As the company's top front-line combat force, there is no doubt about the strength of the elite containment team.

This strength does not refer to the energy level often mentioned in the alliance, but to the abnormal effects they possess, as well as their firm concept of containment and flexible combat thinking.

Just like now, even though they have lost their most important vision, the seven members of the elite containment team still, under Dr. Schmidt's unprofessional reminder and command, used tacit cooperation to force the Shadow Eater into the nearby containment. room.

After the door was closed, Dr. Schmidt, the only one who was not affected by the transparency effect, walked to the door and pressed the switch.

In an instant, countless dazzling lights bloomed in the containment room. The rays of light reflected back and forth on the mirrored walls, completely sealing the shadow-eating monster that could only move in the shadows between the cracks of light.

After doing this, Dr. Schmidt finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The team member next to him who had not yet escaped from the transparency effect came over, followed the voice and looked at Dr. Schmidt, and said calmly: "The special containment measures of 5-323 are still intact, which means that it was released by someone with authority. Doctor, you Any clues?"

Dr. Schmidt gritted his teeth and said: "There are two possibilities. One is the mole hidden in Base 3, the fanatic believer of the Broken Temple who caused the containment failure, and the other is an abnormal containment object on the seventh floor. …”

The team member frowned and said, "Contained object?"

Dr. Schmidt forced himself to calm down and said: "Well, it's either 0-527 or 2-043. Only the two of them know so much about the contained objects and containment measures on the seventh floor. I think-"

Before he finished speaking, steady footsteps came from the corner of the corridor ahead.

Dr. Schmidt immediately closed his mouth and turned around with a frown. He saw a dark red figure emerging from the corner, grinning in the direction of Dr. Schmidt and others, revealing an evil look. smile.

...It's 2-043 Crimson Demon!

Dr. Schmidt's pupils shrank, then turned around without hesitation and ran away in the opposite direction.

"Run quickly, it's 2-043. He has an extremely deep mind-distorting ability. Only mind-isolating alloy can deal with it!"

"...It turns out to be it."

The seven transparent team members immediately remembered the information about [2-043].

The team leader only thought for a moment and then decisively ordered: "Ron, you stay to stop 2-043, and the rest of the team will escort Dr. Schmidt out of here with me!"


All the team members agreed one after another, and then quickly divided into two groups, leaving all the work behind the scenes to the team member named Ron.

At the same time, Dr. Schmidt also heard the voice behind him, and he quickly recalled the information about 'Ron'.

Ron Miles, a member of the elite containment team "Cyber ​​Hands", was killed during the containment operation of 2-212, and as a result became a cybernetic with more than 99% body modification.

2-212 is a large medical device with three large robotic arms equipped with various additional devices, but no storage area or power source has been found.

So far, more than three hundred different attachments have appeared on the 2-212 robotic arm, each with a different function. All attempts at disassembly and modification have failed.

At the same time, 2-212 showed an extremely strong desire to transform.

When 2-212 comes into contact with any living tissue, it will use a robotic arm to forcefully grab it onto the operating table, and then use various violent methods to randomly transform it into other appearances.

Ron was a benign victim of 'random transformation'. All his bones were replaced with ultra-density ceramics, his bone marrow was replaced with a blue gel of unknown material, and his heart, liver and kidneys were removed and replaced with more efficient ones. Strong metal implant replacement.

In addition, his stomach was modified to secrete acid strong enough to dissolve steel, his eyeballs were replaced with optical sensors that can see the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum, and his hands were amputated from the wrists and transformed into eight two-foot-long metal nanotentacles.

Judging from the data, Ron's physique can indeed adapt to most containment scenarios.

But in front of the crimson demon with the power of mind distortion, it shouldn't be the best choice, right?

Just when Dr. Schmidt was thinking this, the captain who ran quickly from behind explained calmly: "The information has not been updated yet. Before being transferred to the seventh floor, Ron had just undergone a secret transformation. Now, he His skull has been replaced with a mind-isolating alloy, which will definitely not be affected by the power of mind distortion."

I see!

It dawned on Dr. Schmidt.

The captain next to him picked him up and ran, asking, "Doctor, what should we do now?"

Dr. Schmidt's expression changed, and he suddenly gritted his teeth and whispered: "Go to the containment room of 0-527 and release him!"

The captain frowned and said, "0-527...Pandora Project?"

Dr. Schmidt said calmly: "Yes, he has an extraordinary obsession with 2-239. As long as 2-239 has not broken through containment, we are not afraid of him colluding with other anomalies!"

Of course, in addition to this, there are also some factors about siblings Li An and Li Xia.

But this part of the information is a high-level secret, and even the captain of the ‘Cyber ​​Hand’ has no right to know it.

After thinking for a moment, the captain nodded decisively: "Okay, I understand!"

At the same time, in the corridor behind them, Ron, who stayed behind, officially faced the Crimson Demon.

After discovering that his mind-distorting power didn't work, the crimson demon couldn't help but have a surprised look on his face.

The next second, sixteen transparent metal tentacles pierced the air, carrying the sound of whistling airflow and attacking from all directions.

The crimson demon came back to his senses, with a demonic evil smile on his handsome face.

"Better than tentacles?"

"Okay, let's see who has more tentacles!"

Accompanied by wild laughter, countless thick scarlet vines shot out from behind the crimson demon, defeated Ron's metal tentacles head-on, and then wrapped around the tentacles in reverse.

"...It's the flame-eating vine!"

Looking at the vine body behind the crimson demon that was waving wildly, like an octopus and a sea monster, causing people to be sedated, Ron couldn't help but shrink his pupils and feel something bad.

The flame-eating vine is an anomaly that is also contained on the seventh floor and has the ability to devour any flame.

According to researchers' speculation, it should have a certain degree of mind, about the level of a two- or three-year-old human child.

This speculation was originally just speculation, but now, Ron can be sure that the flame-eating vine definitely has an independent mind, because it has been completely controlled by the crimson demon.

"What, is Guizhou Donkey exhausted?"

A ferocious smile appeared on the crimson demon's face, and he gently raised his right hand and pointed forward.

In an instant, dozens of vines shot out, surrounding the transparent Ron from all directions.

Immediately afterwards, countless vines wrapped tightly around Ron's body, squirming and tightening, making a heart-wrenching sound of metal twisting.

Under the restraint of the flame-eating vines, almost all of Ron's methods have lost their effectiveness. Even if he detonates the micro-nuclear bomb in his body now, it can only add some strength to the flame-eating vines.

Gradually, Ron's transparent figure appeared.

That metallic face was filled with the calmness of looking directly at death.

...Is this the only thing we can do?

Ron muttered silently to himself.

Ignoring his body being squeezed and deformed by the vines, he turned his head and looked in the direction where his companions were escaping.

The next moment, scarlet flames suddenly ignited on the vines. The thousands-degree high-temperature flames quickly engulfed Ron's body, causing the alloy on his body to gradually melt.

On the other side, the running captain paused slightly, then quickly resumed his previous speed. .

Dr. Schmidt realized something was wrong and quickly asked: "What's wrong?"

"Ron is dead."

The captain who had revealed himself calmly told the truth.

Dr. Schmidt's expression became complicated.

He sighed, raised his hand and patted the man below him on the shoulder.

"We're almost there..."

Suddenly, the six team members stopped and stared straight ahead.

Dr. Schmidt looked up and saw a scary doll wearing a white dress and a face like a stitched monster lying on the glass window next to the holding room where Li Yun was being held. Li Yunjing was sitting in the glass window. Look at each other quietly.

"...Can you help me remove the battery next to it?"

Li Yun said to the intercom in a serious tone.

The doll clung to the window and stared at him quietly for a while, then slowly turned its head and looked at Dr. Schmidt and others in the corridor in an extremely horrifying way.


Dr. Schmidt looked pale and did not dare to speak.

The 'Cyber ​​Hand' team members around them looked at each other and nodded slightly. One of them, a female team member with a slender figure and bright silver skin like metal, raised her legs and walked over quietly.

During this period, the doll was still stuck to the window, with its head turned ninety degrees, quietly looking in the direction of Dr. Schmidt and others.

When the female player passed behind the doll, everyone's hearts were lifted by the female player's movements.

The captain stared closely at the doll's every move. As long as his team members made a little noise and attracted the doll's attention, he would immediately take action to restrain the doll's attention.

Fortunately, the female team member has a very good attitude and her skills are quite light.

Even if she walked within a step of the doll, she didn't make a sound.

Soon, the female team member passed by the glass window under Li Yun's surprised gaze, and then came to the [Immovable Lock].

Her slender metal palm was raised, and the skin flowed slowly like silver liquid. In the blink of an eye, it flowed into the gap of the power supply cover, and touched the battery inside without opening the cover.


The power was cut off instantly, a smile appeared on Li Yun's face, and his figure appeared at the door as if he teleported.


The door was violently pushed open by Li Yun, who was unaware of the situation.

The face of the female team member behind the door changed drastically, and she quickly turned to look at the doll.

The doll suddenly turned its head, and in a flash, it pounced on the female team member's head.

At this critical moment, a strong and powerful hand stretched out from the door, stopped in front of the female team member at a speed far exceeding the doll, and grabbed the doll's old stitched body.

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