"There is no one else around here. We can't fight on our side. We don't have a shipwright yet. Although we can resist the navy's artillery now, it will be bad if it damages the Bole. Let's go out together and deal with this group of navy."

"And if it is a patrol warship, then there must be a map of the East China Sea and directional pointers to each island. This is what we need most at the moment. Of course, other materials and money cannot be missing. We must take them all."Kuluda said as he put the tea cup on the table.

But at the same time, he also stood up, showed a confident smile, and directly took the ultimate combat instrument placed next to him.

Allen and Lucy Lu But the two sisters also smiled slightly after hearing this, and also took out their own weapons, as if they were three brave wolves about to go into battle.

"Yes, Captain."After the three of them finished talking, the two sisters stepped on their own meteors, Jinyun and Ziliu.

Allen also condensed a boulder, stepped on it, and then controlled the boulder to make himself float.

After finishing speaking, The three of them flew out in the direction of the navy warship. Seeing this, Kuruda smiled, but at the same time he summoned the energy of chaos to fly up and catch up with the three of them.

But at this time they were flying.

When they came out, the ship's bow was blocking it before, so the navy couldn't see the picture on the ship through the telescope.

But now that they fly out, they can naturally attract the navy soldiers who are still observing the ship with their telescopes to see that there are people on the big pirate ship.

It flew out, and it was a different flying method, which shocked the navy soldier immediately, because in the world of pirates, there is an unwritten rule, that is, as long as you can develop your own flying ability.

, you have an absolute advantage in combat by ferry flying, and generally those who can fly are not weak.


's more, there are actually four people who can fly flying towards them.

Thinking of this, the naval soldier immediately put down his telescope and said to the captain standing at the head of the ship.

"Captain, what's wrong, there are several people flying towards us on that big pirate ship."

Hearing this, everyone on the naval battleship was startled. Even the captain's face had some slight changes. His flying ability, and his daring to fly over, were not what he had been before. It is speculated that ordinary pirates, although they don't know the reputation of the other party at the moment, they probably haven't known it yet, but their strength is definitely extraordinary.

"Why panic? We are the navy that represents justice. It is our duty to destroy and arrest pirates. The fact that they have the ability to fly does not mean anything. Be quiet. Prepare the bow guns. Once these pirates enter our range, we will fire directly."But as a captain and the highest commander of this naval warship, the captain immediately calmed the troops and gave corresponding orders.

"Yes, Captain."Soon, some naval soldiers below began to get busy, especially the gunners on the deck or in the cabin. They had already begun to clean the barrels and load ammunition. They could fire at any time with just an order.

On the other side, Kuru Daji people have also flown here, and they can see the navy warships with their naked eyes without even having to see and hear Sehaqi.

"Brother Ku, do this."Ellen continued to maintain flight while turning to face Kuruda.

At the same time, the two sisters also turned their heads, waiting for Kuruda's order.

"Only use the Devil Fruit ability, don't kill and only hurt people for the time being, and don't damage the ship too badly. We still need to loot supplies, especially maps and directional pointers."Kuluda said immediately

"clear."After receiving the order, the three people immediately smiled and were about to take action. It happened that at this time, the Navy also used some loudspeakers to speak.

"The pirates flying in front listened and immediately gave up resistance and raised their hands to surrender, otherwise they would be ready to accept the baptism of righteous fire from our navy."

But after hearing this, the four of them were stunned, and then they couldn't help but burst out laughing.

After laughing, they all showed disdainful smiles. The two sisters are now candidates for Navy admiral alone. Level, Allen is the same, not to mention that Kuruda already has the strength of a general, but a patrol ship in the East China Sea actually dares to speak so brazenly in front of them. With their strength, there will be no problem even if they go to the second half of the great voyage..

So who are you looking down on? Besides, they still have a bit of reputation in the East China Sea. In the past six months, pirate groups have fallen at their hands every day.

"attack."Kuluda shook his head slightly after laughing, then directly gave the order, picked up the ultimate combat device and rushed out.

The two sisters and Allen also followed.

"Captain, they ignored our warning and came back."Seeing the Kurudas who continued to fly towards him, as well as the navy soldier from before, they turned around again and said to the captain

"Humph, you damn pirates, get ready for bombardment, let them know how powerful our navy is and how just our navy is on the sea."The captain said with a serious face, but at the same time he was a little angry.

Because in his opinion, this group of young pirates really didn't take them seriously. When did the pirates ignore the navy like this? Even if this is the weakest Donghai, it won't work.

Soon, under his command, the gunner was ready to fire at any time, but the naval soldier from before used his telescope again.���Looking at the Kuluda people flying over from the distance, he was stunned for a moment, then took a closer look, and his expression suddenly changed, because he had recognized the people opposite.

Isn't this the most famous pirate hunting team in the East China Sea in the past six months? Why did they appear here, and why did they also become pirates and now their enemies.

Obviously, in this small East China Sea, Kuruda and the others have gained a reputation in the past six months. Even because a small pirate group is wiped out every day, many people regard them as bounty hunters. Even many young pirates in the East China Sea were so scared that the waters near the desert island suddenly became much quieter.

Although the Navy Headquarters regarded this as a trivial matter and did not attract their major attention at all, in the eyes of the East China Sea Branch, Kuluda and the others were clearly righteous people among the people.

And he is very powerful, but at this time, the naval soldier was really confused when he recognized Kuruda and the others. Why is this? Why did the other party become a pirate?

But at the same time, another thing that made his expression change drastically was that he actually recognized him. Naturally, he knew the opponent's strength very well, and they couldn't compete with him at all.

But before he could finish thinking about what to say, it was already too late. When the captain saw that Kuruda and the others were already within the firing range, he directly ordered the artillery fire.

"Boom Boom——"Following the sound of cannon fire, the dark round cannonballs flew towards Kuluda and the others at extremely fast speeds. Not only were they numerous, they were also very dense.

"If you want to die, leave it to me."Alan sneered and shouted. He rushed to the front of the others and directly wrapped the armed domineering force around the Clear Sky Hammer. He exerted force with both arms at the same time, and even veins emerged. A huge force came from Allen. It exploded in the body, and he had to use his waist strength to drive his arm and swing out with a hammer.

At the same time, the body of the Haotian Hammer expanded, allowing Allen to hit all the cannonballs with one hammer, and then all the naval soldiers and those on the naval battleship. In the captain's disbelieving and horrified eyes, all the shells were shot back

"No, everyone, please run away."After reacting, the captain roared loudly, but it was too late.

The speed at which those shells were hammered back by Allen was even faster than the speed they flew over before.


As explosions were heard, the shells either directly hit the naval warship and exploded, or directly broke the deck, ship plank, etc., penetrated into the cabin, and then exploded.

But no matter what, all the shells that had been fired by the navy warship were returned to them. With the explosion of the shells, a large amount of fire and smoke was produced, which immediately submerged the entire navy warship inside.

At the same time, continuous screams also came from inside. It was obvious that many naval soldiers were affected, were blown up by bombs, or were hit by the impact of the explosion.

"Brother Allen is so awesome""Brother Allen is so handsome."Kuluda and the others had stopped. Seeing Allen's wonderful performance, the two sisters immediately praised Allen.

"Haha, it’s nothing, these are the results of half a year of practice. Allen, who received the compliment, was not embarrassed at all and laughed directly.

"It's indeed good, but I hope that your big damage will not affect the things and supplies we want."Although Kuruda also praised Allen now, he was more worried about whether his trophies later would be damaged.

"well."Hearing this, Allen couldn't laugh anymore. Even the two sisters were dumbfounded, and then they all looked at the navy warship.

Yes, with such a big damage, the things and supplies they wanted would not have been destroyed. Destroy it?

"You shouldn't. Such things are usually placed in a very inner place on navy warships, and there are multiple insurances."Allen said with some self-comfort. He really didn't want his actions to affect Kuruda's plan and the next team's actions.

But when the fire and smoke dissipated, what was revealed was Qian who had been beaten. The navy warship was riddled with holes and was in ruins. The smell of gunpowder smoke and blood had drifted over with the sea breeze. Allen's smile suddenly stiffened.

"Let's go up and take a look first."Kuluda came to his side, patted his shoulder slightly, and then flew directly towards the warship.

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