Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 788 Suppressing Abnormalities


Little Sigor stared at Li Yun expectantly with her big, watery eyes.

Li Yun smiled slightly: "Of course, I am..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Yun was suddenly startled, because he discovered that a strange and weak energy appeared in his body out of thin air!

……No way?

Does it take effect so quickly?

Li Yun had a strange look on his face. He thought for a moment, raised his hand slightly, and recited a spell compiled by the researchers on the file.


In an instant, strong winds whipped up from the ground, turning into air currents that surrounded his body.

Seeing this scene, little Sigor next to her was full of excitement, and seemed to finally be sure that Li Yun was really a wizard.

As a result, the 'magic power' born out of thin air in Li Yun's body began to surge wildly.

In just a few seconds, this magic power grew to nearly the fifth level.

This is because Li Yun's image as an adult is extremely high in Xiao Sigor's mind. She feels that since Li Yun is also a wizard, his magic level and magic reserve must be much stronger than hers.

Therefore, Xiao Sigor tried his best to imagine the scene of Li Yun releasing his magic.

But unfortunately, a child's imagination has its limits after all. Without knowing the concepts of stars, galaxies, universes, etc., the most powerful magician she could imagine was only a fifth-level magician.

Of course, even this level is still unimaginable in this world.

Li Yun felt the 'weak' magic power born out of thin air in his body, and felt that he could blow up a storm that destroyed a city and set off a tsunami hundreds of meters high with just one thought.

...He is truly a reality warper!

If it were another person, as long as he gained the trust of little Sigor, he could directly skip the early accumulation and reach the sky in one step.

Li Yun sighed in his heart, holding Si Geer's little hand, and said with a smile: "Let's go!"


Little Sigor nodded heavily, then grabbed Li Yun's big hand and happily walked out of the holding room with him.

On the other side, Li Yun's clone destroyed three anomalies with entities along the way, and with the joint cooperation of the elite containment team "Cyber ​​Hand" and Dr. Schmidt, two anomalies that could not be eliminated were contained.

After dealing with a total of five anomalies, Li Yun and his team finally found Ron's body.

At this time, the place where Ron fought with the Crimson Demon had been destroyed by some force.

The walls and floor of the entire corridor were shattered, revealing a huge gap with a diameter of more than five meters.

Through the gap, one can see the wide hall in the center of Base 3 that connects the upper and lower floors, as well as other containment personnel who are currently fighting hard against numerous abnormal objects in the hall.

"Want to help them?"

Li Yun asked softly while looking at the battlefield below.

Dr. Schmidt shook his head and said decisively: "Find 2-043 Crimson Demon first. If we can't deal with him, there will only be more anomalies breaking through the containment in the future."

Li Yun nodded and turned to look behind him.

Six members of the Cyber ​​Hand were seen squatting silently in front of Ron's charred remains.

The captain took out a data chip from his mutilated head, then stood up calmly, looked at Li Yundao and said, "Let's go, we have no problem here."


Li Yun glanced at them and sighed in his heart.

Regardless of his position, he still admired this group of people.

It should be said that in this world full of abnormalities, all mortals who dare to face madness are worthy of admiration.

Even if their approach is not perfect in Li Yun's mind...

Li Yun stepped forward, and Dr. Schmidt beside him said quickly: "Wait, don't worry, go to the containment room of 2-043 first. There is a brainwave suppressor made of mind-isolating alloy. Only by wearing it can you communicate with Crimson Devil up close and personal.”

Hearing Dr. Schmidt's words, Li Yun nodded and said: "No problem, you go change your equipment first, and I'll go find the Crimson Demon."

"Wait!" Dr. Schmidt frowned, "You want to act alone?"

Li Yun smiled and said, "Why, even now, you still can't trust me?"

Dr. Schmidt pondered for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "It's not impossible to act separately, but I want to be with you!"

Li Yun said in surprise: "Aren't you afraid of the crimson demon's mind-distorting power?"

Dr. Schmidt said calmly: "Of course I'm afraid, but don't worry, with the Crimson Devil's understanding of the company, he will never dare to use the power of mind distortion to control any executive level or above in the base."

Li Yun said thoughtfully: "Do you also have abnormal effects on you?"

Dr. Schmidt smiled and did not answer directly. Instead, he changed the subject and said, "So, you only need to protect my personal safety. This shouldn't be a problem for you, right, World Destroyer Demon King?"


Li Yun curled his lips, turned around and walked forward.

Dr. Schmidt breathed a sigh of relief, whispered a few instructions to the six people, and then quickly followed Li Yun's footsteps.

Not long after, there was a violent vibration in the hall outside the corridor.

Li Yun frowned and raised his hand to slap the wall.


The hard alloy steel wall burst instantly, revealing a huge gap.

Looking down through the gap, I saw that the containment personnel who had been fighting the anomaly were already dead. Only a black-haired man was left standing between the corpses and the pool of blood, holding a long purple knife with an expression on his face. Looking ahead indifferently.

If Li Yun remembers correctly, this black-haired man was a member of the previous 'Purple Fire' team.

As for the many corpses lying beside him, except for some of the corpses with tragic deaths that were abnormally killed, the remaining corpses are basically intact for the time being, with only a purple knife on the forehead and chest. mark.

Obviously, they were all killed by this member of the Purple Fire Team.

Discovering this, Dr. Schmidt couldn't help but frowned tightly.

But soon, he made a judgment and said decisively: "Li, get down, the crimson devil is nearby!"

Li Yun raised his eyebrows: "...oh?"

Dr. Schmidt quickly explained: "His name is Lu Ying, the vice-captain of the Purple Fire Team. He holds an anomaly numbered 1-141, which is the long knife in his hand. Based on my experience with Captain Lu, Understand that if his companions were not controlled by the Crimson Demon, he would never take action against his companions."

Li Yun asked, "Can't he be manipulated?"

Dr. Schmidt said without hesitation: "It's impossible. He and 1-141 are in a symbiotic state, and it's absolutely impossible for him to be controlled by the Crimson Demon."

【1-141】Is it...

Li Yun glanced at the purple knife in Lu Ying's hand, then raised his hand to grab Dr. Schmidt's collar and jumped into the hall.


With a loud noise, Li Yun stood up on the broken ground and put down Dr. Schmidt, who was wrapped in the life stance next to him.

The black-haired man behind him immediately looked at the two of them warily. Purple veins like blood vessels appeared on the metal knife in his hand, and deep purple flames seemed to flow through them.

"Captain Lu!"

Dr. Schmidt stepped forward quickly, and Lu Ying breathed a sigh of relief when he turned around and saw a familiar face.

"Dr. Schmidt, what's going on?"

Lu Ying clenched the long purple knife in his hand, glanced at Li Yun's back and asked.

Dr. Schmidt quickly explained: "An extension of the Pandora Project, Pandora Team, you should know about this proposal, right?"

Lu Ying frowned and said, "Is the emergency in effect?"

Dr. Schmidt nodded: "That's right..."

Before he finished speaking, a deafening loud noise suddenly came from the front.

At the same time, there was a large scorching golden-red fire wave.

Feeling the scorching heat brought by the fire wave, Lu Ying's expression darkened. He immediately stretched out his left hand, pushed Dr. Schmidt behind him, and then raised the purple long knife on his right arm to slash at the fire wave in front.

At this moment, the wave of fire that hit his face seemed to hit an invisible barrier, and was bounced back by the barrier.

At the same time, the scorching high temperature dropped rapidly, and the raging flames turned into small streams of flames, gathering crazily forward, and finally condensed into a fireball the size of a soybean in the palm of a big hand.

Lu Ying looked forward with a slightly startled expression. He saw that Li Yun, who had fallen from the sky before, had appeared five meters in front of him. He was holding the red light spot condensed by the flame in his palm. There was also a burning red dot under his feet. The flaming skull.

"Let's talk about old times later."

Li Yun glanced at the two of them and said, "Tell me first, what is going on with this ghost thing..."

As he spoke, Li Yun clenched his fingers, and dazzling red light spots exploded in his palm instantly, and then gradually disappeared in the surging energy.

Lu Ying stared at Li Yun blankly, while Dr. Schmidt beside him quickly said: "3-040, Nirvana Skeleton, his ability is nothing to you, at most he is a skeleton who can play with fire. The only troublesome thing is that it will self-destruct, and after it self-destructs, it will randomly regenerate in any birch forest on the earth."

"That's really troublesome."

Li Yun nodded, glanced at the struggling skeleton at his feet and said, "What will happen if you kill him?"

Dr. Schmidt said quickly: "It will be the same, and it will be reborn like after self-destruction."

...Isn’t that invincible?

However, the containment object has this urine property. Even the weakest containment object may possess immortality comparable to that of a god.

While Li Yun was thinking this, he turned over his hands and took out an ice blue long knife from the storage space.

In an instant, the cold power spread from the blade to the surroundings, revealing white ice marks.

Li Yun waved his knife, and countless white ice marks instantly wrapped up from all directions, freezing the struggling skeleton and the blazing flames on its body.

However, the flames of this skeleton also seem to have some special characteristics.

Even if it is completely frozen, it is still burning in the ice sculpture.

Seeing this scene, Li Yun frowned, moved his feet away from the ice sculpture skeleton, glanced at Dr. Schmidt and said: "I calculated, this layer of ice can only seal it for two days at most. After two days, It’s up to you.”

Dr. Schmidt nodded without hesitation: "No problem, that's enough!"

Before he finished speaking, Dr. Schmidt's eyes blurred. Li Yun, who was still in front of him, suddenly teleported behind him. He raised his right hand and blocked a vine shooting from the shadow for him.


The sound like the clash of gold and iron echoed in the hall.

Dr. Schmidt was startled and quickly turned around to look.

Lu Ying next to him pulled him behind him, holding a purple long knife in front of him, looking warily towards the direction from which the vines were shooting.

Li Yun grabbed the tip of the vine with his backhand, and inserted his five fingers into the vine like iron pliers. Regardless of the crazy struggle of the vine, he looked at the shadow in front of him and said lightly: "Long time no see."

"Yeah, long time no see."

The figure of the crimson devil emerged, bowed to Li Yun gracefully, then stood up, cracked his lips, and said with a smile: "You are indeed out of trouble!"

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