Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 973 The Fate of the Little People


The door of the attic was pushed open suddenly, and Yun Ye rushed in with a face full of anger. He pulled the blanket aside, pulled Pei Ying, who was confused, up from the bed, pressed him to the ground and beat him violently.

Pei Ying held his head, feeling the pain from all parts of his body, and said in a difficult tone: "Brother, if you want to beat me, I will naturally bear it, but before you die, can you let me die with understanding first?"


Yun Ye kicked Pei Ying over with one foot, lying flat on his back, and then stepped on his legs and said angrily: "You bastard, you didn't control your strength. It's okay to beat Dou's Sanshilang to death, but you also caused Miss Luzhu to be captured by the Dou family."

"I tell you, if Miss Luzhu dies in the Dou family, not only will I let the Dou family be buried with her, but you will also have no chance of ending up well. !"

"What? !" Pei Ying was shocked and asked hurriedly, "Dou Sanshilang... is he dead?"

Yun Ye was slightly startled, then frowned: "You did it, don't you know?"

Pei Ying smiled bitterly and said, "Although I smashed his penis, I didn't kill him. With the status of the Dou family, as long as we invite the imperial physician, it is definitely not a problem to save his life, but he may have to spend the rest of his life in bed..."

So he didn't understand it wrong...

Yun Ye frowned tightly, he didn't think Pei Ying would lie to him at this time.

Could it be... that the Dou family did it themselves?

It is indeed possible. The aristocratic families value face the most, especially in this era. For a playboy like Dou Sanshilang, losing his penis is a life worse than death.

The Dou family personally sent Sanshilang on his way, first to send him off, and second to take this opportunity to expand the contradiction and seize the word "reason". This is indeed a very likely thing to happen.

Just as Yun Ye frowned and thought, a leisurely voice came from the door.

"Pei Lao San, you only care about Sanshilang of the Dou family, don't you care about that singer?"


Pei Ying was slightly startled, then sat up, looked at Lin Zhongtian leaning against the door frame and smiled bitterly: "Mr. Lin is joking. It is indeed my fault that Miss Luzhu was taken away by the Dou family out of anger, but now I can't even protect myself, how can I have the leisure to care about her..."

Yun Ye came back to his senses, looked at him expressionlessly and said: "So, you knew the whereabouts of the singer from the beginning?"

Pei Ying nodded silently, looking at Yun Ye with a confused look, as if he didn't understand why he was so angry.

Yun Ye's eyes were filled with anger: "Then why didn't you say it at the beginning?"

Pei Ying said blankly: "This..."

Seeing him like this, Yun Ye's anger surged in his chest.

Just as he raised his right foot without hesitation and kicked Pei Ying in the chest, a slender hand rested on his shoulder and pulled him back a distance.

"Okay, stop kicking. You are no longer the same as before. This kick might kill him."

Lin Zhongtian put his hand on Yun Ye's shoulder, glanced at Pei Ying sitting on the ground, and said lightly: "Haven't you accepted the reality yet? Although these people are gentle and humble in front of you, they are all children of the rich and powerful in the final analysis."

"Now, Yushan Academy has only been opened for half a year. You want to use this half year to transform their deeply rooted thoughts and concepts since birth. Isn't this a bit too presumptuous?"

Hearing Lin Zhongtian's words, Yun Ye fell silent and put his raised right foot back on the ground.

After a while, Yun Ye turned around, took a step, and walked towards the door.

Pei Ying opened his swollen eyes and looked at Yun Ye's back, wanting to say something but stopping.

But in the end, Pei Ying still didn't speak, but Yun Ye said something light after stepping out of the door.

"Stay in your room honestly, if you dare to go out, I will expel you from the academy!"

Pei Ying stared at the backs of Lin Zhongtian and Yun Ye in a daze, sighed after a long time, and staggered to his feet.

On the other side, in the woods outside the academy maze, Yun Ye and Lin Zhongtian walked side by side.

Lin Zhongtian glanced at Yun Ye who was silent beside him, and said casually: "The owner of Mianchunlou said that Miss Luzhu was taken away by the Dou family that night. It has been two days now. I am afraid that she is in danger... What are you going to do?"

Yun Ye glanced at him and said softly: "When I came back just now, someone from the palace sent a message saying that the emperor wanted to play mahjong with me."

Lin Zhongtian said thoughtfully: "The Pei family and the Dou family have a close relationship with Li Yuan, and you were pushed out by Li Er to compete with the Dou family. Li Yuan asked you to play mahjong at this time. I guess he wanted to solve the problem for the three of you at the table."


Yun Ye punched the tree trunk beside him, with a blank expression on his handsome face.

Lin Zhongtian chuckled and said, "Look at you, don't you want to go?"

Yun Ye turned around and said calmly, "No, I want to go!"

Lin Zhongtian looked at his expression and shook his head, "Don't be impulsive. If you pull out a gun in the palace and shoot the old man of the Dou family, the Yun family will have no place to stand in the Tang Dynasty."

Yun Ye said calmly, "Don't worry, Brother Tian, ​​I'm not that impulsive yet."

Lin Zhongtian looked at him for a few times, nodded and said: "It seems that you have an idea. Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Yun Ye whispered: "Go to the Dou family for me and see if the green bamboo girl is still alive."

Lin Zhongtian asked: "What if she is alive?"

Yun Ye said without hesitation: "Then rescue her."

Lin Zhongtian asked again: "What if she is dead?"

Yun Ye was silent for a moment and said: "Then don't touch her body and wait for me to come back."

Lin Zhongtian nodded and agreed, and the two immediately parted ways. Yun Ye rode the fast horse in the academy and rushed to the palace. Lin Zhongtian changed into a nightgown, used light skills, and quietly moved to the Dou family's mansion.

Not long after, Lin Zhongtian came to the eaves of the Dou family's mansion.

It was late at night, and all the families in Chang'an had turned off their lights and went to sleep, but there were still many houses in the Dou family with candlelight on. The brightest house was the mourning hall for the body of Dou's Sanshilang.

Lin Zhongtian, dressed in black, stood on the roof, his eyes swept over the servants on duty below.

When a team of servants walked by with lanterns, Lin Zhongtian quietly landed and walked into the mourning hall like a ghost.

At this time, there were still two servants guarding the mourning hall. Lin Zhongtian glanced and immediately snapped his fingers.


Two streams of energy broke through the air and hit the foreheads of the two people respectively.

The man on the left rolled his eyes and fainted without a groan.

The man on the right was hit hard, his eyes widened, and he slowly fell to the ground against the wall, as if he had no sound.

Although Lin Zhongtian's body was only at the peak of low martial arts, his spiritual consciousness was extremely high after all, and many of his magical powers were innate, just like breathing and heartbeat, engraved into his instincts.

Therefore, Lin Zhongtian could intuitively distinguish the sins of ordinary people with just a glance.

The man on the left was not guilty of a capital crime, so he was just knocked unconscious by him, but the man on the right was different. This man had a raging fire on his body, and he had obviously done a lot of work for the master's family.

If Lin Zhongtian saw such a person, he would definitely not tolerate him.

After knocking down the two people, Lin Zhongtian quietly walked into the mourning hall.

In the center of the mourning hall, there was a luxurious coffin, and in front of the coffin, there was a figure in a green dress kneeling.

Lin Zhongtian paused, then sighed, and slowly walked to the kneeling figure.

Sure enough, just like the original book, this poor girl had been made into human wax by the Dou family, and in her open mouth, there was a wick burning...

Lin Zhongtian naturally knew the plot of the original book, but there was no specific date description in the book, only important plot nodes.

Lin Zhongtian knew that the plot of the Green Bamboo Girl took place after Yun Ye returned to Beijing, but he didn't know exactly when it happened.

Moreover, in this world, Yun Ye returned to Beijing earlier than in the original novel, but the plot still happened as usual, which was something that even Lin Zhongtian did not expect.

However, since the development of the plot is exactly the same, only the time is different, it means that the time is not important, and the important thing is the plot node of Yun Ye returning to Beijing.

As long as Yun Ye returns to Beijing, someone will definitely push this matter to force the Pei family and the Dou family to confront each other.

As for the Green Bamboo Girl in the middle, she is not important. Without the Green Bamboo Girl, there are also the Red Bamboo Girl and the Purple Bamboo Girl.

The reason why it is still her this time, in addition to the fact that she is indeed the most beautiful singer in Mianchunlou, is probably that she is more unlucky.

That's right, things are impermanent, and sometimes, the fate of small people can only be described as unlucky...

Lin Zhongtian sighed, then raised his hand to touch the eyes of the Green Bamboo Girl, and recited the "Rebirth Mantra" in a low voice.

Considering that Yun Ye might want to use Miss Luzhu's body to avenge her, Lin Zhongtian did not take the body away. He just raised his hand to carve a few talismans on her body, nailed a note on the coffin in the center of the mourning hall, and then stood up and left quietly.

However, he did not go far. Instead, he walked around the huge Dou family mansion several times after leaving the house.

During this time, Lin Zhongtian opened the seal of the second layer of the storage ring, took out various spiritual objects from it, buried them in the ground around the mansion, and set up a strange array covering the entire mansion.

After doing this, Lin Zhongtian jumped onto the courtyard wall, glanced at the brightly lit mourning hall in the mansion, and then jumped up, quietly passed over the roof eaves, and rushed towards the direction of the palace.

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