Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 829 Tianzihao Shifang

Hearing this, Li Yun couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

Due to his interference, the current plot of Zhetian World has somewhat deviated from the original work.

Ye Fan's cultivation improved faster, and he came to the Northern Territory two months earlier.

Therefore, the bells of Wushi Bell are not heard from Purple Mountain today, but the Holy Lands still received news of the inheritance of Emperor Wushi.

This can't help but make Li Yun feel confused.

He remembered that he had just told the Jiang family the news that Jiang Taixu was trapped in Zishan not long ago, and now the Holy Lands had received information that Zishan was suspected of having the inheritance of Emperor Wu Shi.

The timing of these two events was so coincidental that it was difficult not to make Li Yun suspect that this was done deliberately by the Jiang family.

They probably didn't know the relationship between Zishan and Emperor Wushi. They just wanted to lead the Saint Lords to attack Zishan so that they could take the opportunity to rescue the God King Jiang Taixu...

If this is the case, then there is no need for Li Yun to join in the fun.

Thinking of this, Li Yun rejected the invitation of Holy Lord Yaoguang.

But he didn't say death, he just expressed his distrust of the news and wanted to get more information.

Of course, Holy Lord Yaoguang was unwilling to reveal more information to Li Yun before he expressed his stance on their side.

The two sides could not reach a consensus, so it naturally came to an end for the time being.

After leaving Tianque in the center of the Holy City, Li Yun turned into a golden light and flew towards the ancient street.

There, monks and pedestrians are constantly coming and going, palaces and palaces line both sides of the ancient street, and there are large and small stone squares everywhere.

As the most distinctive place in the Northern Territory, the number of people visiting various stone squares and stone gardens is second to none in the Holy City.

The stone square where Ye Fan, Ji Ziyue, Li Heishui and Hei Huang were at this time could only be ranked in the middle among the many stone squares in the Holy City.

But even so, the area here is still extremely wide, and there are many monks coming and going, and their cultivation is stronger than Ye Fan.

When Li Yun found them, the three men and one dog were already facing a young monk from the Palace of Disillusionment.

They signed a gambling agreement. As long as the source provided by the other party is of higher value, they must pay double the source.

The stone-betting duel between the two young monks attracted everyone's attention, and many guests gathered around and watched with interest.

Li Yun stood silently behind everyone, witnessing Ye Fan's first stone gambling after practicing Yuantian Divine Technique.

I saw Ye Fan wandering among the many stones, squatting down from time to time to carefully observe the texture.

In the end, he picked out a watermelon stone that was of extremely poor quality.

The so-called watermelon stone means that the surface of the stone has a texture similar to watermelon stripes.

Textures like this are often caused by cracks inside the stone, so they are of inferior quality. Even if the source can be extracted from it, the quantity will not be large, and the size is as small as a melon seed.

Of course, the disciples of the Palace of Disillusionment who were gambling with Ye Fan laughed and kept laughing at Ye Fan's eyes.

But in the end, he was slapped in the face by Ye Fan.

Because Ye Fan really cut the source from the watermelon stone, and it was a documented heterogeneous source.

It is as thin as a leaf, green and shiny like jade, resembling a green leaf, hence the name green leaf stone.

One piece of a heterogeneous source like this can weigh ten kilograms of source.

And Ye Fan cut out thirteen pieces from this watermelon stone, which is one hundred and thirty kilograms of source, far exceeding the thirty-six kilograms of source that the disciple of the Palace of Disillusionment opened.

Li Heishui laughed heartily and couldn't help but mock the disciple from the Palace of Disillusionment.

The other party's face was extremely ugly, but in full view of the public, he did not dare to regret it. He could only take out two hundred and sixty kilograms and handed it to Ye Fan, and then left the store angrily.

"Okay, okay, Senior Shenjun really did not misjudge you!"

Li Heishui patted Ye Fan's shoulder hard, his face full of indescribable excitement.

With such an astonishing level of Origin Technique, coupled with the money that Senior Shenjun got from the Holy Land for free, Li Heishui could almost predict that in the next few days, the various Tianzihao Shifang in the Holy City would definitely not be peaceful.

At this moment, Li Yun walked over with a smile.

Li Heishui quickly suppressed the smile on his face and asked: "Senior Shenjun, when are we going to visit Tianzihao Shifang in the Holy Land?"

Li Yun turned to look at Ye Fan and said with a smile: "Without further delay, let's go now."

Ye Fan has already tested the powerful effect of the superposition of Yuantian Divine Technique and Separate Wall Insight.

The many stones are invisible to his eyes, and all the internal textures and hidden sources are revealed to the last detail.

Now, Ye Fan is very confident in his abilities.

After hearing Li Yun's words, he immediately asked: "Which one should I go to first?"

Li Yun smiled and said: "Daoyi Holy Land, Tianzi No. Shifang."

The Holy City is jointly controlled by the Holy Land and the Huanggu Family, and the Tianzihao Shifang in it also belongs to each Holy Land family.

In these Tianzihao stone workshops, the most precious stones and divine sources can be found, but they have a special rule that the purchased stones cannot be taken away and can only be cut on the spot in the stone workshop.

This is because the Holy Lands once suffered a setback at the hands of a certain Yuantian Master.

That Yuantian master relied on Yuantian's magic to sweep through all the major stone houses in the Holy City, making all the Holy Lands blush.

Since then, Tianzihao Shifang has had such a rule.

Firstly, you can buy the rare and exotic source on the spot after it is cut out to avoid the leakage of the divine source. Secondly, you can observe the process of cutting high-quality stones and summarize the quality of the stone and experience in source techniques.

In fact, since the establishment of this rule, the level of source magic in the Holy Land has indeed improved a lot.

At least in the past few hundred years, the number of people who got rich by picking up leaks in Tianzihao Shifang has been greatly reduced.

The value of any high-quality stone that has been recorded in past records is basically the same as the source stored inside, and the difference will not exceed 20% on average.

Relying on these accumulated experiences, various Tianzihao stone shops have also become an important source of income for the Holy Land.

But now, these golden money trees are about to attract the professional woodcutter they fear most.

After arriving at Tianzihao Shifang in Daoyi Holy Land, Li Yun realized that he still underestimated the huge amount of money he spent gambling on stones.

The precious stones in those Tianzihao stone workshops are each worth tens of thousands of kilograms or more.

With a mere 50,000 kilograms of resources, at best you can only buy the cheapest piece of many precious stones.

Upon discovering this, Li Yun couldn't help frowning, and asked Ye Fan if there was anything in the stone.

Divine light burst out in Ye Fan's eyes, and Yuantian's divine eyes and [insight across the wall] were used simultaneously.

In an instant, many stones seemed to be opened from boxes, and the internal structures and textures were revealed to him.

Not only that, the clothes on the onlookers also became transparent.

Among all the people, only Li Yun and Ji Ziyue could still maintain their original appearance in Ye Fan's eyes.

This is because Li Yun has long known the effect of Yuantian Divine Eye, so he has always been on guard. Whether it is the clothes on his body or the purple dress on Ji Ziyue, there are restrictions set by the Earthly Evil Divine Power [Qi Taboo].

With Ye Fan's cultivation level, it would be impossible to see through the restrictions set by Li Yun unless he used all his magical power.

And when the restriction is seen through, Li Yun will become aware of Ye Fan's prying eyes.

By then, he will definitely teach this perverted boy a profound lesson.

Fortunately, Ye Fan's attention was not on the see-through clothes.

He just looked at Li Yun and Ji Ziyue in surprise, and then turned his attention to the low-grade stone in front of him.

Since Fifty Thousand Jinyuan could only buy the high-grade stone that was destined to lose money, they would first use the low- to medium-grade stone to make a profit.

Ye Fan tried his hand at a small test. First, he picked a piece of his favorite watermelon stone to practice, and cut out a total of forty-nine exotic amethyst sources from it.

One such exotic amethyst source is enough to be worth thirty kilograms of pure source, and forty-nine of them are nearly fifteen hundred kilograms.

The value of this watermelon stone is only ten kilograms, and the profit margin is a full one hundred and fifty times.

Seeing this scene, the smile on the face of the Daoyi Holy Land elder who was waiting next to him gradually disappeared.

All the disciples of the Daoyi Holy Land, as well as the many distinguished guests who were watching, such as the young master of the Tianyao Palace, the prince of the Xia Dynasty of Zhongzhou, etc., all realized that the senior divine king and his disciples seemed to have bad intentions.

After Ye Fan tried his hand, he began to walk towards the medium stone area. The value of the stones there basically ranged from five thousand kilograms to tens of thousands of kilograms. The average value of the sources that could be mined was also within this range.

Looking at the black-haired boy who was walking slowly with a calm expression, everyone onlookers made way for him.

A little nun in white, with a temperament as clear as a spring, was initially reluctant to give way.

But the heroic young man next to him, the prince from the Immortal Dynasty of Central Continent, recognized Li Yun's face. He immediately took his sister away and looked at Li Yun behind Ye Fan with an apologetic face.

"My roommate is rude, I hope Senior Shenjun will forgive me!"

"...It doesn't matter."

Li Yun didn't even look at him, he just replied lightly, and then followed Ye Fan to the medium stone area.

Ji Ziyue followed Li Yun, looking at Mark's actions with curiosity.

I saw Ye Fan squatting in front of many stones, his eyes shining with light, and he kept scanning over the stones.

After a while, he stood up, pointed at the stones and said, "I want this, this, and that!"

Ye Fan ordered three stones in a row, with a total price of about 24,000 kilograms of pure source.

The elder of Daoyi Holy Land next to him quickly directed the men to move out the stones, and then watched Ye Fan's movements solemnly.

Ye Fan first cut into two pieces of stone the size of a human head, and obtained from them a strange source of exotic species worth about eight thousand kilograms. Compared with the total price of two stones of twenty thousand kilograms, it can be said that it was a loss.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers expressed disappointment.

But Li Yun didn't care at all and only focused on the third stone.

Ye Fan took a deep breath and finally started to cut the third stone.


As soon as it was opened, a refreshing fragrance like orchid and musk filled the air.

The onlookers smelled the aroma and immediately became energetic.

Li Yun waved his sleeves and without hesitation mobilized the power of heaven and earth to perfectly peel off the objects hidden in the stone with the technique of summoning. He then sealed it with a large amount of spiritual energy and sealed it into a jade box held by the elder of Daoyi Holy Land next to him. middle.

The elders of Daoyi Holy Land were first shocked by Li Yun's magical means that left no trace, and then came back to their senses and looked at the jade box in his palm.

In the jade box, there was a pink fruit the size of a fist lying there. Its pulp was crystal clear and its fruity aroma was rich, making people feel fragrant after taking one sip.

When they recognized the identity of the pink fruit, the elders of Daoyi Holy Land turned green.

His lips trembled for a long time before he said with a wry smile: "The Human Yuan Fruit can be used to refine the divine elixir. One pill can extend your life by about fifty to a hundred years. It is worth...Senior Shenjun, I, Daoyi Holy Land, are willing to give out 150,000 kilograms of pure source! "

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