Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 831 Monkey, are you willing to become a disciple?

After scanning the area of ​​medium-quality stones, Ye Fan finally set his sights on the top-notch stones.

In the Tianzihao Stone Garden full of spiritual energy, Ye Fan set his sights on a stone called the 'Nine-Aperture Stone Man'.

This stone is extremely strange. It is born with nine orifices and can swallow the essence of the sun and moon. It is an incredible treasure at first sight.

Similarly, its price is also extremely astonishing, with a total of 90,000 kilograms of source, comparable to some precious divine sources.

Fortunately, Li Yun now has a lot of money, with a mere 90,000 kilograms of resources, which is just a fraction.

He did not hesitate to buy a nine-hole stone man for Ye Fan and let Ye Fan cut the stone on the spot.

But unfortunately, there was not enough time to gestate this nine-aperture stone man.

Born too early, the dark red jade in its heart did not form a stone.

Logically speaking, this Nine-Aperture Stone Man was considered to have lost blood, but Ye Fan still did not give up.

He cut from the chest to the head, and finally cut out the unique treasure until the stone man's forehead.

It was a small black sword conceived between the stone man's eyebrows. The small sword was only an inch long, but it contained an astonishing sword intent. It shot up into the sky like a black light and hit the restriction set by Li Yun.

Li Yun waved his big hand and used the technique of summoning to capture the small sword. Then he used the earth evil magical power [swordsmanship] to sacrifice the soul, and used the soul to control the sword, and finally completely surrendered the small black sword.

Seeing this scene, everyone onlookers looked shocked.

Many powerful Holy Land Supreme Elders have discovered that the material of this small sword is the same dragon-patterned black gold as the Holy Land's ultimate imperial weapon - the Dragon-patterned Black Gold Cauldron!

There is no doubt that this is a peerless holy object that can forge the ultimate imperial weapon.

The only pity is that the small sword is really not big. Without other sacred objects of the same level as auxiliary materials, it will never be able to be refined into a true ultimate weapon.

Li Yun played with the small sword in his hand with great interest.

This thing is indeed very precious, but unfortunately, it does not match his nature.

Moreover, his most important goal at the moment is to get in touch with the alliance. A mere black gold sword with a dragon pattern is far less important to him than a divine source of equal value.

After thinking for a moment, Li Yun turned to look at the pale Yao Yuekong.

"I heard that the Heavenly Demon Palace has opened a Heavenly Demon Palace in the Holy City?"

"..." Yao Yuekong came back to his senses and said with a forced smile, "Yes."

Li Yun nodded and said: "Very good, this small black gold sword with dragon patterns will be handed over to your Heavenly Demon Treasure Palace for auction!"


Yaoyuekong smiled bitterly and agreed.

To be honest, if it hadn't been for this bet, he would have been extremely surprised by Senior Shenjun's commission.

But now, Yao Yuekong only feels that his heart is bleeding. After all, the higher the auction price, the more gambling money he has to pay in the gambling agreement.

You really shot yourself in the foot!

Li Yun put away the small black gold sword with dragon patterns and looked at Ye Fan with unfinished thoughts: "Which one is next?"

Ye Fan's eyes swept across the Tianzihao Stone Garden, and finally landed on a precious stone worth 100,000 kilograms...

In just one day, Li Yun and Ye Fan swept through Tianzihao Stone Square in Daoyi Holy Land and cut almost all the top-notch stones with high profit margins in Tianzihao Stone Garden.

In the end, Li Yun and others collected 1.36 million kilograms of pure sources and returned rich.

Of the 1,360,000 kilograms of pure source, about 80% is cash, and the rest is debt owed by various holy places and the great elders of the holy places.

With the capital and credit obtained from Daoyi Holy Land, Li Yun took Ye Fan and hurried to Tianzihao Shifang in other holy places.

In the next three days, the Tianzihao Shifang of five holy places including Yaoguang Holy Land, Dayan Holy Land, Yin Yang Holy Land, and Huanggu Jijia all suffered catastrophic disasters.

Li Yun and Ye Fan swept through all the famous stone shops and seized more than 8 million kilograms of pure source and 3,780 kilograms of divine source.

In addition, they also prescribed three magical medicines, two Dao pictures, an Immortal Exquisite, a dead ancient creature, a Zhan Ge that killed the ancient creatures, and two living ancient creatures.

One of them is a little guy who looks like a real dragon, but is only the size of a palm.

According to a well-informed Holy Land Supreme Elder, this little guy is called the Divine Silkworm and has nine opportunities to transform. Each transformation is like a Nirvana rebirth, and his strength will also transform and soar rapidly.

It is said that after the nine transformations of the divine silkworm, it will become an unimaginably powerful creature.

Even in the ancient times when saints traveled everywhere, they were enough to dominate this world.

As for the other one, it was the ancient royal family that was sealed in the divine source - the Dou Zhan Holy Ape.

This race is the prototype of the legend of Sun Wukong in the world that covers the sky. It has powerful talents, no less than the ancient holy body.

It's a pity that this Fighting Holy Ape is still young and has not fully grown up.

Li Yun simply waved his sleeves and easily took the monkey into the 'Hutian' space.

For other people in Shifang, living ancient creatures are naturally the most shocking.

But unfortunately, Li Yun only wanted the divine source, and mere ancient creatures had no effect on him.

If Ji Ziyue hadn't loved the golden silkworm so much, Li Yun would have put it up for auction.

As for the fighting holy ape, Li Yun hasn't figured out how to deal with it yet.

To be honest, he kind of wanted to accept the Dou Zhan Holy Ape as his disciple.

After all, he has seventy-two kinds of earthly evil magical powers, as well as many magical arts from the Chinese mythological universe. As long as he works hard, he can teach a replica of Brother Monkey to satisfy his monkey complex as a Chinese.

After thinking for a few days, Li Yun finally made a decision.

He waved his sleeves and robe, leaving the incarnation behind to protect Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue. The original body flew away from the Holy City quietly and found a place to release the monkeys in the Hutian space.

In an instant, a humanoid ape covered in golden hair appeared in the sky.

He was not tall in stature, but he exuded an extremely domineering aura. His blazing golden eyes shot out golden light, like a top overlord standing in the clouds, looking down on the world and invincible.

At the moment of escape, the monkey looked angrily at Li Yun in the sky.

He opened his mouth, and his roar was like a roaring wind, and a golden light flew out from his throat, like a golden sword tearing through the sky, speeding towards Li Yun.


The crisp sound of gold and iron clashing echoed between heaven and earth.

Li Yun grabbed the golden light with one hand, and the body belonging to the ancient holy body showed a light golden luster. Like a god, it stood proudly in the sky and looked down lightly.

"If I guess correctly, you are the son of the Dou Zhan Holy Emperor, right?"


The golden ape glared at Li Yun, did not reply, and instead roared, the golden hair on his body stood on end, the divine power in his body turned nine times, and nine divine lights flashed across his body, and they became more and more blazing.

This is the ancient scripture of the Douzhan Holy Ape Clan—Nine Transformations of Heavenly Power!

The golden ape jumped up, and the golden light on its body continued to condense and flow, gathered in its fist, and smashed into Li Yun in the sky.

In front of this golden fist, even the void could not help but ripple.

But Li Yun didn't care.

He exerted slight force with his five fingers, crushing the golden light in his palm, then raised his hand and said, "Sure!"

In an instant, golden light burst out, penetrated the void, and fell on the golden ape.

The Dou Zhan Holy Ape felt that his body and even his soul were firmly locked in the air by some kind of force, and no matter how hard he drove him, he could not move.

Li Yun slowly floated down from the air, hovering directly in front of the Dou Zhan Holy Ape, looking at the grinning monkey face in wonder.

"...With such a fleshy body, he is truly worthy of being the fighting holy ape of the ancient royal family!"

Li Yun sighed with emotion, then looked into the eyes of the Dou Zhan Holy Ape, and chuckled: "Little monkey, you have a good talent, why don't you become your teacher? I have seventy-two evil powers, each of which is incomparable." Go to the secret method.”

"As long as you learn the seventy-two transformations of Earth Evil, there is no place in the sky or on earth that you cannot go!"

Li Yun said this with great arrogance.

But the Dou Zhan Holy Ape remained unmoved and still looked at Li Yun angrily.

Li Yun raised his eyebrows: "Don't you believe it?"

"This means of immobilizing you is one of the seventy-two magical powers of Earthly Evil: the Body Immobilization Technique."

"If you feel that I am not qualified, you might as well give it a try and break through the restraints of the Body Holding Technique."

Just try it!

The monkey was dissatisfied, and immediately used the Nine Turns Heavenly Skill with all his strength, trying to superimpose his power layer by layer and forcefully break free from the restraints.

But unfortunately, the body-fixing technique immobilized not only his body, but also the divine power in his body and even the five secret realms of cultivation.

At this time, the monkey's sea of ​​suffering was as solid as solid iron. No matter how he communicated, he could not mobilize any divine power.

Li Yun looked at the monkey quietly. Seeing that he couldn't break free and was still dissatisfied, he couldn't help but sigh with a headache.

"You are such a stubborn monkey - how about this, I will show you the seventy-two earthly evil powers first, and then you will decide whether you want to become your teacher?"


Hearing Li Yun's slightly consultative tone, Monkey couldn't help but be slightly startled.

He found that the mysterious human lord in front of him seemed to really want to accept him as his disciple.

It's a pity that he is the Holy Ape of Dou Zhan after all, and he has his own inheritance, so why should he be a disciple of others!

Just as the monkey was thinking proudly in his heart, Li Yun quietly activated the evil spirit power - Dream Marrying Technique, which covered the world in front of him into a dream without the monkey being aware of it at all.

In an instant, the monkey was shocked to find that his body was moving uncontrollably.

I saw golden light bursting out of his eyes, as if he could penetrate the world and see the universe outside the sky and the netherworld under the earth.

……How is this going? !

The monkey's eyes were shining with gold, and he looked at the scene in front of him with shock on his face.

The next second, Li Yun's long voice sounded in his mind.

"This is the first transformation of Earthly Evil's magical power - Tongyou."

The magical power of Earthly connect to the secluded world?

The monkey stared blankly at the new world in front of him.

The next moment, the world in front of him changed, coming from the sky to the ground.

The peaks stand in front of the monkey's eyes, undulating like a coiled dragon's body.

The monkey was still staring blankly at the mountains in front of him, and his body uncontrollably raised his feet and shouted: "The land of the mountain god, see you soon!"

In an instant, the peaks trembled, and golden light condensed from them, transforming into a tall and majestic golden-armored general in front of the monkey. The aura on his body was vaguely connected to the mountains behind him.

"This is the second transformation of Earthly Evil's magical power - exorcism!"

Li Yun's long words echoed in Monkey's mind again.

Until this moment, the monkey finally reacted from the shock.

Li Yun was showing him the so-called seventy-two magical powers of the Earthly Demon with his 'shattering power'!

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