Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 136 Spiritual Roots

"Fellow Daoist Wang, you..."

"I'm sorry." Wang Qiqing was in a daze for a moment, and finally realized that he was embarrassed. However, he never took his face seriously, so he didn't pay attention to other people's whispers. Instead, he said with gleaming eyes: "I wanted to , what exactly is aura? Although we can feel it, is it really a gas?”


Wang Qiqing quickly explained: "Gas is a form of matter. It has no shape, but has volume. There are many forms of matter, such as solid, liquid, gaseous, plasma, etc. Among them, gas is a gaseous object.

"For example, water, when it condenses into ice, it becomes a solid, when it melts into flowing water, it becomes a liquid, and when it evaporates into water vapor, it becomes a gas.

"For another example, the main components of the air we breathe are oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, etc. These are all gases and the most typical colorless gases.

"So, based on the properties of the aura, it is most likely to be gas."

Lu Wenyuan thought for a while and asked with a sincere expression: "Fellow Daoist Wang, I am not questioning you, I just want to know, what is the use of analyzing these?"

"Understanding the world is never about seeing if it's useful. If it's not useful, just muddle along without exploring! What's more, understanding this matter is of great significance!"

Wang Qiqing was so excited that he slapped the table and added: "First of all, the efficiency of a monk's practice is affected to a certain extent by the concentration of spiritual energy! Then, if spiritual energy is really a gas, we can use various means to increase the concentration of spiritual energy per unit volume , In other words, we can even freely control the concentration of spiritual energy - doesn't this mean that we can quickly improve the monk's practice efficiency?"

Ignoring the strange words in it, Lu Wenyuan could understand most of it, especially when he heard "improving the monk's practice efficiency", he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Changing the concentration of spiritual energy and artificially improving the efficiency of practice, how is this possible! ?

This is simply incomprehensible!

However, seeing Wang Qiqing's natural expression, Lu Wenyuan somewhat believed it - even though he couldn't figure out the reason even if he tried hard.

Wang Qiqing was still talking: "Not only that! If we master the method of changing the form of spiritual energy, or if it behaves similarly to ordinary gas, then can we produce spiritual stones by changing its state?"

"Of course, the premise of all this is that the spirit stone is indeed the solid form of spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy is indeed a gas."

"What if not?"

"If it wasn't... I can't imagine what it would be if it wasn't a gas... If, if it really is something else..."

Wang Qiqing's voice became increasingly weak.

In fact, other existences are more reasonable.

If aura is really a substance, it is difficult to explain why it does not exist in the Blue Star Universe.

Because in all the small cave worlds in the Guixu Realm, spiritual energy exists almost without exception. The difference is just more or less. Even in the famous "Spiritless Land", the spiritual energy is so thin that it can be ignored. Not at all.

As long as it is a substance and is composed of elements, it is almost certainly reproducible in theory. After all, Blue Star has now even developed the technology of particle collider, and it is only a matter of time before it can recreate any material made of elements.

So, why doesn’t spiritual energy exist in the universe where Blue Star is located?

There is such a close connection between Guixu Realm and Blue Star China, and even many things recorded in the ancient classics of flower growers are similar and corresponding. This can no longer be simply described as coincidence, but if it is really recorded in the ancient books, in Blue Star, There should be spiritual energy!

But the reality is that there is none - no matter what experiments and tests are conducted, no trace of "spiritual energy" is found!

"I have a question,"

Lu Wenyuan interrupted Wang Qiqing's meditation: "If ice is the 'solid' of water, as fellow Taoists said, then what is the connection between ice spiritual roots and water spiritual roots?"

Wang Qiqing was stunned.

He stood up in disbelief and walked around the small table with a frown. After a long time, he asked: "What is the spiritual root? Do you have an explanation?"

Lu Wenyuan knew that what Wang Qiqing was asking for was not a mysterious explanation of various secret techniques, but a more rigorous description, so he organized his words and said: "If you have to say it, it should be attached to the soul and have a negative impact on the body." A gift of influence.”

Wang Qiqing didn't expect this statement at all: "Talent?"

"Everyone has spiritual roots, but not everyone's spiritual roots can grow."

As if he was talking about a field he knew very well, Lu Wenyuan was frothing at the mouth: "Most people have residual spiritual roots, which means they only have very small spiritual roots. They are called 'Heavenly residuals'. It is difficult for those with residual spiritual energy to feel the spiritual energy." , practice will naturally be ten times or a hundred times more difficult, that is, the path to immortality will be cut off.

"And the spiritual roots are too balanced. There is no main spiritual root as the dominant one. Although it is not the residual spiritual root, it is difficult to achieve results. Because the spiritual energy will swim back and forth among the five spiritual roots, which will greatly slow down the speed of cultivation. Even if it is absorbed The spiritual energy is also slower than that of other monks. This is called "Earth Lack".

"The best talent is the many high-grade mutated spiritual roots. Because these spiritual roots have grown well, they have mutated..."

As he was talking, Lu Wenyuan suddenly slapped the table and said in surprise: "I understand! Just because water can condense into ice, the Ice Spiritual Root is the mutated manifestation of the Water Spiritual Root!?"

But then, he frowned again and said, "That's not right! How do you explain the mutant thunder spirit root?"

Wang Qiqing asked, "Well... Daoist friend, what are the specific manifestations of the spirit root?"

"How do you let me explain this!"

Lv Wenyuan muttered softly and complained, but still explained seriously: "There are five major types of spirit roots, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Some of these categories have other small branches, among which the mutant spirit roots are the main ones.

"Gold spirit roots are extremely sensitive to metals such as iron, copper, gold, and silver, while wood spirit roots can naturally sense plants. Water spirit roots have a strong control over lakes and seas, and fire spirit roots allow cultivators to easily cultivate natural spiritual fire, while earth spirit roots are even more exaggerated. They can mobilize earth and rocks, and it is much easier for them to learn the art of escaping the earth than other cultivators. "

"What about ice spirit roots?"

"Ice spirit roots? Ice spiritual roots are mutant spiritual roots that can freeze objects, condense water into ice, and turn ice into water. It seems..."

Lv Wenyuan scratched his head and said, "It seems to be very similar to water spiritual roots?"

"So, all the same spiritual roots have the same effect?"

"That must be different! Otherwise, there would be no distinction between aptitude, root bones, and eight extraordinary meridians!"

"Can't spiritual roots grow out later?"

For Wang Qiqing's whimsical question, Lv Wenyuan was almost speechless: "You thought it was a cabbage? And it grew out! ? "

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