Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 156 Becoming a Sister

While the players warmly entertained the coral, Elder Lu Ying on the other side also got up from the bed to work overtime. He and Fang Xianyu were "reporting" on the temporarily drafted "Taiyin Sect Sovereign Credit Currency System Establishment Plan."

In fact, as early as when Chang'an City began to attract low-level monks from various sects and forces, the Flower Planter project team drafted a plan to establish a credit currency. However, there were too many things to deal with, and the Taiyin Sect's status was still unclear. It was so embarrassing that I didn’t have time to put it into practice.

After all, judging from the development of civilization in this world of cultivating immortals, which is still in the period of unruly rule, a systematic credit currency has not yet appeared!

If the Taiyin Sect rashly promotes credit currency but does not have the matching strength and right to speak, then not only will no sects and forces buy it, but the Taiyin Sect will also be scolded for being whimsical!

If virtue is not matched, there will be disaster!

This exchange with the Izumi ancestors is an excellent opportunity!

First of all, the Quanxian clan is a foreign race and lives in the sea. Naturally, they don't care much about the power among the human monks who mainly live on land. This gives the Taiyin Sect an opportunity.

Secondly, the lifestyles of the Quanxian tribe and the human race are very different, and many of the resources they possess can be complementary. Apart from anything else, the country next door to the Blue Star World where people are living a good life has a country in the world. One of the largest iron ore mines is in the sea. The mineral resources on the seabed are actually very rich. Putting aside the resistance, pressure and inability to breathe in the water, seabed mining is actually easier - of course, for the Quan ancestors It's easier to say.

Finally, the Quan ancestors highly respected "iron tools".

This is what Fang Xianyu told Lu Ying.

"Although there are many rare minerals on the seabed, the Quan ancestors are not good at smelting them. They either directly beat them into shapes and use them, or simply use fish bones and animal bones to make knives. Although there are indeed many strange beasts in the sea whose bones are as hard as iron, they are difficult to use. It is always not as convenient as metal, so among the Quan ancestors, those who can cut seaweed and chop fish bones are considered good knives. "

Although Fang Xianyu didn't have much contact with the Quan ancestors, he lived for an extra week. He still had some interactions and knew a lot of relevant details.

"So, the knife Quanxian wants is really a kitchen knife?"

Lu Ying frowned, feeling very ridiculous.

Even if you don't change your spiritual weapon, if you change it to a cold weapon, it still sounds more reliable than changing it to a kitchen knife!

Fang Xianyu explained: "The knives made from the bones of alien beasts are hard enough, but too brittle and easily chipped. Making a bone knife is extremely labor-intensive, and the blade cannot be sharpened for several months! Therefore, this kind of daily-use knife is extremely precious among the Quanxian tribe, so much so that some of them are quite...the unruly Quanxian directly tears food with his claws to eat..."

"Hmm..." Lu Ying pondered for a moment and then said: "It would be too unstable to maintain trade only by relying on metal knife products! This kind of thing is not irreplaceable. Taiyin Sect can provide it, Guangcheng Sect can also provide it, and ten Almost all the major sects and forces in the three islands can provide it!”

She thought for a while and suddenly asked: "Sect Master, do the Quan ancestors have any special preferences?"

Fang Xianyu also began to think hard. Suddenly, her eyes lit up: "Sugar!"


Fang Xianyu said: "That's right! Because the Quan ancestors need to survive in the sea all year round, their physiological structure has not evolved to be more suitable for the water environment like most aquatic creatures. Instead, they can only rely on the strength of their tails and waist and abdomen. Swimming, like the fins on their arms and ears... Well, maybe they are just decorations? In short, they are very fond of high-calorie and high-fat foods, and even their favorite fish is whales! Among the Quan ancestors, they are as hard currency as spirit stones among us monks!"

Lu Ying was a little confused: "But won't the sugar melt when it goes into the water?"

"Actually, the Quanxian clan does not live in the water," Fang Xianyu explained: "They just 'can' live in the water, not 'can only' live in the water. For example, the Quanxian King City, although its location is indeed on the seabed, even Right at the entrance where the Zhongzhou Sea merges into the Guixu Sea, Daocheng is actually isolated from the sea. "

Lu Ying suddenly realized it and laughed: "That will be much easier to handle. It seems that I still know too little about the customs and culture here. It's a joke to ask the sect leader!"

At the same time, dozens of players and indigenous monks had gathered near the outdoor stall of the barbecue restaurant. Everyone moved chairs, leaned against the table, and some even simply stood in the crowd and squeezed in. I heard that the Zhongzhou dialect was getting more and more popular. The corals that come more and more smoothly tell the story of the seabed.

"Our Quan clan has only one king. When one king dies, another king lives. King Quan was jointly 'requested' by all the Quan clan members. He is the strongest and most powerful in the Quan clan!

"Our current Queen Quan is called Chongchuan. She must live in the royal city and suppress the passage of Guixu Sea. Otherwise, the evil spirits in Guixu Sea will pour into many sea areas of the Ten Continents and Three Islands, and then all life will probably be ruined!"

Although what Coral said sounded a bit serious, most players thought it was just a plot setting and had no feelings about it. However, the indigenous monks had already known these things well and would not have any new ideas, so everyone paid attention. Things started to go astray, and some players even started gossiping openly: "Is your king a man or a woman? Is there a queen, a husband, etc.?"

Coral couldn't understand the players' concerns, but out of politeness, she still answered their questions: "Uh... now it's a female... it's a girl, and there is no royal husband..."

Players who knew nothing about the Quan ancestors grabbed "Hua Dian": "She is a woman now? Huh? Was she a man before? Is the Quan ancestors so advanced in technology? Can they still perform gender reassignment surgery?"

"Are you stupid? The Quan ancestors are hermaphrodites and can change gender according to preference! You don't even know this?"

Answering the questions but speaking in a not so good tone was an indigenous monk. However, this monk had been living in Chang'an City for a long time, and his way of speaking and acting made the players feel a little weird. If it weren't for the fact that there were no players above him, If someone has an ID, I am afraid that if he is a player, no one will doubt it!

Coral nodded and said: "That's right. King Chongchuan was actually a male... when she was born. She only changed her gender because she liked the various jewelry that the human race spread to the royal city. I heard that it was to wear the clothes of the human monks. The clothes and jewelry look better..."

Many players were shocked when they learned about this characteristic of the Quan ancestors for the first time, and there was an uproar around them.

"This ability is so powerful..."

"That's awesome!"

"I also want to become a beautiful sister..."

"Bah! Damn gay!"

"Please wake up, even if you become a younger sister, you will still be a fat, dark, and ugly younger sister, not a beautiful younger sister!"


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