What do I want to learn?

Hearing Master Zishan's serious words, Xu Xian was slightly startled, thinking, isn't this the default for cultivating immortality?

Master Zishan glanced at him, immediately turned his back, looked at the bright moon outside the window, and said proudly: "I have been practicing as a teacher for more than four hundred and sixty years. In addition to practicing Qi cultivation, becoming an immortal, and becoming an immortal, I have no other skills in the world. , and everything is perfect.”

"If you are reluctant to leave this mortal world and don't want to go back to the mountains to live in seclusion with me, I won't force you. I can teach you everything, whether it's music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine, tea, astronomy, geography, or a collection of classics and history!"


Hearing the heroic words of Master Zishan, Xu Xian opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at his tall back shrouded in moonlight, feeling an indescribable shock and admiration suddenly surge in his heart.

There are no skills in this world that are not perfect...

Is there such a powerful hidden master in the world?

If the Master is really like what he said, and is even a master figure in the Classics and Histories, then wouldn't he be able to fulfill his dream of becoming a famous teacher, follow the Master in annotating scriptures and exegesis, and then pass the imperial examination and enter the palace in one fell swoop?

Just when Xu Xian started to enjoy the future, he suddenly came back to his senses and frowned tightly.

...Wait a minute, could this be a test given to him by his master?

Although it is his biggest dream to glorify his family through studying, but compared with his master who can go to heaven and earth, his fame in the mortal world is still a bit too small.

Does he really want to give up the opportunity to become an immortal just for the sake of fame?

But then again, if practicing Qi cultivation meant giving up the world of mortals and going back to the mountains to live in seclusion, he was a little reluctant to do so.

In this way, the young Xu Xian fell into an intractable tangle for the first time.

Master Zishan looked at Xu Xian's expression with his spiritual consciousness, and couldn't help but smile slightly in his heart.

Xu Xian's young man's character and outlook are currently undecided. Faced with such a major decision at the crossroads of life, it is naturally difficult to make a decision.

Master Zishan threw the problem to him, just to let him think carefully about the consequences of each choice, and to retreat in order to make progress, and let Xu Xian take the initiative to throw the problem back to him, so that Xu Xian would willingly accept his suggestions and arrangements.

Sure enough, after hesitating for a long time, Xu Xian lowered his head and said with a look of shame: "Master, disciple... I don't know, what do you think I should learn?"

Master Zishan smiled and said, "Do you want to listen to my teacher's advice?"

Xu Xian nodded repeatedly: "Yes."

Master Zishan said decisively: "Then martial arts."

Xu Xian was stunned when he heard this: "...Huh?"

Master Zishan turned around, with his back to the moonlight, and said with a smile: "Martial arts is a human skill, between immortals and mortals. It can be used as a means to strengthen the body, and even gain fame, or it can be used to enter the Tao and become an immortal. "Ascending to Immortality."

"If you practice martial arts, you don't have to give up the world of mortals and go back to the mountains to live in seclusion. If you still want to study, you can also complement each other."

"You are an apprentice of Baozhitang, and you also know some medical skills. You should understand that the stronger the body, the clearer the mind."

"As the saying goes, sharpening your sword will never make you less able to chop wood..."

Under the moonlight, Master Zishan was talking eloquently. Xu Xian listened intently and nodded from time to time, feeling that what the master said was very true.

But deep down in his heart, he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain the specific reason...

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside, and there were seven or eight hurried footsteps, which seemed to be passing by the courtyard gate.

Xu Xian was startled and quickly passed by Master Zishan and closed the doors and windows.

Master Zishan glanced out the window, his eyes lit up, and he saw the scene in the courtyard through the window.

Xu Xian's brother-in-law Li Ren opened the door, held a knife in his right hand, and came to the courtyard door angrily.

His clothes were disheveled and his hair was disheveled. It looked like he had put it on in a hurry and had not tidied it up.

After opening the courtyard door, Li Ren shouted at the officers and soldiers outside the hospital and asked the reason with a bad expression.

Master Zishan was curious and listened attentively, and then couldn't help but smile.

He looked at Xu Xian who was lying in front of the window, peeking quietly through the cracks in the window, and said via voice:

"Good disciple, do you want to know what happened?"


Xu Xian was startled for a moment, and then suddenly realized that there was a master with great supernatural powers beside him.

He turned around quickly, nodded expectantly and said, "Yeah!"

Master Zishan laughed softly and said: "The official silver from the Lin'an Mansion's warehouse has been stolen. It is suspected that a gangster has taken action. The government is currently pursuing it with all its strength."

...Official silver was stolen, a gangster?

Xu Xian's eyes widened, obviously very curious about this.

Master Zishan looked at the expression on his face and couldn't help but smile.

A young man of his age will inevitably become rebellious if he is deceived by great principles.

It's better to take him to see it with his own eyes, maybe he will become interested in martial arts.

With Yixia’s martial arts qualifications, it would be a pity not to start with martial arts...

Thinking of this, Master Zishan suddenly asked: "Do you want to see it?"

Xu Xian was startled and asked subconsciously: "What did you see?"

Master Zishan smiled slightly and said leisurely: "Jianghu."

In Lin'an Mansion, next to the military bridge and outside Heizhu Lane, groups of officers and soldiers dressed in black, holding waist knives and holding torches, hurried past.

Tonight the government treasury's official silver was stolen. Although the amount was small, the thieves were extremely rampant.

After stealing the official silver, he not only stayed on the roof of the warehouse for a period of time so that he could be discovered by the officers and soldiers on night watch, but after leaving, he also left a note to defy the authority of the government.

It just so happened that Bao Zheng was granted the title of Supervisor of Censor Li Xing, overseeing hundreds of officials, and patrolling prefectures and counties years ago. Now it is the turn of Lin'an Prefecture.

At this critical moment, a thief stole official silver at night and provoked the government. This made everyone in Lin'an Mansion not angry.

But unfortunately, without diamonds, people would not take on this porcelain job.

Under the siege of many officers and soldiers, the criminal thief escaped easily.

His lightness kung fu is so superb that it can be said to be the best in the world, and all the officers, soldiers and policemen in the government can only hold him back.

Not long after, the black shadow quietly came to various streets and alleys, like a wisp of breeze quietly passing through the eaves.

Every time he passed a house, the black figure would take out a dime of broken silver from his arms, and then flick it with his finger, letting it fall into every house on the street.

Repeatedly, the thief dispersed at least dozens of taels of silver in just one street.

When he reached the end of the street and was about to leap over the rooftops, he suddenly discovered that there were two figures, one tall and one short, standing in another alley not far away.

Among them, the short one is a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old. He has a delicate appearance, a thin body, and a bookish air all over his body. He is standing in the alley, looking at him with surprise and a little longing.

Behind the young man, there was a tall purple-robed Taoist.

He had his hands behind his back, his expression was calm, and there was a smile on his handsome face, and he just looked at him quietly.

The moment he met the purple-robed Taoist's eyes, the Jiangyang Thief was startled, and felt an inexplicable sense of tension.

But when he came back to his senses and took a closer look, he found that this Taoist had flaws everywhere, and he didn't seem to be a martial artist.

"...You must be thinking too much, right?"

The big thief glanced at the two of them suspiciously.

The purple-robed Taoist smiled slightly, suddenly raised his hand and pointed in the direction he came from.

The Jiangyang thief was suddenly startled. He looked in the direction of the purple-robed Taoist's finger, and sure enough he saw another figure flying from the roof. His lightness skills were extremely good and his feet were silent. It was only slightly inferior to him.

"Oops, there are experts!"

The Jiangyang robber was startled and immediately prepared to leave.

However, before leaving, he did not forget to express his thanks to the purple-robed Taoist, and at the same time, he flicked his finger and shot a piece of broken silver over.

"call out--"

The broken silver shot through the air and accurately hit the corner of the window sill next to the two of them.

This was done deliberately considering that the two of them may not have practiced martial arts.

But what the criminal thief didn't know was that before the piece of broken silver was about to hit the window sill, two fingers suddenly stretched out and accurately caught the broken piece of silver in mid-air.

The young man reacted and quickly turned his head. He saw the purple-robed Taoist holding broken silver between his fingers, gently tossing it, catching it with his backhand, and then looked at the young man and winked playfully.

"Ha, there's an unexpected bonus!"


The young man, or rather Xu Xian, took the broken silver in a daze, looked at the silver that had obviously been cut off in his hand, and then looked at the back of the thief flying quickly on the eaves in the distance, and couldn't help but say:

"Is he the thief who stole official silver?"

Master Zishan smiled and nodded: "That's right."

Xu Xian raised his head and asked, "Does he steal official silver to rob the rich and give to the poor?"

"Maybe." Master Zishan turned his head, looked at the black shadow in the distance and smiled, "Judging from the current behavior, this is indeed the case, but there may also be a deeper reason."

Xu Xian looked confused and was about to ask, but suddenly found that he couldn't open his mouth.

Just when he was a little frightened, he suddenly heard a very slight sound of wind.

The next second, a black shadow fell from the sky and landed in front of the two of them.

Xu Xian was startled and almost fell backwards. Master Zishan reached out his hand and held down his shoulders, which helped him stabilize his body.

At the same time, the heroic young man who fell from the sky was shocked when he saw this scene, and said quickly: "Sorry, little brother, I am from the government, and I am hunting down a criminal thief. I wonder if you have seen this thief." Where to go?”

Xu Xian was still looking at each other blankly, but Master Zishan behind him smiled slightly and raised his hand to point.

The heroic young man followed his hand and immediately thanked him, then jumped up and chased after him.

As he passed several houses at high speed, the heroic young man suddenly realized something was wrong.

How could a Taoist and a young man appear in such a place in the middle of the night?

The heroic young man quickly turned around and swept away, returning to the alley in the blink of an eye.

But at this time, the alley was already empty. The heroic young man frowned, knelt down, and stretched out his hand to touch the place where the two of them were standing before.

"Sure enough, there is a ghost..."

The heroic young man frowned tightly, he couldn't figure it out.

How could he not discover such an obvious weirdness immediately?

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