Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 791 [Universal Magic Array]

In fact, the metal absorbed by [1-017] Iron Grinding Beast is usually evenly dispersed throughout the body, and does not still retain the shape before the metal was absorbed like it is now.

And the reason why it retains the structure of the containment room is actually only because of little Sigur's interference...

That's right, when the iron-biting beast appeared, Li Yun's body was walking in the metal corridor on the negative third floor holding little Xi Geer.

Out of fear of the iron-gnawing beast, little Sigor subconsciously prayed that she would not be swallowed by the monster.

Then, her reality distortion ability was activated, making the iron-biting beast completely unable to fuse with the metal it had just swallowed, and it was in a state of 'melted but not completely melted'.

Regarding this situation, Li Yun is naturally happy to see it happen.

He breathed a sigh of relief and quickly rushed to the containment room of 2-088 with little Sigur.

During this period, they also encountered several strange-shaped anomalies.

But before Li Yun could take action, Xiao Xigor directly made these anomalies disappear out of fear...

That's right, it just disappears, completely disappears!

With Li Yun's microscopic vision and perception, he can't even see their decomposed particles and factors.

It's as if these abnormalities have never appeared in this world.

This is an exaggeration that even Li Yun can hardly imagine.

Only a powerful reality warper like Little Sigor can do it.

To be honest, if it weren't for Xiao Sigor's innocent character, kind heart, and full trust in him, Li Yun would really not dare to keep such a big killer next to him.

Even if he is a true immortal-level powerhouse, in front of the unreasonable little Xi Geer, he may be able to solve the problem with just a thought.

Arriving at the containment room of 2-088, Li Yun showed a smile on his face and immediately took little Xi Geer into it.

Unlike other dangerous anomalies, the item level of 2-088 is Safe, which means that as long as it is not operated or activated, it poses no threat at all.

After entering the holding room, what comes into view is a stone slab about one meter in diameter, with many colorful crayon graffiti drawn on it as if it was a prank by a child.

The hasty scribblings were connected together to barely form a circle, looking like a magic circle drawn by a child.

This is the project number [2-088], code name [Fantasy Magic Array]!

Its appearance is very sloppy, like a child's graffiti. Each stroke does not contain any magic or truth, and does not even contain any geometric laws in the mathematical sense.

But it is such a child's play magic circle that can produce corresponding effects according to the different spells recited by the user.

It was first discovered on the beach of a remote town on the west coast of Europe. Two small town boys found this slate on the beach, and then excitedly played games around the slate because of the raging Chuuni soul in their bodies.

As a result, the stone slab actually responded to the spell they casually recited and triggered a huge red-level tsunami.

The tsunami killed two boys and destroyed the coastal town.

Company agents discovered anomalies in the cause of the tsunami, so they came here after the tsunami and successfully contained 2-088 on the beach.

Li Yun has read the file of [2-088]. Many experiments were conducted on 2-088 in the file. The appendix also records many spells that have taken effect in the experiments, most of which are magic in various movies and TV series. Spell.

Including but not limited to "Harry Potter", "The Sorcerer's Apprentice", "Lord of the Rings" and so on.

According to the description in the file, 2-088 seems to be able to only perform spells that have clearly appeared in movies and TV series.

But in fact, the real effect of 2-088 is far more than just realizing the magic spell of film and television dramas.

According to the information Li Yun got from the Crimson Demon, this thing is actually a 'universal wish machine'.

In front of it, no matter how childish the spell is, as long as you believe it in your heart, it can really come true.

The reason why the magic spells in those film and television dramas can be easily realized is because the original drama has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. As long as there is one person on the earth who believes that these spells are true, then 2-088 will faithfully turn it into reality.

Because of this, to this day, Category 9 Affairs Company has not discovered the true effect of 2-088.

That may not be accurate enough.

Because five years ago, Category 9 Affairs Company actually discovered the true effect of 2-088.

But at that time, a large-scale containment breach occurred at the company's Base No. 1 that affected the world.

That incident resulted in an abnormal destruction that broke through half of the Earth's containment, and as many as three billion humans died in this disaster.

Under such tragic circumstances, the company's top board of directors was forced to launch the "Devil's Salvation Plan."

They appointed a ruthless director as the supreme chairman, and under his command, conducted a large-scale sacrifice. In the end, they succeeded in saving everything at the cost of millions of human souls. Methods.

——That is, the fantasy magic circle [2-088].

After that, [Fantasy Magic Array] was officially renamed [Universal Magic Array].

The company dispatched D-class personnel (expendable personnel, usually death row prisoners) to conduct multiple experiments and finally determined the true effect of 2-088.

Then the most important and most childish spell ever took effect.

The entire earth and even the entire universe have turned back a whole year with a simple sentence of "turn back time."

The reason for using such a simple spell is that they found that the more complex the spell, the more likely it is that accidents will occur during its implementation.

On the contrary, the simple spell that seems like child's play has never produced any unexpected results during the experiment.

That's why the dictatorial chairman with the highest power would use such a spell to turn back time in the entire universe.

As time went back, billions of human beings came back to life, and the anomalies that broke through containment all returned to their original places. Even the souls of millions of humans who were sacrificed were unreasonably taken back by 2-088.

At the same time, all humans on the earth have lost their memories of before time went back.

Only the authoritarian chairman still remembers the containment breach and the true effect of 2-088.

But he did not record the true effect of 2-088 because he felt that the true effect of 2-088 was too dangerous.

As long as this information is known, even a simple sentence of "Destroy the world" will cause the entire world to be destroyed...

Therefore, he concealed the truth and allowed 2-088 to be contained in Base No. 3 only as a Safe-level [Fantasy Magic Circle], and only told other members of the Supreme Board of Directors about the disaster that would happen in the future.

Subsequently, with all the knowledge in advance, Category 9 successfully prevented a major containment breach a year later.

The hero who traveled through time and saved the world without leaving any achievements or name chose to commit suicide in the bathtub of his apartment after the incident.

No one knows why he did this.

In the entire earth, only the Crimson Demon knew that he was atoning for his heinous crime of sacrificing millions of human souls.

That's right, the dangerous anomaly that indirectly saved the world was the Crimson Demon.

Perhaps because the millions of sacrificed souls returned to Earth, the being behind the Crimson Demon was extremely dissatisfied, causing the Crimson Demon to retain the memory of another timeline just like the user of the spell.

But he hid it all, pretended to have forgotten his memory, and successfully deceived the director.

Until he met Li Yun and discovered that Li Yun was also a descendant of a certain great being, his thoughts became more alive.

He told Li Yun a lot of information about the contained objects, including the true effects of 2-088.

It's just that he didn't tell the whole truth at that time, only that the thing could contact the Crimson Lord behind him.

Li Yun didn't believe it, so during a subsequent sacrifice experiment of D-class personnel, he asked again using the language of the mind.

This time, due to characteristics, the Crimson Demon reluctantly told the truth.

Li Yun thus knew the true effect of 2-088.

Of course, he did not tell the company or Dr. Schmidt about this. He just threw out other information that he knew before and successfully fooled him from the experiment.

As for the Crimson Demon, let alone that.

Even if he knew that he had been tricked by Li Yun, he could only suffer the loss of being dumb.

After all, the information from 2-088 was too important, and he couldn't just tell the truth casually just to trick Li Yun.

Thanks to the Crimson Demon, Li Yun found the most likely way to get in touch with the alliance.

That is, little Sigor, who has the ability to distort reality, plus a universal magic circle that can achieve the effects of any spell.

These two are the two strongest abnormal containment objects known to Li Yun. If they can't get in touch with the alliance even if they are superimposed together, then he doesn't know what to do.

After coming back to his senses, Li Yun calmed down and turned to look at the little blond girl beside him.

He told little Sigor seriously that the magic circle in front of him was the most powerful magic circle in the world. Through the magic it released, even the barriers between worlds could be broken through.

Seeing little Sigor nodding solemnly, Li Yun smiled and taught her the 'Seal of the Void' step by step.

As a result, the Seal of the Void, the Reality Distorter, and the Universal Magic Array were superimposed to create the most likely way home in Li Yun's mind.

Little Sigor followed Li Yun's instructions and recited the spell he had just made up seriously, trying to contact the great Lord of the Void Gap mentioned by Li Yun with the blessing of the Void Seal.

When little Sigor's immature words fell, the magic array on the stone slab in front of him suddenly lit up with silver light.

At this moment, the door behind Li Yun and Xiao Xigor was pushed open, revealing the crimson devil whose smile quickly stiffened.

"Here we come, brother."

Li Yun turned his head, smiled slightly and said: "Unfortunately, you are late!"

Before he finished speaking, Li Yun let go of Xiao Sigor's palm and appeared in front of the crimson demon as if he teleported.

The next moment, Li Yun pointed like a knife and easily pierced his forehead at a speed that the crimson demon could not react at all.

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