As Krista said, although Masaki Keigo is not a complete bad guy, he still has the consciousness to support his murder and silence in the face of Nilin who must not be touched.

He arrogantly believed that the power of the Giant of Light could only be controlled by him.

Therefore, when he detected that his partner also had super ancient genes, his inner desire for exclusivity began to take hold.

He was worried that Mr. Cornell would ask for a piece of the pie after learning the test results, so he took action in advance and dispatched Gaozak to kill Mr. Cornell on his way to the suburban airport.

He was the only one who knew about this matter. Even his confidants within the company only thought that Mr. Cornell died in a monster attack.

Therefore, after hearing Krista's shocking words revealing the truth, Masaki Keigo felt a turmoil in his heart.

But on the surface, he still endured the pain and said with a sneer: "I don't understand what you are talking about..."

"Really? It seems I guessed it right."

Krista stood up tiredly, came to Masaki Keigo, pointed the gun at his forehead, and said calmly: "Masaki Keigo, do you want to know why you lost?"


Masaki Keigo was slightly startled, with doubts in his eyes.

He really wanted to know the answer to this question, because he was very sure that in the past year, Krista had never investigated anything related to the cave, and she had definitely not discovered a tunnel leading to the cave at the company headquarters.

All of her whereabouts were normal, and there was nothing suspicious about her communications with the outside world.

But under such circumstances, she seemed to know the overall situation and lurked in the cave at this critical time today.

This can't help but make Masaki Keigo puzzled.

Seeing the confusion in Masaki Keigo's eyes, Krista had a bright smile on her face.

She leaned over Masaki Keigo's ear, chuckled and said, "Because... I won't tell you!"


Accompanied by a gunshot, Masaki Keigo's heart was pierced by a bullet, and blood gushes out, causing pain and exhaustion throughout his body.

Masaki Keigo's eyes widened, blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and he looked at Krista with an angry face.

Krista threw away the firearm in her hand, without even looking at Masaki Keigo, she walked to the optogenetic factor converter and sat back on the machine with a somewhat dejected expression.

"Father, I finally avenged you..."

"It's a pity that the power of the Giant of Light was not taken away from Masaki Keigo."

"Otherwise, this revenge will be avenged more easily..."

Looking at the blond girl leaning against the optogenetic factor converter, crying and mumbling to herself, Ning Yi, Fan Xian, and Qin Zhaowei, who were watching the whole process, couldn't help but look at each other and sighed with complicated expressions.

"It turns out it's my father's hatred, so there's nothing we can do about it."

Qin Zhaowei said with some regret.

Fan Xian, who was standing next to him, glanced at the two of them and asked, "Avenging your father shouldn't be a demerit, right?"

Ning Yi shook his head: "Of course not, as long as the method is not extreme, it is a bonus."

Qin Zhaowei nodded and said, "Then let's continue looking."

The three exchanged a few words briefly, then looked at Krista who was still in a trance, turned around and left the cave.

As for Masaki Keigo, although it is a pity, there is nothing we can do about it. The matter involves time travellers. As long as no innocent people are harmed, they are unlikely to intervene.

"It turns out that children can be so cruel to the villains of tokusatsu dramas!"

"Otherwise, am I going to play house with you?"

"Indeed, this is the real Masaki Keigo, a hero who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals."

"It's a pity that he encountered a cheating time traveler. Poor intelligence is always so fatal..."

The three of them were communicating through voice messages while gradually moving away from the tunnel without Krista's knowledge.

Five days later, Kumamoto City seemed to have returned to its previous calm.

The only big news worth mentioning is the death of Mr. Keigo Masaki, the chairman of Sedic Technology Company, a world-renowned physicist and one of the important investors in space development projects.

Since Masaki Keigo did not make a will during his lifetime, the issue of inheritance can be said to be a mess.

Under such circumstances, everyone's attention, including the media, shifted to Masaki Keigo's family.

No one noticed that Jay Construction Group, the second largest shareholder of Sedic Technology Company, was quietly exiting the market.

A series of secret research projects including Dr. Tango and Plan F in Sedic Company were all swallowed up by the Jay Group and were secretly transferred overseas to Germany.

But behind all of this, the 17-year-old girl who controlled the situation still chose to stay in high school in Kumamoto City.

Because the stone statue of the Giant of Light is still underground in Kumamoto City, this thing is not as easy to transfer as technology and people, so Krista chose to stay and guard this secret that has been stained with a lot of blood.

"Old Qin, it's the last day soon. If there are no disturbances, it's really hard to make a judgment on the audit report!"

In Kumamoto High School, Fan Xian leaned on the rooftop, glanced at the young man playing with a yellow puppy in front of him and said, "By the way, where did you pick up this dog?"

"Oh, it's the cave with the Ultraman statue."

The handsome boy with black and white hair said with a smile while playing with the puppy: "If I remember correctly, this little guy is the friend of the Giant of Light in the original drama, the super-ancient Komon monster 'Geddy'! "

At this point, Qin Zhaowei paused and shouted with a smile: "Geddy!"


The yellow puppy responded, wagging its tail excitedly.

Qin Zhaowei turned his head and said with a smile: "Look, it reacted to this name just because its main body was asleep. It seems that it has not remembered the super ancient memory of 30 million years ago..."

"A dog with super ancient genes?"

Fan Xian joked, then seemed to remember something, his eyes widened and he said, "Wait a minute, you're not going to take it back to the Alliance and use its super-ancient genes for research, are you?!"

Qin Zhaowei asked: "Isn't it possible?"

Fan Xian resisted: "No, absolutely not!"

"I would rather let Krista join the alliance than have Gouzi's genes!"

Qin Zhaowei curled his lips and corrected: "It's not a dog, it's a super ancient Komon monster!"

Fan Xian argued: "Koran dogs are dogs too!"

Just as the two were arguing, a small light yellow flower was blooming quietly in the gap in the corner of the rooftop.

Not long after, the pale yellow flowers bloomed, and an intoxicating fragrance spread out from them. In just a short time, it enveloped the entire rooftop, including the stairwell.

Smelling the strange floral fragrance, both Fan Xian and Qin Zhaowei paused, then turned their heads to look at the source of the floral fragrance.

"……What's this?"

Fan Xian frowned tightly. The spiritual platform was blooming with radiance, resisting the illusion brought by the fragrance of flowers.

Qin Zhaowei looked at the pale yellow flower thoughtfully, and suddenly realized: "I remembered it!"

"This is the Qijela flower, one of the culprits that destroyed super-ancient civilization 30 million years ago. Its roots go deep into the earth, and its flowers bloom all over the world. The floral fragrance it emits contains hallucinations that humans cannot resist. It will quickly make humans addicted and immersed in dreams of endless joy."

"In the original plot, only Da Gu, who possesses super-ancient genes, is immune to this hallucinatory floral fragrance..."

Hearing Qin Zhaowei's words, Fan Xian also remembered the plot of this episode.

And he vaguely remembered that the plot of this episode seemed to take place after the evil Tiga.

At this moment, an extremely thick brown tree root extended up from the downstairs and rested on the edge of the rooftop like a ladder. Standing on it was a man wearing a black school uniform. It was Ning Yi who flew up directly from the class window. .

"……How is this going?"

Ning Yi frowned, holding a small light yellow flower in his right hand, looking at the two of them and said: "A flower suddenly bloomed in the classroom just now, and the fragrance of the flower made all the students fall into hallucinations."

"Krista was there at the time. I was worried that my identity would be exposed, so I never took action."

"Now that Krista has run out of school, I left the seeds of the blood vine on her body. After confirming that she left, I quickly ran up to discuss it with you..."

Hearing Ning Yi's words, Fan Xian and Qin Zhaowei looked at each other.

The former asked quickly: "You mean, Krista was not confused by the fragrance of flowers?"

Ning Yi nodded and said: "That's right."

Fan Xian smiled and said: "That's no problem, this guy really has super ancient genes in his body!"

Ning Yi looked at Qin Zhaowei, then at Fan Xian, frowned and said, "Let me ask, do you want to exchange information with me now?"

Hearing this, Fan Xian and Qin Zhaowei looked at each other and smiled, and then quickly told Ning Yi the information about Qijelahua.

After listening, Ning Yi said thoughtfully: "So, Qijelahua is the monster that appears in this episode?"

Fan Xian simply nodded and said, "That's right."

Ning Yi asked again: "In addition to falling into hallucinations and feeling happy, does Qijela Flower have any other side effects?"

Qin Zhaowei shook his head and said: "No, as long as Qijela's body is killed, all the effects, including the previous addiction, will disappear."

A smile appeared on Ning Yi's face: "That's no problem!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand to hold the small light yellow flower in the air and wrapped it with wood-attribute magic power.

In an instant, the originally conspicuous flowers quickly withered and turned into dry yellow flowers. Then, under the nourishment of the wood spiritual energy, they quickly recovered from the dry state to the peak state where the flowers can bloom.

"This thing is controlled by me. As long as I want, I can make them wither and die at any time."

Ning Yi said with a smile, turning his head and looking at the high school students on the campus below who were trapped in illusions and full of joy.

"First let them have a few more sweet dreams..."

"We must take advantage of this incident!"

Fan Xian and Qin Zhaowei looked at each other and said simply: "Tell me what to do."

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