Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 779 [Immovable Lock]

Not long after, the information promised to Li Yun was sent over by the person in charge of Base No. 3.

Due to the information related to the abnormal containment, many researchers and security personnel with insufficient authority were dismissed. Only Dr. Schmidt and the old man with glasses were left outside the glass window.

Dr. Schmidt pasted the paper information in his hand on the glass window and let Li Yun check it through the glass window.

Sure enough, just as Li Yun expected, the 'scroll bar screen' embedded in the door was the culprit that trapped him here.

Project number [2-159], codenamed [Immovable Lock].

It is an ordinary LED scroll bar screen that can switch between 'OPEN' and 'CLOSE'. It has a very common shape and is the type that can be found in any street store.

When [2-159] is placed on the door of a building, its abnormal effect will occur immediately.

In the 'OPEN' state, the building is no different from usual.

But when [2-159] changes from ‘OPEN’ to ‘CLOSE’ state, the locking effect belonging to [2-159] will be activated immediately.

No one, including the owner of the building, can enter it, and the entire building cannot be destroyed from the outside.

So far, tests by researchers have shown that protected structures are resistant to high temperatures, typhoon-level winds, kinetic impact, hollowing out foundations, digging tunnels, external blasting, electric current, microwaves, ultraviolet light, X-rays, neutron bombs, gamma radiation and countless others. Under the bombardment of this kind of energy, he remained unharmed.

The most peculiar thing is that [2-159] has its own way of judging the concept of 'inside and outside'.

It can only identify the front and back of the door, and the building is protected by the door.

Therefore, the room where Li Yun is located is actually the outside to 2-159, and the No. 3 base outside the door, or the seventh floor of No. 3 base that houses him, is the one that truly receives the protective effect and is completely unable to Destroyed existence!

Realizing this, Li Yun understood that they hung 2-159 here not just to trap themselves.

Its real purpose is to use the protective effect of the [Immovable Lock] to make the entire seventh floor space an unbreakable fortress, thereby preventing the contained objects from breaking out.

The abnormal objects contained on the seventh floor are also the most dangerous existences in Base Three.


Li Yun looked at the information thoughtfully and suddenly said: "If I guess correctly, you have hidden some key information, right?"

Dr. Schmidt said unabashedly: "That's right, the information on how 2-159 is activated and closed is one of the top secrets of Base 3. Even I am not qualified to obtain it directly. I can only obtain it through the characteristics. and experimental indirect speculation.”


The old man with glasses next to him coughed and reminded Schmidt not to leak information.

Dr. Schmidt smiled and continued: "Mr. Li Yun, please believe in our sincerity. Everything we can tell you about [2-159] is already here..."

Li Yun stood up and said calmly: "Very good, I've finished reading. When will the questioning take place?"

Dr. Schmidt put the information away and said with piercing eyes: "If you don't mind, I want to start right away!"

Li Yun thought for a while, nodded and said, "No problem."

Three days later, on the seventh floor of Base 3, in the supervisor's office.

Dr. Schmidt placed a document on his desk and stretched out in his office chair.

The young researcher who had just been transferred opposite picked up the document and asked curiously: "Is this the file of the person on the seventh floor?"

"Well!" Dr. Schmidt lowered his arms and said with a smile, "After these three days of communication, the superiors finally agreed with my submitted application and speculation. We decided to separate Mr. Li Yun and classify him as a separate person. file."


The young researcher blinked and said with some excitement: "Can I see this information?"

Dr. Schmidt glanced at him and said with a smile: "Of course you can. You will be my deputy from now on, and you will have the authority second only to me on all matters related to 0-527."

The young researcher had a look of joy on his face.

He immediately opened the file in his hand and started reading.

[Project number: 0-527]

[Project name: Demon King of Destruction]

[Project level: Kate (an anomaly that is extremely difficult to contain continuously)]

[Special Containment Procedures: 0-527 should be placed in a single room blocked by 2-159. It should be equipped with basic furniture and facilities. Otherwise, there should be no monitors, listeners and other equipment. Otherwise, the subject will use various methods. To protect personal privacy, including but not limited to filling the entire room with energy, living in a crystal ball, using some unknown power to block the spread of light, etc...]

[Until better containment measures are introduced, base personnel need to replace the battery of 2-159 on time every day to avoid running out of power, causing the object to break out, and causing the risk of containment failure. 】

[Description: 0-527 looks like a tall Chinese young man, 1.93 meters tall, unknown weight, with black hair. His appearance is considered superior in Chinese aesthetics, and his figure is as perfect and strong as a sculpture. 】

[He comes from the world in the book from 1-189. He is called the World-Destroying Demon King in the book, but the subject denies this title and calls himself a time traveler who walks in the world of the heavens. 】

[In the first conversation with Base No. 3, the subject showed sufficient rationality and clear logical thinking. No obvious tendency or desire to destroy the world was found for the time being. However, according to the detection before the conversation, it was known that the subject's body was He possesses enough energy to destroy the earth, and he also possesses items similar to extradimensional pockets from which he can take things out anytime and anywhere. 】

[As of today, the items that have been taken out are: a priceless white jade wine glass, wine with the effect of extending life, seven coins that appear to be made of white jade, a crystal ball with a miniature version of the sea, beach, and seaside villas, a A mobile phone that looks very sci-fi style, a virtual game cabin with nuclear battery technology...]

[So far, the subject has a relatively friendly attitude and can communicate, but Dr. Shi Xter, who has maintained a friendly relationship with the subject, advises that you must not let down your vigilance, because in the past three days, the subject seems to have been trying to give him gifts or science fiction or The purpose of the magical gift is probably to test whether the inside and outside of the room can communicate with each other. 】


The young researcher was still watching intently. Dr. Schmidt suddenly snatched the file away and said with a smile: "It's time to change the battery in five minutes. You go to work first and look at the rest when you come back." part."

"Oh, I'll go right away!"

The young researcher smiled sheepishly, then quickly turned around and left the office.

At the same time, in the room sealed by the [Immovable Lock], Li Yun was lying on the bed, seemingly closing his eyes to rest, but in fact, his consciousness covered every inch of the room.

He had scanned the room countless times over the past three days.

But it is a pity that the effect of [Immovable Lock] is not limited to physics, but also his mental power is completely locked here by this unreasonable containment object.

Thinking of this, Li Yun couldn't help but sigh helplessly.

He really didn't expect that he just entered a new world with a recommended level of eight, and actually fell into this kind of imprisoned situation in just a few days.

This is not entirely to blame for Li Yun's own carelessness.

The main reason is that he, or all members of the entire alliance, have too much faith in Void's judgment.

Void marked ‘the recommended level is eighth level’, so Li Yun thought that this world posed no threat to him.

This was indeed the case. The 'world in the book' was indeed no threat to him, but the place he ended up in after leaving the world in the book contained countless abnormal items that even he could not do anything about.

"If I had known better, I would have asked the Alliance for help earlier..."

"No, it's not possible to ask for help. Unless the boss comes in person, if anyone else comes, it's just one more prisoner!"

And with the level of energy shown in the 'book world' at that time, it was really not worth letting Lin Zhongtian take action personally.

Even if they really sway people to the alliance in time, the companions who will come over will most likely be the top five experts on the sky list such as Bai Lang and Daenerys.

While Li Yun was thinking this, he penetrated his mind into the storage space and connected it to the void jade token stored there.

"...Still can't be contacted?"

Li Yun looked at the void jade token that was "disconnected from the network" and sighed.

According to his speculation, this should not be the effect of the [Immovable Lock], but that the world he is in is not connected to the void gap.

That's right, what is connected to the void gap is actually just the book world derived from that book.

After Li Yun destroyed that world, the space nodes connecting the gaps in the void disappeared.

Now Li Yun is in a state of isolation and helplessness, and can only try to get out of here on his own...

Of course, considering the dangers of abnormally contained objects in this world, escaping is not actually what Li Yun wants to do most right now.

After all, even if he leaves here, he might encounter some abnormal containment objects that are difficult to guess with common sense.

Therefore, instead of escaping from trouble, what Li Yun wants to do most now is to get in touch with some safer contained objects and figure out the fundamental reason why they have such abnormal abilities.

The easiest way to achieve this goal is naturally to rely on the power of the ninth category affairs company.

If he thought about it this way, the solid 'cell' that trapped him here might be a retreat where he could conduct research with peace of mind.

At this moment, a young researcher hurried past the glass window.

Li Yun caught a glimpse of his appearance and was slightly startled, then his figure appeared in front of the glass window as if teleporting.

After the young researcher finished changing the battery, Li Yun stared out the window at the young researcher's face that was very similar to his own, raised the old-fashioned outdoor walkie-talkie in his hand, and asked softly: "What's your name?"

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