Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 992 Let’s go to the West

The stumps on the ground and the loss of life could not shake Yun Wei in the slightest. He was still carrying out Yun Ye's orders coldly, slaughtering the enemies in front of him at extremely fast speeds.

Suddenly, a crossbow arrow comparable to a javelin was shot from not far away.

Yunwei caught the movement and immediately turned his head. His eyes shot out red light, and he accurately scanned and calculated the flight path of the crossbow arrow.

The next second, Yunwei suddenly raised his right leg, slashed it down like a battle axe, and severely stepped on the flying crossbow arrow into the ground.

Then, Yunwei raised his head and raised his right hand in the direction of the crossbow arrow, and a bright white light condensed in his palm.


The high-power palm cannon shot out, piercing the air in an instant and blasting the Eight Bull Crossbow hidden in the grass in the distance into pieces.

The two pieces of armor on Yunwei's back flew up and turned into two small drones to protect Yun Ye and Xinyue, turning on the alert mode.

Then, Yunwei put his arms together, and the nozzles on his palms and legs sprayed out blazing flames, pushing his body to fly up, and went to chase down the fleeing enemies.

Seeing this scene, Yun Ye patted Xin Yue's back and said, "Come here and protect her."

Two silver-black drones immediately flew over and surrounded Xinyue Alert.

Yun Ye comforted Xinyue for a few words, then let go of his arms and walked towards the pool of blood ahead.

At this time, Dou Yanshan, who was relatively close to Yun Ye, had already been affected by the explosion, and his body was covered with shrapnel. He was lying on the ground, looking at Yun Ye with his face covered in blood.

Seeing that Dou Yanshan was out of breath, Yun Ye sighed, knelt down, looked into his confused but unwilling eyes and said softly: "Why bother?"

"I told you a long time ago, if you hand over the Eight Ox Crossbow, I can spare your life."

"You don't believe it and insist on seeking death yourself. You really can't blame me, can you?"

Yun Ye spread his hands, and then asked softly: "The one I shot just now was only one Eight-Niu Crossbow. Is there another one?"

Dou Yanshan stared at Yun Ye and wanted to speak, but there was no sound from his mouth, and blood just kept pouring out.

Yun Ye regretted a little. If he had known earlier, he would have turned on the killing mode later and let Dou Yanshan live a little longer.

Of course, even if the killing mode is not turned on, it will only allow Dou Yanshan to live a little longer!

After all, he had seen Yun Wei take action, and it was impossible for Yun Ye to hand him over to the emperor, both emotionally and rationally.

Yun Ye sighed and said: "Forget it, let's forget one. As long as you die, everything else is easy to deal with. Besides, you brought me a lot of unexpected surprises today."

"I've always had a good memory. If I'm not mistaken, I've seen that boy before at the Yun Family Manor."

"If I rush back now, he will definitely not know that you have been killed by me. As long as I catch him, it will only be a matter of time to find another Eight Bull Crossbow."

Yun Ye smiled slightly and said in a leisurely tone: "You can't go to Nanzhao, I will send you to the West!"

With that said, Yun Ye took out the pistol from his arms, pointed it at Dou Yanshan's forehead and pulled the trigger.


With a loud noise, Yun Ye stood up and returned to Xin Yue with the smoking pistol.

At this time, Yunwei also flew over from a distance and reported to Yun Ye the status of the pursuit.

At this point, Dou Yanshan and the sixty-seven people he brought with him were all dead, and no one survived.

Yun Ye nodded and ordered Yun Wei to collect the bodies and burn them in fire.

After Yun Wei left, he inserted the cooled pistol into his waist and stepped forward to hug Xin Yue.

"Sorry for bringing you into this."

Xin Yue lay in Yun Ye's arms, smelling the smell of gunpowder on Yun Ye's body, and shook her head holding back fear.

"Now that we are married, you and I are one and the same as husband and wife, so why bother talking about it?"

Yun Ye smiled and said softly: "That's what the lady said."

After saying that, Yun Ye looked hesitant, thinking about how to explain Yun Wei and the pistol to her.

But what he didn't expect was that what Xin Yue was afraid of was only the stumps and pools of blood. She was not surprised by the existence of Yun Wei.

At this moment, Yun Ye suddenly saw what Xin Yue had been holding tightly in her hand.

He stared at the thing for a while and couldn't help but said: "Wait, is this what you are holding in your hand?"

Xin Yue was stunned for a moment, raised her hand hesitantly, and said softly: "This is a gift my brother gave me before you returned to Beijing. It's called Jing Lei Yin. It says that as long as you press this button, you can activate the power of thunder..."

Taser? !

No wonder it looks so familiar.

Yun Ye had a look of realization on his face. In his previous life, he often worked in the wasteland, and he was often exposed to such self-defense things.

Thinking of this, Yun Ye remembered that Lin Zhongtian did tell him before that he gave Xinyue an electric shock device, but then he was busy with things, including fighting against the Dou family and practicing magic skills, so he turned around and forgot about it. .

Now that Xin Yue is holding it in his hand for self-defense, this is indeed the first time he has seen the true appearance of this electric shock device.

Yun Ye thought for a while and put the electric shock device back into Xin Yue's palm: "Since it is a gift from my brother, just keep it!"

While the two were cuddling and talking, Yunwei had piled up all the corpses, breathed out flames, and ignited them.

Then, Yunwei came to the stream, stretched out a metal pipe from his leg, reached into the water, and turned the water in the stream into high-pressure water, constantly washing away the blood stained on the ground and the carriage.

Seeing this scene, Yun Ye was even more satisfied with this version of the steel armor.

Kill people, burn corpses, and clean up the scene. It's really versatile!

Not long after, Yunwei cleared the scene, leaving only the pile of corpses still burning.

Yun Ye glanced at the pile of burning corpses, then turned to look at Xin Yue in his arms.

He knew that although Xin Yue tried her best not to see the scene, she was still very scared in her heart.

After thinking for a moment, Yun Ye chuckled and said, "By the way, would you like my husband to take you to fly around in the sky?"

Xin Yue was slightly startled and raised her head in confusion: "You...what did you say?"

Yun Ye smiled slightly, raised his hand to summon Yun Wei, turned on the wearing mode, and put on the steel armor in front of Xin Yue.

Xin Yue exclaimed, almost thinking that her husband was swallowed by this steel monster.

Fortunately, Yun Ye opened his visor in time, allowing her to see what he looked like.

After learning that this was just an armor that could move independently, Xin Yue couldn't help but look embarrassed.

Yun Ye laughed loudly, put his arms around Xin Yue's slender waist, and asked her to hug him tightly. Then, amidst Xin Yue's exclamations, he turned her into fire and flew into the sky.

Lin Zhongtian was sitting on the roof of the Yun family's mansion, looking at the tablet in his hand with interest.

The picture on the tablet was a first-person perspective of the steel-armored Cloud Guard.

This was not because he intentionally monitored Yun Ye, but because Yun Ye took the initiative to ask Lin Zhongtian to help keep an eye on him, so as not to let him get away with it.

However, after Yun Wei went on a killing spree, Yun Ye was frightened for a moment and forgot that there was such a thing, so he showed affection to his wife under Lin Zhongtian's nose.

After a while, the picture on the screen gradually became familiar.

Lin Zhongtian knew that this guy was already planning to find a place to land near Yushan.

He smiled, put away his tablet, jumped off the roof, and waited at the door of Yun's house.

Sure enough, after a while, Yun Ye and Xin Yue walked over from the street outside the door.

Lin Zhongtian stepped forward to greet them, glanced at the black-clad Yunwei behind them, and said softly: "Where's the carriage?"

Hearing Lin Zhongtian's words, Yun Ye, who was originally smiling, froze, and immediately said: "I forgot."

Lin Zhongtian said angrily: "You've got the upper hand, so don't worry about it, right?"

After saying that, Lin Zhongtian turned to look at Xin Yue next to him. At this time, she had just fallen from the sky and was still in shock. She kept holding Yun Ye's arm with her right hand and refused to let go.

Yun Ye came to his senses, hugged Xin Yue and comforted her for a while, and then reluctantly persuaded her to go home and take it easy.

After Xinyue left, Yun Ye looked at Lin Zhongtian and said: "Dou Yanshan is dead, and a number of his men have also died. I destroyed one of the two Eight-Niu Crossbows, and there is another one. I should hide it." Under our noses.”

Lin Zhongtian said thoughtfully: "You mean Yunjiazhuang?"

Yun Ye nodded and said solemnly: "Well, although the villagers in Yunjiazhuang extremely support the village owner and actively monitor outsiders, they also have a fatal flaw, which is that they trust the old people in the village too much!"

"I have only been established in Chang'an for a few years, but these farmers have lived for more than decades."

"Before I took root here, some of them might have been dead soldiers of the Dou family..."

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said: "That makes sense."

Yun Ye said softly: "Just now by the stream, I recognized a young man who seems to be selling pork in Yunjiazhuang. I heard from Dou Yanshan that this young man seems to have a grudge against the emperor, and he has superb martial arts skills. He looked at him with one look. , even I was a little shocked.”

"Senior brother, you have been in Yunjiazhuangzi for more than a day or two. Didn't you find out about this guy?"

"A young man with superb martial arts skills..." Lin Zhongtian thought for a moment and nodded, "It seems that there is such a person. This kid is naturally sharp and knows that he is no match for me, so he hides when he sees me. I have no interaction with him."

"So you already knew there was such a person?"

Lin Zhongtian said naturally: "Yes!"

Yun Ye glared at him and said, "Then you won't tell me?"

Lin Zhongtian said indifferently: "It's just some martial arts. Do you think I will care?"


Yun Ye sighed and said: "Anyway, come with me for a walk!"

"Wait a minute." Lin Zhongtian glanced at him and asked, "Don't worry about it now. Please tell me first, how should you explain Dou Yanshan's death to the emperor?"

Yun Ye smiled and said: "Don't worry, as long as we find those two eight-niu crossbows, the emperor will never care about Dou Yanshan's life or death. Otherwise, I wouldn't be so reckless, shooting and bombing over there." of."

"As long as I take care of the traces of the battle, the emperor won't care even if Dou Yanshan dies without a body."

"Even if Baiqisi discovers a clue, he can easily cover it up as long as I hand over the gunpowder technique."

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said, "Have you thought about it all?"

Yun Ye sighed and said: "I have thought about it for a long time. Even without you, senior brother, I would have taken out gunpowder sooner or later. Now, by taking advantage of the counter-killing of Dou Yanshan, it is the right time for the emperor to pay attention to gunpowder." Just right!”

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