Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 800 Hurry up and date me!

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, seven days have passed.

The underground lake is misty and sparkling, with lush trees and fragrant flowers and plants on the shore.

Among the countless towering ancient trees, there is an open space with a radius of ten meters. There is a young boy sitting cross-legged in the open space, and next to him is a heroic young man in a green shirt.

The two sat opposite each other, their bodies glowing with golden and silver light.

Through the golden light on the young man's body, you can see that in the sea of ​​suffering in his body, the black and yellow essence is as dazzling as the moon and the sun. The black and yellow qi flows naturally next to it, like a mist, mysterious and mysterious, wrapped in a piece of green copper and constantly flowing.

Beside the two of them, under a towering ancient tree, the beautiful girl was imprisoned there, eyes wide open, looking angrily at the two people sitting cross-legged in front of them.

"How long will it take?!"

The girl couldn't help shouting loudly.

The heroic young man opened his eyes, glanced at her, and then turned his head and said seriously: "To be honest, Ye Fan, I think the talent of this girl you brought is quite good, and her physique is also rare in the world, not as good as... …”

Li Yun's seemingly moving words rang in his ears, making Ye Fan's body tremble slightly.

He quickly opened his eyes, looked at Li Yundu with a vigilant face and said, "Senior, I didn't realize that you still have this habit!"

"Fuck you!" Li Yun scolded with a smile, and then said calmly, "To be honest, this girl is from the Ji family. Judging from her physique, she must be an important person in the Ji family. You just took her all the way. , aren’t you afraid of being chased by the Ji family?”

Ye Fan sighed: "I'm just afraid, so I have to take her with me!"

"Didn't I tell you everything I experienced before coming here?"

Li Yun nodded and turned his gaze to Ye Fan's sea of ​​suffering.

There, in addition to the green copper block occupying the life spring, there is also a heart as bright as a ruby.

That is the sacred object of the monster clan, the heart of the Qing Emperor, the first great emperor in the post-barren ancient era!

Before coming to this lake, Ye Fan was tricked by an unscrupulous Taoist and was unfortunately imprisoned by the demon clan.

The demon clan took a fancy to his ancient holy body, and put the heart of the demon emperor into the life spring in Ye Fan's sea of ​​suffering, hoping to nourish the heart of the demon emperor with the unique divine spring of the ancient holy body.

But what they don't know is that Ye Fan's life spring has long been occupied by the mysterious green copper block.

The Demon Emperor's Heart encountered the green copper block and was instantly suppressed by it. Instead, it began to be used by Ye Fan.

Afterwards, Ye Fan stayed at the Monster Clan's station for a while until the Ji Clan of the Ancient Aristocratic Family focused on this group of Monster Clan.

Ji Haoyue, the divine body of the Ji family, had just completed her cultivation. She wanted to use this group of monsters as a test stone, so she led her men to attack.

The demon clan and the Ji family monks took turns fighting, but in the end they were still defeated. They could only take advantage of the opportunity when Yan Ruyu, the descendant of the Demon Emperor, showed the vision of the sea of ​​suffering and confronted Ji Haoyue, the Ji family's divine body, to protect Ye Fan or the Demon Emperor. The heart escapes.

On the way, Ye Fan and others were besieged by Ji family monks. After various accidents, Ye Fan successfully kidnapped Ji Ziyue - the girl Li Yun saw - and took her to jump into the canyon underground river. , came to this lake.

When talking about this experience, Ye Fan looked calm and had no emotion.

It was obvious that this experience of being hunted was nothing new for him.

It should be said that since he was brought to the Beidou Star Territory by Jiulong, Ye Fan has been hunted by various kinds of people, either being hunted by big forces, or on his way to the next hunt.

After such a ridiculous experience, it's no wonder that Ye Fan is still wary of Li Yun to this day.

Li Yun looked at Ye Fan's sea of ​​suffering with sharp eyes, and chuckled: "According to the agreement, once the Dao pattern on the green copper block is imprinted, this demon emperor's heart will be mine, right?"

Ye Fan smiled and said: "Of course, if you can take it!"

To be honest, if you just sacrifice the Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things, with the help of Li Yun's soul power, it will take no more than three days to successfully condense it.

But Ye Fan is greedy. He did not rush to recast the small tripod. Instead, he wrapped the green bronze block with Xuanhuang essence and repeatedly copied and tempered it, hoping to imprint the natural Taoist patterns on the green bronze block.

Coincidentally, Li Yun also discovered the demon emperor's heart in Ye Fan's sea of ​​suffering at this time.

He was very interested in this heart, so he asked Ye Fan for the Heart of the Demon Emperor on the grounds of overtime pay.

And Ye Fan was also wary of the foreign objects in this sea of ​​suffering. The two hit it off and agreed that as long as Li Yun could break the seal and take away the Demon Emperor's Heart, Ye Fan would give it to Li Yun.

Hearing Ye Fan's words, Li Yun smiled on his face.

The Qing Emperor's heart is naturally a rare sacred object of flesh and blood. With this thing, he might be able to prepare for both things.

Of course, Li Yun does not intend to use the Heart of the Demon Emperor to reshape his body unless necessary. After all, he knows that the Qing Emperor is actually still alive...

After that, several days passed, and the Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things in Ye Fan's Sea of ​​Bitterness finally began to take shape.

To be honest, something like the source of the mother energy of all things is naturally extremely precious to Ye Fan.

But for Li Yun, it was just that.

Not to mention anything else, the existence of gray mist alone is not inferior to the source of Qi, the mother of all things.

Before Li Yun fell into his current situation, he used gray mist as his basic training resource.

At the same time, in the process of refining the Cauldron of Mother Qi of All Things, Ye Fan took advantage of the fact that the Demon Emperor's heart still belonged to him, and continued to rely on the power of the green copper block to exploit the Demon Emperor's blood from the Demon Emperor's heart.

Tempered by the blood of the Demon Emperor, his body was completely reborn, and his body was crystal clear, like a glass lamp, flawless.

Finally, after three rebirths, the demon emperor's heart couldn't bear it any longer and directly broke through the seal of the Sea of ​​Bitterness and flew high into the sky.

Li Yun had already prepared and set up a dragnet around him.

As soon as the demon emperor's heart broke through Ye Fan's sea of ​​suffering, he was suppressed by his backhand.

At this point, the preliminary deal between Li Yun and Ye Fan was finally reached.

Ye Fan achieved his goal and was satisfied, so he left here with the girl Ji Ziyue.

At the same time, leaving with him was Li Yun's spiritual thought that was placed on his Divine Bridge of Bitter Sea.

As for Li Yun's true soul, he stayed in this lake full of black and yellow energy with the heart of the demon emperor.

After arriving on the surface, Ye Fan was surprised to find that they had drifted in the underground river for a month and still did not leave Wei State, but only came from the west to the east.

There is a super powerful force here named Taixuan.

It occupies a very large area, and the endless fairy mountains in the east all belong to this sect. Among the rolling mountains, there are 108 main peaks. Each main peak represents a kind of inheritance of Taixuan Sect, and each inheritance far exceeds that of Ye Those small sect caves that Fan has seen before.

In this vast area, apart from the Ji family and the Yaoguang Holy Land, Taixuan Sect is the strongest super sect.

Ye Fan did not dare to provoke an existence of this level, so he sneaked into the nearest big city in a low-key manner and inquired about the news during this period.

Sure enough, in the past two months, the most popular person was Ji Ziyue's brother, Ji Haoyue, the Ji family's divine body.

He has just formed his divine body and has risen strongly. In the past period of time, he has been constantly attacking the demon clan's settlements. He has now defeated several big demons in their caves, and he is invincible without any defeat.

Many forces are secretly muttering why Ji Haoyue and the Ji family are so at war with each other.

There are endless speculations, but none of them can make sense.

Only Ye Fan knew that the Ji family went to war, most likely to find Ji Ziyue beside him.

Because he didn't find out about Ji Ziyue's disappearance, it was as if the Ji family took the initiative to conceal the news.

Discovering this, Ye Fan became even more low-key.

In the cave connected to the underground river, Ye Fan returned with a large amount of food supplies.

On the way, he asked in a low voice: "What kind of physique does Ji Ziyue have, and why does she get so much attention from the Ji family?"

Li Yun smiled and said, "Why, I'm interested now. Didn't I avoid this topic before?"

Ye Fan sighed: "That's because of your joke, which made the junior think that you really want to take her away. Now that you have been with the senior for so long, the junior can see it. Even if you are in despair, you will never give up your man." identity."

Li Yun twitched the corner of his mouth and said angrily: "Speak properly and stop teasing me!"

Ye Fan agreed with a smile.

Li Yun said seriously: "Ji Ziyue's physique is called Yuanling Physique. This physique is in harmony with the Dharma and can use the power of heaven and earth for one's own use. It can not only supplement the divine power of others, but also forcibly borrow the power of heaven and earth. Improve your combat power and fight against enemies at higher levels."

Ye Fan said in a daze: "So strong?"

Li Yun shook his head and said: "That girl is unlucky to say the least. Her physique is actually the most suitable for cultivating immortals. But unfortunately, she was born in the wrong world. In today's world, the Yuanling body can only play an auxiliary function, and the pearl is covered in dust. .”


Ye Fan frowned and suddenly said: "Senior, didn't you say before that I couldn't learn that kind of enlightenment technique? What about Ji Ziyue?"

Li Yun nodded and said, "She does have talent in this area."

Ye Fan blinked and asked: "Then why..."

Li Yun said lightly: "Why should I teach her? You are the one who makes a deal with me, and you are the one who can grow up in this world. Unless you two marry me where you are, don't even think about getting a child from me." A piece of wool!"

During their time together, the interaction between Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue was extremely awkward.

Just like a quarreling young couple, they fight and torture each other every day.

Li Yun has been eating dog food for so many days, and he has long wanted to express his feelings to these two happy enemies——

Damn it, you two, hurry up and date me!

Hearing the unabashed words of his senior, Ye Fan blushed and said quickly: "Senior, you can't say that. You can teach me first, and then I will use your magic to trade the ancient scriptures of the Ji family with her. In this way, Come, let us all benefit from each other, and I can become stronger as soon as possible and find a suitable body for you, the old man!"

"...makes sense."

Li Yun nodded and said calmly: "However, I have a better idea. Why don't I build you a stone house, capture her in it, tie her to the bed, and force her to hand over the ancient scriptures, otherwise she will stay where she is. How about the bridal chamber?"

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