Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 802 The Divine Light of the Sun

After Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue left, Li Yun stayed in the lake, trying to use the Xuanhuang Qi to fuse the blood of the Demon Emperor to condense an incarnation that he could temporarily possess, and at the same time began to practice the food in his memory. Gray's magical powers.

At the same time, since he only has the power of his soul left, if he wants to use magical powers, he must be recognized by the rules of heaven and earth, so that magical powers can be released through the power of heaven and earth.

Therefore, the process of practicing magical powers is like opening a blind box for Li Yun.

Even if some spells are successfully practiced, if they cannot activate the power of heaven and earth, Li Yun will have no choice but to admit that he is unlucky.

Fortunately, the Thirty-Six Divine Powers of Tiangang seem to have a special status in this world. The eighteen kinds of Divine Powers Li Yun remembered are actually accepted by the rules of heaven and earth in this world.

This was an unexpected surprise.

As a result, Li Yun began to transfer most of his energy to Tiangang magical power.

There is no time to practice, but in the blink of an eye, another few months have passed.

During this period of time, Li Yun's true soul has been cultivating Tiangang supernatural powers.

As for his differentiated spiritual thoughts, he slept in the sea of ​​suffering in Ye Fan's body for most of the time, with only a few moments of awakening.

Through the mysterious connection with his spiritual mind, Li Yun learned about Ye Fan's experience during this period when his spiritual mind awakened.

Just like in the original work, Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue joined the Taixuan Sect. Ji Ziyue joined Xingfeng because of her extraordinary talent, while Ye Fan deliberately joined the Star Peak with extremely low qualifications because of his active hiding. The weakest clumsy peak.

But it was also for this reason that Ye Fan was able to get acquainted with Li Ruoyu, the master of Zhuofeng Peak, and when the Zhuofeng inheritance was opened later, he became one with the Zhuofeng Taoist realm and successfully obtained one of the nine secrets, Jiuzi Mi.

The so-called Nine Secrets, that is, the nine-character Taoist mantra, are nine powerful secrets in the world of Zhetian.

Its status in the secret method is similar to the eight unique skills in "Under One Person", both of which are beyond the pinnacle of their respective fields.

And Ji Zi Mi, created by the legendary Emperor Zun, can increase combat power ten times out of thin air after being triggered, which can be said to be extremely outrageous.

Thanks to Ye Fan, Li Yun's spiritual thoughts also entered the Zhuofeng Dao realm, and simultaneously obtained the inheritance of Ji Zi Mi.

This is one of the reasons why Li Yun insisted on reaching a deal with Ye Fan and letting the divine mind attach to his body.

As the protagonist of the world of Zhetian, Ye Fan's life is filled with countless adventures. By following him, you can not only turn danger into good luck, but also obtain many powerful secrets that ordinary people can't even imagine.

Aren't these long-term benefits much more valuable than the mere source of Qi, the mother of all things?

The only thing worth noting is Li Ruoyu, the master of Zhuofeng Peak. In the process of becoming one with the Taoist realm of Zhuofeng Peak, he discovered Ye Fan's physique and also saw Li Yun's spiritual thoughts hidden in Ye Fan's body.

The two communicated for a while. Li Ruoyu followed the natural way and was quiet and inactive. He did not intend to be enemies with Li Yun and Ye Fan, so he expressed his willingness to help them keep their secrets.

At the same time, Li Ruoyu took a fancy to Ye Fan's character and talent.

He spoke out and asked Ye Fan if he really wanted to join Zhuofeng, but was declined by Ye Fan.

Li Ruoyu understood what he meant, but was still willing to regard him as an ordinary disciple of Zhuofeng.

After that, the inheritance of Zhuofeng was released, and the gates were opened in Taixuan Sect. The peak masters of many other main peaks sent their most outstanding disciples, hoping to let them join Zhuofeng and obtain the inheritance of Zhuofeng.

Ji Ziyue also came to Zhuofeng at this time and reunited with Ye Fan.

Later, after some show-off and slap in the face, Ye Fan defeated many other masters from the other side of the main peak and became famous.

Since then, Ye Fan has spent a peaceful time.

But soon, Taixuanmen was in trouble again, and many major forces, including the Ji family and the Yaoguang Holy Land, gathered from all directions.

A Supreme Elder of the Ji family even used the Great Void Technique to come to Zhuo Peak and fight with Li Ruoyu, the master of Zhuo Peak.

It was this battle that let the world know that Li Ruoyu now had strength comparable to that of a mighty man.

When Ye Fan saw the Ji family arriving, he retreated and wondered whether he should leave Taixuanmen as soon as possible.

Just before he made up his mind, he suddenly learned the reason why many powerful forces gathered together.

It turns out that the old madman who came out alive from the ancient forbidden land, the only remaining strong man in the Tianxuan Holy Land, and the living fossil figure from six thousand years ago, unexpectedly ended up here inexplicably.

Many big forces and figures are here for this person.

They want to get some important ancient secrets from the old madman.

But it's a pity that the old madman's strength is unparalleled in ancient times and his mind is a little unclear. All the so-called big shots who tried to talk to him were easily slapped away by him with his sleeves and robes, making it impossible to talk to them at all.

After learning the news, Ye Fan couldn't help but awaken Li Yun's spiritual thoughts.

"What's the matter?"

Li Yun said angrily: "It's only been a few days since I last woke up, can't you let me sleep a little longer?"

Ye Fan said sarcastically: "Senior, the incident happened suddenly, and there is nothing I can do about it. That old lunatic who attracted all the major forces here, for some reason, I always feel that he came here just for me..."

"Old madman?"

Li Yun was a little surprised.

Ye Fan quickly told Li Yun the information he learned.

As Ye Fan told it, Li Yun also remembered this plot.

He smiled and said: "You are right, this guy is indeed chasing the smell of desolation on your body."

"The smell of wilderness?"

Ye Fan was full of doubts.

Li Yun smiled and did not explain, but encouraged: "I suggest you get in touch with him more. It is best to secretly learn the incomplete secrets of calligraphy from him. When your strength improves in the future, I will tell you the complete secrets." Where is the secret of Xingzi?"

Ye Fan's heart moved: "Do you know where the secret of Xingzi is?"

Li Yun smiled and said: "Of course."

Ye Fan continued to ask: "What about the other Nine Secrets?"

Li Yun smiled mysteriously: "Wait until you reach a certain level. Knowing too many secrets now will be harmful to you."

Seeing Li Yun's attitude, Ye Fan knew very well that he must still have the location of the other Nine Secrets.

"Senior, who are you?" Ye Fan couldn't help but ask, "Why do you know so many secrets between heaven and earth?"

Li Yun smiled and said: "This is also a secret, you will know it later."

Having said this, Li Yun paused and then asked: "By the way, have you learned the secret technique of the void I taught you?"

Ye Fan forced down the doubts and curiosity in his heart, nodded, and raised his hand to draw several strange twisted lines in the air.

"If you are talking about the Void Seal, then I have indeed mastered it."

"But is this thing really as powerful as you say?"

"Why didn't I feel the power of void sealing after I learned it?"

Li Yun smiled and said: "That's because as long as I'm here, the power of the Void Seal automatically ignores you."

"If you use the Void Seal in front of others, you will find that its power is far beyond your imagination."

"The ancient Void Scriptures and Great Void Techniques of the Ji family are nothing compared to the Seal of the Void I taught you!"

"It is a secret seal that is more in touch with the origin of space than all ancient secret techniques. Any void secret technique must bow before it!"

Hearing Li Yun's proud words, Ye Fan was still a little excited.

The compliments came out of his mouth as if they were free of charge, and then he looked forward to it and said expectantly: "Senior, you have mastered so many secret techniques and magical powers, is there anything else you can teach me?"

Li Yun instantly became alert: "Boy, are you trying to steal my wool again?"

Ye Fan sneered and said: "Don't say that, the stronger I am, the higher the possibility of helping you~"

Li Yun thought for a while: "Well, I think you lack the means of attack now. I have a magical power that I can teach you, but whether you can learn it or not depends on you!"

"no problem!"

Ye Fan agreed with excitement.

Li Yun solemnly said: "This magical power is called [Great Sun Divine Light], and you need to have a certain degree of scientific literacy before practicing it. Therefore, before formally teaching you, I have to ask you about your understanding of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. Approximately how many?”


Ye Fan was stunned, as if he suspected that he was hearing hallucinations.

Li Yun repeated it seriously.

Ye Fan opened his mouth slightly and listened to Li Yun's words in a daze.

...What the hell, are you sure you didn't go to the wrong channel?

Why did it suddenly change from a fantasy channel to a science channel?

After confirming that Li Yun was not joking, Ye Fan said hesitantly: "I only understand a little bit."

"for example?"

"Nuclear fission is the splitting of one particle into multiple particles, and nuclear fusion is the synthesis of multiple particles into one particle."

"anything else?"


Ye Fan replied with some shame.

Li Yun looked at him with disdain, as if looking at an illiterate person.

Ye Fan became angry and said: "I'm not a physics major, so it's normal not to know these things, right?"

Li Yun sighed and said: "Then you can only learn from the beginning. It doesn't matter. I am very familiar with the process in this area. You can roughly master the principles of the Great Sun Divine Light in up to seven days."

"Then please leave it to senior!"

Ye Fan cheered up again.

As a modern person from Earth, he still has a deep respect for nuclear weapons.

Since this so-called Great Sun Light can use the principles of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, it shows that its power is definitely not inferior to nuclear weapons.

Moreover, relying on scientific principles and the power of heaven and earth, he may be able to master powerful offensive magical powers at a low level, and achieve the miracle of killing enemies across many levels and levels.

In the next few days, Li Yun's spiritual mind began to teach Ye Fan "Nuclear Physics".

And Ye Fan's performance was beyond the expectations of Li Yun and even Ye Fan himself.

He never thought that one day he would be so obsessed with nuclear physics.

In fact, this is not surprising. If a person knows that after learning relevant knowledge, he can use his body to exert terrifying power comparable to nuclear weapons, then he will definitely burst out with great enthusiasm for it.

Such days continued for several days, until one night, on a mountain ridge behind Zhuofeng, Ye Fan unexpectedly saw the old madman again.

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