Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 982 Yun Ye breaks through

Pregnant women always behave strangely, even the Empress Changsun, who was the mother of the country, was no exception.

This made it difficult for today's chef Yun Ye. Not only did he have to use all his skills to make a delicious meal, but he also had to endure the nagging of the noble pregnant woman beside him when he was busy.

That's right, after arriving at the Yun family, Empress Changsun took the initiative to go into the kitchen, saying that she wanted to learn some cooking skills from Yun Ye. As a result, I don't know if she has learned any cooking skills now, but problems come one after another.

Seeing that Yun Ye only kept the fish head and not the fish body when processing silver carp, Empress Changsun was angry and felt that Yun Ye was neglecting her.

Seeing that the iron pot in the Yun family kitchen was too black, Empress Changsun was disgusted, thinking that such a dirty pot would definitely not be able to make delicious food...

In this way, in the disgust and criticism of Empress Changsun, Yun Ye finished a table of dishes with sweat on his head and directed the servants in the house to bring them to the table.

The dishes on the table were all Yun Ye's specialties. Although they were nothing in later generations, they were definitely not developed in this era.

Especially the hot and sour potato shreds that were served at the end. This thing was brought by Yun Ye from the future. It was presented to Li Er as a good omen a few years ago. Now the yield has just been tested and large-scale planting has not yet begun.

It can be said that this thing is a rare thing in the Tang Dynasty.

Li Er even ranked it with brocade and rewarded it to the ministers in the court.

Most of the dignitaries who received the reward regarded this potato as a treasure and were reluctant to eat it, but Yun Ye knew that with the good varieties of the future he brought, it would not take a few years for this thing to spread throughout the Tang Dynasty.

So far, only Yun Ye would have the idea of ​​eating early and enjoying it early.

Others, even Empress Changsun, saw this plate of potato shreds and couldn't help but blame Yun Ye for being extravagant and wasteful.

Of course, despite this, Yun Ye felt that Empress Changsun was still very happy. She might think that Yun Ye was treating her with potatoes to show respect for her.

Unfortunately, what she didn't know was that this was a home-cooked dish in the Yun family, and the picky little girls in the family were almost tired of it...

Looking at the colorful dishes on the table, Yun Ye also felt his appetite growling.

He asked the little girl to call Lin Zhongtian over, washed his hands, and sat on the chair.

Before he picked up the chopsticks, the empress on the opposite side glanced at him and snorted, "This meal was bought by Qingque with one tael of money. It's naturally no problem for us mother and daughter to eat it. What are you doing here?"

"Have you ever heard of a chef sitting at the table in a restaurant?"

The empress's sarcastic words choked Yun Ye and made him roll his eyes, but he didn't dare to complain. He could only glare at Li Tai, who was gloating and winking at him, and then stood up with a depressed look.

Just then, the little girl led Lin Zhongtian in hopping.

Empress Changsun cast her eyes over, and when she saw Lin Zhongtian, her eyes moved slightly, and then she smiled, raised her hand to call Xiaoya over, touched her head and asked questions in a gentle voice.

Xiaoya was not afraid of people, and stood between Empress Changsun's knees, raised her head and chatted with her.

After chatting for a few sentences, Empress Changsun seemed very satisfied with this girl, and she always mentioned that she had a son who was about the same age as Xiaoya, that is, her third son Li Ke, and vaguely meant to introduce them to each other.

Realizing this, Yun Ye was alert in his heart, and hurriedly pretended to be stern, scolding Xiaoya for being rude to the queen.

"Who is rude?" Empress Changsun rolled her eyes at Yunye, "I think Xiaoya is much more polite than you!"

Xiaoya smiled, lay on Empress Changsun's legs, and blinked at Yunye.

Empress Changsun snorted and turned her eyes to Lin Zhongtian next to her. She said with a serious expression: "Mr. Lin."

Lin Zhongtian nodded and said with a smile: "Hello, Queen."

Empress Changsun smiled and said: "Sir, please don't be too polite. I heard from Xiaoya that you are teaching them martial arts?"

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said: "I have nothing to do, so I just do it casually."

Yun Ye quickly added: "The Yun family has many female relatives and young men. Xiaoya and her friends learn some martial arts, so they can protect themselves in the future."

"Did I ask you?"

The queen rolled her eyes at Yun Ye, then turned to look at Lin Zhongtian and raised her hand politely: "Sir, please take a seat."

This sharp contrast in attitude made Yun Ye look depressed. He could only give Lin Zhongtian a look that he should deal with, and then dragged Xiaoya out of the room in disgrace.

Xiaoya was a little reluctant, and she was still a little interested in the dishes on the table.

Fortunately, Yun Ye had prepared. He found two large bowls, filled each with half a bowl of rice, and then put the leftovers left in the kitchen for the sake of the plate presentation into the bowls, filling them up completely.

Xiao Ya's eyes lit up as she watched from the side, and before Yun Ye could speak, she pointed to the bowl of rice with pig's trotters.

Yun Ye chuckled, handed the bowl and chopsticks to Xiao Ya, and the brother and sister sat in the kitchen and ate heartily.

During this time, Yun Ye heard the laughter of Empress Chang Sun in the house, who seemed to be having a good chat with Li Tai and Lin Zhongtian.

Halfway through the meal, Lin Zhongtian got up first and left the table and went to the kitchen.

Yun Ye glanced at Lin Zhongtian, raised his hand and rubbed Xiao Ya's head, and asked her to go back to her room to eat.

After Xiao Ya left, Yun Ye put down the bowl, looked at the situation outside the kitchen, and whispered, "How is it, what did you talk about?"

Lin Zhongtian sat opposite him and said with a smile: "Nothing, just asked me about Li Tai's performance in the academy. I said I am not a college teacher, but from what you said, Li Tai should be the best student of this year, and then she was very happy and felt honored."

Yun Ye was surprised: "That's it?"

Lin Zhongtian shook his head and said: "Of course not only that, she also invited me to work in the academy, but I politely refused."

Yun Ye nodded and said: "I guess she would say that. After all, the emperor will be the dean in person in a while. At that time, Yushan Academy will become the Royal Yushan Academy. The queen is targeting you!"

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I have already refused this matter, and I think that the academy is just a side issue. The queen wants to What I heard was actually something else. "

Yun Ye asked curiously, "What is it?"

Lin Zhongtian said softly, "She asked me about the art of looking at qi, and also cited examples to ask me for an explanation. After listening to her description, I judged that it was the qi of the retired emperor Li Yuan..."

Yun Ye was shocked: "You mean, the emperor used the Qiankun mirror to look at the retired emperor?"

As he said, Yun Ye frowned: "What does he mean? Is he still afraid of the retired emperor?"

Lin Zhongtian shook his head: "No, I think he wants to know whether the emperor can seek immortality after abdication, so he found an example of the retired emperor Li Yuan, and asked Empress Changsun to come and test me..."

Hearing Lin Zhongtian's words, Yun Ye stared at him in a daze.

After a moment, he smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Tian, ​​your words to fool him seem to have the opposite effect."

Lin Zhongtian said lightly, "Don't worry, this is just Li Er's unwilling struggle before giving up. What I said to him is not all lies. At least the matter of 'the emperor cannot cultivate immortals' is indeed true."

Yun Ye was slightly startled, and then fell silent, without asking further questions on this issue.

Lin Zhongtian glanced at him, knowing that this kid must have guessed something, but because he did not take the initiative to speak, he also tacitly kept silent.

Lin Zhongtian chuckled, "These are the more critical topics. The rest are some meaningless courtesy. After the Queen and Li Tai finish this meal, if she goes to you to test you again, you must not let it slip."

Yun Ye smiled, "Don't worry, Brother Tian, ​​I know what to say."

Lin Zhongtian smiled slightly, raised his hand and patted Yun Ye's shoulder, then got up and left.

Yun Ye watched Lin Zhongtian leave, sighed for a long time, and picked up the bowl again.


Afterwards, Yun Ye and Li Tai accompanied Empress Changsun to stroll around Yushan Academy.

The two told her a lot of interesting stories about the academy, and took her to see the dinosaur fossils dug out of the academy, and learned about this giant beast that became extinct hundreds of millions of years ago.

Empress Changsun was a little skeptical about Yun Ye's story, but she was very happy about the existence of this huge beast.

The royal family claimed to be a real dragon, so they were naturally willing to see evidence of the existence of dragons, even if it was just a dinosaur, it was enough to make Changsun excited.

In this way, three days later, Empress Changsun's carriage rolled all the way back to Chang'an.

Yun Ye finally got rid of Empress Changsun and began to work hard to practice the "Nine Yang Magic Skill".

Time flies, and another ten days have passed in the blink of an eye.

The sun emerged from the top of Yushan Mountain and sprinkled sunlight into the courtyard wall of the Yun family.

Yun Ye sat cross-legged in the center of the martial arts training ground, his eyes closed, constantly circulating the heat flow in his body to break through the acupoints.

Not long after, Yun Ye suddenly groaned, his skin turned red, and white steam rose like a cooked shrimp.

Seeing this scene, Lin Zhongtian sat up from the recliner and looked at Yun Ye with a sharp gaze.

...Finally, I'm finally getting started!

Lin Zhongtian sighed sincerely in his heart.

Under his personal instruction and the nourishment of many spiritual objects that do not exist in this world, Yun Ye spent nearly a month and finally successfully got started with this improved version of "Nine Yang Magic Skill".

This qualification can be said to be the worst among all the indigenous traversers that the alliance has come into contact with.

But this is not his fault. After all, this is a world without magic, and the worlds of other indigenous traversers basically have extraordinary powers. Even in the world of the son-in-law where Ning Yi is, there are mysterious things such as internal strength and even the true meaning of martial arts.

Of course, in addition to this, there is also the reason why Lin Zhongtian has higher requirements.

The entry he mentioned was not the entry in the popular sense. If it was the entry in the popular sense, then when Yun Ye began to generate internal force in his body, he had already reached it.

But in Lin Zhongtian's eyes, this level can only be regarded as just touching the threshold, and there is still a big step away from the entry.

Only when the acupoints in the body are opened, the mysterious gates on the body are opened, and at least one small Zhoutian cycle is achieved, can it be regarded as the real entry.

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