Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 130 Sect Ceremony

When the crescent moon rises, the sky is still stained with a strong red glow, and the setting sun gradually sets.

But soon, as there were more and more monks in the square of Taiyin Sect's main hall, the sky gradually darkened, and the stone statues around them replaced the candlelights, illuminating the entire square.

The ceremony of the Taiyin Sect's grand ceremony will last for seven days, starting from the offering of incense at Chenshi on the first day and ending on the seventh day. The incense cannot be cut off and the offering cannot be stopped. If there are gods to worship, they will set up plaques, light incense, and offer inscriptions one by one during this period. When the time comes, they will offer three sacrifices.

The top three animals are the three animals of Yushu, followed by the three animals of Tailao and the two animals of Shaolao. The last one is prison, also known as Xiao San Sheng.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→🆃🆆🅺♦🅽.🅲♦🅼]

Whether it is the Three Sacrifice of Yushu, the Three Sacrifice of Tailao, the Second Sacrifice of Shaolao or the Third Sacrifice of Xiaolao, they are only used in the sacrifices of Zou Feng Shu Wen. The small sacrifices that are usually offered only include burning incense and offering fruits and snacks. That’s all.

Taiyin Sect worships the Taiyin Empress as the chief, the auxiliary ones are Jiaomu Xingjun and Xinyuexingjun, and the last ones are the three immortal monarchs of Fu, Lu and Shou and Taishui Dragon King.

Of course, this sorting method is only the ordering of offerings within the sect. Although it does have a certain relationship with the power of the immortals and gods, the ranking does not represent their absolute strength. Sometimes it is also related to their closeness.

For example, the Taishui Dragon King is the water god of Taishui, the largest river in Central Continent. He is the "good old god" among the immortals and gods in Central Continent. Yun, but never interfered in any worldly disputes, nor attended any banquets held by immortals.

At the first glance, Fang Xianyu, who had lived in the Guixu Realm for more than a hundred years, had never even seen his old man! He is a god who can’t be a homebody anymore!

However, although he is a homebody, Taishui Dragon King is easy to talk to. No matter which sect enshrines him, he will allow it. Even the permissions given are exactly the same: he will only accept the enshrined sacrificial essays and prayers for clouds and rain, but will not accept any memorials. Things are sparse.

Therefore, no matter how big or small the sects in Zhongzhou are, they all like to enshrine a Taishui Dragon King at the end, which can at least ensure that the people under their rule have good weather.

Taiyin Sect’s sect ceremony is dominated by the Taiyin Empress, so three jade animals need to be sacrificed on the first day.

After that, the three immortal kings of Houjiao Xingjun, Xinyuexingjun, Fulushou and Taishui Dragon King each dedicated one day for sacrifice, and were reduced accordingly to Tailao and Shaolao, for a total of seven days.

For Taiyin sacrifices, the moonrise is the best and the moon is the most respected, so when it is the You time, everyone sees the disciples of the Taiyin Sect coming in formation.

On the altar table where the Queen of Taiyin was placed, deer, white deer and black muntjac were enshrined respectively, as well as many fruits and snacks. The number of dishes and bowls was twenty-eight, which was the regulation of the three animals in the Jade Department.

In such a serious occasion, even though all the players look alike, in fact, the banned players are making a lot of noise on the world channel!

"Ah - I really want to scratch my butt!"

"Does this butt have to be scratched? It is reasonable to suspect that you want to be on TV with your butt!"

"Do you also want to be embarrassed in front of netizens across the country like the Great Emperor?"

"It's so boring. When will we finish the plot? Isn't this a waste of time!"

"What did you sign up for if you were bored?"

"Then I didn't know it would take so long!"

"Be patient, the prestige you give me is worth a lot anyway!"

"It's better to brush up on a few books!"

"Pull it down! The queue for the next book is taking a long time now! It takes at least three to five minutes to get in! You might as well do an exploration mission!"

"But the exploration mission is too shameless!"

"Be confident, sister! I just dug up a top-quality spiritual grass yesterday and sold it for more than 800 spiritual stones at a street stall in Chang'an City Night Market! It's so exciting!"

"You! Don't play "Ten Continents"!"

While the players were chatting in private and seemed to be in a daze, Fang Xianyu had already begun to read Shuwen.

"...Wei, on the Xuchen day of the Renshen month of the Jiachen year, the sky showed auspicious signs and the earth exhaled fragrance. It was an auspicious day, monks from all over the world gathered in Taiyin, and Taoist friends from all walks of life gathered together..."

Fang Xianyu stood at the front outside the hall, with a serious expression and a majestic voice.

Behind her were two monks with high levels of cultivation. One was Lian Jiezi, the leader of the Guangcheng Sect, who was already a Nascent Soul cultivation level, and the other was Baihua Immortal, the leader of the Hu clan who came on behalf of the Akahara Sect. The two of them followed, and after the memorial text was finished, they, together with Fang Xianyu, bowed down to the Taiyin Empress' throne.

The various sects and forces that came to watch the ceremony also stood aside in awe, waiting quietly.

Not long after, the flame of the incense stick in the incense burner suddenly became larger, and then, a thick multicolored beam of light rising into the sky appeared in the entire sacrificial area, trapping Fang Xianyu in it!

This means getting the permission of the immortal god you are enshrining and successfully enshrining it!

Compared to Baihua Immortal, who had a complicated look on his face, Lian Jiezi kept looking silly and cheerful: "Congratulations, Sect Master Fang! Congratulations, Sect Master Fang!"

Baihua Immortal had no choice but to congratulate him: "Congratulations, Sect Master Fang!"

Fang Xianyu first bowed his hands in return as a thank you, and then, a voice wrapped in spiritual power echoed heavily in the square in front of the sect's main hall, with incomparable majesty: "The ceremony - it's done -"

Afterwards, Fang Xianyu thanked the many sect forces and monks who came to support the ceremony, and announced the start of the banquet.

Plates of exquisitely arranged ingredients were placed on a custom-made wooden long tray over one meter long by the players one by one. The long tray moved slowly in front of the guests' tables, and many people came to watch the ceremony. The monks were quite surprised.

Hundreds of banquet tables made by Fang Xianyu using system energy surrounded the square, spreading out layer by layer. On each banquet table, there were sets of sauce bowls and a strange-looking "copper tripod".

Below the "copper tripod" was a small and exquisite brazier, and the interior was in the shape of a gossip, divided into two parts. On one side was a boiling red soup with spicy and stimulating flavor, and on the other side was a white soup with various mushrooms floating in it. The two rich aromas mixed together, making the monks who had not eaten fireworks for a long time drool.

This way of eating raw food cooked in a "copper tripod" is not uncommon, but it rarely appears in such a large-scale banquet. Even the sauces that seemed to have more than a dozen dishes and bowls at first glance were just a few more ingredients that could not be recognized by name. From the perspective of eating, it was not a novelty.

Therefore, although it was fresh, the scenes of "NPC not knowing how to eat" and "NPC not seeing it before so being shocked" that the players imagined did not happen during the entire banquet.


"Cough, cough, cough..."

"Hiss, sha, this red soup, hiss, so stimulating!"

Many monks who rarely eat spicy food coughed and gasped because of the spiciness, and many even had tears flying. Fortunately, they all knew magic and had cultivation, so they could cast spells to deal with it, otherwise they would have been in such a mess!

There were also monks who loved spicy food and praised it.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! It tastes even better than the radish and pepper feast! Wonderful!"

There are also cultivators who practice the five flavors, distinguishing the drinks they picked up casually: "Top-grade yellow-grade spiritual spring water, jade bee spiritual honey... Hey? There is also citron? This thing is just an ordinary fruit, how can it be included in the immortal family's banquet? Absurd! Absurd!"

Just when the kitchen cultivator shook his head and sighed, other cultivators on the side decisively rolled their eyes: "If you have the ability, don't drink it!"

The kitchen cultivator looked at the fairy with immortal style and bones picking up ordinary mortal meat, and looked at the respected Taoist friends who kept frying various non-spiritual mushrooms on the right. He sighed "It's a disgrace to the way of the five flavors" while eating deliciously. At the end, he had to persuade himself in a low voice: "I just go with the flow, keep a low profile, and live in seclusion in the city. I don't want to tarnish the practice of the five flavors..."


The procedures for sacrifices are based on various ancient sacrificial records and materials - nonsense! Make up! Da!

There is also the matter of eating hot pot. In ancient times, the diet was only limited by production and variety, but there were still many ways to eat it. Some modern ones basically had their prototypes in ancient times. Even stir-frying was recorded in the Han Dynasty (although it was indeed popularized after the Song Dynasty).

And peppers. Not to mention the peppers recorded as medicine in China, the Sichuan and Shu areas have liked spicy food since ancient times. It's just that the ancients used cornel, also known as 藙, which was recorded as early as in the "Book of Rites". However, the "Piper Feast" is something I made up.

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