Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 173 Your Apprentice and My Apprentice

Listening to the sound of quarrels not far away, Zhen Junzi and Jia Xiaoren looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Because the game "Ten Continents" is too free, players often have different ideas when facing some tasks or plots. Because of this, quarrels and quarrels always happen between relatives and friends, no matter how good their relationship is.

But this kind of quarrel is actually a joke between friends, just like everyone in the boys' dormitory is inexplicably committed to being the father of a room. In the game, everyone also quarrels over trivial matters inexplicably, and then the relationship gets better and better.

Zhen Junzi was the first to say: "What do you say, let's go over and get one?"

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Jia Xiaoren and Bai Chenxue both nodded in agreement.

"I think it's OK. Strength lies in numbers!"

"It sounds like they are almost done digging! It would be a waste if we don't take advantage of it!"

Because Shen Yun was pulled in by Bai Chenxue, he never took the initiative to express his opinions. Seeing that the three people agreed, he would not have any objections.

As for Bian Yuanzhi...

Although Bian Yuanzhi's personality has become more lively due to the help of a group of silly players during this period, he is still a little follower who does whatever his master says, so he will not object.

A few minutes after they left, they saw two players who were arguing, a man and a woman. The female player was sitting on the ground with her legs crossed in a very unpresentable manner, facing a big pit. She was holding a small sapling with one hand, and her expression was very strange, as if she was constipated.

The male player stood in the pit with a dusty face, trying to dig soil out of the pit with an iron shovel. There were already several small mounds of soil around the pit, and it seemed that he had been digging for a while.

Social terrorist Bai Chenxue was the first to greet them: "Hello! Are you also doing the underground water task?"

The female player, who was sitting in a very unpresentable manner, subconsciously put her legs together the moment she saw Bai Chenxue, and said, while fiddling with her skirt to cover up: "Yes! Hello! Are you also doing it?"

Bai Chenxue nodded and said: "That's right! This is the same idea! We are also planning to see if we can dig a well or something!"

The female player waved her hand and said very generously: "Then you don't have to bother! I'm almost done here, you can just use it when the time comes! Save time!"

Bai Chenxue was surprised: "So fast! So amazing!"

"Hey, the main reason is that I don't have wood spirit roots, and the skill [Staff] I also drew can exchange perception with the selected target, so it can just stimulate plant roots and detect the depth of underground water!"

The player smiled and explained: "I looked around! This place is the shallowest! After a blast, water will come out immediately!"

Bai Chenxue exclaimed: "So that's how it is! What an amazing skill! Then we will help too!"

While Bai Chenxue was negotiating with the female player, Zhen Junzi and Jia Xiaoren also exchanged a few polite words with the male player.

However, because the pit was too small to accommodate many people, Shen Yun and Jia Xiaoren went down to help dig together, while Zhen Junzi and Bai Chenxue discussed tomorrow's preparations with Bian Yuanzhi.

"It's too late today. This place is several kilometers away from your home! And it won't work if it's too late! So, let's go to your home early tomorrow morning, and then you can stay at home for a week this time, just like summer vacation!"

Bai Chenxue couldn't help but complain: "What the hell is summer vacation! Your family only has a week for summer vacation? You are Huang Shiren's reincarnation, right?"

Zhen Junzi spread his hands: "After he builds his foundation, he can go home whenever he wants!"

Bai Chenxue said: "Why don't you wait until he ascends? And build a foundation! You yourself have only built your foundation for a short time! How dare you say that!"

Zhen Junzi retorted: "It's not that I want to set this standard The main thing is that he can't fly for long without building a foundation. Not to mention that he can't escape if he encounters danger, even going back and forth from Taiyin Sect to Taiping Town and back will take him most of the day. How can he practice? The early bird catches the worm, don't you understand? I have five spiritual roots myself, how can I not know how difficult it is to cultivate with five spiritual roots? "

Bai Chenxue snorted: "Then why don't you take him home once a week!"

"Going home once a week, a day is gone! It's better to practice more with that time! Everything will be easy after the foundation is built!"


Bian Yuanzhi tried to interrupt quietly, but Bai Chenxue and Zhen Junzi were already arguing and didn't pay attention at all.

Bai Chenxue said again: "Why are you so utilitarian! What if you haven't built your foundation? Do you think it's the college entrance examination?"

"What do you mean by utilitarianism? I'm doing this for my apprentice's sake? This is my own apprentice! Without building his foundation, he can't even protect himself! It's okay when I'm online, but what if I'm not online? What if some sect besieges Guangmingding - bah! No, besieges Taiyin Palace? What if Guixukou floods? Will you be responsible if something happens to my apprentice?"

"Are you dreaming? You said the probability of this happening is lower than the probability of you winning 30 billion in the lottery!"

Bian Yuanzhi tried to speak again: "Master..."

"Don't call me! I don't even buy lottery tickets! Where does the probability come from! Besides, how can you guarantee that it won't happen?"

"Yes, it's the same as the probability of you winning the lottery if you don't buy a lottery ticket, which is zero!"


This time, Bian Yuanzhi raised his voice and finally interrupted the argument between Zhen Junzi and Bai Chenxue. When he saw both of them turning to look at him, he swallowed hard and said cautiously: "Actually, I want my family to I don’t know if it’s possible to move to Chang’an City…”

"Okay! Why not!"

Zhen Junzi's eyes lit up and he said: "This is a good thing! Remember to let your family go to school! Even if they go to night school! At least they must be literate! Then see if you have some spiritual roots or something, you all have spiritual roots. Maybe your parents, brothers and sisters can also become immortals!"

"Don't put pressure on your apprentice! Listen to me! Senior sister will support you with a house! It just so happened that I got a land title from a mission a while ago, which can be exchanged for a house. When the time comes, the title will be transferred to you. Your master can't count on it. Then I remember Didn't you say that your family is a farmer? You can continue to plant in Chang'an City! All kinds of fruits and vegetables are in short supply now! Let them set up a farm or something like that. Those few restaurants are enough to make a living!”

"That's a good relationship!" Zhen Junzi was not polite, and even said to Jia Xiaoren, who was digging in the pit and groaning: "Hey, old Jia! My apprentice is moving to Chang'an City, and your apprentice has been given a suite. You can’t be more stingy than your apprentice, right?”

"You won't bully my apprentice now? My apprentice wants it for you? Why do you have the nerve to accept it?"

Jia Xiaoren stood the Tie Zhu aside, leaned on the Tie Zhu and said angrily: "Didn't you just fight for your apprentice and my apprentice?"

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