Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 111 Chang'an Flying Boat

On the game forum, Wang Ergou’s new post was once again manually pinned to the top by many netizens.

Although not all players participated in this limited-time battlefield event, its influence was not low at all. Many players took the opportunity to start a live broadcast, and the Psychic 63-type 107 rocket launcher also came into the eyes of netizens.

"This game is different from what I imagined! Where is the promised immortality!?"

Many netizens expressed doubts and shock in their hearts.

Wang Ergou's new post is "Eighteenth Part of the Meng New Teaching - Favorability Chapter", which focuses on explaining the rocket transaction between the Guangcheng Sect and the Taiyin Sect.

"To be honest, Ergou, I used to think that cultivating immortals was all about swordsmanship, or finding spiritual beads and entering secret realms. But "Ten Continents" really shocked me. There was actually a big shot who rubbed his hands. The rocket launcher was even sold to NPC!

"First of all, doing business with NPCs is outrageous in itself. Note, I'm talking about doing business. It's not the kind of business that opens a store panel and sells garbage in a backpack, but the kind of business cooperation that involves signing a long-term and stable agreement!

"According to the explanations of many indigenous NPCs, the explosive power of the Psychic 63-type 107 rocket launcher made by the big guys is equivalent to the attack of a monk in the Transformation Stage. What is the concept of a monk in the Transformation Stage? At least there is only one in the Guangcheng Sect. , or a non-staff member who listens to the tune but not the propaganda.

"Then, mastering the rocket launcher means that the Taiyin Sect that the player is currently in has a combat strength equivalent to that of the Guangcheng Sect. Moreover, the bosses have said that the current rocket launchers are still defective products, and the damage after the second and third generations will be The power will be greater!

"What's even more exaggerated is that twenty or so NPCs from the Guangcheng Sect and several big players have established an alien research institute! Although the specific inside story has not been revealed by Ergou due to confidentiality, it is foreseeable that a psychic aircraft carrier will be launched in the future. It's not impossible!

"Going back to the title itself, Ergou and I clearly talked about the guide to gaining favorability among newbies, but why do I want to talk about rocket launchers and research institutes?

"Because our first commune in "Ten Continents" - Chang'an commune - just got its first flying boat! It's not just a fake! It's a tailor-made Chang'an flying boat!

"This has to be mentioned that our members of Chang'an Society worked tirelessly to do odd jobs for the NPCs, without asking for anything in return, so the NPCs of their Guangcheng Sect spent more than ten days to build the 'Chang'an Ship'. As a thank you - I instantly feel that I am not tired at all after half a month of hard work!

"That brings me to why Chang'an Society is so popular with NPCs. Is it because Ergou and I are particularly handsome?

"Although Ergou and I are indeed handsome, this is not the decisive factor. The real reason is that mysterious attribute that makes players elusive - favorability!

"The favorability of some NPCs within the sect is public, and players can check it at any time, such as the leader, senior sister, senior brother, Huang Gong, Elder Lu Ying, etc., but more NPCs, especially those whose main activities are in the sect, The favorability of other NPCs is hidden!

"In other words, players don't know the rise and fall of their favorability at all, and naturally they can't do the behavior of 'boosting their favorability' like in other games. This makes Ergou and I sum up the simplest and most simple way. What works: Be a good person.

"The more glorious and majestic your character is, the higher the favorability of most NPCs towards you! For example, Brother Fuzi, who made the ultimate contribution in the limited-time battlefield, although there is no numerical value that can be measured, based on the NPC's reaction to him, the favorability It should be full, because more than once I saw various NPCs giving Brother Fuzi food and drinks with kind faces... Why is it a kind face? Because the Guangcheng Sect NPC who has more contact with players currently, The youngest ones are forty or fifty years old...

"As we all know, the current reviews of "Ten Continents" on the Internet are actually not very good. One of the important reasons is that it is nicknamed the 'Baby Bus' game. Not only is it not allowed to play, but it is also not allowed to sneak around, and even the PVP gameplay is You can only form a team to PK with the immunity of teammates, and many gameplays have been emasculated, resulting in the so-called "freedom" that is not "free" at all.

"But - but! Does freedom have to mean murder and arson!?

"There is actually freedom in "Ten Continents", but its freedom is the same as in reality, and it comes with a price. If you kill someone, you will have to pay with your life, if you steal, you will be imprisoned (locked in a small dark room), if the crime is serious, you will be shot (banned), This is just another mode of operation of the law. In addition, you can rub rocket launchers as much as you want. Isn’t this freedom?

"If you insist that only murder and arson can be called freedom, then I recommend you to go to Ameili's mainland next door, where there is more freedom.

"Ahem, we digress again. Let's go back to the issue of favorability. Now that we know how to increase and maintain favorability, what is the use of favorability?

"To be honest, I can't answer Ergou, because the NPCs in "Ten Continents" are so intelligent. Different NPCs have different personalities and logics, and there's no way to predict their behavior.

“The first NPC I helped carry water in Taiping Town still greets me when they see me, and the NPC in Shenyou Village even offered me a statue. (Of course, Ergou swore to persuade everyone to withdraw more than once, but he didn’t ), and I can shamelessly attend the lectures given by all the elders in the Guangcheng Sect’s sect—even though I don’t understand them, I can attend Ergou, but others can’t!

"Although these are not substantial benefits, but to digress, why don't we just do things that are not beneficial? This feeling of being needed and admired cannot be described in words!

"Not only that, the favorability is not only expressed by individuals, but also by individuals and collectives, and by collectives and individuals. For example, because of our outstanding performance in the limited-time battlefield, our Chang'an community already has a very high favorability with NPCs. This is why we have Killed the Chang'an!

“So, please remember the newbies in the future, you have no choice outside the game, but in the game, please be a good person!

“Finally, let’s show you our mighty and domineering Chang’an!

"How do you know that we have a flying boat in Chang'an community.JPG?"

The post is very long, not much text content, but the pictures are crazy and slap in the face.

Wang Ergou not only posted a bunch of distant views and close-up photos of the Chang'an, but also the rooms and pilothouses on the ship, ranging from huge sails painted with various patterns and talismans to as small as the carved partitions on the windows of the rooms. Note, he wanted to take a close-up of every inch of the Chang'an's deck!

The entire flying boat is more than a hundred meters long and nearly six stories high. It has a simple appearance but complete functions. It is said that it was renovated from an old flying boat retired by the Guangcheng Sect.

However, since no players can drive it, the Chang'an has been placed in Chang'an City for players to visit and take photos.

As for when the Chang'an can actually be put into service and fly into the sky, I'm afraid it will have to wait until some players learn to fly a flying boat.

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