Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 116 On the eve of the sect ceremony

The only inn in Chang'an is called "Sand Sculpture Hotel".

This name sounds like it was made up by players, and it is indeed true - the owner is the famous [Master].

Master spent a lot of money and originally built a square building for practicality. However, after Wang Ergou and other players begged him to add some decorations so as not to affect the city appearance, Master nodded and added two layers of Chinese tile eaves on the top of the tube-like building, and added rain shelters with carved eaves outside all the windows.

At first glance, it looks a bit out of place, but it looks much better after looking at it again, and it actually has a different kind of beauty.

Since no other player except Master is rich enough to open a large hotel, this hotel with a very unpresentable name has become the only regular hotel in Chang'an City.

Of course, in the concept of Du Cihuai and others, it is actually an inn.

"This is the only inn in Chang'an City at present, but they all call it a hotel," Du Cihuai pointed to a square sand pit at the entrance of the hotel and a bird made of sand that was frozen solid by magic inside, and said: "They call this 'sand sculpture'. Every time they pass by, they laugh happily. Maybe this animal has some special meaning to them."

The Sand Sculpture Hotel is built entirely of red bricks, with white lime plaster on the exterior. The staggered rain shelter eaves are covered with emerald green glazed tiles. The ridge beast on the eaves is a large glazed bird that is the same green as the tiles, and looks exactly like the bird in the sand pit.

There is no plaque hanging at the entrance of the hotel, but on the entire building of the hotel, there are five large characters carved in wood and painted in red: Sand Sculpture Hotel.

As soon as you enter the door, there is a very large hall with a long counter in the middle.

The procedure for checking in is very simple. You just need to show your identity jade card, choose the room type, and finally pay a deposit of 200 coins.

There are only two luxury suites, so they are always full. There were quite a few high-end suites left, and Du Cihuai generously booked two - one for only 600 wen, which was a huge sum for ordinary people, but not worth mentioning for cultivators.

"In fact, there are also ordinary guest rooms for 150 wen and large bunk beds for 60 wen, but we don't need to save. If we really want to live here, refining two furnaces of elixirs will be enough for a month's accommodation fee."

Du Cihuai taught Ling Xuan earnestly: "But remember not to refine elixirs in the room. The houses here are not as reinforced as our Guangcheng Sect. It will be very dangerous if the furnace explodes. If you really want to refine elixirs, either go back to Guangcheng Sect or refine them in the wild. In short, don't do it in the inn."

The familiar mumbling finally made Ling Xuan feel a little familiar. She waved her hand impatiently: "I know, senior brother."

"Then you rest first, I'll call you for dinner later, tomorrow Let's go for the 'interview' in the morning!"


"By the way, there is a check-in manual on the table in the room, with a takeout order on it. If you are hungry, you can order takeout. There is also..."

"Okay, okay! I can look at it myself!" Seeing that Du Cihuai was talking endlessly, Ling Xuan simply used the trick she often used in Guangcheng Sect - pushing her senior brother away and said, "Senior brother, go back to your room and rest first! I'm not a child anymore!"

Du Cihuai said helplessly, "Okay, okay, then I won't talk too much. If you don't understand anything, knock on the door and ask me!"


Compared with the bustling Chang'an City, Guangcheng Sect is now very deserted.

Most of the disciples who have already established their foundation ran to the Taiyin Sect next door, claiming to exchange their cultivation experiences, but in fact they all had fun. Only those who have not yet established their foundation and a small number of disciples who don't like to socialize are left to maintain production in the sect.

The sect ceremony of Taiyin Sect was set on the first of next month, which is September 1st. Fang Xianyu sent invitations to Guangcheng Sect and Chiyuan Cave, and then there was no movement. There was no tension at all. Instead, the disciples of Guangcheng Sect were all busy, fearing that they would lose face at the Taiyin Sect's sect ceremony.

This is because, in addition to inviting Chiyuan Cave and Guangcheng Sect as witnesses, the Taiyin Sect's sect ceremony also entrusted Guangcheng Sect to send out dozens of guest invitations.

Originally, the elders of Guangcheng Sect thought that at most they could invite some small sects to support the scene, but they did not expect that with the outflow of various new things from the Taiyin Sect, many large sects also implicitly conveyed their intentions through the Fu Lu Shou Chamber of Commerce and asked for invitations, including the Taiyi Ziwei Sect!

Taiyi Ziwei Sect is the sect second only to the Taiyi Qiankun Sect - although it is just a sect, it is actually a serious sect, but it is called a "sect" because of historical issues.

Ziwei Sect is one of the three major sects of Taiyi Sect, and it is also a force after the former Taiyi Sect split. After Taiyi Sect split into three parts a thousand years ago, they have been in a cold war for hundreds of years. Finally, with the efforts of the former head of Qiankun Sect, they successfully broke the ice.

Later, the three sects discussed and successfully reconciled and reached a consensus. They announced to the outside world that they were all Taiyi Sect, and added the prefix "Taiyi" to the name of each sect to show "unity".

And because Qiankun Sect has the largest number of people and a huge power, far beyond the other two, so when it comes to the first sect in Zhongzhou, everyone talks about Taiyi Qiankun Sect.

Even so, Taiyi Ziwei Sect, which is named "Taiyi", is far from being comparable to Guangcheng Sect, not to mention Taiyin Sect, whose high-end combat power is only Fang Xianyu.

Such a first-class sect insisted on coming here. If it is said that it is just to show support for Taiyin Sect, which has no friendship, it is really unbelievable!

In private, Elder Hu asked about this matter with concern, what if those big sects came with bad intentions. Fang Xianyu said she was not panicked at all. Not to mention Taiyi Ziwei Sect, even if Taiyi Qiankun sent people to cause trouble, she could protect herself.

Since the main master said so, everyone in Guangcheng Sect had to prepare to be the witness of the establishment of the sect with trepidation, which meant that Guangcheng Sect had been completely tied to Taiyin Sect's ship - the difference between guests and witnesses was here, guests were just invited to show their support. As one of the witnesses, Guangcheng Sect was equivalent to being tied to the Taiyin Sect, and it was a natural alliance.

Therefore, Fang Xianyu's calmness did not mean that Guangcheng Sect was not panicked! As grasshoppers on the same rope, Guangcheng Sect also had to consider what posture to use to kneel down to Taiyi Ziwei Sect in case of an accident...

Fortunately, there was Chiyuan Sect in front of it, otherwise facing so many big sects and forces as guests, Guangcheng Sect was really a little insecure.

However, there has been good news in the past half month.

I heard that the ancestor of Piaomiao Immortal Sect, Piaomiao Jinxian, went to Penglai Sect and made a big fuss, slaughtered two cities, was injured by the intolerable Penglai God, and went into seclusion to recuperate!

When this news reached Guangcheng Sect, everyone breathed a sigh of relief - at least the sword next to the neck was a little further away!

Because I was a little stuck, I bet 10,000 yuan a day with everyone in the group today! Throwing tiles!!!

(Don’t ask why the logic of the writer is to bet 10,000 yuan a day, I don’t know either!!!)

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