of heaven, so he cultivated faster than others. Much more.

But even so, Wang Chuyi and Bai Youyou still steadily overwhelmed him.

This shows that this Taoist and female ghost's cultivation talent is much stronger than Nie Changchuan.

At this point, the introduction of the twelve strong men on the league's top list has been completed.

Since Nie Changchuan, the weakest person on the Heavenly Ranking, is also a true immortal of the ninth level, these twelve people are also jokingly called the Twelve Immortals on the Heavenly Ranking by the alliance members.

Under the Twelve Immortals on the Heavenly Ranking, there are actually many people who are suspected of having the ability to enter the list, but they are not included in the list because they have no outstanding achievements or the members themselves are too clumsy.

For example, Chen Feng, who is known as the "League's No. 1 Gou King", although his revealed level is only 92% of the seventh level, many good people including Zuo Yu firmly believe that this guy is hiding at least two big things. level of strength.

There is also the "Check-In Immortal" Deng Yougang. This guy has a divine contract with Bailang, who is second on the Heavenly Ranking. His peak combat power is difficult to calculate, so he has been tacitly "ostracized" and ignored by all alliance members.

However, in another joke-like ‘wall-hanging ranking’, Deng Yougang ranked among the top five.

It can be seen from here that in the past eleven years of alliance standard time, the strength of all time traveler members has made a qualitative leap.

Although the eleven years of alliance standard time may be decades or even hundreds of years when converted to major worlds, this still cannot erase the fact that the origin universe travellers are born with great potential.

Among all the origin universe travelers, even the weakest panda Qin Zhaowei, cyber cyborg Vincent, Holy Grail world magician Tong Shen and other new batch of origin universe travelers have reached the fifth or even sixth level in strength. degree of order.

In comparison, those indigenous travelers seemed mediocre.

New members like Ning Yi and Fan Xian are now only at the fourth level of the Nascent Soul stage.

Even compared to the weakest source universe traveler, it is still a large distance visible to the naked eye.

There is nothing that can be done about this. After all, the source universe is an extremely special existence among all the heavens and worlds.

The travelers from the source universe are born with great potential, and mere immortals are by no means their destination.

It can be foreseen that in the distant future, these time-travelers who are still true immortals will surely become a god who dominates the universe.

In the second void gap, Lin Zhongtian's boundless great will is constantly devouring the gray mist.

In the past ten years, he has made about 9% progress in swallowing the void gap, and is still more than 90% away from completely swallowing it.

But even so, the space he can control is already extremely huge, at least far beyond the scope of the main god's pastoral sound back then, reaching thousands of times the main god's space.

This shows how huge the entire void space is.

Suddenly, after an important time point, Lin Zhongtian's progress in devouring the void gap finally exceeded 10%.

At this moment, part of the authority belonging to the Lord of the Void Gap was finally transferred to his hands, giving him a slight control over the remaining 90% of the area that had not yet been swallowed up.

At the same time, the devouring speed of Lin Zhongtian's main consciousness tripled.

The gray mist and void seal belonging to the second void gap also faintly appeared in his perception.

Upon noticing this, Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but feel an emotional wave called joy.

In the past ten years, although he has been focusing on devouring void gaps, he has not discovered new worlds at all.

It's just that these new worlds are connected to the second void gap, and because the two types of gray mist have different auras, it's impossible to tell whether there are any travelers in these new worlds.

But now, he has gained the authority to sense the second kind of gray fog.

Therefore, Lin Zhongtian did not hesitate to link the two void gaps together, and then all the worlds discovered in the past ten years were opened.

In just an instant, dozens of silver light doors rumbled up from the ground in the Traveler Square in the center of the void gap.

Seeing this scene, the alliance members who happened to appear in the Traveler Square were slightly startled, and then they took out the Void Jade Tag with excitement and sent out excited messages to the general group of Travelers.

"Brothers, the Zhutian version has been updated, come and form a group to open up wasteland!"

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