Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 152 Why does she call you

"This is a kind of moon satin. It's called moon gauze. It's as light as a floating cloud and as thin as a cicada's wing. It's also impervious to water and fire! When used together with the Sea Spirit Pearl, it can make people underwater. Breathe freely!”

Coral stumbled and introduced: "This is Sanyang brocade. It takes three days to make it into a square foot, so it is named after it. It is more precious."

Shen Yun's eyes flashed: "How do you plan to sell it? We want them all!"

Coral said with some embarrassment: "That's all I have. I'll bring more for you next time!"

Bai Chenxue said: "It's okay! Then we want them all too. What do you want?"

Coral replied: "Change knives, various large knives, medium knives, and small knives!"

"Um...this kind?"

Bai Chenxue took out a machete from his backpack. It had a long handle and a hook-shaped blade. This was a custom-made machete that almost everyone had in hand. It was produced by the blacksmith shop in Taiping Town.

This kind of machete is light and dexterous, easy to use force, and is very useful for clearing weeds and bushes in the mountains. It can even cut down some trees that are not too strong with one knife. It is an artifact for players to open up wasteland and clear roads in the wild.

The sudden appearance of the machete startled the people around. The mountain civet police officer who had been squatting on the tree to monitor the security situation in this area and his newly recruited orange cat demon follower also immediately jumped from the tree and jumped to the white ground. Beside the table where Chenxue is.

I saw the two front paws of the mountain civet police officer resting on the edge of the table. He stretched his body and stretched out the cat's head. Under the black big-brimmed hat, a pair of small pointed ears that were pressed to the point of airplane ears were exposed. The long The whiskers were trembling, and Maomao's face was serious: "Be careful not to illegally use controlled weapons in public, you will be fined!"

Bai Chenxue endured it again and again, and then restrained her hand that was ready to "attack the police", but she still explained in her voice as if talking to Baicai: "Don't worry, Chief Mimi, we are just for the Quan ancestors." Guests, take a look at the goods! It’s for business!”

"Well, just a reminder!"

The mountain civet police officer's expression did not change, and he seemed to be accustomed to the strange noises made by humans when talking to him.

It said casually, retracted its paws, shrank its body, and landed on all fours. It walked gracefully through the crowd with small steps, inspecting the public security situation.

The orange cat following it is also wearing the same "uniform", except that there is no metal pendant on the waist that represents the status of "regular worker" - the magic weapon that can "network".

The orange cat demon is a little demon in Taiping Town. He used to hang around in the streets and alleys, leading a group of cat boys to catch birds and mice to survive. He was very loved by the townspeople of Taiping Town, and sometimes they even took the initiative to feed it. Eat.

It didn't even count that it had lived for hundreds of years, because when it was a cat, it had no concept of time. After becoming a monster, it worried about how to feed the cat brothers and sisters under its family every day, and had no special knowledge at all. To calculate what year and month.

Even his training was somewhat neglected in order to feed the cats under his command, and henggu was only refined recently.

As more and more monks came to Chang'an City, countless mortals moved there, and the number of players also increased several times. The mountain civet police officer alone couldn't handle the security of the entire city. Therefore, after discussing with Wang Ergou, the mountain civet police officer picked around and visited more than a dozen nearby towns before he found a few cat monsters that were pretty good at what they did and formed the Chang'an City Guards.

This orange cat demon, who is not very proficient in human speech, is considered the weakest one in the entire Chang'an City cat guard brigade. He has always been taken by the mountain civet police officer to let him and himself have more contact with humans. At least I can learn to speak faster.


"Boss, why did she call you 'Mimi'?"

It seems like this kid can't speak any better!

The mountain civet police officer couldn't help but show his nails and glanced at the orange cat demon coldly. He shrank his neck at the sight, then licked his paws and sat next to a stone statue, wagging his tail and observing. Lively night market and crowds.

"Demon cultivator?"

Coral was very surprised by the appearance of the mountain civet police officer, and was even more shocked when she heard the conversation between it and Bai Chenxue.

Bai Chenxue introduced with a smile: "This is our police officer from Chang'an City! He is the so-called police officer! He is responsible for the security of the entire Chang'an City!"

"Chang'an City? That is, this city?"

Coral asked, pointing in the direction of the buildings not far away.

"That's right! It's a city built by our Taiyin Sect disciples!"

Coral still couldn't believe it: "Is it a human city?"

"Of course not!"

Before Bai Chenxue could speak, the two players next to their table interrupted.

"Although at present, including our players, oh, the Taiyin Sect disciples, there are a lot of humans in Chang'an City! However, Chang'an City does not belong to humans alone, but to all intelligent races! Whether it is a demon cultivator No matter whether they are human monks, ordinary people, real people, or gods, they can all live in Chang'an City!"

The player proudly puffed up his chest and said, "We have quite a few demon cultivators in Chang'an City as 'civil servants'!"

It was another bunch of unintelligible words, but the general meaning was still easy to understand. It was the content of the words that made Coral feel very confused and unfamiliar.

It’s not like he hasn’t dealt with humans before. Most humans are tyrannical and selfish. They will dig deep into the ground in the selected settlements, kill them all, and then drive away and enslave all animals, or slaughter them for food. The human cultivators of the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce who often do business with the Quanxian Clan are even more greedy and nimble! The Xiling Clan is constrained by this, and they can’t even use the iron knife to kill fish, but can only use the clumsy fish bone knife!

When Shanhu first came into contact with Bai Chenxue, he specifically tried to find out that these two human cultivators were simple and easy to deceive, so he followed them to "check out the place", but now it seems that the entire human race of this "Taiyin Sect" is a little stupid?

Those who are not of my race must have different hearts. Isn’t this what you humans proposed?

Why are they now living with the demon cultivators who have always been regarded by them as lowly followers, and they are all so complacent?

"That's why we suggest you settle down in Chang'an City," Shen Yun's voice sounded in Shanhu's ears, like the temptation of some demon: "It's really good here! There's a lot to eat and play, and there are players who can be ordered to work for a little favor... Ahem, human cultivators! The cost of living is extremely low! The most important thing is that in the city's library, all the cultivation secrets and various spells are free and open! Everyone... and demons can practice! As long as you can learn, you can learn whatever you want!"

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